Tomb robbery

Chapter 052 Treasure Protector

After the vision is blurred, we can only turn on the flashlight, but the fog still exists, and the flashlight can't shine far.

I looked at my watch, and it was already past six o'clock in the evening. Judging from our feelings, we should have circled up the mountain all afternoon. Now we have completely lost our sense of direction, and I guess we are about to reach the top of the mountain.

I remember the old man of the Xian nationality said that the old man could see three countries at a glance on the top of the mountain, but he didn't know whether it was true or not. He thought: When I get to the top of the mountain, I must confirm it in person.

As it got darker and darker, I felt that it might be dangerous to continue walking, so I said to Zhou Huan, "Why don't we stop and rest tonight? There is no guardrail on this road. It's not good to fall down accidentally."

"Well, walk a little longer. If we still don't find anything, we will stop for the night." Zhou Huan replied.

In this way, when it was completely dark, I suddenly found that the flashlight became clear. When I took a closer look at the road, it slowly drove into the mountain, and there was a dark tunnel in front of me.

There is no fog in this tunnel. The flashlight can shine on the surrounding walls. At a glance, you can know that it is manually chiseled. The surface is a little rough, and there are uneven mud and stone edges everywhere.

I raised the flashlight to shine inside and found that the flashlight could shine far in. I vaguely felt that the end of the light began to turn towards the interior of the mountain, and then it was still dark.

I was really shocked at this time. Such a long road finally went deep into the mountain, and this huge project was finally abandoned. I really can't figure out the purpose of building this place at that time, but obviously it will not be so simple. Only by continuing to walk in can we know the result.

If I go in like this now, I'm really uncertain. I turned to Zhou Huan and said, "Let's spend the night at the entrance of the tunnel. We won't go in until dawn tomorrow."

"Well, I think so too. Let's rest at this cave. Let's talk about it tonight!"

Zhou Huan is also more cautious after losing his black face as a pioneer. Although I know that it is dark even during the day, there will be some comfort in my heart.

So everyone stopped at the entrance of the tunnel. Although they walked on a flat road this afternoon, they still exhausted everyone and leaned against the wall of the tunnel and began to rest.

I opened my backpack and looked. There was still a lot of food, but the water was basically empty, because it consumed a lot on the way to climb the mountain.

It doesn't work without water. It is said that the water is as high as the mountain is. It seems that we need to dig the ground to find water tomorrow.

After taking a break, we simply began to have dinner. I found that everyone except Liang seemed to have no appetite, and it was really difficult to swallow the compressed biscuit after eating it for a long time.

I stood up with a half-pull biscuit in my hand, turned on the flashlight and went to shine into the depths of the tunnel. As I saw before, there was nothing abnormal, but I always had an ominous hunch. I guess it was a psychological effect!

"Ocde, don't look. What do you want to take a ride?" Liang Zi teased me while chewing beef jerky.

I also felt a little nervous, so I smiled and replied, "I have to see it. If there is a beautiful female driver, I can really consider it."

"Lap down, there is no female driver, but it is possible for a female ghost."

As soon as I heard the word 'ghost', I was very ** and scolded him a few words and ignored him.

Last night, we spent the night in the forest, so we couldn't make a fire. Today, facing such a big strange tunnel, I was afraid that some animals would come out of it, and the flashlight could not be turned on all night, so I decided to make a fire.

I asked next week, and she had no problem, so I and Liang Zi went to the hillside outside the cave to pick up dry firewood and went back and forth several times. It was estimated that it would be one night before we came back to sit down and rest.

Zhou Huan felt that it was not safe to stay overnight, so he decided to divide into two groups. Liang Zi and I stayed in the middle of the night, and she and the black face stayed in the middle of the night.

I also think this is more reliable, but I didn't expect Liang Zi to disagree.

He may feel a little sorry for being lazy last night, because it was difficult in the middle of the night, so he volunteered to say that he would stay in the middle of the night, and in order to create opportunities for me, he had to redistribute it and let me and Zhou Huan stay in the middle of the night. He and the black face would stay in the middle of the night.

Zhou Huan considered it, because we all sat together, and there would be nothing wrong with it. He told Liang Zi to agree with a few words.

With a beautiful woman accompanying me, of course, I have no objection. I took out a lighter to light the fire. When the bonfire broke out, the whole hole was illuminated red, and there were shaking fire shadows everywhere on the wall.

Liangzi needed to get up in the middle of the night and went to bed early. His black face was next to him, and he didn't know whether he slept or was in a daze there.

Zhou Huan and I sat by the fire. I looked at the last two cigarettes in the cigarette box. When I was thinking about whether to smoke one or not, I heard Zhou Huan say, "Don't you always want to know what I'm looking for? Then I'll tell you everything I know."

As soon as I heard this topic, I was particularly interested and quickly leaned against her.

Zhou Huan sorted out his thoughts a little and said, "Actually, I'm a team member on a mission, and I don't know much. Do you remember what I told you last time about 'Tuo Kui'?"

Speaking of Zhou Huan, he turned his face to look at me and found that I shook his head fiercely. He sighed and said, "It seems that your history is very bad. Tuo Kui is just an abbreviation of me for him. This person's original name is Tuoba Kui, the founding emperor of the Northern Wei."

