Taoyuan Shentu

Chapter 110 Raid

The total destruction of ten scout teams, although there is a reason for the failure of high-level command.

However, the signs of mass extinction in just a quarter of an hour indicate that the situation they have to face is far worse than the worst situation expected!

In particular, the special team led by James can squeeze into the top ten even among the hundreds of subordinate teams in the supernatural situation!

It can be said that in addition to the "secret weapons" hidden in the dark, this team has represented the most cutting-edge power of the supernatural situation!

Total destruction! That's not right, and one escaped back!

Taishan, who came back, completely conveyed James's last words to Shangfeng.

What is waiting for him is not a medal of honor for heroic retreat, but a closed investigation and isolation monitoring!

Nearly a hundred, people have to doubt whether he really risked his life to retreat back as he said!

Or is it actually retreating, or even worse?

Although those situations are rare, it does not mean that there is no record!

The background of the supernatural situation is far more powerful than Liu Yi, James and others imagined. The internal structure is also much more complicated than most so-called elite warriors!

Psychic*, there is no doubt about it!

Even Liu Yi, who has been promoted to the Ghost King, has a natural spell that he has not fully understood. In the supernatural situation, there are already several meters of text file records!

Some explanations about "spiritual power" that exist in electronic confidential files, if Liu Yi sees it, he must suspect that it is another mysterious book!

The mysterious book compiled by human beings!


The aftertaste of the morning light is still hanging on the mouth. This is the third morning of Liu Yi's arrival. In terms of time limit, nearly half of the five-day survival mission has also passed!

At midnight, I couldn't wait for the expected surprise. Until dawn, H City was as silent as yesterday.

As a ghost king, Liu Yi also had to respond to the enemy's temptation!

Fortunately, this was expected.

Under the leadership of the faceless nurse, the 18 ghosts only sent two people, but more than 200 elite units sent nearly 80 people, and the people mobilized a whole 2,000!

At present, there are only more than 4,000 straight lines under Liu Yi's command!

Two thousand is half, which is just a response to the temptation!

Of course, perhaps in Liu Yi's opinion, he is a cannon fodder, a set of numbers that don't have much significance, including elite units. As long as there is enough time, it doesn't cost a lot!

Only ghost generals are the only criterion for measuring the rise and fall of power!

Two ghost generals at a time can indeed be regarded as a test, a more cautious test!

At the same time, H is the nearby city S, and ordinary citizens have begun to evacuate and evacuate under the joint arrangement of the military and government.

And those empty places are all requisitioned by mysterious forces.

Excessive helicopters began to patrol the sky, and there were also traces of armed tanks on the city trunk roads!

A team of soldiers were picked up by super airships. These strategic airships known as air carriers are all made of titanium crystal material.

Such a strong brigade, with a scale of more than 200,000, has no number!

And their costumes are obviously different from the supernatural security bureaus that are secretly active around the world!

If the supernatural security bureau focuses on the study of occultism, then this force, no matter from any aspect, seems to be the crystallization of scientific development to the extreme!

Although the supernatural security bureau claims to believe in science and technology, in fact, it still focuses on spiritual power in terms of research. Many research results flowing from its interior can be slightly known.

Even the standard equipment under the General Administration has traces of occultism, religion and oriental art.

And this unit's origin is also unknown, but its equipment is a product of cutting-edge technology, and its fantasy atmosphere is extremely strong!

High-energy particle impact gun, ion vibration cutting knife, gamma energy shield, decay guidance brake...

All are interstellar science and technology that only exist in speculation!

It is particularly noteworthy that this force has obviously received the open support of the high-level officials of China, at least China!

Just like the Paranormal Security Bureau, which belongs to the Federal General Administration, it is reasonable to carry out tasks around the world without hindrance, but because the research is too terrible and far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, there are hidden regulations to restrain its influence!

Even now, the whole city of H has fallen, and the Paranormal Security Bureau has only contacted some other official registered exorcism organizations. In the surrounding area of H, the also semi-fallen T city, has requisitioned a building as a temporary stronghold!

Compared with the attack of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the mysterious army, it is simply a small fight!

I have to say that perhaps this mysterious force with cutting-edge technology has far less combat power than the supernatural situation, and even those awakened soldiers beyond the understanding of mortals can defeat ten of these soldiers with bare hands!

