Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 60 Shenzong

Surrounded by thousands of troops and horses, immortals hang arched all over the sky, holding beautiful women in their arms, and walking alone in the wilderness.

If these only look at the surface, Liu Yi is really happy, unrestrained and calm, no worse than "drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, waking up and holding a murderous sword".

Unfortunately, thousands of troops and horses just want to take him. The immortals scramble to grab him. The beauty in his arms is more terrible than the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The grass cushion in the wilderness is soft, and I always feel like walking.

Liu Yi's heart was extremely shocked, and his earlier thoughts dissipated.

This woman clearly imprisoned him with her huge spiritual power, except that the soul origin shrank into the portal and kept a corner under the protection of zero.

At this moment, he can't even break through the sky.

"Little guy, I know you have some confidence. Immortals are always different from mortals. I looked away before."

"You know, I once met a greater existence than you. He gave me a promise and went a long way."

"I've been waiting for him for many years."

"Until now, I felt a little bit of his taste on you. I know that you are not him, and you seem to come from the same place as him.

"Tell me what you want... Only then will you enter my clan!"

In the last sentence, Que Yue did not use the sound, and everyone only asked her again.

Liu Yi identified more than a dozen hosts from zero and through the system. He had nothing to do with this woman and couldn't help but be confused.

The matter of reincarnation is naturally ethereal to him, but the fairy and demons who talk nonsense can't hide it from the system.

For a moment, even he began to suspect whether the previous life, the previous life, a certain life ignored by the system, and the real one once represented a great existence?

Zero was also stunned by Que Yue's words and repeatedly traced the origin of the soul recorded by Liu Yi. Except for a small amount of insignificant, which indeed contains mysteries, and it is definitely impossible to make a complete memory, this teenager is a less qualified god.

"Unless she senses the existence of the system and her so-called 'he' is a powerful god, the woman must be crazy."

Zero is more convinced of his final judgment.

Since he and Liu Yi can still communicate through the system, it shows that Que Yue's level is not enough to understand the system!

What is the system? It is a perfect main god creation, a product of extraordinary desanctity and even supergod, which is theoretically comparable to the main plane god.

When this existence is incomplete, of course, it may be discovered and coveted by other extraordinary saints.

Queyue barely touches the eighth-order threshold, which is far from reaching that level.

There are mountains or mountains outside the mountains. For those standing on the plain, they should also look up and look up.

Liu Yi is the guy standing on the plain, still running looking at the mountain, which is not a mountaineering.

Don't say that he understands the system, even the guide whose authority is not as good as zero, often gives him an unfathomable feeling.

Liu Yi doesn't understand what Que Yue is thinking. After several confirmations, it was concluded that Que Yue was ill, and he didn't quite understand it.

He had no choice but to be relieved to keep the source and grasp the most important point.

"It's very simple for me to get started. In fact, the boy also wants to have a good teacher, but he is used to being wild and can't stand idleness.

full of nonsense and attracting public attention, Liu Yi did not understand modesty at all, and interpreted the word 'Hunren' to the extreme.

"Although I don't understand what's special about the boy, the mountain and wild people have become a popular potato. I'm lucky enough to worship Xuanmen, but the treatment should always be clear."

"One, after entering the mountain gate, the boy will never start with a handyman."

This is like going to the cottage to be a bandit. Whether to start from a young man or to serve in the first place, the courtesy is completely opposite.

It's hard to see these high-level factions. I'm afraid it's not kowtowing for a hundred years, and it depends on other people's mood.

If it were other teenagers, it would be too late to be submissive.

With a little brain, he also knows to be humble and seek benefits in a low profile.

Who is Liu Yi? In his opinion, the fate of the star king is bullshit! He is the host of the system!

He finally understood what Ling said earlier.

In the eyes of those high-ranking figures, he is a fart. In the eyes of the zero-sum system, those bigger ants are just farts! It is a great luck not to talk about the benefits of being recognized by the system. As the host of the system, if you are still submissive, your thoughts are always not smooth, and you will suffer such a heavenly opportunity!

Cultivation of immortals? Is it great to cultivate immortals? Are you big to cultivate immortals? Cultivation of immortals?

He was oppressed in every way. If it hadn't been for the help of the system, Liu Yi would only have climbed down the trajectory of fate. At this time, he held the thickest thigh and pretended to be a grandson and a virtuous disciple.

