Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 46 Divinity

scolded Murong, who also showed a cringe and retreated back to his original place.

Others just smiled when they saw it. It would be strange if the rats could shake hands with the male lion.

In a short time, the sentry Stelios ran back and found the king out of breath.

He brought surprising news, and the Persians once again sent messengers to meet the king.

The general suspected that this was a Persian conspiracy, and Leo Nidas didn't care and smiled a few words.

Liu Yi looked at the unmoved warriors around him and recalled the traditional spirit of the Spartans.

I'm afraid that even if he clears his interests, there are few people who support the assassination of Xerxes.

This is completely a group of iron pimples stuffed with muscles in their minds. They really dare to jump off the cliff for their ideas and don't know anything about power.

"I'll go and have a look."

After explaining casually, Liu Yi handed the round shield to Stalios and caught up with the spear.

Small-scale killing is completely different from war, and the shield is not a matter.

The general just glanced at him from afar and did not raise any objection.

Maybe the Spartans only thought that Ostroff cared about the king and secretly escorted him.

Even if he really has a problem, who can control him?

Although he is only a small ten chiefs, his official rank is in the ranks of the king's guards and cannot be regarded as ordinary. Who doesn't know the king's arrogance to him?

Except for Leonid, no one in Sparta can order Oströv, including the most noble general in the kingdom.

Not far away, behind Onida, the man's expression was relaxed and his heart was heavy.

On the contrary, Liu Yi looked particularly solemn and seemed to be secretly brewing a storm. His heart is extremely relaxed for no reason.

"Is it over?"

Seeing the tall and burly figure of Xerxes from afar, as expected, in addition to Chen Zhen, he saw another freak in the past.

Of course, compared with Chen Zhen's swollen body, which obviously contains explosive power, Xerxes is even "those", and he is more than half a head shorter than Chen Zhen.

"Nine feet."

Liu Yi silently estimated that height would have an impact in battle, but it was not decisive.

The carriage that looks like a small palace stopped, and Leo Nida happened to walk in front of the car.

Liu Yi hid behind a huge rock more than ten feet away and peeped secretly.

In the past, Ostolev did not have such tracking and hiding skills. Obviously, no one was found there.

The chariot stopped and saw a team of escorts of less than 50 people scattered far away and surrounded Leoneda in the middle.

Xexus proudly walked down the golden steps, and a slave stood forward, bowing to form a human level for him to walk.

"I guess you must be Xerxes."

Leonid was obviously surprised and didn't want the other party's leader to be the messenger in person.

Although he didn't understand what the white dragon fish suit was, he felt that it was slodly. Of course, there is also some vague admiration.

Spartans have always been like this, and they don't just think about one thing from the perspective of rationality and the overall situation.

Xexus did not seem to be aware of being in the enemy's battle. He straightened his neck and wrote disdain in the depths of his eyes.

In comparison, the surrounding guards are quite nervous.

Not far from Liu Yi, about two feet away, where the vision is blocked, there is a suspicious masked Japanese man.

"The Undead Army?"

Liu Yi was surprised by the well-equipped equipment of the other party, and the action seemed to be rigorous, but unfortunately, the fighting spirit was worse than that of the Spartan soldiers.

It is estimated that he and Leonid are completely sure to kill these guys, at least after the death of Xerxes, it is not a problem to break out of the siege.

With this mentality, he looked at the talking Xerxes again, as if a hunter was looking at his prey!

"It's a pity that Leo, a heroic king like you, and these excellent troops under your command are destroyed..."

Halfway through the words, Xerxes suddenly stopped and glanced at one side of the rock.

The deep disdain of his eyes was even worse, and a trace of mockery flashed on his face.

His expression suddenly changed, and his movements were extremely fast, as if a glance was just an illusion, at least in front of his Leonida did not pay attention.

"What's more, there are only some minor misunderstandings between us. In fact, we have a lot of cultures to communicate."

Xxes continued to speak as elegantly as a poet. Liu Yi behind the rock had already been unclear and sweated coldly!

"How come! How can it be!"

The right hand holding the spear trembled, and it was too shocking for him at a glance.

