Dao Shuai

Chapter 75 The strongest battle effort to collect~

In the depths of the wilderness, there is no one smoke, and Hua is heartless and two beasts walk forward with difficulty.

Huang Daode looked left and right and said, "It's too gloomy here. There won't be any monsters coming out to eat the three of us!"


"I... shut your crow's mouth!" Suddenly, a beast roar scared everyone, and Hua Wuxin shouted.

Little Lan said, "If you want to eat, you should eat first. I'm so big that it's not enough for those demon kings to eat."

"Xiao Lan, let's see if we are going in the right direction." Hua Wuxin's crane soul patrols every once in a while, which makes Hua Wuxin also find a lot of skills about powerful thoughts.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Lan flew back. Their route was basically right, but there were many dangers ahead, and there might be some taboos, always revealing a thrilling breath.

"Hua Wuxin, you really won't find the wrong place, will you?" Huang Moral doesn't seem to live in seclusion in this damn place.

"Shh... something is coming."

Hua Wuxin suddenly whispered that he himself rushed to a big tree like a wild cat.

However, compared with Huang Dao, Hua Wuxin seems to be in a much hurry.

A Huang changed very quickly and directly lowered his head and began to eat the wild fruits around him.

This is like a grass-eating cow demon.


A fishy wind blew over. Before the body arrived, Hua Wuxin had already felt the oppression of a murderous atmosphere.

Soon, Hua Wuxin saw a blood-red lion the size of a bison.


The blood lion's hair flew and his eyes were murderous. He seemed to feel some kind of peep and roared in the direction of Hua's careless.

The divine mind was forced to be interrupted, and Hua Wuxin also estimated the strength of the other party in his heart. In fact, since he got out of the customs, he wanted to find a monster to test the results. However, generally, the congenital monster could not support his legs at all. Now that the bloody lion is murderous, Hua Wuxin does not think that the other party will let him go.

Now he is not only a fellow practitioners of water and fire, but what is more valuable is that Hua Wuxin has the strongest perception of the "way of earth". Last breakthrough, there was also a true earthy element in his body.

Tu, the mother of the five elements, contains the will of "rich virtue". He is like the father of all creatures, raising countless children.

Hua Wuxin casts the "congenital Hongmeng Taoist body" with "earth" and constantly refines the body with the power of Taiji water and fire. It can be said that Hua Wuxin's current physique is no worse than the "perfect body" of Xingyimen.

"In that case..." Hua Wuxin is ready for a sneak attack. This is his first step to challenge the virtual monster, but he doesn't want to fight openly.

The blood lion ran like a bloody demon fog. Generally, timid people are afraid that they will faint if they ask two bites.

Huang Daode still pretended to be a "good people", and he and a group of frightened monsters fled.


100 meters...80 meters...50 meters...

It's close!

30 meters!

Move flowers and trees!

"Atomic cannon!"

As soon as it takes action, it is a thunderous blow. "moving flowers and grafting wood" instantly meets the blood lion, and the "red and blue crystal ball" in the heartless palm of the flower is the physical appearance of the "atomic cannon".



The blood lion never thought that something would hit him.

Water and fire are incompatible. In the unintentional "Taiji", it is indeed like a small atomic bomb explosion.

The blood lion also opened the "bloodthirsty field" in an instant. That's how the square kilometers were affected, and the hundred-long giant trees collapsed.

In front of him, it is like a Jedi that has been attacked by a meteor, with a breath of death, desolation and destruction in the air.

With one move, the blood lion's skull cracked and a large blood stain appeared on his chest. The appearance did not look as good as the last Kirin hole. In fact, this is also a restrained performance after Hua Wuxin practiced the "Taiji ball".

Hua Wuxin stood in front of the blood lion, and six blood eyes shot out two real blood lights. At this moment, he was like a ruthless god.

In Hua Wuxin's eyes, a large area of cells in the blood lion's body have perished, and its strength has been greatly reduced.


The blood lion roared and came with a blood mist.

Hua Wuxin broke out again, his domineering legs were connected, and the void was also kicked out.

One person and one beast started a special battle.

Gradually, the two sides entered a protracted war, and Hua had no intention to rely on "legs" and "moving flowers and trees" to be invincible.

The blood lion also relies on the strength of the field to attack constantly, and the blood water of the head emerges like a fountain.

Hua Wuxin relied on "moving flowers and grafting trees" several times, making the seriously injured blood lion finally have a flaw.

Finally, an hour later, the blood lion couldn't stand it anymore and fell to the ground.