But! But the teenager standing on Hirano was lucky to be favored by the son of the cloud top!

You are not qualified to stand so high, but you have the privilege of enjoying such a wide field of vision. Don't dare to talk about overlooking, at least confront people equally!

In fact, people's lives are not pursuing higher than others and living better than others.

Liu Yi hasn't done it yet, at least he feels that he can not deceive himself. He has a system and confidence. As long as he is not self-disrespectful, he is qualified not to be the fart in anyone's eyes!

** Naked requirements, if other cases are changed, it will most of the dissatisfaction of the division.

Que Yue just smiled and didn't answer. In the distance, Jimo and Wu Lan looked at each other and immediately said loudly:

"If you enter my door wall, the position of the chief disciple of the master will be empty!"

The chief disciple of the master is not the eldest disciple of the master. The eldest disciple only indicates that he is the earliest to enter, and the chief disciple directly points to the status of the successor!

The monks were in an uproar, and Que Yue looked at Jimo with dissatisfaction. The man stared back rudely, obviously not afraid of the female demon that everyone avoided.

I don't know if she thought of something unbeautiful. Que Yue smiled, but Liu Yi clearly felt that the pressure on his arm was softer and tighter, and the wonderful feeling was replaced by piercing pain.

He frowned, but he didn't say anything.

Que Yue was very satisfied with his performance and shouted to the middle-aged Lin Qi: "Xiao Linqi, promise him."

In his daughter Baba's eyes, Lynch did not disallow it.

"It's just the chief disciple of the head. If this boy can beat me, why not give him the position of head!"

The successive heads of Shenzong have never talked about morality, but only look at the combat effectiveness.

Except for the Queyue generation, successive leaders are the best among contemporary disciples.

Xuanyuanzong does not have this rule. The chief disciple also wants to cultivate virtue, otherwise he will be dismissed. At this time, it is difficult to answer.

Liu Yi is not funny. This plot that belongs to him is not happy, and there is no reward for the mission--

Thinking of some nonsense, Liu Yi pointed to Chang Pan, and then said softly:

"Second, my friend has to get started together, and the honest hero is bothering you to help with the burial. Finally, someone in the car over there made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't have to live.

"This is all."

The conditions are not easy to drive too much. A fool is a fool, and an idiot is an idiot.

In fact, Shenzong does not seem to want to completely offend others, so Que Yue will give him face. Otherwise, there is no reason to take it away directly and sweep the whole scene with the woman's fighting power.

These requirements are really difficult for people in the world. Even if it is Xuanyuanzong, you have to think about it. However, the disciples of Shenzong acted obediently, and Liu Yi saw it clearly and expected a small matter.

For himself, in the face of thousands of troops and horses, the vassal king of the imperial court can only run away. Now hold your thigh, and there will be hatred overnight!

Sure enough, Que Yue smiled.

"You are smart."

Before she finished her voice, Lin Qijian followed her heart in the distance, and a flying sword disappeared from the void. The hundred-foot-long sword was as brilliant as the sun, and Liu Feng was submerged in an instant!

Thousands of troops and horses were shocked, and 100,000 strong crossbows were shot at once. Que Yue only rolled the flying sleeve, and the crossbow arrow turned upside down, and the blood flowed in an instant. I don't know how many killings have been created!

The little girl hid behind the young man and dared not look more.

The faces of other sects are unbearable and gloomy.

A fight ended like this, and the angry remnants of the army were waiting to launch a general attack. There are no people in the land surrounded by clouds and clouds and flying around.

The living deputy commander looked at the chaotic troops, shot at the crossbows, and the ten pavilions went to the second pavilions, and countless people were injured.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the deputy commander caught a glimpse of the position of the coach's chariot. At this moment, there was only a deep gully that fainted.

He's done.


In just a few months, he went down the mountain and became a futile.

Chang Pan is obviously not as tenacious as Liu Yi, and he has systematic distractions. He has been addicted to sadness and depressed.

It's good to ride the sword, but it's not good to be eaten by the north wind.

Que Yue is obviously not a master who knows how to take care of people. Lynch doesn't even look at him. Most of the previous rebelliousness made him worried.

Liu Yi is not afraid of the Lord of the Divine Sect. Among other things, Que Yue's thigh looks thicker than Lynch, and he is more willing to hug.