He still can't feel any power or deadly threat in Xerxes. It seems that he is too weak, as seen by ordinary eyes. Or he is so powerful that he can't see through the true face!

Liu Yi's heart was filled with a chill. Since the slaughter of the temple sacrifice, he thought that a certain conclusion had been broken.

In Xerxes, he clearly felt the deterrence like the gods of Olympus, which was a vast authority, not like power or even more powerful power!

"God of the gods, king of kings."

At this time, you can experience these two words and immediately have a different feeling.

His arrogance, his emptiness, his arrogance, and his capriciousness may not be out of nature!

Xxes is the king of the world and the emperor, and should not even have the most basic strategic vision.

If he really doesn't have it, just because he doesn't need it anymore!

"You are very generous, just like your divine power, the king of kings, only fools will refuse, such a rich reward, but--

At the other end, it happened that Leo Nida mentioned the king and the divine power at the same time, but obviously after his words turned around, he ridiculed the ** of the Greek co-owner, and those praises became the biggest joke and criticism.

Xexus looked extremely angry. Liu Yi looked at it again at this time and clearly gave more warnings in the depths of his soul!

The man is like a sea, with ups and downs like a poem on the surface and a tsunami hurricane sweeping. His essence also comes from the depths of his soul. Perhaps the place that Xerxes "self" can't see is extremely deep and calm!

"What, maybe!"

Liu Yi was not in the mood to assassinate at this time.

His biggest worry has become a reality, and all his wisdom and courage are floating clouds!

This is a world with gods and miracles, but the gods sit high on the top of the clouds, and they don't even bother to look at the world.

This is a war with completely unmatched strength between the enemy and us. It is easy to find a flaw, and after opening the door, it is even more desperate to see that it is a new round!

The gap in the number of mortals can more or less level the strength of the two sides through schemes.

Intrieflicated by God——

Only God can deal with God, and God should not interfere in the wars in the world!

Xexus obviously has a divinity that does not belong to him, and there is a hidden divine consciousness.

His superficial personality is Xerxes, a flesh and soul.

What stood behind him was clearly a god who came to the mortal world!

God of the gods!

If the war turns into a divine war, if the Olympian gods remain detached, the whole of Greece will be burned in advance!

Liu Yi felt powerless for a while. Don't say how his body at this moment, even if he was the opponent of those gods.

He is a detached strong man in the mortal world, talented and tireless.

The strong man in the mortal world, no matter how strong he is, stop walking in the mortal world!


On the divine mountain, the temple is silent, and the mottled blood stains are wiped on the edge of the wall, like graffiti.

Zeus' breathing echoes outside the hall.

In the inner hall, a tall statue of God suddenly opened his eyes.

The gray-white stone statue, the pupils are red gold, and a flash of lightning cuts through the darkness.


Liu Yi took the lead in returning and sat on the edge of the cliff like a rock. He looked very uncomfortable.

At this time, the work of cleaning up the bodies and harvesting the wounded soldiers was nearing the end, and no one dared to complain about his incompetual work.

Throwing down the last body, Stelios walked over and sat next to Liu Yi, not caring about half of his body hanging between the cliffs.

"What's the matter, the king?"

Stelios is very worried about the state of his old friends. They have cooperated more than once before and don't know how many wars they have experienced.

Obviously, many of the performances of Ostrev surprised him in this war, which was different from the past.

Are you afraid of death?

Stelios didn't believe it and thought about the deeper reasons that must be hidden.

"I'm still exchanging feelings with Xerxes."

Liu Yi responded indifferently.

When he left, the two sides had already broken down.

Of course, he gave up the assassination, and he was not interested in listening to them arguing with each other.

Stelios laughed.

"That's good. We are civilized people."

As humorous as ever, Stelios is indeed a good friend.

However, another truth is in front of us, who can laugh.

He would not have stayed in this world for too long, and many times, he didn't care much about the opinions of others unless it was a matter of planning.

At this time, my fate is at stake, and I won't consider my old friend's doubts.

A glance at "Xxes" made him feel like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake.

Astinos saw the two from afar and also came over. He had no worries about Stelios and spoke bluntly.

"Ostroff, what's wrong? There seems to be something wrong with your mood."