But their number, their cooperation--

The killing effect of electronic pulse on the spiritual body is far less than that of psionic firearms, and even the effect can be one-fifth, so it's time to laugh!

However, under the cover of a large number of cross-formed firepower, S City, which was on the verge of falling, was completely recovered in just half an hour!

As soon as ordinary ghosts appear, they will be hit by at least ten electromagnetic pulses with varying strengths and weaknesses.

Even a small number of elite ghosts, even the only two-headed ghost general, only one understands the natural spell "Phantom" and escapes!

The situation of the whole city bureau seems to be monitored remotely. Before those big ghosts have time to exert their power, they have just killed several ordinary soldiers. Immediately, some super warriors wrapped in metal will appear and surround them with the cooperation of air firepower!

More than a dozen troop transport airships did not leave, but connected with each other in the sky and formed a huge air fortress!

A large number of individual aircraft like jet motorcycles and taxiing flying plates began to fly out of the fortress. From a distance, the whole floating fortress is like a broken honeycomb!

There is no doubt that if there are ordinary people, the visual impact of these aircraft is stronger than the previous super-edge helicopters!

After cleaning up the defeat in S City, this force did not take further action, as if it were waiting for new instructions from their superiors!

At the temporary stronghold of the supernatural bureau dozens of miles away, when they monitored the satellites of the surrounding cities and captured such a scene, the personnel of the whole research department were all boiling!

This is a slap in the face! ** Naked slap in the face! This is a demonstration from peers!


"Is this it?"

The faceless nurse buzzed and asked, her mental fluctuation was transmitted, and her voice was very dull.

Another ghost, a headless ghost, with breasts as his eyes and navel as his mouth, immediately responded obediently:

"Yes, my lord, that's it!"

I have to say that the concept of party exists everywhere, even the ghost army!

The strength of the faceless nurse, among the 18 generals under Liu Yi's command, can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches, and the headless ghost will be in the middle!

However, all those who know the origin of the faceless nurse will not despise her as long as they are a little rational!

This one is a well-deserved elder!

Although Liu Yi has never said anything, even he doesn't care about the problem of qualifications.

But those big ghosts and little ghosts have messy and sneaky thoughts.

For example, the reason why this operation is led by a faceless nurse is that her intelligence is indeed higher than that of a headless ghost, and on the other hand, it is also an instinctive inertia to trust in familiar things, so that there is no other hint.

In fact, according to Liu Yi's estimation, sending a vanguard team directly to attack the nest of the supernatural division is almost equivalent to death.

It is the greatest success to be able to find out the reality of the other party and effectively kill the new force.

As for defeating it and completely annihilating the goal, he hasn't even thought about such a good thing!

But in the eyes of other ghost generals, especially the faceless nurse herself, who can allocate nearly one-third of the elite units and half of the ordinary ghosts, and do not send more and stronger ghosts than her to form a constraint on each other, that is, ** naked trust, give exclusive power, and give them the opportunity to make contributions!

Except for Xia Ruyan, no ghost can understand Liu Yi's mind.

With the intention of "effectiveness", although it will not improve much "loyalty" because of "gratitude", the faceless nurse also sincerely wants to do things well.


The faceless nurse pondered and nodded.

"So, headless, wait a minute, you lead all the ghost soldiers, stay outside and ambush!"

"I will take the rest of the yin soldiers to investigate in person!"

Seduce the enemy and eat it!

This is the plan of the faceless nurse.

Although there is no possibility of success in this plan, except for nonsense, it is whims.

However, it is a miracle to think of "scheming" with the pitiful brain of ghosts.

Not only the faceless nurse is proud, but even the headless ghost is full of "face" worship and looking up at her.

A quarter of an hour later, in the temporary headquarters building of the Paranormal Security Bureau.

"What? Killed? Why don't you die! What do monitors eat!"

The supernatural situation is really big this time. Except for the "conspiracy" Hilot, one of the four leaders, who came to the scene in person, 88 researchers and even escorted less than 200!

After all, these people are just the advance troops of the supernatural, and the main force is still in their hometown. Even the Federal Parliament has quarreled about how many people and forces should be involved in this incident!

The arrival of Hilot is just to appease people's hearts or to express his position.

If it hadn't been for Calitastrom's overstep and issued an order to get a good start, the "conspiracy" would have been prepared to stick to it in the early stage and would never take the initiative to attack.

