Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 80 Hundred Ghosts at Night

The test flight of Teng Jun and his wife obviously died with silence.

Liu Yi has long felt that the two people have hidden something. One is inexplicably panicked, and the other is slightly annoyed.

At this time, he took Mo Qian out, and the bodyguards were still standing outside, but looked around in panic.

Liu Yi was surprised, but in the blink of an eye, as if the whole house had undergone unknown changes as the night fell!

The wall attached to the sound insulation board is magnificent and yellow, mottled and gray.

Liu Yi stretched out his hand and brushed towards the wall, and the cold and hard touch of the rock came clearly!

The three-room parallel corridor seems to have no end at this moment.

The gorgeous old chandelier is replaced by older wall decorations, and you can faintly see drops of wax oil solidified.

I don't know where the dim light came in, and my vision began to blur more than ten meters away.

When the bodyguards saw Liu Yi, they seemed to have found the backbone. Only the bodyguards B and Li Kui scanned both sides vigilantly and silently protected Liu Yi behind them.

"Master and Miss Teng, you'd better stay in the room. I'll send someone to check it first. It doesn't look safe here!"

Liu Yi doesn't say anything, and fools know that such a strange scene is not safe.

He pushed open the door behind him, pointed to his fingers, and smiled:

"I don't think it's safe there!"

Everyone looked at the room, but saw that it was still a girl's boudoir. The four walls were full of rusty shackles and hanging chains. In the middle, a sarcophagus was facing the door, covered with a cover, which was chilling!

Mo Qian said "ah" and hid behind Liu Yi with her bag on her back.

Even the bodyguards couldn't help taking a step back. Only then did they remember their duty and protect Liu Yi in the middle.

Li Kui signaled the other four people to be optimistic about their employers and dared to break in with guns.

The bodyguards' obviously panicked eyes could not hide others, so Liu Yi reminded them:

"Xiao Li, that thing doesn't work well."

Including Li Kui, several people looked at him inexplicably.

Liu Yi pointed to the pistol in Li Kui's hand and shook his head.


Everyone is obviously still at a loss. If modern people want to accept that kind of helplessness in this environment, the language is undoubtedly pale.

Li Kui smiled and obviously misunderstood something.

"Teng Shao, when it comes to engineering research, I'm not as good as you. If you want to shoot a gun, you can't compare with me."

This is half joking and half serious.

Bodyguards are also human beings, people with high psychological quality. It is rare to encounter this kind of change without being in a hurry.

Li Kui stopped in place, pointed a gun at the sarcophagus, and smiled, "This damn thing is not as good as my baby!"


Li Kui pulled the trigger, and then--

Nothing happened!


Everyone was stunned again.

"Ha, it's stuck!"

One person laughed and his voice trembled a little, but others listened with relief.

Only Li Kui put away his revering, cold face, reset the insurance, and pulled the trigger again!

K! Ka!

Apart from Li Kui's pale face, the four bodyguards also kept debugging firearms. Unfortunately, the sharp weapon that had been tried many times became a cold iron block!

"Damn it!"

A man hit the gun on the ground angrily, and his mood seemed to be out of control.

Liu Yi always stared at the sarcophagus, and he was sure that there must be something hidden in it.

Sure enough, when everyone was in turmoil, the coffin lid weighing more than 100 catties rumbled!

"Come back!"

Liu Yi shouted, and Li Kui has returned first.

Looking at the cold sweating people, Liu Yi scolded again: "Is it possible that you can only use guns!"

Although the five people are not professional soldiers, they are finally world-class bodyguards, and their skills are no less than special forces.

In particular, Li Kui, who seems to be young, once worked as a mercenary on the border of China. Although his discipline is looser, he kills people without blinking.

I saw him squat down a little, pulled up*, and was eager to have a try.

"Go! Get out of here!"

Liu Yi was not afraid of several people's reaction and immediately issued orders.

At this time, a gray and dry palm was stretching out from the gap of the open sarcophagus, with a coffin board, as if to lift it.

The smell of rottenness comes out, with the smell of dusty mildew.

The atmosphere became obviously solemn. Except for Li Kui, who was calm, the others began to gasp and be hysteria.

said that he is a first-class bodyguard. After all, he hasn't seen much blood. When he encounters such a strange scene, he is still useless.

It's a slight pity that several former SRT members didn't come, which is the real elite.

Fortunately, the remnants of the superior are still there, and his orders are also in line with the wishes of several people.

Seven people, hurried footsteps, began to retreat in the direction of the stairs!

It was only a few steps away, but I couldn't see the end at all.

The dark corridor seems to devour everything, and the unknown fear is always better than the known crisis.

"What the hell is that!"

One of the bodyguards asked tremblingly. After the anger, the impulse did not exist.