"Wow..., the virtual monster is so terrible!" As soon as he pointed to the dead blood lion, Hua Wuxin also fell to the side of the blood lion.

No one knows the power of atomic cannons better than Hua Wuxin. In the battle of Kirin Cave, three geniuses of the same level were defeated in one move, and almost every one of them suffered a devastating blow.

Now he is already a congenital virtual elixir warrior. He has the spiritual power beyond the virtual realm, exerts the strongest moves, and has not killed a virtual monster, which shows the horror strength of the virtual monster.

As soon as Huang Daode ran out not far, he was blown out by a wave.

A huge question mark appeared in his mind. Who can tell me what happened?

When Hua Wuxin solved the blood lion, Huang Daode and Xiaolan came to Hua Wuxin at the same time, and they stared at the blood lion body beside them.

Huang Moral stammered, "Is this... really what you did?"

Hua had no intention to close her eyes and meditate and ignored him.

"Isn't this guy having diarrhea? Did you take advantage of him?"

No matter what Huang Dao said, his attitude towards Hua Wuxin has changed. In the past, in the face of Hua Wuxin, the innate peak was his most proud thing.

But now, all this pride has been shattered by this naked record.

They took a day off, and Hua Wuxin also habitually reflected and summarized.

Now, he takes two hours every day to contact the micro-carving technology of "spiritual ideas". He finds a piece of white jade, about the size of a piece of mahjong. If successful, he can carve more than 100,000 words on it.

I'm afraid that no one can do this carving method except him.

Now his spiritual strength is constantly changing, and the quantity begins to decline, but the quality is changing to materialize day by day.

Hua unintentionally summarizes his combat strength. In his current state, the "atomic cannon" can be used up to three times a day, and there will be danger if it is more. This is also the result of his new "connate Hongmeng Taoist body". That's why it is difficult to display such a terrible trick without a pair of "dragon claws" condensed by unicorn blood. .

In any case, he is also a unique move that can threaten the virtual martial artist, which also makes him feel a little comforted.

This day, the sun was shining, sweeping away the sweltering heat of the past, and Hua had nothing to do, so she chatted with Huang Daode.

Huang Moral's attitude towards Hua Wuxin has changed, and Hua Wuxin's mood has also changed, but Huang Moral is more deeply touched.

A Huang lay on the straw, with a wolf tail grass in his mouth, and said leisurely, "This is life. I eat wolf, insect, tiger and leopard, and drink wild juice. Tut, hey..."

"Life is so beautiful, what do you sigh for?" Hua Wuxin glanced at the big scalper and smiled.

"Hua Wuxin, you said, I'm also a congenital peak monster now. What should I do? The next step is to feel the virtual world. I'm afraid that it will be too difficult for too long. Will I be trapped in the innate realm all my life?"

His parents are both congenital monsters and their wisdom is average. In the peak era of human martial arts development, monsters have no skills and no doctor's help. In fact, compared with human warriors of the same level, monsters are not as good as human beings.

After all, human beings have a purple fairy, but monsters don't.

Hua had no intention to seduce Huang Morality and said, "Human cave virtual martial artists can now live for thousands of years, which is not the credit of Zixia Fairy. I have also studied a lot about monsters, and it has been some time. According to my imagination, monsters can have human bodies and become the strongest."

Huang Daode was heard the word "the strongest" and stammered in horror, "You, you... say...ox can also...become the strongest?"

"In theory, there is no problem. Monsters are not less than humans, but the physical structure and the degree of soul evolution are slightly different. If there are monsters to do as I say, it is no problem not only to stand up, but also to go to brothels. The strongest depends on luck." Hua Wuxin's expression was serious and said with a nose and eyes.

"You won't lie to me, will you?"

"No, I need a monster to cooperate with me now, but it's a little dangerous." Hua Wuxin turned her head and looked into the distance, saying something.

Huang Daode was anxious. Isn't he a ready-made monster? He immediately held his head high and roared, "Am I not a monster? Isn't it dangerous? Isn't it possible to become the strongest? It must be difficult for a cow to stand up, otherwise there will be cows on the street."

Hua Wuxin looked at Huang Tao and said, "You mean you want to cooperate with me in my research?"

"Uh-huh, as long as you don't kill me, castrated me, you can do whatever you want. I want to become the first strongest monster in the world, then... Tut, in the history of Kyushu, the name of my Huang Morality can be more dazzling than any king of Yuhuang, Qinling Heavenly Emperor and Li Taibai." Huang Daode stood up, wagged his tail, and looked far away at the wilderness, as if he had become the most powerful man at this time.