In the face of large-scale spiritual wave events, the supernatural bureau has always been dealt with in the same way, such as the early years of "Ghost Valley", "Devil Island", "Dead Paradise" and "Sky Disaster Cemetery". Planning and moving has always been a fine tradition of the supernatural, and it is also the tradition that Hilott himself admires the most!

Although Calitastro's performance made Hilot very dissatisfied and really lost his team of elites, it didn't make him feel in crisis!

Hilot's own strength is not mentioned, but his strength reaches the elite team of James' team, and there are six teams under his command alone. The two teams are open to the public and are the sharp knives for organizations to eradicate evil spirits. The four teams acted secretly, and they were his personal guards and confidants!

This time, he brought half of the escort and mobilized James and others to accompany him!

Just like Liu Yi only cares about the lives of his ghost generals and elite units. In Hilot's eyes, these psionic awakening warriors are the only ones worth caring about!

So Hilot was still very annoyed by the total annihilation of James' team. Not only annoyed with Caritastro's overstepping command, but also annoyed the muscular idiot who failed to live up to his expectations!

He has already told James that he is in danger to save his life! But every time the Jedi, that idiot always rushes to the front with the team!

Compared with ordinary elite warriors, the training of awakened warriors is much more difficult. So any loss is heavy for a leader like Hilot!


Just as researchers speculated about the origin of the mysterious troops, Hilot's face was black, obviously knew something inside, and he was in a very bad mood.

Godfather Tronson, who temporarily took over the security of the whole building, loudly scolded his disgraced subordinates!

A large number of ghosts killed directly to the third floor, and his subordinates rewarded him!

He even doubted that if the spiritual water with the characteristics of the headquarters had not been sprayed on the walls of the building, he would have to wait for those evil spirits to hit the boss before these waste subordinates would know the reward!

The defense personnel of the building are also compromised. God knows where such a large group of evil spirits come from. They all have "powers" (natural spells), which is not comparable to ordinary ghosts at all!

This kind of super ghost is usually dealt with by super warriors, or ordinary team captains and deputy team-level figures!

The warriors who followed Hilot's leader this time, except for three teams of psionic awakeners, are all ordinary teams.

Due to last night's aggressive entry, nearly half of the manpower was lost!

In this way, the whole building is more than 20 floors, and the lower 10 floors are almost undefinable!

Those automatic psionic traps can't stop those fierce gods at all!

If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and ran early, I'm afraid he would have become the fierce food like those colleagues!

If you want to say that this person is also an old man, the spirit removal mission has been sent out more than once. I haven't heard of it yet before the headquarters to discuss it. As soon as the first troops arrived, they directly concentrated their efforts and rushed to the door!

This mother is exorcating spirits, not a war, but also playing strategies!

Not to mention this little man, even if the godfather of Strongson's first reaction when he receives the order, he still doesn't believe it!

Soon, with the roar of Hilot from the wireless communicator, Trumpson's neck shrank and secretly said that he was afraid that he would be finished this time and his future was not bright.

The top floor also has a comprehensive monitoring of the interior of the building, but few people usually pay attention to it!

Wait for a huge whiteboard face to appear on the screen, even the research technicians who often come into contact with ghosts were so scared that they were almost incontinent!

Not to mention Calitastro, who had never seen anything in the world, collapsed directly to the ground, rolled and crawled to hide in the isolation safe room specially prepared for him, and repeatedly confirmed security with Hilot through the microphone. The annoyed Hilot directly cut off the microphone power.

I saw the bald old man jumping and scolding inside, but there was no sound. Hilot can finally calm down and keep issuing a series of orders!

He is not worried about personal safety and can sit firmly in the leadership position of the General Administration of Spirits. Although he has grown in combat power, he was also one of the most elite of the awakened warriors in his early years!

being good at conspiracy means does not mean that you have forgotten the fighting instinct of the past!

If the supernatural has a real combat effectiveness ranking, Hilot must also be in the top ten!

"Holy Land"!

This is the final non-public title for the top ten generals, including Hilot!

Dare to be holy, of course, it is different from others.

Although there are exaggerated ingredients in it, even Hilot himself has to admit that after many psionic drug enhancements and genetic optimization, he has long been unable to call it a "human"!

It can lift tons of things with mind and easily destroy a truck. You can smash down walls and kick over cars with physical strength. Is this still a person?

