Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 39 Teammate

"Hi! Ostroff, did you go to training again?

The elegant voice floated later, but the content of the words was fully exposed, and the owner of the voice was not very gentle.

Liu Yi turned around and looked at two young people in simple clothes.

A blonde shawl in his left hand with a joking smile on his face. The one on the right looks deeper and the short black hair is eye-catching. After all, Spartans have more brown and yellow hair.

"Stelios, Astiros, it turned out to be you."

Through the fragments of memory, Liu Yi found that the guy who stopped him was actually a rare colleague of the original owner who could be counted as a friend.

"What's the matter?"

does not show emotions on the face, dominates the selection of the arrival identity, at least in terms of temperament, it will not be too awkward.

This invisibly saves a lot of trouble.

"Haha, you don't know? The messenger of the Persians came, right in front of the governor's mansion!"

The blonde young man called Stelios laughed and answered, and he was not as active as a Spartan. Only those who are familiar with him know how horrible energy is hidden under such an informal and occasionally neurotic appearance!

His combat skills are rare to be comparable to that of a general!

The Spartan regime is a little chaotic, and the king's rights are not only suppressed by temples, but even the parliament often tries to divide and suppress them.

However, the Spartans respect warriors the most, so the idol of the Spartan people will certainly not be those calculating members in the parliament, or the crooked priests on the divine mountain, but a real man - King Leonyda!

He is recognized as the most powerful warrior. If he wants to rank second, there is no doubt that he is the commander, centurion and general!

These titles were given to the same man - the commander of the army during the state war, the centurion commander of the king's praetorian army, and the general in the eyes of all the Spartan soldiers!

There is no doubt that Stelios is so strong that he can be comparable to the general's combat skills!

This kind of power is not a deterrent to Liu Yi, who is used to the world.


Liu Yi thought of the task.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Stlios was indisputable and pulled Liu Yi.

Liu Yi did not refuse, which is considered to be the default.

Only the short-haired black youth who never spoke, Astinos, had an unnatural expression.

Liu Yi is very clear where this embarrassment comes from. He now occupies the former master of his body, is silent, strong and capable, and is recognized as the most likely to replace the position of centurion.

This vague call undoubtedly made the general's son, Astinos, lose heart.

Spartans are not good at camouflage, and all emotions are written on their faces. If Liu Yi is still the previous Aostolph, most of them are indifferent to this. However, he patted Astirus on the shoulder for no reason, and others were stunned.

"Astiros, your father must want to see you surpass me on that day!"

With this, the two young people reacted and couldn't help but show admiration.

The recognition of young people is actually so easy to obtain, especially in the same circle. Warriors are always easier to partner with Warriors, especially in Sparta!

"I'm looking forward to that day!"

Astinos was stunned and then awed.

Seeing this, the blonde young man stood in the middle and patted them on the shoulder.

"Haha, I just hope that when that day comes, I won't fight with you. Don't fight to the death on your belly."

Stelios laughed out of tune, and the final awkward atmosphere was diluted.


Due to a chance encounter with Liu Yi on the road, several people delayed a little time. By the time of the governor's mansion, the Persian envoy had been forced to the huge well in the square by everyone. Obviously, the negotiations were not smooth.

King Leonid pointed his sword at the messenger's neck and gritted his teeth and shouted angrily:

"Soil and water? There are many below, I want to take it myself!"

The Persian messenger was so frightened that he waved his hand repeatedly, like a clown.

"No! No! The two countries are at war! Persia and Greece are no exception! You can't do that!"

Leonida was indifferent, with an angry and ferocious expression, revealing fierceness.

"You came to me with the conquered king's head and crown! You wantonly insulted my queen! You threaten my subjects with death and slavery! Oh, Persian, I've thought about it. Maybe you should do that too!"

"Crazy! You must be crazy! This is blasphemy! You will bring war to the people!"

The Persian messenger roared angrily, and Liu Yi, who was watching, smiled at the corners of his mouth.

If there is no war, how should the mission be carried out!

Leonid seemed to hesitate. He looked back at the queen, once the most beautiful woman in Sparta.

The queen just nodded with encouragement.

Liu Yi felt a flame bursting out in Leonid's heart, which was a suppressed anger for a long time. He felt a man in a parliamentary robe in the crowd in the distance, full of panic. He felt crazy and excited thoughts around him, who was his nominal best friend. He felt that the atmosphere of the whole Sparta was boiling, and it was the silent roar of the onlookers!

"Crazy? This is Sparta!"

Leonida roared jokingly and kicked the messenger into the well.

The minister's guard pulled out his waist knife and silently cut at the messenger's entourage.

Stelios jumped out of the crowd and killed one person.

Sparta's cruelty and unyieldingness were perfectly reflected at this moment. When the last messenger fell under the spear handed over by Liu Yi, a war of great disparity in strength began!


In the battle of Hot Spring Pass, Liu Yi had never heard of. He didn't know what he was going to face and how many comrades he had.

From the fragments of consciousness, he only got a small amount of information about Persia. It seems that it is a huge empire from the East. The most terrible thing is that it has nearly 100 dependent countries!

