Big Hero

Chapter 2 Take Changyuan

Wang Geng just heard Xiang Jing say that Wang Xianzhi blocked the way and robbed the salt seller he had captured, and was furious. Wang Xianzhi, Wang Xianzhi, you can't get along with me again and again and again. This time I will never forgive you! Wang Geng just ordered Xiang Jing: "Point 800 elite soldiers. I will personally lead them to encircle and suppress Wang Yanzhuang and capture the rebel Wang Xianzhi. You and Ji Zhong guard the city." In this way, Wang Geng let the officers and soldiers have a full meal and took advantage of the night to go straight to Wangqiangzhuang from the road.

On Wang Xianzhi's side, he was also ready to fight. At this time, he arranged his wife Sun Mei to take care of the village, cut the horse with a knife, and was majestic, and rushed out of the village gate with five or six hundred guests. Only three or five miles out of the village gate, the dust in front of him was big, and it was particularly eye-catching in the moonlight. Wang Geng rode a tall white horse, carrying a macker in his hand, shouting the officers and soldiers straight to the direction of Wangqiangzhuang.

Wang Geng also saw Wang Xianzhi's men and horses at this time. He pulled the reins of his horse and cursed at Wang Xianzhi: "I have long seen that you unruly people are going to rebel against the court. Tonight, I will tie you up your ropes and escort you to Lord Xie in Puzhou to kill Ling Chi!"

Wang Xianzhi laughed and said, "Dog officer, listen, if you don't come, we will also go to the county office to find you. Tonight, you are thrown into the net. Don't blame our ruthlessness!" After saying that, Wang Geng quickly flashed over and fought with Wang Xianzhi. Wang Geng fought with Wang Xianzhi. Wang Geng couldn't resist the enemy and left.

Wang Xianzhi commanded Zhuang Ke and the officers and soldiers to fight together. This battle took more than ten minutes. The officers and soldiers were well trained, Zhuang Ke's fighting spirit was high, and the two sides could be said to be close. Just when the two sides were killing indissoluble, Wang Gengcai's formation suddenly became chaotic. He saw a strong brigade, led by three fierce generals, cutting waves, killing in from behind the officers and soldiers, and attacking officers and soldiers on both sides with Wang Xianzhi's team.

Which three will be fierce? It turned out that Shang Junchang, Shang Rang and Yue Lingfei came to help fight with the people of Shangjiazhuang. With little time, Wang Gengcai's team was washed to pieces, dead and injured. The officers and soldiers only hated that their parents had two fewer legs and fled in all directions.

Wang Xianzhi roared, "Wang Gengcai, where are you going!" While talking, he picked up the bow and arrow and looked at it kindly. An arrow passed without bias. It happened to shoot on Wang Gengcai's left eye. Wang Geng shouted with pain and fell off the horse. Zhuang Ke rushed up and cut Wang Geng to death.

Wang Xianzhi raised her knife and shouted, "Those who surrender live, and those who resist die!" The rest of the officers and soldiers were full of bankers on all sides, and it was more difficult to escape than climbing to the sky. They all put down their weapons and knelt down and begged for mercy. The Rebels won the first battle and cheered!

Wang Xianzhi and Shang Junchang, Shang Rang, Yue Lingfei and others returned to the village. After sitting in the hall, they began to discuss the next action plan. Sun Mei ordered the maid Wen Ying to build tea and also sat down to discuss with the heroes. Sun Mei is not an ordinary woman. She has been practicing martial arts with her parents since she was a child, and she also likes to fight against indiocre.

shang rang in his early twenties and was young and energetic. He spoke generously: "This time, our twozhuang offended the government. Brother Xianzhi has also announced an uprising and killed Wang Gengcai. I think he simply took Changyuan County with full strength, took a break, captured Puzhou, and recruited troops and horses as the foundation. Then spread the rumors around, first calm down Shandong, and then kill Chang'an to unify the world!"