If Liu Yi hadn't stopped it, a few people, like Li Kui, wanted to try the weight of that thing, or simply deceived their fragility, just an illusion.

After that, these people turned blue again, and they had no courage except for the responsibilities they barely remembered.

Everyone turned their eyes to Liu Yi, but Li Kui, who was the first, never looked back.

Of course, Liu Yi didn't know what it was, but he had to look confident at this time. Fortunately, he knew that there were always more than these bodyguards.

"Have you ever played online games?"

Liu Yi asked, even Mo Qian was stunned, and Li Kui, who was exploring the way in front of him, was slightly stunned.

"Do you think the monsters that have appeared recently are very similar to the monsters in the game?"

This sounded ridiculous and childish, and several bodyguards showed mockery. However, on second thought, they couldn't say anything sarcastic. Facts are better than eloquence.

"How can this be~"

The person who asked the question before was powerless to mutter.

Liu Yi smiled and trotted and patted him on the shoulder.

"So, how to explain the drastic changes in the environment, the leopards running around the streets, and the 'zombie' that have just been taken~"

Liu Yi said this, obviously trying to mislead several people's minds in another direction, but sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"Zombies? If only it were."

Of course, he will not tell everyone that he has fallen into a supernatural scene at this time, which is more terrible than traveling through the face of Warcraft.

Which is a warcraft or a zombie, well-known in game movies can always be destroyed by physical means.


Liu Yi turned around and stared at the dark corridor, protecting Kimos. He was the most safe of the few people, but he also felt depressed.

His explanation was barely accepted by several others. It seems that the young bodyguards are also quite happy to fantasize about YY in their spare time.

Mo Qian, who followed him closely, suddenly stuffed a stack of rune paper. Liu Yi silently hid in his sleeve and accepted this.

"As long as I survive tonight, I can release some simple spells before sunrise tomorrow!"

Mo Qian's voice came quietly. Liu Yi heard the words and felt the increasingly loose spiritual seal.

didn't promise anything. Since he signed the contract, he didn't mind helping the girl if possible.

In ten days, multiple partners are better than being alone. Moreover, legal professionals have an obvious advantage in such plots. The damage effect of elemental energy on resentment is obviously better than swords.

At this time, Li Kui suddenly leaned over and said mysteriously:

"Teng Shao, you lied to them."

His voice was very low, separated from a short distance and fiercely quarreling, and did not care about his small movements.

Maybe it is to strengthen persuasion, or to be afraid that Liu Yi will not understand what he means.

"Teng Shao, I just saw a lot of rune paper pasted in Miss's room."

"Moreover, I occasionally hear some rumors around Director Ma. It is said that Teng Shao and several others have been secretly carrying out some improper experiments."

Li Kui's voice is quiet, and this eight-foot man is secluded.

Liu Yi's eyes swept away like electricity, and Li Kui smiled and didn't care.

"Teng Shao, I mean no harm. In this world, there are many distinct black and white. Even if there are sacrifices to contribute to science, it should be done.

"I mean, since Teng Shao has had research in this area for a long time, he must have experience. I, Li Kui, am not very good at it, and I also know how to judge the situation~"

It's so obvious that Liu Yi felt that this person was a little interesting.

Pretend to take out a few paper charms from the coat pocket and quietly handed them over. Liu Yi didn't say anything. Everything was silent.

Mo Qian saw it behind him and curled her lips, but it was the cheapest "exorcive charm".

Li Kuiru, who got a heavy treasure, secretly hid and glanced at Liu Yi's pocket, which was very hot. Of course, he was quickly suppressed by reason.

He gave Liu Yi an ambiguous look, as if to say, "You know."

Liu Yi nodded, but scolded Teng Jingxuan half to death in his heart.

To say that this guy is also really careless, as if everyone knows that he is a pervert.

There is no secret about this kind of thing, at least for close people and superiors.

No wonder Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Teng looked at him with inexplicable eyes and seemed to be very worried.

He understood the so-called "inspiration" dictated by Marcau with ordinary people's thinking.

At this time, I'm afraid that it's not the tiring crimes that have been committed, and the director of the world will help wipe his buttocks behind his back.

Maybe in the eyes of those superiors, ordinary people's lives are like grass, and they are afraid that their children will go astray.

At this time, there was no time for him to associate. Liu Yi's right hand was inserted in his pocket, and his palm suddenly became hot!

A few "spiritual charms" burned silently, and the light and slight heat were blocked by the velvet cloth.

His pupils obviously began to contract, and he looked behind him coldly!

"Kimos! "Kimos!"

Liu Yi exclaimed in his heart that the devil, who was still safe in the pet space, lost contact again.

He only felt that the bodyguards behind him were getting farther and farther away. Obviously, he had stopped walking. Those people were moving forward, but their bodies were retreating!