Zhou Huan saw that I was still ignorant, so he told me a story...

Since ancient times, kings have pursued eternal life, and so has Tuoba Kui. After claiming himself emperor, he sent a large number of ministers everywhere to look for him, and finally found a 'magic weapon'...

This artifact is composed of seven pieces of spiritual jade, which is called "Seven Souls Return to the Soul".

It is said that on the full moon night, these seven pieces of spiritual jade are placed on designated parts of the human body to absorb the essence of moonlight, which can rejuvenate and also have the effect of rejuvenating the dead.

Tuoba Gui got this artifact, but it also made it difficult for him to sleep and eat, because this treasure is too expensive, and any piece lost or damaged will lose its effect.

So Tuobaui came up with a way. He sent people to find seven masters with unique skills in the people, named them as treasure protectors, handed over the seven pieces of spiritual jade to them for safekeeping, and ordered them to carry them with them at any time, including sleeping, and did not allow any mistakes.

These seven people did not participate in any political affairs, but their status was extremely high at that time. Tuobagui built a solid house for each of them and sent heavy troops to guard them.

These seven treasure protectors are composed of six men and one woman, all with unique skills, either with unreasonable courage or supernatural skills.

is led by a Maoshan Taoist priest, called 'Xu Yichang', who is kind-hearted, powerful and world-class martial arts. He is also responsible for protecting the largest of the seven spiritual jades, which is used to cover people's chests.

In second is the only woman. This beautiful woman is called 'Fox Mei Niang'. She knows the art of demagogic people. It is said that if you look into her eyes for a while, you will be at her mercy as if you have lost your soul. What she is responsible for protecting is the spiritual jade pillowed under her neck.

The third person is called the '10,000 insect hand', which can drive animals and spirits. He is especially good at deworming. He can call things such as insects and ants for his own use, and can also use them as a weapon to attack others. This person is full of bugs, which can be used as a hidden weapon to hurt people at any time. He is responsible for protecting a spiritual jade wrist guard.

This fourth person is extremely ugly, but he is a monk, called 'ghost-faced Buddha'. He is very tall, and his skin is extremely hard. He has a body that is not bad. Although he is a Buddhist, he is fierce and cruel. What this person is responsible for protecting is that he connects a spiritual jade belt with a golden thread.

It is said that this fifth person comes from the snow mountain and is called a 'fairy fairy in white'. He wears white clothes at any time. This person has great skill. He has the ability to step on the snow without trace and walk through the walls. He runs like the wind. He is very fast. Even a sweaty BMW can't catch up. He protects a ring made of spiritual jade, which is used to put it on the bare feet of people.

The sixth is more magical. It is said that he comes from the depths of the desert and is called the 'Black Sha King'. This man has dark skin, broad hands and feet, and has spells that call for wind and rain. Even if he does not eat or drink for ten days, his body will not have any effect, but this Black Sha King likes to eat living things very much. Whether it is chickens, ducks, geese or dogs, he grabs him and eats it directly. Go to eat and laugh with blood in your mouth. It looks so horrible that people dare not face it. What the Black King protects is a mask made of spiritual jade.

The last one is called 'Shadless Man'. Legend has it that this person has no shadow and knows the art of yin and yang. He covers his body with a black robe all day long and can't see his face clearly. He can freely shuttle between people and ghosts, and has the ability to drive ghosts as yin soldiers. He protects a bead made of spiritual jade, which is used to contain in people's mouths mouths. Medium.

Although the legend may say that these seven treasure protectors are too mythical, they are really real.

After Tuoba Kui handed over the treasure to them for safekeeping, he was calm. However, he didn't think of his decision, but he completely ruined his life.

Among these seven people, except for the long one, some of them are not like ghosts. At first, they only thought that the spiritual jade they protected was a national treasure, but they didn't pay much attention to it. They ate, drank and played all day, and lived extremely freely.

Later, when they learned that these seven treasures were put together, which could make people rejuvenate, out of people's greed, they slowly began to have ghosts and wanted to take the treasures for themselves.

The length is different. Although he doesn't believe much about this rejuvenation, he still feels that this 'magic' should not exist in the world, so he went to see Tuoba Ji many times and wanted him to destroy this so-called artifact.

But Tuobagui is not willing to give up. As a king, long life will be his most important thing. Tuoba Ji couldn't find a candidate to replace Xu Yichang for a while. Every time he saw him, he gently shirked him, thinking that when he found the right person to replace him, he would drive him away.

However, people's hearts are sinister. Slowly, the remaining six treasure protectors reached a consensus. They formed an alliance and prepared to attack Xu Yichang. After getting his treasure, they fled.

So one dark and windy night, they killed the guard soldiers and broke into the house of Chief Xu, and a six-one treasure-grabbing battle began.

Although Xu Yichang's martial arts skills were unparalleled and tried his best to protect treasures, after all, these six were not good people. He was outnumbered but did not give up. Finally, he temporarily fixed them with a few spiritual charms, and then escaped with serious injuries.