Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 54 Rich

Liu Yi doesn't quite understand the meaning of "impulse" and why Zero is worried.

Of course, adventure is not a pleasure to see. If there is no way to live, how can you not fight to the death?

The awkward atmosphere did not last long, and the harvest season should always be full of pleasure, not to the greatest harvest and the rest of life have already been included in the bag!

Liu Yi looked at a large list in front of him and was glad to live alone. He was soon dazzled by a variety of goods.

Strengthening, props, resources, luxury, and all kinds!

Liu Yi doesn't know what he can exchange at the master's place, and he thinks it's probably richer than this.

He is satisfied with the status quo, at least not like those reincarnation warriors who live in a world of fear and danger all day long, and he will die one day.

Although he has passed a trial, if he does it again, he doesn't have much confidence to protect himself.

"Is the 'system reserve' on the list one of them?"

Liu Yi suddenly said this, staring at his Zero and nodded silently.

I don't know that Liu Yi has seen it, or silence has a specific meaning on many occasions.

He looked at the form indifferently, directly went beyond the columns such as luxury and resources, and finally stayed on the enhanced list.

Although the tree browsing mode is very organized from top to bottom, it also seems that there is not enough strength to look closely.

Liu Yi closed his eyes and waved the arrogant list of shadows in his mind and went straight to zero.

"Help me check whether a set of skills called War Ghost Jiulian is in the collection."

This set of skills was created hundreds of years ago when a demon was on the verge of death. It is reasonable that even if the system can provide massive exchange, it will not be detailed to a set of unknown unique skills on a certain plane. However, the system eventually scans and records the husband's memory, so if the husband can, the system should also list it at that time.

Sure enough, Zero doesn't even need to blink his eyes, as if it were linked to the database and gave the answer directly.

"War Ghost Nine Refining, the system score is 66, exchange price: 200 points, requiring the host to practice by himself. If it is an advanced version, the faster and more successful it is, you need to consume more points. However, the host does not need it, and successive people have never been interested in this model. Time is much cheaper than points, at least for non-reincarnation warriors.

Zero said a few more words, but I didn't know that he was explaining or giving advice.


Liu Yi's heart moved, but his time was not cheap.

"Now this body war ghost nine training has been cultivated to the fifth turn, and I have follow-up skills. With the remnants of the evil spirit in the devil's skull, it is not difficult to break through six turns in a short period of time. So, assuming that the skill is similar to empowerment, can the price be listed separately for each layer? The system is not the master. As a host, this convenience can still be discussed.

Liu Yi moved his mind, but Zero had not yet responded. The little evil spirit in the distance suddenly flashed back and stared at him pitifully.

The devil's skull is not just a stronghold for it. If the evil spirit is destroyed, wait for the demon head to be destroyed.

Those evil spirits and death are not only the best nutrients for Liu Yi's cultivation, but also the perfect food for evil spirits.

Poorly, no matter how clever it behaves, the two just ignored it.

"Yes, the sixth layer to the seventh layer needs to consume 2,000 points, the seventh layer to the eighth layer needs 3000 points, and the eighth layer to the ninth layer needs 5000 points."

Liu Yi was stunned and stunned. I worked hard to get 3,000 points. I looked a lot. A whole set of good skills was only worth 200 points. It turned out that the really expensive place was here. No wonder Zero previously said that few previous hosts were interested in the crash mode. Sure enough, only the reincarnation that hovers on the edge of life and death all day long lacks the most time and has no time to understand strange methods.

He is very different from those reincarnations, and he has more than ten years of martial arts literacy.

"Forget it, when I didn't ask."

With a smiley expression, Liu Yi resolutely rejected the quick**.

"Well, now help me check whether there are Dan pills that can accelerate the cohesion of mana in the exchange of props, not the so-called high-end goods in secular sects. You know what I mean."

Quick, Liu Yi thought about how fast it was, just changed the angle.


Zero's answer is as expected, and the system is all strange.

"Longsheng elixir: Zhongpin Xuandan, there is a chance that the practitioner and mage will forcibly break through the boundary and ignore the barrier. The higher the strength, the greater the failure may be. It can be swallowed repeatedly. Exchange price: 2000."

