Dao Shuai

Chapter 74 "Cerctivation of Immortals"

The heavy rain crackled down.

Hua was forced to stay in the cave, waiting for the rain to stop and then continuing on the road to find the wild doctor "four-foot fairy boy".

"Go find something to eat."

Huang Daode lay on a pile of straw and didn't pay attention to it at all.

"What's wrong?" Hua Wuxin asked when she saw that the scalper did not respond.

"It's nothing, but I don't want to be oppressed by you anymore. I will work hard and become a new cow in the future." Huang Daode suddenly stood up and raised his head, but his eyes looked down at Hua Wuxin, looking contemptuous.

"Hey... Huang, aren't you going to be the first cow to stand up in Kyushu? You know, without me, your dream is nothing, and you still want to be a prostitute. I think you'd better dream." Hua Wuxin said with a treachery smile.

Huang Daode lowered the cow's head. His eyes were in flames and he said angrily, "You are threatening!"

Hua carelessly patted the bull's head and said kindly, "You know, you're just doing some small work, isn't it just catching some prey? Compared with your great dream, this is nothing at all, otherwise you can continue to be a cow and I'll hunt."

Huang Daode looked at Hua intentionally walking out and quickly shouted, "Okay, I will cook for you for a better life in the future." I thought to myself, "One day, I will learn your skills and let you beg me."

I have to say that Huang Daode is more efficient in catching prey than a wild wolf. Soon, he came back with a wild boar of about 100 catties.

"So fast?" Hua Wuxin was surprised.

Huang Daode said proudly, "That's because I came out, and the prey didn't come to the door obediently."

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being the king of cattle. I will help you complete your dream of becoming a prostitute." Hua unintentionally boasted seriously.

"Why did this guy start flattering?" Huang Dao was upright, like a warrior who returned from victory, but he was muttering in his heart.

Hua unintentionally began to clean up the wild boar, and soon a fragrant roasted wild boar appeared in front of one person and one cow.

"Quick, give me a pork leg to taste." Huang Tao was urging on the side.

Hua Wuxin took a golden pig leg, which was just sent to Huang and took it back, causing Huang Dao to scold Hua Xinhuang for being shameless.

"The rest is yours. I'll practice later. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

In the cave, it was empty and deserted. Hua had no intention to eat the pig's leg and thought about the three "fairy skills" taught to him by Hua Baizhan.

The first fairy art, moving flowers and trees, a move to resolve the enemy's attack and use strength, and the secret method of the Jiang family of Nantianmen.

Speaking of which, Jiang Feng was abandoned by Hua Wuxin in the last battle of Kirin Cave. If he reached the innate and practiced "fighting star shift", Hua Wuxin would not have been so simple.

"Wow..., if it succeeds, can it also be transformed into yin and yang?" Hua Wuxin finished eating the pork leg, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

This is definitely a wonderful idea. If it is feasible, the unintentional water and fire can be transformed at any time. Although it is only a few tips, it is a crucial secret.

The flower inadvertently runs the true element, and is suddenly wrapped in a blue and red Taiji ball. The flame and blue light flow, and the hole is full of holy brilliance.

Before that, Hua Wuxin had one more thing to do, that is, to use the royal jelly of the bumblebee family to break through.

In these days, he also has a deep understanding of the way of earth. Before the last retreat, he already felt that he could break through at any time. This time, with the help of these wasp jelly, he not only needs to feel the "way of earth", but also to break through to the innate elixir.

It rained heavily outside, bringing a trace of coolness to this wild forest.

When Huang Daodao saw that Hua Wuxin worked so hard, he also became very hard. The way of domineering legs seemed simple, but it was the most complicated, especially the "Fengshen Leg", one of the foundations, which was the foundation that Hua Wuxin had practiced for decades, which could not be practiced in a short time.

"Forget it, it's better to call it a hemp leg." Huang Daode stood on a grid of nine palace gossips. The more he practiced, the more uncomfortable he became. It was better to practice his "four-pole thunder and lightning legs".

Little Lan fell aside and laughed, "I said you can't practice hegemony. You still don't believe it. You know, you are a cow after all."

"Cow? Am I a cow?" Huang Tao suddenly stared at Xiao Lan and asked.

Xiao Lan was shocked: "You, you, you, won't practice stupidity?"

Suddenly, Huang Daode came to Xiaolan, licked Xiaolan affectionately, and said excitedly, "Haha, you're right. The flower boy deliberately tricked me, but I didn't expect that I was talented and domineering. I was determined to get it."

With that, he stood up this time, staggered in the nine grids, and began to practice according to the route that Hua Wuxin did.

Xiao Lan had already been soaked by the cow's saliva, and Lao Huang actually added it, "Ah!"


A scalper fell down.

"Damn little blue..."

This retreat exceeded Hua Wuxin's expectations, during which Huang also sent food three times.

The cultivation successfully broke through to the congenital solid elixir, and "moving flowers and trees" also made small achievements. Hua didn't care to estimate the time and stopped this retreat.

Outside the cave, Huang Dao is practicing with a giant tiger.

Suddenly, a figure came out. Hua Wuxin squinted and looked at the hot sun in mid-air, and two red rays flashed away.