He still looked at the two with vulgar eyes and didn't understand how the particularly gorgeous red veil was dyed.

The real strong man of the seventh and eighth levels, the sword light flicks a hundred miles, and I don't know how many sound barriers are broken.

There are two major burdens, Liu Yi and Chang Pan, but several people have to suppress their speed, which is much faster than the best horse.

Liu Yi and Que Yue ride together, Lynch with his daughter, and the young man carries Chang Pan on his back.

If you want to say that this treatment is still good, under the premise of not knowing the truth, beautiful women are always eye-catching, aren't they?

Liu Yi did not dare to make distracting thoughts fly, just like an old monk.

This woman has been monitoring him mentally, of course, much milder and stricter than Lynch's unreasonable and violent invasion.

Carefully communicated with Zero for a moment, confirmed that it was okay for the time being, and told him to keep an eye on the source of his soul and be ready to transmit it at all times.

was drowsy, and Liu Yi actually fell asleep on Queyue's shoulder.

Hibernation, since he got off the mountain, he has abandoned this habit and replaced it with out of his body or practice.

Que Yue frowned, the warm breath came from her ear, and the teenager snored slightly, and she couldn't help but be a little annoyed.

However, looking at the previous observation, no matter in the face of thousands of troops and horses, or the power of the sect, the teenager has always been happy and fearless, as if he is looking at the world.

Such arrogance was to be criticized by the moral master, but Que Yue pressed to wake up his mind and released some real elements to protect the teenager.

Maybe he really comes from that place, the place he always wants to focus on.

The people in that place may be so arrogant, arrogant and arrogant.

Que Yue thought about it, and there was a trace of warmth on her face, which soon disappeared.

Along with Lin Qi's sword light, the little girl always looked back curiously at Liu Yi, which made Lin Qi frown.

This man instinctively doesn't like any immortals or Xingjun. If he according to his ideas, such variables will naturally cut the account with one sword, so as not to ruin the big deal.

He has great talent and he has the ability to resist heaven.

Unfortunate, the Presbyterian Association unanimously decided to welcome the entry of Xingjun, and the appearance of the moon also made it taboo.

That woman has always represented the inside of Shenzong, and another force that makes him afraid and is not used by him!

Shenzong is aggressive, and its pure combat effectiveness is not even inferior to the four major areas. However, the interior of Shenzong has never been monolithic.

The more aggressive people are, the less they will succumb to the rules. Lynch belongs to this kind. After becoming the suzerain, he understood the deep meaning of another sentence: no rules, no circle!

In Liu Yi, he saw that he was only stubborn, arrogant and not obedient.

If this kind of disciple grows up, it will be another month!

I silently thought about how to deal with my daughter's inexplicable affection for that boy. Fortunately, the child is still young and can't talk about love, otherwise it will be another trouble.

From Liu Yi's lack of respect for him, under the appearance that he seems to appreciate the teenager, an idea can't help germinate!

He wants to unify the Taoist world. He has great talent. He is less than half a hundred, and he is already a master!

There is no room for any variables in his plan!

I don't know how many days and nights have passed, and Liu Yi has been immersed in half asleep and half awake. Sometimes he is sober, and at most he will make fun of Zero.

The far north pole, the sky is dark and white, people wake up and sleep, the cold wind has never hit, and the snow scene in his eyes makes him relaxed and happy.

Chang Pan seems to be sick. Fortunately, the young man combed Zhenyuan for him, but it was not a big problem.

Liu Yi did not know that his sleepiness was actually some kind of Zhenyuan's comfort, and in Lynch's eyes, he suddenly became more sure of an idea and became more annoyed.

Zero found an abnormality and was a little surprised.

Humanized thinking makes people not remind, but secretly move under Queyue's eyelids.

The portal opened again and again inside Liu Yi's body, and a drop of medicine, made by his mother's nest, kept blending into his flesh and blood!

Ruling told Liu Yi that the portal that can be opened anywhere in the three-foot radius by default is never just a little bit of transmission.

With the strengthening of the channel, even——

That's a tearing space!

The most indispensable thing in the world is talents, and the talents once collected by the system are all earth-shaking demons. From a certain point of view, the system is already the biggest evil, and it is better for the development of its own capabilities.

And zero, even if the memory is chaotic, it will often have strange ideas, some of which are amazing, and some of which make people cry and laugh.