"Du Erdan: the next-grade elixir, the fate of the service is inviolable, the catastrophe is not worn out, and the heart does not move. It can greatly improve the qualification of practice within 30 days, increase the speed of practice a hundred times, and be fearless of the disaster of heaven and earth. It can be swallowed repeatedly. Exchange price: 8000.

"Hunyuansan: the best elixir, light and healthy, intelligent and intelligent, enlightened and intelligent. It can greatly improve the speed of thinking and reconcile the air pulse within seven days. It can be swallowed repeatedly. Exchange price: 800.

"Psychic grass: the next elixir, which slightly enhances the basic quality and qualification of the body, is valid for seven days. Cultivators and mages can permanently add trace mana. Exchange price: 200."


More elixirs are listed, and the more expensive they are, the more magical and obvious the effect is. The cheaper it is, the more insignificant the effect is, and even basically useless.

Sure enough, speculation doesn't work at all. There is no Murong's speculation in the previous plot, which is suitable and inexpensive for reward exchange.

Under the column listed in the system, even if many things, such as poison corpse elixir, are not used by ordinary people at all, and are only used by evil monks or zombies, the price is often astonishingly high. There is nothing strange about the reincarnation world. How can you be lucky enough to hit the first prize and take advantage of the master?

Liu Yi frowned and directly put forward his own request.

"Cheap, short-term effect, or useful, and has the potential to develop higher than the exchange price."

This is basically a change of the way to say that you want to be good and cheap.

Zero blinked his eyes, swept the half-body's body in front of him, and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's true."

The system is the system, which can't be changed, only unexpected. Zero, as a guide, has given full play to his role.

"T virus, a magical RNA virus, is extremely infectious and has a medium chance of strengthening the body after injection. Failure to strengthen can consume points to cure. Exchange price: 800. Healing price: 200."

"G virus, T virus evolution version, more stable, with a higher chance to greatly strengthen the body. Failure to strengthen can consume points to cure. Exchange price: 1500. Healing price: 500.

DX-1118, a plan product of the 'black light' plan, has a certain chance to strengthen the body by a medium degree after injection. Failure to strengthen can consume points to cure. Exchange price: 2000. Healing price: 500.


Virus, virus, or virus!

Zero gives a whole list, full of virus models.

As a normal person, Liu Yi instinctively resisted the virus. At this time, when he saw zero strange eyes, he was stunned to remember that this body was no longer human!

He bowed his head and was silent for a moment. Originally, he was presevering about the spare body, but who would have expected such an ending.

"How much will the substantial strengthening be compared with me?"

Liu Yi asked in a low voice, but he had accepted Zero's suggestion.


Zero answered calmly.

Liu Yi's eyes widened, which was unbelievable.

Soon, he turned his mind and swallowed the scolding back into his stomach.

"Since the magnitude is insignificant, I think the system's relatively strengthening standard is only for ordinary people, not his first-class upper-class body."

"Looking at Zero's determination, the success rate is not a big problem for his current state."

Recommendation must be reasonable and contagious! It seems that there is only one reason left!"

Liu Yi thought of some anecdotes that the master mentioned in the past. Some evil monks used magic to spread, control a large population and serve themselves.

Virus, from a certain concept, is not a microbug!

"Is it possible that this virus does not need to be infected through injection, but injecting the original solution will improve the success rate of strengthening?"

Liu Yi asked, he didn't know anything about the T virus and X virus, but he could guess seven or eight points.

In the plane of his previous life, there is no lack of biological research in this area, but it is generally open and standardized.

Zero nodded and recognized the host's relatively fast thoughts. It's better to follow smart people than idiots.

Maybe he is too lazy to get into trouble. Maybe he has got a lot of benefits this time and is in a happy mood. Liu Yi also made him recall some "warm" past and not hesitate to open some small stoves.

When he pointed to people, Liu Yi immediately had a lot of orderly information in his mind.

Viruses, zombies, movies, novels, plots, planes...

After browsing these messages, Xiao's thinking speed is much faster than visual acceptance, and it is enough to pass a cup of tea.

Liu Yi took a breath and then spit it out.

The fallen low planes are really shocking, and at the same time, they are afraid of the strength of the zombie army!