Liu Yi is lost, let alone the focus of public attention. In fact, if even he shows despair, it is likely to cause a complete defeat on the front.

"It's okay, just think about how much blood my spear can drink if even God becomes our enemy."

"Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that killing before death is not smooth enough."

With a forced smile, Liu Yi said.

Athinos Jiyan, this is the warrior he knows and even his father approves.

The three laughed together, and Liu Yi's laughter was a little bitter. Stelios heard the haze behind the joke.


Not long after, the king returned smoothly and brought back the news that "tonight will not be calm".

It's still afternoon, and there is still half a day to fix it. It seems that this conversation is not meaningless.

The setting sun slowly hangs down, just like some changes that will happen to both men and women as their youth goes by.

The clouds in the sky were as warm as fire, and the sound of the horn came from afar, followed by the general's rude scolding, and more than 200 people lined up at a very fast speed!

Throughout the afternoon, Liu Yi was listening to Murong talk about the plot and the main divine space.

Of course, the news is valuable. After he "admitted" his identity as a senior, he also gave Murong a lot of information about reincarnation space, almost all of which he made up.

Murong can't be sure whether what he said is true or false, just as he can't be sure whether the other party is talking nonsense.

This scene fell into the eyes of others and became a strange talk, if there is still a mood to chat.

After listening to many descriptions and speculations about the plot, Liu Yi did not get nothing.

A 100-person elite composed of miscellaneous troops, before the ambush, this was the only valuable opinion made by Murong in Liu Yi's view.

No matter where he was originally, or the Greece in Oströlev's memory, the elite can only fight with the elite, as if it has become a consensus.

He really has no strategic talent for how to use the remaining thousands of reinforcements and militia to effectively kill the enemy.

If you use it well, it will probably form a good help. If you don't use it well, it will only disrupt your own position.

Liu Yi, including all Spartans, do not have the confidence to turn decay into magic.

The wounded lay in the valley and were taken care of by thousands of coalition forces.

In this evening confrontation, Murong actually took the initiative to participate. After Liu Yi's approval, he was arranged to the first column - either move forward or die.

The formation is integrated and shrinks a little, which does not hinder the strength it should have!

The light was dim, and the dark army surged over.

Seeing that Xerxes sent the ace main guard, the army did not die, just like the plot told by Murong.

Liu Yi sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Even the script is written that the whole army has been destroyed. Now the situation is even worse. Even if there are more unpredictable gods, how bad can it be?

Tighten the shield and spear, recalling Murong's information.

Boone are newcomers, of course, there is no way to judge who lies more about whom.

Liu Yi is not afraid of losing, because he didn't tell the truth.

Compared with this man's imagination, Murong, who was in the rightmost row in the first row, was regretful at this time.

In the plot, they will push down the corpse mountain, directly bury the undead striker alive, and then rush up.

Now more than 200 people are clearly standing in front of the corpse mountain, facing the charge of nearly 10,000 elite soldiers!

"Crazy! It must be crazy! This is an undead army! Persian trump card!"

Murong wailed in his heart, and he didn't want to have all kinds of unreasonable phenomena in the plot after artistic processing.

The decision made by the king is obviously correct, including him, which Spartan is not experienced a hundred battles!

There is no vision of ground vibration this time, but it makes the soldiers hold their weapons tighter!

Although the chaotic charge is fierce, in fact, it does not even consciously force its steps and deliberately steps out of a neat pace, which is simply a waste of physical strength.

The undead army seems to be slow and fast, but in fact, it moves as one, cunningly and unpretentious.

"This is a strong enemy!"

General said to himself, Liu Yi bent his legs and was ready to attack!

The undead army is not a miscellaneous card, and resistance does not work at all. In order to pursue killing, they all carried two knives and held martial arts in wartime!

If there is a team of heavily armored cavalry, it will definitely become a nightmare for the undead army.

Sparta has no cavalry, but they can burst out the impact of knights!


Red and black two colors meet, black torrent, red rock reef.

Liu Yi stabbed out like a horn, suddenly bringing a big bloody rain!

The former Spartan army completely integrates with the undead army!

