Tomb robbery

Chapter 053 Cause of the incident

After the remaining six people removed the charm, they knew that the matter had been exposed, and the treasure protector could not continue, but they were narrow-minded and no one was willing to give their treasures to others, and the alliance soon disintegrated.

They also knew that if they killed each other, no one would benefit, so they fled and hid with their own treasures.

After Tuoba Miao knew that the artifact had been lost, he almost waved his knife and almost killed himself. He sent heavy troops to the whole country to look for it, but the seven people seemed to have completely evaporated from the world, leaving no trace.

Tuoba Kui has been looking for many years, but there is still no clue at all. His temperament has changed greatly. He ignores the government, and his temper becomes very irritable. He just drinks and makes fun all day long, which leads to chaos in the court. Finally, Tuoba Kui was assassinated in a palace coup and was only 39 years old...

Zhou Huan said this and turned his head to see my reaction. I guess he must have tilted his mouth at this time, with an expression of a child listening to adults telling stories.

"What, it seems that you don't believe it at all?"

"Big sister! This is not a question of whether I believe it or not. What you said is just a story! But I must admit that it's still quite wonderful. I really feel a little unfinished.

Zhou Huan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes, when I first learned about this story, I felt similar to yours."

"Half a long time, is there any historical basis for the story you told?"

"There are still many expressions of Tuoba Kui in history, but there has never been any record of the content of this story. It should be a history that has been erased."

When I heard what she said, I felt a little unreliable and asked, "Isn't that still unfounded, but how do you know? You didn't make it up, did you?"

Zhou Huan didn't mind me asking this and said with a smile, "As for how I know, this comes from your "Xianshan Fuhu Tu"."

"What do you mean? Is this story written in that painting?"

"You're right. This story is indeed written on the painting, but on the back of the painting. The handwriting is very vague and scribbled, and it is still in Sanskrit. Even if ordinary people find it, they won't pay attention to it." Zhou Huan replied with great certainty.

When I heard her say this, I suddenly realized that there were indeed some messy symbols on the back of the painting, which looked very vague. I never cared about it. Is it true, just like what Zhou Huan said, where it recorded the content that sounds like legend?

Then I felt wrong and asked Zhou Huan, "Didn't you see this painting for the first time at the auction? Do you understand the so-called Sanskrit?"

"This question is a little strange. Although your painting is unique and authentic, our company got its prints before your auction. Maybe it's not just us. I think many organizations, including Zhang Zhuang, have also seen the prints."

The more I listened, the more confused I became. I continued to ask Zhou Huan what was going on, and she explained the situation of the painting to me.

It happened at the beginning of this year. At that time, he was an executive member of their company and entered a very ordinary ancient tomb, but the team member soon found that the ancient tomb was obviously first to be found, and nothing valuable was left, only this seal Brushed picture scroll.

The team member didn't care at that time and took the fake painting back with the concept of not emptying.

After returning to the company, someone soon found that the back of the painting seemed to be a kind of text. After finding a professional to translate it, they got this amazing story, and experienced people also found that the front of the painting was a map. Strangely, if you look at the painting from a different perspective, you can see Six different mountain terrains clearly mark six locations.

After discovering these situations, the senior management of Zhou Huan Company attached great importance to it and sent a team to explore the 'Sting Ma Ling' many times, but failed.

The last time Zhou Huan and Blackface led the team, they met me inadvertently. As for why I was there, she didn't know, but later she found out that I could magically open the stone door, and Zhou Huan tried to bring me out.

Later, they got the news that I was going to auction the ancient painting, so they rushed to the auction site. I didn't expect that so many forces would also want to get this painting. I knew what happened in the future. Zhou Huan pulled me into the water on the condition of saving me.

After Zhou Huan compared this authentic work with that print, he found that except for the white fox in this real painting, he could not see anything else. After consideration, Zhou Huan felt that the matter was more complicated. It was not an accident depending on the situation. I guess someone deliberately arranged it. Although he did not know its real purpose, because of the emergence of this painting, it did lead to many powerful organizations in today's society. This flower shirt and themselves are distinct. Examples.

Zhou Huan said this and looked at me meaningfully and said, "As for why you are also involved, it's time to ask yourself?"


"Ask me, I don't know anything at all. If you hadn't pulled me into the water, I would be sitting in the metropolis and drinking beer." I said very excitedly.

After listening to Zhou Huan's narrative, I was almost shocked to death. Originally, I listened to it as a story, but now all the events have begun to be seated, so I have to believe this fact.

Is the first time I went treasure hunting really arranged? I said why did I encounter so many strange things along the way, and I couldn't find the person I was looking for, but I actually met some fox demons, snakes, Maoshan Taoist priests and so on? Wait... Maoshan Taoist priest!