Queyue found that when the teenager was sleeping, his body began to strengthen independently, as if he could practice his skills while sleeping.

She did not say anything, but blocked Lynch's perception many times.

Near the mountain gate, she put a small decorative mirror into Liu Yi's body in front of Lynch.

This scene immediately attracted Lynch's anger, which was obviously to rob people from him.

Liu Yi was unconscious. Ling secretly took away the mirror and soon quietly sent it back.

The teenager had a rare dream. In his dream, he saw a wonderful kingdom of heaven, full of happiness, glory and solemnity.

This is the kingdom of God, just like the picture of zero used to deceive Lynch.

He sat there, overlooking the Holy Spirit.

He sat there, staring at the world.


"Have you arrived?"

Liu Yi rubbed his eyes, and a big dream was memorable.

In front of you is a frozen snow valley, surrounded by staggered glaciers, all wrapped in silver.

The icicles rose from the ground and arched the middle of the dangerous peaks behind the valley.

The strange valley is like an abyss, and the floating white gradually becomes gloomy.

The dangerous peaks pass through the sky and overlook the snowfield.

The peak and abyss, next to the edge, can't accommodate the ground.

And the earth that should be heavy is only narrow, like a pontoon bridge, laying dangerous situations.

The trapezoidal valley, with Wanzhang Shenfeng as the source, radiates towards the south.

Behind Tongtianzhu Peak, there are no continuous mountains, just like knives and axes carved, chopping and casting back cliffs!

From afar, the mountain road will not be easy to walk.

Even if the southern side of the mountain is the slowest, facing the abyss, I'm afraid it will be 70 or 80 degrees steep.

Liu Yi was stunned and never thought that the Shenzong Mountain Gate was located in this ghost place.

It is amazing to look at a dangerous scene in nature.

Thinking of living on it in the future, God knows when the towering huge peaks will fall!

Walking to the entrance, Liu Yi couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

At the right time, several people fell, and the glaciers around like arch moon and stars began to move like living creatures. Liu Yi looked into the distance and saw that the mountain protection array was activated and sealed the mountain gate!

Looking up and looking up at the icicle light blue peak, even the only dangerous path leading to the only mountain path is covered with solid ice. I really doubt if I will accidentally fail!

After swallowing his saliva with difficulty, several masters of Shenzong were obviously satisfied with Liu Yi's expression and did not take panic.

This is the pride shared by all Shenzong people. This land, the eternal snowy field, naturally leads to such a desperate situation.

Shenzong Mountain Gate, claimed to be more stable than Penglai Island, stands in the highest place on the continent and overlooks the abyss!



The ground began to shake, and some broken ice fell into the bottomless canyon. The seemingly fragile suspension bridge was stable, but the obviously inhuman beast roar came from the bottomless darkness, which was still frightening.

Liu Yi took a deep breath and quietly retreated a few steps. The gentleman did not stand under the dangerous wall.

Chang Pan had been scared to death for a long time and hid behind the elegant youth.

Seeing that several masters are expressionless, Liu Yi is not good at stage fright. He stands beside Que Yue, facing bottomless darkness, and is the first to be the brunt!

"Xiaobai! Xiaobai!"

The girl jumped up behind her, and Liu Yi's heart was slightly different.

A hot wind suddenly rolled out of the abyss, and many ice crumbs surged like fountains. For a moment, the sky turned out to be white flocs!

The white shadow flashed and roared, and Liu Yi couldn't help but be shocked and stepped back a few steps.

Take a close look. In the snow and dust, there is a huge white velvet monster!

Three feet high, seven feet long, like a lion like a tiger, dragon claw whip tail, like a unicorn with claws pulled out scales and inserted hair!

The blood-red beast's eyes are full of fierce light. The nose covered with thick fluff keeps gasping like boiling steam.

Liu Yi was blown by the non-snorting but particularly hot breath, and unconsciously staggered another step.

The girl ran up happily, pulling the long hair on the monster's legs and affectionate condolences.

The monster also lay down and lowered his head to hug the girl. His blood-red eyes showed humanized admiration.

Liu Yi looked at the two figures in front of him. I'm afraid that the monster can swallow more than a dozen girls in one bite. Now he behaves like a puppy, which can't help but surprise.

This divine sect has a deep background!

He thought so.