By the lake, Hua intentionally cleaned it and called Huang and Xiaolan to prepare for the journey.

Huang Daode turned around and roared at the giant tiger and said proudly to Hua Wuxin, "See, that native tiger wants to hang out with me. Unfortunately, I am no longer hanging out on the road."

"I thought you had changed, but you are still the same." Hua Wuxin exhaled and smiled.

"No, no, no, it has been rumored since ancient times that monsters can't become the strongest. Since the birth of my spiritual knowledge, I always feel that you human beings deliberately talk nonsense and make those dragons and phoenixes have knots in their hearts. They always think that God won't let them break through..." Huang Daodao said seriously and proudly.

Hua had no intention to stop, and six bloody eyes bloomed, which scared Huang Daode.

"It seems that your wisdom has increased again. Work hard with me in the future. If you believe me, I will help you become the first strongest demon emperor in the history of Kyushu."


Little Lan stood on Huang's head and said curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Huang Tao's eyes were full of gratitude, and he choked at Hua Wuxin and couldn't speak for a long time.

Hua looked at the sunset in the distance and said lightly, "Don't be moved. My wish can make the whole monster have wisdom. If you want, follow me."

Huang Daode wanted to speak, but Hua Wuxin continued to say, "If you want to leave, I will never stop you."

Huang Daode suddenly showed a strange laugh, "Don't mind, although I am unparalleled in wisdom, I also have self-knowledge. Kyushu is rich in land, and there are monsters whose wisdom is higher than mine. Which of those beast kings with great achievements has not learned from the strong human beings? Therefore, since I have promised to be your seat If you ride, you won't eat your promise.

"Ha ha!" Hua Wuxin smiled brightly at the sunset.

Xiao Lan also kept chattering. Since Huang Moral followed Hua Wuxin, he has gradually understood his character. If he has to be evaluated, he is a good man, but there are some taboos that can't be touched. For the last time Hua Wuxin hit him, he already knows the reason. He insulted Hua Wuxin's mother and beat him. It's light.

"Since...so, let's set out, speed up and look for the four-foot fairy boy." Hua Xin jumped down the cliff.


In the southwest of the wilderness, there are few people and monsters.

In front is a huge canyon, like a valley, stretching for hundreds of miles, and the torrential river can be heard.

Hua Wuxin frowned and asked, "Xiao Lan, is our way right?"

"No, after crossing this canyon, you will soon get to the place where the tall man lives in seclusion."

Huang Daode also said, "This is troublesome. The narrowest place in this canyon is 100 meters. It's a little difficult to cross it."

"Well, it's a little far away. Unless you break through the secret place of Qizong, the true qi can condense into wings. However, I feel that at my speed, I can find a high place and jump directly. As long as I can catch the opposite mountain wall, it's not difficult." Hua Wuxin suddenly smiled. Obviously, this method is not suitable for Huang.

"Little Blue can fly over. What do you think you should do?"

Huang Daode was stunned when he heard the words, thought for a while, and was shocked, "Yes, if you go there, you can connect a few vines, and I can step over."

"I admire it!" Hua Wuxin finally proved that the wisdom of this scalper is indeed not weak.

"State in advance that if you fall, I will not be responsible."

Hua Wuxin found a better cliff. After visualizing the distance, it was estimated to be about 100 meters. The wind in the valley was too strong, which had a certain impact on him.

"Wow! This is really exciting." Although I was fully prepared to leap over the 100-meter canyon, I still felt a sense of excitement in my heart.


Hua Wuxin launched a missile with a white air wave behind him. He carried out the "wind and clouds" to integrate with the wind and clouds as much as possible to reduce resistance.

"My mother, tut, it's too fast." Huang Dao looked at the waves in a daze. Usually, Hua Wuxin always looked careless. Unexpectedly, this burst out, which was too amazing.

Little Lan opened her eyes wide and chatty: "It's not very fast. I can catch up with him."


A blue light caught up. If Hua Wuxin is the speed of sound, then Xiao Lan is flying at supersonic speed.

Hua unintentionally drew an arc in the air, and then looked at the fall. He once tried to float over with Zhenyuan blisters. He could feel the wind in person, and then found how naive his idea was, at least in the nature of the original innocence.


Hua was unintentionally protected by the red and blue light, and her body began to accelerate her fall. At this time, she was still 20 to 30 meters away from the opposite land.

"The last one, I succeeded in this!"

"Move! Flowers! Pick up! Wood!"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in mid-air, and Hua Xinxin disappeared out of thin air.


Hua Wuxin only remembers that she used her "fairy" with all her strength. The distance of 20 to 30 meters is almost his current limit. If he fails, it's up to fate. Not to mention that he can't fall, it's possible to fall into meat sauce.

"Bah, it's the first time to use it, and it's still a little strange." Hua Wuxin sat on the ground and spit out the grass leaves in her mouth. This method is too faceless.

"The first change in the secret place of Qizong is flying. No wonder."


Huang Dao also saw Hua Wuxin and began to shout, "Hua Wuxin, give me a few vines. I'm going to pass."

Hua Wuxin said, "Okay, wait a minute. If it really doesn't work, I'll pull you here."

"Remember, I'm not responsible. I don't care if it falls."