The report of five million demons sent back from the front line shows this.

Of course, Liu Yi directly took the number to zero, which was purely a rumor.

If there is really a five million army, not to mention demons, even five million wild boars can flatten Sparta.

Although Sparta is full of soldiers, in fact, the people of the whole country are less than 100,000. One of the truly war-tight men secretly laughed at 20,000.

With 20,000 to 500,000, although the military strength is too different, he still remembers that the hot spring pass is a canyon and may not be dangerously guarded.

stayed for three days, 20,000 to 500,000. Counting the strong combat effectiveness of Spartan soldiers, Liu Yi could not see any risk.

He felt that things would not be that simple.

"Sparta, 300!"

In fact, there has always been some bad omen and speculation in his heart!


When the Persian messenger arrived, Xia Mo was also among the onlookers. The difference was that she was dressed as ordinary people.

In the second round of reincarnation, she couldn't see any hope!

Thinking of the opportunity to survive the last time, four senior teammates and eight newcomers of the same period, one of them died inadvertently!

No, there is no carelessness, it is clear that she planned it!

But she really didn't mean it, and she didn't want to do that!

She just wants to live!

She used to be a business elite. She came here voluntarily. She gave up her dignity and just wanted to survive, looking forward to the day when she really got what she wanted.

Who would have expected that those seniors not only did not treat her as a human being, but also wanted to squeeze the last trace of value and her life!

The cruel and weird way of death of reincarnation, and the high rate of death.

She has understood the horror of the rules of reincarnation!

Sparta 300, how can she not know that Sparta 300? The task of this battle is to convince Xi Lang, the number one villain in the plot, to ensure that the reinforcements will leave on time three days after the start of the war!

How is this possible?

Persuasion is not waiting for him to find his own way to die!

She has been alert all around, and she even feels that she is a little nervous and suffers from persecution paranoia!

But she has to do this!

In the battlefield of reincarnation, danger, never just can't complete the task!

Xia Mo looked left and right, and first caught a glimpse of two Spartan warriors whispering and wearing distinctively.

Later, when the plot progressed and the king was angry, he saw three young people walking side by side in the distance!

The person on the far right is particularly tall, young and eye-catching. He wears armor like the previous two sneaky guys!

Three newcomers?!

The unexpected number of people did not make Xia Mo relax his vigilance.

Only when she saw the last newcomer appear, she actually talked and laughed with the protagonist of the plot, and her eyes almost stared out!

tried her best to search for the limited information in her mind, and dominated her generously made her remember a prominent name, Aostlev!

A powerful man who has never appeared in the original plot, but has indeed existed in this real world for a long time!

"How, how can it be!"

A newcomer, even if the master can only select elites from all walks of life, a newcomer, how can he have such a prominent position and powerful power in the first mission?!

You should know that she is the only senior, and her status is only one of the queen's maids at this time, not the only one!

"In this way, how should the plot proceed?"

Xia Mo was meditating and didn't know what to do.


Liu Yi noticed the other two men in armor, just as they noticed him without concealment.

Liu Yi did not pay attention to Xia Mo hidden in the crowd. At least at first, she did not pay attention to it before she stared at her and showed a strong panic!

If he has always relied on the most talent, he is agile talent. Then the greatest talent to help him must be perception.

Liu Yi's face remained unchanged, and the information about the two people reflected in his mind.

Has most of his mind is on another girl with the status of Queen Waiter——


He only heard the words subconsciously muttered by these two other parties.

The sharpness of this body's five senses is far less than that of the body, and it loses the ability to explore a small range like radar, which is not a big drawback.

Liu Yi was not too entangled in these issues. The fact was that the girl who was not far away quickly restrained her face and lowered her head.

Feeling the malice of the other two sneaky men, Liu Yi laughed.

"Ha! Ostroff! What are you laughing at?"

Stelios, who actually laughed louder than him, half roared and asked. At this time, everyone was cheering for the upcoming war, and Stelios was extremely excited.

Liu Yi smiled more happily. He pointed to the two abrupt Spartan warriors opposite him and calmly mocked:

"I just hope that when I kill the enemy happily, there is no such woman standing beside me. Otherwise, I'm really afraid of the smell of incontinence of some people's feet, which will prevent me from drinking sweet blood!"

His voice is not loud, but it spreads steadily in a small range.

He finally remembered the two particularly obscene guys, who they were, and had some interesting speculations.

As a famous coward among Spartan warriors, the whole Spartan is a shame. He was curious how the two had such courage to be so unscrupulous to see themselves and have ghosts in their hearts. Unless, standing there is not the previous puster duo at all!

A small group of people were stunned first, and then burst into more violent laughter.

The rising ridicule spreads at an unimaginable speed at this exciting moment.

Compared with standing beside Liu Yi, they can be regarded as the best two of the younger generation.

He also wears armor, just like Liu Yi, as if he had just returned from the training ground.

This has become the biggest irony for two people.

The two clowns hidden in the dark became panicked for a moment, and more than half of them were watching them coax.

The joy of getting a strong body at the beginning has not yet been satisfied, and they realized what others are laughing at!