But when he thought of his plane, he couldn't help frowning.

"Those zombies are too weak, even in special cases such as tyrants. Even the DX virus with the most potential for development, the so-called mother's nest may not be able to withstand the first-class master's best move. Even if it can infect thousands of civilians, it is not enough for the cavalry team to kill in an hour. It is too weak and too weak. Most importantly, those zombies seem to be uncontrollable.

Liu Yi said as he thought about it and said his idea directly.

Although it is more convenient to spread consciousness, as a human being, he is still used to verbal communication.

It's not surprising for Zero to look at it, as if he had known that he had this question.

"First of all, I'm glad that you are not stupid enough to ask about the infectivity of those viruses to the strong on the standard. The guys above the basic foundation period are non-human and can compete with the virus tyrant by nature. There is no doubt about their immunity.

Liu Yi also thought about this. Just like his unswerving confidence in strengthening failure, on the one hand, the zombies are naturally fearless of the malignant effects of the virus, and on the other hand, they are powerful enough.

In this way, it is ridiculous to infect a real master.

defaults to zero appreciation, and he needs to explain.

There was a sound, and his face was full of relief and quickly turned into a flat smile.

"Little guy, you are greedy, just a few thousand points. Do you still want to pull out a high-level army of undead for nothing?"

"Just like thousands of points can't make you make rapid progress, you can change your way and take advantage of it immediately."

"If you directly exchange it into strength, such as empowerment, you can reach the super first-class level at most. If it is changed to potential, there is at least a little bit to be expected.

"I imagine how long it will take you to use those rapid methods to cultivate mountain thieves and how effective it will be."

"Then, suppose you use the DX virus to infect. Although this virus is slightly less infectious than the T virus and G virus, after the infection mutation, the first-order variant can have the combat effectiveness of ordinary Spartans, and the II variant is comparable to the tyrant. Unlike lickers and special elite unit tyrants who rarely produce mutations, DX virus I and II variants can be mass-produced!"

Mass production, this is a good concept. Imagine that in the face of 800,000 third-rate masters who are not afraid of death, even if they are born strong, they will also run away from the wind. This is also the origin of the Great Tang Dynasty!

"Control! How to control it!"

Liu Yi has not been dizzy by the beautiful blueprint**. Since the system has given the exchange price of rated points, aside the potential, the restrictions must also be huge.

Zero's eyes flashed. Fortunately, the spiritual state can only barely distinguish the pupils. How to capture the eyes in detail is really difficult.

"In this aspect of control, it is dominated by the spiritual framework, plus the internal hierarchical division of the virus, just leave it to the system and me to deal with. Of course, you will have the highest level of authority."

Liu Yi stared at Zero suspiciously. What did he say? It seemed that this man was ready to be selfish.

When I think about it, I don't have anything to do with the system and zero plots, and I will be proud for the time being.

If you can really get additional control permission, it should be a benefit far beyond the exchange price.

"Yes, how to deal with it."

Liu Yi did not hesitate, and he never lacked decisiveness.

There is no need to describe which virus enhancement to choose. Zero has pointed out the system or personal recommendation in just a few words.

DX-1118, although not necessarily the strongest, did make him more satisfied.

Form switching, memory plunder, physical reproduction, blood rebirth!

These will not be obtained when the foundation is strengthened. Once the opportunity is available in the future, it can be said that there is really nothing else to ask for!

This means that his body has changed from a pure combat tool to a perfect backup, and he is on the standard. As long as he is careful, the memory and identity of others can bring benefits is definitely not as simple as in the plot!

If you are fickle, you will be invisible.


Liu Yi, who spent a full 2,000 points and returned to his spiritual state, stood side by side with Zero, looking at the huge bloody chrysalis on the ground not far away.

"This intensified movement seems to be a little bigger."

Liu Yi will not have such spiritual pronunciation skills and directly pass on his pronunciation.

Zero didn't care and stared straight at the huge meat egg, drooling. Liu Yi peeped at the back of a chill.

"It's not big, it's not big at all. This is the matrix of the mother's nest. It's better to be bigger and bigger.