Li Kui in front of him also found something abnormal and looked at the four unknown colleagues.

Mo Qian felt that Liu Yi held her left hand and was obviously tight.

Just as the four bodyguards were about to disappear into the darkness, they looked up together, as if they had been prompted to find something at the same time.

Liu Yi could see several people shouting, but he couldn't hear them clearly.

Behind the four people, the strong ink suddenly turned into a ferocious grimace, and the long tongue swallowed them all in their mouth with only one roll!

"Illusion? True?"


With no time to think, Liu Yi roared, picked up Mo Qian and ran forward.

Li Kui reacted faster than him and opened the way with a pale face for a long time.

While running, Mo Qian, who was held by his backhand, desperately sprinkled paper charms on the back.

Bang! Bang! Crack! Hiss!

Similar sounds kept ringing in Liu Yi's ear, proving that what he saw was not just an illusion.

A large amount of rune paper may burn or burst, but unfortunately it has not had the effect it should have. Before the huge grimace, there seemed to be some kind of barrier that blocked all attacks, and there was no sign of stopping.

After all, the number of runes is limited. In less than three minutes, Liu Yi began to breathe, and Mo Qian's movements suddenly stopped!

Liu Yi turned back flawlessly, with a calm face, scattered the weak spiritual field, and his backhand was a thunder bead!


The whole dark passage suddenly lit up and soon darkened again!

The power of blasting seems to be suppressed by some rules, which is not as violent as imagined, but Mo Qian watched and watched, breaking the power of evil and real thunder, and really hit the target!

In front, Li Kui obviously slowed down and looked back at an incomprehensible scene.

Even Mo Qian was stunned. Seeing the grimace that had been bullied nearly ten meters, her long tongue almost licked her face and was blown out directly!

"How can the power of Lei Zhu be so great!"

As one of the more popular consumable props, she certainly knows the power of Leizhu. It is because it is unsatisfactory that it has never been exchanged for backup.

Liu Yi is also too lazy to explain what transformation is.

He pulled up his leg and ran wildly, directly past Li Kui, clearly knowing that he had not made a contribution to a blow.

The detection of mental power is much more useful than vision in supernatural scenes.

Unfortunately, the seal was only loose and not damaged. The weak spiritual power released has begun to decline, and Liu Yi has to put away the weakened version of the spiritual field.

He really had no idea about that persistent resentment. The only weakness is that it is not strong enough.

This is good. As the rules change, it becomes powerful. It doesn't seem to lie directly on your back, but it is still tenacious.

Liu Yi couldn't help palpitations and hurriedly glanced back. Seeing the resentment that focused on the wholeheartedness, it seemed to be small, and he really caught up again.

The creep in his heart was replaced by ridiculousness. He didn't know how many times he felt that the picture was false.

The smile is slightly distorted when the face solidifies.

Mo Qian panicked and tossed props from his bag. At that time, a door next to the corridor suddenly opened together, and Liu Yi immediately stopped!

Looking back, there is no trace of the grimace.

Li Kui ran to Liu Yi with an ugly face and was slightly hostile.

A few meters before and after, all the doors are open. From afar, there is a sense of staggering.

Liu Yi put down Mo Qian, forced his spirit, walked forward, walked to the door, and suddenly stopped!

He looked at one side, and in his eyes, he suddenly shot out a ball of fine light, but the next moment he seemed to be devoured by some kind, humming, and his eyes were bleeding.

The other two didn't know why, so they came to Liu Yi's side!

However, the whole passage suddenly opened, and the two opposite rooms, behind the open door, what is the bedroom? It is clearly a whole mosaic perfect mirror!

At this time, when I looked forward, I could faintly see that there were countless mirrors lined up in front of me. Looking back, a wooden door opened strangely disappeared.

The world in the mirror is stacked, and the figures of the three people are overlapping towards the depths, like privates queuing up for the unknown.

Liu Yi's face was a little pale, with blood and tears hanging at the corners of his eyes, quite sad.

Mo Qian was not afraid and held the corner of his clothes tightly.

Li Kui, who was once a mercenary, lost color in his eyes and walked to the flash of a mirror like a puppet.

After three breaths, Liu Yi can suppress the restless spiritual power.

Mo Qian was inexplicably panicked and stared at Li Kui.

The man suddenly exclaimed and returned to his soul, but he seemed to see some horrible scene and retreated repeatedly!

At this time, the world in the mirror changed again, and the repeated three-person mirror images were like living creatures, looking at the people outside the mirror.

Mo Qian didn't have time to retreat and was pulled by Liu Yi.

Li Kui, who retreated to the other side of the mirror, suddenly felt a chill in his waist. He lowered his head and saw a pair of pale arms and hugged him!


