Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 2 Scholar (for book lovers and evil people, Feixuan plus update)

"With a smile from the sea, the tide on both sides of the strait, the ups and downs only remember today with the waves; the sky laughs, the tides in the world, and God knows who wins..."

The heroic song echoed in the uninhabited snowfield.

The towering mountains are staggered on both sides, like the best audience.

The north wind roared and rolled up a little falling snow, setting off the picture of the lonely travel in the snow.

words are good words, which are different from the style of this world.

People are wonderful people, carrying umbrellas, holding swords, singing and drinking, so unhappy.

Don't ask about the column, Chu Chu has jade beads. The mountains call the sea and drink shocking scholars, where can the crazy people live!


"Today, it's really delicious. When it floats a lot of white, it should float a lot of white."

The famous scholar, who walked in the wilderness and seemed to be soaked in snow, was not as weak as ordinary Confucianism at all.

He didn't seem to feel the chill around him at all. Sometimes he shouted, sometimes scolded, and looked crazy.

For good, the heavy snow last night covered the wilderness with plain silver and thick ice mats, making the bumpy road flat.

Otherwise, he will stagger forward like him and have to fall down and smash a few front teeth.

However, is the snow really better than the wild road?

The book student's swinging but steady steps seem to be true...

Da! Da! Da!

The dull horseshoe sounded from far to near, and a fire drilled straight towards the scholar.

Why? He is so eye-catching!

In this wide area, he is the only one who jumps and jumps. If there is any surprise beast, who will he not attack him?

But what is the flame that seems to spread and gradually burn?

The scholar didn't realize it. He only shook his body slightly a moment before he bumped into him.

The move was extremely small, but it just gave way to the original position and avoided the straight trace of fire in advance.

Unexpectedly, accompanied by a long hiss.

The wind-like fiery red did not pass, but suddenly stopped behind him!


"Plop!" Bang!"

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded one after another, the horse collapsed, and the rider on his back fell to the ground feebly.

Is the snow dust splashed by the wind or the previous hoof kicked?

It is mixed with some warm red stains, colorful and beautiful, like a rose withering, and what is it?


The drunken scholar suddenly got excited and woke up in the blink of an eye.

The originally cloudy eyes suddenly revealed a foot long, as light as substance!

The scholar stared sideways, and his face, which was originally full of indifferent and wanton publicity, was as cold as ink in an instant.

He only shook his body, dodged away from the scholar, and directly skimmed ten steps away and fell to the ground to ride next to the guest!

When he saw the horse riding clearly, the Confucian's eyes were bright, but his hands subconsciously trembled.

The best wind-chasing electric horse, the standard Gyeonggi high-level general's robe is gorgeous but practical. This man who fell from the horse is a little scary!

If the people don't fight with officials, it is never a delusion. Except for those mysterious practitioners who only exist in the legend, or the portal of the prosperous martial arts holy land in the north and south of the world. Ordinary people who run around the world, who dares not give the court some face!

Not to mention that the picky skin of Yulongsi is not easy to mess with!

The scholar stared at the snow injury, and his face was uncertain.

He gently kicked the man and found that there was no response. Then he pressed the hilt of the sword with one hand and slowly squatted down.

You have to be cautious that the Tang Dynasty will be famous all over the world. Those high-level generals are not the strong at the peak of martial arts, pulling up the mountains and fighting naked. He didn't want to save people, but got coquettish for no reason.


At this time, a deep cry came from under the general.

The scholar was shocked and hesitated again. Some of the usual scenes in the reviews flashed in my mind. Looking at the endless, he almost gritted his teeth and opened the heavy body of the general.

The bright yellow wam, which is obviously stained with a lot of blood, and the golden dragon embroidery is dyed red.

The child looked at the moon and was shocked by the wind and snow. On the contrary, he was full of air, and his face was ruddy and extremely strange.

The scholar frowned and drew his sword.

With the sound of "Gang", the silver light was sprinkled everywhere, and the snow was shining.

He stroked the injured person and the baby on the ground a few times, and a grudging color flashed in his eyes.

" hiss~!"

When I saw the injury of the general, I couldn't help breathing in.

Previously, he carried it on his back and was covered by a big red cloak behind him. Although it was stained with blood everywhere, it looked nothing.

At this time, I saw holes in his dazzling armor, and blood was still flowing out.

The heart and lungs are pierced, and the abdomen is full of fists. I'm afraid that even the cecum will flow out.

At a glance, the scholar has concluded that this person is hopeless.

What kind of belief can make this person withstand such injuries until now!

The eyes flash, and the warrior is always worthy of respect. When he saw the crying child's handsome eyebrows, the scholar somehow felt a little pity in his heart.

He looked up to the sky, and the corners of his eyes slipped two lines.

With a "Hung" sound, the sword was sheathed.

"That's all, how disappointing this baby is."

The scholar leaned over and hugged the child and removed the blood-stained yellow cloth.

I saw a piece of fog suddenly rising on his body, as if the fog was steaming. For a moment, the robe wet with snow had dried.

He took off the soap blue robe and wrapped the hot baby. Then he didn't look at the dying general and turned around and galloped away!

There is no trace of snow, and the arrow is about to fly.

It's just a few flicks, and the scholar has disappeared at the end of his vision.