Mumbled to himself vaguely, it seems that this guy has a lot of things that he has not explained clearly. Liu Yi had a plan to strengthen his body, which had been calculated by him.

"Provide me with some other enhanced options, or prop exchange. The body is in danger and must have enough self-insurance."

Looking at the powerful stand-in for a while, it doesn't mean that he is almost alive. He still wants to suffer from the idleness.

"Dangerous? How can it be dangerous?"

Zero stared at Liu Yi in surprise.

"Didn't you pay attention to the change of the transmission channel?"

Liu Yi was stunned when he heard the words, and he really forgot this.

At this moment, I thought that the original blue transmission portal had become blue and white intertwined, like two flames burning together and twisted into a frame.

"Material transmission channel: Level II. Spiritual transmission channel: Level II!"

Liu Yi was shocked and then rejoiced.

He was impatient to try to escape with a spiritual body. When he opened his eyes, it was a small wing!

The candlelight has burned out, and the room is dark.

Looking sideways out of the window, I saw the middle of the moon, it was late at night!

He was a little surprised, although he knew that the time flow rate of the two planes in the mission was different. Looking at it now, there are only one or two hours in the alien world for three days.

Listen to Changpan's long and continuous breathing next door, perceive spiritual radiation, cooperate with the facial features to receive information, and vaguely describe the picture of the compartment!

Lian Wei is protecting the law for Changpan. The little fat man seems to be asleep, but in fact he is spitting and doing his work. The first level of martial arts is the most important and dangerous.

I don't want to remind Lian Yu Changpan to practice Taoism. Anyway, the preliminary fellow practitioners can't die, and one door will be abolished in the future.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised that Lian Yu was famous and his strength did not seem to be very powerful.

Not only did he not notice the abnormality on Changpan's body, but he couldn't even feel his "peeping" at this time.

He never thought about the peculiarity of himself and Chang Pan, but regarded him as an incompetent middle-aged man.

After slandering for a while, he was free to come and go. How could he be afraid of that guy? As soon as he thought, his whole person disappeared in place.


Return to the half-face, with the body, the heart is not excited enough.

In an instant, the biggest difference between the system and the master was obscure, and Liu Yi's heart became relaxed for no reason, as if he had a lot of confidence.

The master will not exist only for whom, and although the system does not, it is obviously cultivating and favoring him.

For example, if the system gets benefits, it will not only focus on embezzling, but first enhance its survivability to the extent possible.

Although the strengthening of the system's self-talk is a little different from the initial questioning, it is also easy.

And at this time, he can use the system to reserve energy and give hints that there is still surplus, which can't help but be even more happy.

"Zero, do you think I can call the system energy to strengthen it for you?"

In the distance, he circled around the cocoon, and sometimes touched a handful, which seemed to be very cherished. Hearing the words, he immediately floated back.

"Strengthen! Strengthen it for me? Of course, has the system given you this permission?

Zero is a surprise, suspicious, and the expression is very rich. Begging for mercy, flattering, and entangling.

Liu Yi looked at him proudly and moved for a moment, as if there was another layer of understanding.

Is it that the system's opening to zero permissions is not as much as he imagined, just like he doesn't know that he has permissions at this moment.

The system is really huge and complex, and ordinary Liu Yi is too lazy to pay attention to it.

Then the information overview was called out, and Hao Ran's original level I personal authority was upgraded to level III.

The reserve energy column clearly has one-tenth of the temporary reserve energy limit!

"Is that guy really so powerful? Even the system was 'surprised' by my 'gift'.

Rexiang zhuo the feeling of almost dying at the last moment, Liu Yi shivered coldly.

Sure enough, the field of higher life is far from being able to get involved at present. The benefits are unimaginable, and the crisis coexists with it.

At this time, he scanned the guide column, and the list no longer showed the unknown, but changed immediately, showing zero simple information.

Level II permissions!

Liu Yi smiled.


Looking at Ling's scolding and disappointment, Liu Yi was extremely happy. This man used to despise himself. He didn't want to rely on his deep background and was also a coward and embroidered pillow.

Looking at the floating island floating in the sky in the distance, Liu Yi sighed.

Sure enough, reincarnation is only a means, and the system is the foundation that you can rely on!

The divine unit may be far more important than points!