It's wonderful to be calm

Chapter 012 Intelligence? Ambush

"I'm sorry, why don't you drink?" A man who looks very much like Chen Guanxi is scolding a weak man. I remember that the code name "Feng" that looks like Chen is very similar to a woman's name, but the origin of the name reminds me of Yang Xuan, because Feng has liked to drink Xifeng for 15 years. He smiled and said to Jane next to him, "It's still the same love!" Jane curled her lips disapprovingly and watched them fight.


When I got home in the morning, I looked in the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror. It was cute and beautiful - but there were only two more panda eyes, alas! This life. I have to tutor him today. Yesterday, he told him that I would go there at ten o'clock, but how can I see him like this? He still won't break the casserole and ask to the end. I can't sleep now. If I sleep now, I suspect that I can't get up at night. Let's take the bus now and finish early - I can also sleep in his **. I thought very shamelessly.


Not to mention, Xiao Yang's bed is really big and soft. Why is his eyes looking at me so wrong? Is it because I robbed his gentle hometown? - Well, I admit that it's only 8 o'clock now, so I went to Xiao Yang's house and pulled him down from ** face and occupied the bed in a big-shaped posture. - "Those two people yesterday were the princes." I was shocked. How could he know? Is this guy really hidden? To be honest, I don't know what he does. All I know is that he is a good baby in front of me--

"Well, yes." Since he already knows, I won't hide it, because it will make him more suspicious. I don't think this smart baby can see anything. I think he already knows that it's Suger, but I still hope he won't say it, because it's good for me. I was even a little afraid that he would say it.

But he just looked at me and turned on the computer - writing a book. I have nothing to say to him. Forget it, I don't care about him. I'll sleep. Slowly fell asleep... Someone touched my hair in my dream, but I didn't care, because Yang Xuan and I were alone in this room. Besides, it's very comfortable.


"Go and wash your face when you get up." Well, how did he know that I didn't wash my face this morning? - No, I washed it. Let's go and see what's on my face.

I have to say that Yang Xuan can write. It's too ugly, because there are two more words on my face - big pig dead pig. "..." Alas! It's still a child's heart. What is he happy about? - I'm not surprised that he will do something bad when he is happy. But it should also be written beautifully!


He looked at me and I looked at him. I don't know how long this will take, but I tried my expression to pretend to be kawaii, hum, little P. The prince's batch of goods will enter the second road at the north gate tonight. At 12 p.m., remember. After saying this, he immediately put in code words and ignored me. I have to say that I was moved again. This child is not bad. So, I pulled him off the computer and then tutored - otherwise what else? What? A kiss to him? - I'm shy. Every time I come, he will kiss me, and I'm afraid that I won't kiss him? Go...

After the tutoring, I was not very tired, because of the news Yang Xuan gave me, I have to say that this news is still the most important for me now, because I still don't know how to do it to the prince. I can't see through this guy. What on earth does he do? How could you know? When I was puzzled, Yang Xuan's words made me suddenly enlightened. It turned out that one of his classmates' brother was hanging out with the prince, but he had a bad habit and he liked to show off. Of course I believed it, but Yang Xuan after that shocked me... Of course, this is the after story.


Go back to the bar and tell Jane the news. This guy is still there, shrugging his shoulders, and then - "Listen you." The tears that moved me at that time fell down. This is my brother. After Jane called everyone to the backstage and told everyone the news, I have to say that everyone was burning. I haven't done anything for a few days, and my hands are itchy. But I have a careful plan. I have to say that it takes a lot of courage to intercept goods on Weiyang Road, because it will soon arrive in the city. There are many cops there. Although it is late at night, it can be guaranteed that there will definitely be. There is also a place where the prince is the second road, and the cops will also give him face. What if they come back? What to do? Aren't we finished if we attack back and forth? I have to say that the news is good, but it is very risky! Yang Xuan, what would you do if it were you? His brain is very useful, so I'd better call him to ask.

When I finished the call, I was really open-minded. It would be a loss if this guy didn't become a military division. He told me that there is a natural barrier at the junction of Erma Road and Weiyang Road. That place is the only way, but it is not easy to be found. If the goods are intercepted there, it can be guaranteed.

Next, let everyone refresh their spirits, sleep when they should sleep, and do what they should do, but one thing is that they can't drink and make mistakes. I still remember what happened back then... And what about me, sleeping - nonsense, what am I going to do if I don't sleep? I've been tired all night.


At ten o'clock, Jane woke me up, and the bar was closed in the evening. I hope it will succeed today. If it succeeds, give Prince Suger a warning. Of course, I'm not afraid of the prince's revenge on me, because I'm an avenger. Just think of it as for the organization to earn some funds.

I didn't say a word, because I don't need it. Everyone knows today's action, and it's useless to say more - so my silence is golden. We don't have a car, so we have to walk there. There's nothing we can do. It's only about an hour and a half. I believe Yang Xuan's words, because he is a very principled person, 12 o'clock or 12 o'clock. If not, I think he has also calculated it. The information he gave me is absolutely right - of course, if so, it will be easy. I'm still inexplicably guilty. Tut!

More than 40 individuals turned to zero, because if they are all together, it will attract the attention of the pimps. Of course, everyone doesn't want the pimps to catch it, right? When I walk on Weiyang Road. Suger, my first step has begun. How about you? I don't know what you think, but I don't want to know. I can't understand this person. I don't want to understand either. Their guards must be very strict. But when the delivery is only two people, we have to get the goods at this moment. When they appear, we will deal with these little ones. Of course, the next step is to run. If they don't run, they will quickly return to defense. At that time, it will be troublesome to withdraw. Tell the brothers that when the goods arrive, don't fall in love with it and run away immediately. I can only call Jane. Of course, I won't grab the goods for a while, because a woman is so conspicuous that Suger can guess it's me.

Bell, my mobile phone rang, is it Yang Xuan??? What is he calling for at this time? Let's listen to what he says." Hey, be careful later. If you can't, just run away." I only heard this sentence and hung up the phone, because his words would affect my state. I was afraid that I would waver, because I would be reluctant to part with him when I heard his voice. I'm a very overseas Chinese person. I'm a little woman, but I want to do what these big men do, but for my Suger. I won't feel tired. Turn off the phone - who knows if someone calls me while I'm working, won't it startle me? Let's think about Suger and make me angry, because anger can clear my mind - what? Can you still wake up when you are angry? Get out of here!" __________”

Everyone has arrived. I don't know what will happen next, but I think it will be difficult. Because the other party has a Suger...

We went to the place Yang Xuan said and ambushed. Coming. I gestured to Jane and told him that the other party was coming. Two big men approached us with a briefcase, but I couldn't issue an order, because the other on their chest were police documents.——————