Hillot doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. Maybe there are some naturally weak people who are servilely rooted in the bone marrow and will panic about their sudden strength. Hilot won't. He thinks it should be like this, and he should be superior and be worshipped by others!

The powerful power makes him not pay attention to ordinary people and ordinary spirits at all.

He enjoys this power, just like at this moment, because of this power, all he has to consider is how to make this matter a laughing stock of his colleagues, not to hide in a cage like the appearance, essence and worms!

That's the biggest fear and insult!

Of course, Hilot must admit that the sudden attack of these evil spirits also surprised him.

This is even more confusing than the intervention of the old opponent!

"Jie" is a more mysterious organization than the supernatural. If the supernatural is regarded as the official exorcist organization, then "Jia" is the most mysterious power in the wild.

Although it looks more like a regular army, the supernatural is the underground organization.

In fact, in the official federal archives, "Chu" is one of the unrecognized terrorist organizations!

Of course, it is in most areas such as Shenzhou and Xizhou.

In Zhongzhou and Dongzhou, it seems that the influence of "ling�" has penetrated the regional official high-level officials!

Fortunately, these are issues that need to be considered in the future. At present, the "cubine" still adheres to the principle for the time being, with the protection of human beings as the first point. At some point, bypassing several other people in the organization, the two sides may not be able to reach a certain degree of cooperation.

"Conspiracy" Hilott has never been a conventional character.

This unexpected raid has made Hilot smell an unusual smell, just like before he first decided to cooperate with the unofficial organization "Prize" in the Ghost Canyon--

That time was the biggest test ever faced by the supernatural, and even Hilott was almost buried in the valley. However, it was also that time that a large number of elites appeared within the organization. All the members who could persist until dawn and kill the Ghost Valley woke up at that time or for a short period of time afterwards!

Of course, compared with the unexpected gains, the loss of that organization will be greater.

After all, the supernatural is not a killer organization, which can let tens of thousands of people kill each other and select the elites among them.

If the awakening is based on that proportion of war losses, even Hilot would rather give up.

This time, the abnormal behavior of the ghosts reminded Hilott of the endless waves of killing from all directions in the Ghost Valley, but unified and neatly, obeyed the orders, and arranged in formation!

Maybe, this time I will meet a ghost king who coordinates the overall situation behind it!

Who knows? Hilot can only expect that this ghost king is the same as those they have faced before. Although he has wisdom and awareness comparable to that of creatures in some fields, there are fatal defects in thinking and power after all!



"The devil is not terrible! I'm afraid that evil spirits are educated! Little kids! Kill me!"

Eight of the 18 ghosts led nearly 100 elites. Shortly after the faceless nurse entered the building, they were directly moved over by Liu Yi with great * magic power!

The faceless nurse reported that the defense force of the supernatural stronghold was unexpectedly weak, and it was suspected that the main force had not arrived. However, at the top level, there was a power that even the faceless nurse trembled.

After receiving such a reward, Liu Yi made a decision and decided to take action in person to remove the temporary stronghold of the supernatural situation!

Of course, the spiritual transmission of dozens of miles away is not difficult for Liu Yi, but the faceless nurse can't be as easy as him, so there is no way to explain many situations directly!

Opportunity, what is opportunity, and what is fleeting is called opportunity!

It's just a test. Unexpectedly, I caught a big fish, which can still be swallowed. If you don't do it yourself, it's simply unreasonable!

Standing downstairs, Liu Yi can feel that there is indeed an extremely powerful unit on the highest floor, with a pure combat effectiveness of at least 100,000!

He didn't want to take action early, which would startle the snake and upgrade the battle in advance!

However, even if he is willing to let go of this kind of big meal, he is unwilling to complain!

Moreover, it can be imagined that this kind of person must be a senior level of the supernatural situation, and how many secrets he should have! In Liu Yi's eyes, these seemingly useless things are even greater than the potential value of this person's own spiritual power, which is priceless!

Liu Yi has already felt what happened in another city and T city!

The annihilation of a large number of ghosts, the "potential" of the right path that rises to the sky, although it is not a personal aura and brings him a sense of threat, it will not be smaller than the ghost king of the same level!

So, do you know anything about the one on the top of this building?

Liu Yi narrowed his eyes and did not rush to kill with his subordinates!

He flew directly to the top floor, and the spiritual water sprinkled inside and outside the wall was useless to him!