Thinking of this, I quickly asked Zhou Huan, "What did you just say is the name of the Taoist priest in the treasure protector?"

"My surname is Xu, my name is Xu Yi, what's wrong?" Zhou Huan replied inexplicably.

I wipe... This is a complete number. The Taoist priest we met twice is also surnamed Xu. If I remember correctly, his name should be Xu Xin. No way, why? Is his appearance also arranged?

But I really can't figure out why this whole thing involves us ordinary people. This is completely illogical. Is it possible that the person who planned this incident can't be found casually?

When Zhou Huan saw me staring at all kinds of expressions, she asked me what was wrong?

I told her about what happened to Xu Xin, and Zhou Huan looked incredible after listening to it.

She asked anxiously, "Are you sure his surname is Xu and he also knows the art of Maoshan?"

"It's true. I promise it can't be wrong. He saved my life twice. How can I remember it wrong?"

Seeing that I was so sure, Zhou Huan said with a wry smile, "It seems that my guess is really correct. This whole thing is definitely not a coincidence. It is indeed carefully planned by someone. I think your appearance must not be an accident. There must be some reasons that need your intervention."

I suddenly remembered something. Why can only I open the hole where the ancient paintings are hidden and the stone gate in the underground passage? Why does it seem that my blood can drive away those spiders? In addition, I have a different system from others and can resist the sulfuric acid emitted by those insects**.

The more anxious I was, the more I couldn't figure it out. Suddenly, there were so many question marks that I felt that I was about to go crazy. I lit my last cigarette and took a big breath.

When Zhou Huan saw that I was a little excited, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "You don't have to worry too much. Although the senior management of our company obviously wants to get some spiritual jade, and I, like you, want to know the truth of the matter, we have no other way now. We can only continue step by step. There is always one The truth will surface.

I smiled gratefully at her, calmed down for a moment, and then continued to ask, "Your previous story has not been finished. Who painted this picture? Does the text record the final wheres of those treasure protectors?"

Zhou Huan sorted out his thoughts again and said, "This is exactly what I want to continue to say. This painting and that text are from that long hand. I guess they want to warn future generations."

Zhou Huan continued the previous story...

After Xu Yi escaped from a serious injury and lived in seclusion in the deep mountains, he still felt that those spiritual jades were a scourge. He didn't decide to look for the other six people until Tuoba Kui was stabbed to death.

But the world is so big that it is very difficult to find it. Xu Yi has been searching for many years before he slowly found some clues.

It turned out that after the six people parted ways, they were afraid of being tracked. At first, they also hid anonymously. After Tuoba Gui's death, they were afraid of Xu Yichang's pursuit, and these people were very ambitious and greedy, so they began to seek asylum and form their own forces.

These people find some small nations or more hidden countries, take leaders or kings as puppets, want to slowly strengthen their power, plunder the treasures in the hands of others, and finally seek immortality.

However, these six people have their own armies and national protection of different strengths, and no one dares to take action easily. In the end, a mutual containment situation was formed, which also made Xu Yichang lose the opportunity and difficult to eliminate them.

In the case of not getting the combination of seven spiritual jades, other people can't live forever, and the Taoist priest himself pursues the art of longevity, so Xu Yilong has a longer lifespan than other people.

It was not until Xu Yi was old that he learned that five of the six people had died one after another, and only the only woman, Hu Mei Niang, remained in the world.

At this time, Xu Yichang knew that there was no time to wait, so he killed the tingling alone and decided to kill the fox girl and get rid of the future trouble.

When he saw the 'Fox Mei Niang', he was shocked, because at this time, he was almost full of silver hair, but although the Hu Mei Niang looked old, she was still so beautiful, but there was a little resentment in her eyes.

At this time, Xu Yichang was convinced that the legend that the spiritual jade could bring people back to life was actually true, because she learned from Hu Mei Niang that she slept on the jade pillow every night. Although she could not live forever, she could still slow down aging.

After seeing Xu Yichang, Hu Mei Niang knew that she could not live. Because she loved beauty all her life, she begged Xu Yi to leave her a whole body.

Xu Yichang agreed to her request and finally ended her life with a poison elixir. So far, he was the only one in the world who knew the secret of "Seven Souls Return to Souls".

After Xu Yilong went back, he sighed all day long. Finally, he drew the "Xianshan Fuhu Map" and wrote the truth of the matter in Sanskrit on the back of it. After giving it to his only closed disciple, he ended up with a smile.

I didn't expect that after more than 1600 years, this picture will reappear in the world, and the storm will rise again...