The scream sounded, and the five-three-year-old man was dragged into the mirror.

The clear-level mirror seems to be inverted the next moment, and through a heavy mirror image, it becomes a bottomless abyss!

About ten fingers, with a bang, a pile of flesh and blood appeared in the mirror, clinging to the mirror.


The mirror cracked and the plasma overflowed!


The exploded lens seemed to be overwhelmed with glass, breaking all over the ground.

Behind the mirror, there is actually a secret room, which is different from the prison room seen at the beginning, and there seems to be a ladder going down in the middle.

Liu Yi glanced at the mirror on the other side, reflecting the world no longer overlapping.

However, in the empty secret room, there is obviously only a rotten coffin in the middle, and there are no stairs.

Obviously, Mo Qian also saw this mirror image and did not dare to walk towards the indoor ladder at all.

At this moment, countless mirrors on both sides disappeared, and the long corridor fell into darkness, with only the only stone room left, as well as the mirror world opposite.

Countless black hairs come from the left and right darkness at the same time!

Mo Qian panicked. This scene looked like inviting you into the urn. The mirror on the right reflected the scene in the secret room on the left.

The scarlet old coffin, half of the red paint has fallen off, and the coffin is open, which is reminiscent.

I don't know whether the corridor is trembling or the world in the mirror is trembling, and the coffin in the mirror is clearly shaking!

"What to do!"

Mo Qian wanted to cry without tears, and Liu Yi picked her up!

"Do it!"

That gloomy feeling, like a real resentment, doesn't look like an illusion. Liu Yi can't afford to gamble at all, and he can't gamble!

He even doubted whether he was always staring at his evil spirit and pestering Teng Jinxuan before!

Forced not to look at the world in the mirror, Liu Yi took three steps and two steps to cross the remains of Li Kui, who was vague and barely left with clothes that could identify himself.

The stairs were right in front of him, and the world in the mirror was Liu Yi holding a person and ran directly to the coffin.

He seemed to hear the cold laughter behind him, some disdain, some pride, some cruel, more pure evil thoughts.

"Please enter the urn?"


Liu Yi was indifferent and looked directly at the long and endless ladder, as if leading to the bottomless abyss.

On his side face, he saw countless seaweed-like black hairs rushed into the house, and in the huge mirror opposite the door, two helpless people stood in front of a rotten coffin!

Without hesitation, Liu Yi walked downstairs. What he saw did not represent the coffin of death, but vitality!


The expected staircase panic did not happen. It seemed to be a long dark staircase, but after turning four times, it went down to the bottom.

The bottom is not the expected hell or a huge cave, but another secret room with an open door and a slight starlight.

With a sigh of relief, the scenery outside is not very gloomy, but a little quiet.

Mo Qian was put down by Liu Yi. At this time, she still held the corner of the young man's clothes tightly and refused to let go.

After all, the contract only stipulates that they cannot attack each other and help each other to a limited extent, without forcing unilateral protection.

Liu Yi doesn't care about the girl's thoughts. This kind of scene should have cooperated.

Since he is willing to accept useless bodyguards, let alone give up a senior, she is much more useful than the plot character.

The two walked out of the secret room and looked at the huge garden in surprise, as if they had crossed into the magical time and space.

Looking back, I could only see an isolated stone house with nothing in the room, let alone stairs.

The evil blood moon hangs high in the air, and the sparse stars try their best to resist the erosion of blood.

The dark red moon does not make the tranquil environment more difficult, but makes people feel romantic.

Mo Qian let go of Liu Yi, took a deep breath of fresh air, and walked towards a short bud obsessively for the rest of her life.

Liu Yi frowned and vigilantly expelled some kind of inexplicable relaxation that appeared in his mind, and his weak spiritual energy gathered in his eyes.

There were bursts of tingling in his eyes. Obviously, he just tried to break the world in the mirror and hurt his vitality.

But now the situation is unpredictable, but Liu Yi has to concentrate again!

It seems to have lifted a layer of fog, satisfied with the vision of the current situation, and quietly changing!

The strange blood moon still scatters scarlet light like that, but this time, there is no romance of red wine, but a fishy wind on the face!

The pond has become a rotten swamp, and the fish are facing the human face and opening their teeth.

The trees rise from the ground, the green leaves wither, and the dark branches are exposed, just like old people who are about to enter the earth!

The grass turned into scorched earth, and the flowers disappeared. Instead, it was a bone hand that broke through the soil!

A low fruit tree condenses into cracked tombstones.

Liu Yi grabbed Mo Qian, just before she was caught by the bone hand!

The earth began to shake, and the stone house behind it pulled out into a huge castle.

Liu Yi looked back and felt cold. Behind the ancient castle and countless open windows, one ghost after another appeared!

The corners of his eyes twitched and clenched his fist!