One of them stared at Liu Yi fiercely, gritted his teeth and removed his disguise.

His provocation was different from the past, but it made outsiders boo even more, and even the originally silent king Leonid raised the corners of his lips.

Men, especially savage and tough men, can't talk about it without such things.

Beautiful women, powerful warriors, and some... Stupid coward!

The former is worthy of praise and yearning, while the latter balances the hidden psychological loss.

I saw "Letov" and "Dasenil" leave angrily, and even got a lot of cold fists and feet when pushing and pushing. Liu Yi narrowed his eyes and recalled the words taught by the teacher:

"The most terrible enemy in the world is not a god-like enemy, because we have firm confidence that it will always be surpassed. The most terrible thing in the world is actually the foolish and ignorant companions, because it will be inexplicably squeezed out of the throne by them when we think we are about to surpass God - and they will get nothing in the end.

Not afraid of god-like enemies, but pig-like teammates. Of course, Liu Yi didn't know that there was a famous saying in his heart at that time, regretting that he was about to knock down the boss in a game.

When he recalled, he couldn't help adding another sentence in his heart:

"No matter how stupid it is, even if it is a pig, shouldn't it have the value of a pig?"

The carnival ended soon, and the "member" and "Xi Lang", who was also concerned by Liu Yi, had already left early.

He does not doubt that Xi Lang has a special history like himself. The reason is very simple. Xi Lang noticed himself and even the maid, but he didn't care about the other two clowns!

His eyes only stay on people who have identity and "use"! Typical congressman!


"Typ, come to my purpose."

Sitting on a stone chair, this action is very different from his previous performance, which should be the residual subconscious influence of the body.

Two chairs were brought from outside the house, thanks to this body being strong enough.

Xia Mo sat a little stiffly on the other side, separated by a square table, which did not bring her any sense of security.

"Should I call you Nell or..."

Listening to the resolute voice full of the iron-blooded smell of war from the opposite side, Xia Mo was not too arrogant because of his senior status. Not everyone will be as idiots as the villain in the story. In fact, in the reincarnation world, the first said simplest task is to eliminate idiots - perhaps the definition of "idiot" is slightly looser.

"Xia Mo!"

She did not hesitate to say her real name. Even if she knew that there were many evil laws in the reincarnation world and could be used by name alone, she had no choice.

At the end of the mission, she can be said to have gained a lot. She directly strengthened her body to the ranks of standard warriors. In a comprehensive evaluation, she will never be inferior to some elites who can mix two reincarnations.

Xiao is like this. When facing the man who was suspected to be a newcomer, there was no reason for her to be fear, as if she were facing a silent dragon.

Although the reincarnation space may not live longer as it is as powerful it is. Some old antiques and super reincarnation warriors who have found "laws" and lived dozens of reincarnations are also many examples of falling.

The mortality rate in the reincarnation battlefield is extremely high, and the pace of selecting reincarnation warriors is also very fast. Every time, countless newcomers will be invested to choose the right one.

Xia Mo has a limited understanding of the rules of reincarnation space, but at this time, there is a particularly special term in his mind. How dare he fool Liu Yi as a newcomer?

"You are very smart."

Liu Yi nodded with satisfaction. As long as the girl in front of her was not a movie emperor, or the city government was deep to compare with Chen Zhen, she did not lie.

"I'm not new."

Liu Yi said so and was relieved to see the woman opposite her look.

He doesn't know the name of the reincarnation warrior for the novice and how to make a convention.

He just thought that the word "newcomer" is more neutral, which is easier to accept than any young bird, rookie and young children. At the same time, it doesn't matter if he says something wrong.

Of course, the reason why he did that is not aimless!

From the girl's observation of her face at that time, it can be seen that this person's understanding of the reincarnation space must be far above him.

The inexplicable panic is obviously surprised. Most of the time, she concluded that he should not appear! How to judge that unless the girl previously assassinated the original owner of the body, the concept of "misunderstanding" is not within his consideration.

Memory fragments cannot be faked, and the original owner and the queen's maid have no intersection!

And his determination is not so much based on nothing, but rather than looking at holding the handle of the spear. The worst thing is to encounter unfathomable. If you stab him to death with a spear, there is always a way to deal with the aftermath. Perhaps this is also the reason why Xia Mo feels threatened.

Liu Yi just wants to cheat some useful information, but he is not good.

"The Lone?!"

Xia Mo whispered, as if it was incredible for his long- hesitant guess. This contradiction should come from the meaning of a word that can't hear too many meanings.

Liu Yi seemed to smile and shrugged his shoulders.

He doesn't want to admit it, aggravate the chips, and won't deny it. Who knows if the girl has set any traps in her language, such as whether the "lone walker" really exists!

People can't be good-looking.

"Tpeak about your mission."

Mastering the initiative, Liu Yi pressed step by step and began to control the knot, not allowing her to think quietly!

The queen's maid, this identity represents many conveniences, and Liu Yi tries to hold it in his hands, rather than equality or even equal cooperation.

Otherwise, even if she comes to her in person, he is afraid that he will not pay attention to it.