The snow fell again, covering up all the traces.

It was not until half an hour later that this rare wilderness welcomed new guests.


"I have a sword and dare to play the immortals. I have a cavity with blood in my chest. I have an umbrella to cover the sky from the rain. I have a beautiful face and a smiling face.

The scholar is still the same scholar, aimless and doesn't know where to go.

He carried an umbrella, carried a sword, and sang freely.

It's just that there is a baby in his arms--

The baby opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously, curious, hesitating, or afraid?

The baby is unable to close his eyes and sleeps drowsily...

The baby has never cried since he picked it up.


I have been practicing swords for ten years, and I only look forward to asking all the world's unfair things.

The beauty leans against the building, only to be drunk and sleepy and will not wake up.

A shock change broke the string.

A moment of farewell broke the dream.


" Check! Be sure to find out for this seat! Damn it! That bitch! Damn it!"

" Check! Even if you dig three feet into the world! I also want to take him back! You have to see people alive, and you have to see corpses when you die!"

"Otherwise! You just wait to accompany me to fight with you to thank Your Majesty for your grace!"

Who's roared far away, shocked more than a few Lord Rabbits in the uninhabited snowfield.

The snowfield is still the silver-covered snowfield, riding around the side of the snowfield, moving neatly and turning on the horseback.


180 years of the Central Plains calendar is destined to be a year that will not be calm.

The aftermath of the storm in the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the remnants of the death of real immortals in the mountains and fields.

Tang Huang raised his butcher's knife and killed the world, as if hundreds of thousands of lives could not resist his boundless anger.

Ordinary men will still be mad for the green hat, not to mention the superior emperor?

The emperor... Shouldn't it always be a little different?

Two out of ten of the world's ministers were purged, which made people panic for a while.

The nine clans of the Duke are not so easy to be destroyed. Killing people is like grass without hearing a sound, but after all, it is not a grass that doesn't know how to resist.

Wild weeds are still difficult to cut, let alone conspiracies and tricks emerge one after another, and you can beat the country in ten steps!

The most fragile and tenacious person in the world is a human being!

When the purge encounters unprecedented resistance, when the network is infinitely enlarged, when the sword of Dakmos has hung above his head, no matter how innocent and weak they are, they will not choose to lead the neck.

Kill, kill, kill!

The suppression of iron and blood is not just a considerable number beating.

Cleaning expands again and again, and life withers one by one.

The expected casualties and losses to be clearly calculated finally became a confused account--

The rotten account covered with blood...

The stars in the northern sky are still shining, as if all kinds of tragedies in the world can't make love.

The Taoist gates are ready to move in the dark, as if there is some kind of undercurrent stirring, the storm is turbulent and wants to turn the sky and the earth upside down, and the stars are moving.

The holy land of martial arts, in addition to the transcendence of the world, imitates the idea of cultivating truth and avoiding the world. The remaining four cases move frequently...

This year, the court fish and dragon division rose a comet, which was a bow master, and countless Jianghu heroes who did not obey the law fell under his arrows.

Also in this year, the Northern General, who was originally called the first string of the Tang Dynasty, died.

The magnificent momentum comes from the sky, but all those in power are as quiet as cicadas.

20 million elite horses were scattered in all directions, and the Tang Dynasty and surrounding countries were almost three feet underground.

In the end, this costly military operation, which few people know the reason, will come to an end.

Who saw that in the highest place of the temple, the Tang Emperor, who waved recklessly, seemed to be much older in an instant.

That kind of old age is not just a visual difference caused by mental fatigue, but a real passage of life.

The iron hooves are still trampled on the land of the states, and the officials are frightened. The solemn atmosphere of Gyeonggi is slowly fading with the passage of time.

On Dongmen Avenue, a middle-aged man in Taoist costume silently stared at the high astrological rooftop next to the imperial city.

The bustle of people on the road does not seem to affect his quiet and indifferent taste.

Only in the wine shop, next to the window on the second floor, a head who gathered a crowd to eat and drink, suddenly turned his eyes to that place and looked coldly.

His face was full of flesh, and he looked ferocious, and there was no mercy of the monk. Of course, the appearance of wine and meat is not like a serious monk.

The Taoist priest on the street didn't seem to notice the hostile eyes at all. He smiled and then walked straight to the imperial city...

His steps are light, and he has no time to do it.

But he was three feet around, but he formed a distinct vacuum zone on the endless street.

The wine shop came to the window, and it was not until the Taoist disappeared completely before eating and drinking again.

But he was no longer happy, and the ferocious smile on his face solidified, which made people cold!

Opposite the lively market at the East Gate, in the west of the imperial city, the rich and noble families in Beijing, are rarely visited.

At the same time, the west gate opened wide, and the strong men were energetic and lined up in two rows.

The cold north wind poured in, and the city was hunting banners.

Outside the gate, in the middle of the four-way official road, a man in sackcloth backed his bow and arrow and looked back.

Next to him is a plain woman who is simple and gentle but not very beautiful.

The woman seemed to be comforting something in a low voice, which was inaudible.

This year is extremely uneasy and extraordinary...

(PS: Thank you for the book friend Evil 3000 reward, thank the book friend Feixuan for 2666 rewards)