The rear column is lined up in a shield array, advancing while covering for the front army.

The front row is full of people who have experienced hundreds of battles and elites. They stand like a long knife and begin to rush forward, tearing the undead formation along the way for the comrades behind them to harvest.

The casualties continue to expand, and the ace army is eventually the trump card, and even many fallen "corpses" will suddenly cheat and die together with unexpected warriors!

Murong cried. The first time he looked at him, he thought he was dead, but now he is hanging on a stone on the cliff and crying.

The otaku career has cultivated "perseverance" and "perseverance" and easily collapsed in the face of a real crisis.

Overlooking the rugged reef under his feet, the sea was blowing, and Murong had no doubt that if he accidentally fell down, he would be smashed to pieces.

He doesn't hate the "comrade-in-arms" who kicked him away behind him. He knew that those people looked down on him at all and thought he was in the way.

In fact, he was indeed abscess at that time. Everyone else was moving forward, and he just shrank back.

He doesn't hate, but he doesn't have a deep sense of righteousness. He really doesn't have enough strength, and fear occupies all consciousness.

And he also knew that if he hadn't hung here by chance, he would have been dismembered by the group of blue-faced fangs.

At a glance, he finally saw the strength of the senior and understood the gap between himself and the other party and the enemy.

He can't help at all in this war.

Murong is extremely depressed, and this mood is now also behind fear.

The shouting was particularly sparse, and the two groups of people on the cliff seemed to be cold machinery.

For a long time, a sudden and messy roar came. Murong listened, as if he remembered something and began to try his best to climb up.

One after another fell, including Persians and Spartan warriors.

Murong gritted his teeth and roared repeatedly to awaken the power contained in his body!


Once you work hard, then you will decline, and then you will be exhausted!

A shock comparable to horsepower does not mean that infantry can replace cavalry.

Moreover, more than 200 people charged towards nearly 10,000 elite soldiers. Just this plane, I'm afraid that even the heavy armored iron riders are not so powerful.

It was a good way to enter the Chinese army. At this time, Liu Yi looked around and raised his eyes. He had already killed red eyes and exceeded the array a lot!

wounds on his body have accumulated. If it hadn't been for the first-class rebirth talent effect, the shallow wound would have bleed very little, and he would have fallen to the ground long ago.


With an angry shout, Liu Yi's eyes were cold, did not retreat, and went to the battle flag alone.

Even if it is close to the Chinese army, the flying banner is 100 meters away, and the winding troops of tens of thousands of people are too long.

With this body several times more sensitive than ordinary people, comrades-in-arms have more gains later.

In the past, a few ups and downs would have been killed. At this time, there was no way to jump.

I'm afraid that before it falls, it will become a sieve.

Even Liu Yi, who has the strongest comprehensive combat power, needs to rely on roars to support the power. You can imagine how much the situation has deteriorated in an instant!

The reinforcements standing on the pile of corpses overlooking the war situation have long been frightened and have forgotten their duties.

The shield array composed of Spartan warriors was once washed back by the undead army, and even King Leonid had to retreat to the array in confusion.

Liu Yi didn't know that he was the only one who was still fighting in blood and trying to break the army!

Far away in the dense forest, Dasos, who led the elite 100-person team of reinforcements, was too late to issue an order to attack. In fact, except for a small number of the soldiers around, half of them showed fear!

These farmers, even if they have some skills, lack the courage of warriors. Let them fight a good fight. Such a decline, how dare they dare to enter the battle? They are not as good as women.

Another camel who led the cannon fodder response saw Liu Yi, who entered the Chinese army alone, and his eyes were cracked!

He is ugly, his blood turns into boiling oil, and his eyes are covered with blood.

Hate looked in the direction of the reinforcements. He should have waited for the order, but only his father's teachings were left in his heart!

"Those who treat you sincerely will be rewarded with their lives!"

The greater the physiological defect, the more extreme the mentality is. This kind of extreme is not necessarily limited to the bad aspects. It only depends on the nature and the opportunities!

Afiati was once lucky to have his parents who loved him deeply, and then he was lucky to meet Liu Yi.

At this time, he gasped and decided to repay this sincereness with his life!