Shang let a speech made everyone happy, boasting that Shang Rang's plan was quite complete. Wang Xianzhi gently stroked her beard, meditating for a long time, and said, "Shang Rang's brother's plan is good. I think Li Tang's rivers and mountains have been exhausted, and the people in the world are looking forward to living a peaceful and happy life. This time, we advocate righteous soldiers, both rich and poor, to let the people live a good life. I saw that the soldiers were very fast. Taking advantage of our great victory, the officers and soldiers did not escape. We chose some brothers, disguised as officers and soldiers, let some soldiers lead the way, earn the gate of Changyuan under the cover of night, and occupy the county before dawn. The next step is to capture Puzhou. In order to prevent the officers and soldiers from retaliating against our twozhuang, I asked Sun Mei to be responsible for moving all the owners and belongings of the twozhuang to the county. How about this arrangement?

Everyone said, "Let's listen to Brother Xianzhi!" Wang Xianzhi punched the table: "Since the brothers think it's feasible and it's not too late, let's take action now!" Shang Rang and Lingfei, as strikers, mixed in the ranks of officers and soldiers and opened the city gate. I then responded. The king was responsible for protecting the safety of the transfer of Erzhuang, and Sun Mei quickly mobilized the personnel of Erzhuang to transfer. I announce that we will take action!"

At the second time, Shang Rang and Yue Lingfei brought one or 200 "defeated officers and soldiers" to Changyuan Dongcheng. Shang Rang asked a surrendering soldier surnamed Lin to shout to the gate defenders. Lin and several surrendered vigorously shouted: "Open the door, open the door for me quickly. We suffered defeat and fled back!"

When the defenders of the city gate saw that the soldiers surnamed Lin were shouting and their own people, all of them were crooked and gray-headed and earthy, they opened the gate and put down the suspension bridge. When Shang Rang saw that the time had come, he looked at it and waved his hand: "Brothers, go! Kill it!" Yue Lingfei and everyone rushed in with Shang Rang and shouted to kill. After a while, the gate of Changyuan was controlled by Shang Rang and Yue Lingfei.

Shang Rang said to Yue Lingfei, "Lingfei, you defend the city gate here and receive the people of Xianzhi Ge's brigade to enter the city. I led a sentry straight to the prison, release the imprisoned people first, and then join you." After saying that, Shang let a horse take the lead and took dozens of bankers to Changyuan prison.

Yue Lingfei stood on the tower and looked at the county government office in the distance. He was thinking about what Xiang Jing would take to deal with the rebels at this time. A banker reported to him: "Brother Yue, Master Wang has led the people here." Yue Lingfei was overjoyed. He quickly walked down the tower, took three steps and two steps to Wang Xianzhi, and briefly described the process of capturing the gate to him.

Wang Xianzhi pondered for a while and said, "Now it is imperative to consolidate the defense of this city gate and attack deeply against the county. You must capture Xiang Jing alive. This boy does all kinds of evil and can't let him run away. There is no need to hunt down Ji Zhong. This man is filial to his mother and is very righteous. He has helped our brothers many times. He is a loyal person. We can't be ungrateful. If Ji Zhong is willing to join my uprising, we welcome it. If you don't want to, we don't force it.

Wang Xianzhi patted Yue Lingfei on the shoulder: "Lingfei, the defense here is up to you. Be sure to take over the chief!" Yue Lingfei waved the iron point steel gun in his hand and shouted, "Brother Xianzhi, don't worry. With my Lingfei gun, they are absolutely safe!"

Besides, the defeated officers and soldiers ran to the north gate defended by Xiang Jing and reported to Xiang Jing the loss of the East Gate. The worse news was that Wang Geng was killed, and Xiang Chong was shocked. With little effort, a large group of defeated soldiers flocked to block the north gate. The defeated soldiers were panicked and shouted one after another, "Wang Xianzhi is coming, Wang Xianzhi is coming!"

As soon as Xiang Jing heard the news that Wang Xianzhi had been killed, he gasped. He knew that he was not Wang Xianzhi's opponent at all. The tiger's mouth, which was shaken during the fight yesterday, was still faintly painful. If you hold on here, ten * will lose your life at the north gate. Thirty-six tricks are the best strategy. Escape first! Xiang Jing thought about it and decided to give up Changyuan and go to Xie Ang in Puzhou to ask for reinforcements and recover Changyuan.

Xiang Jing turned over his horse, beat the horse and fled in the direction of Puzhou. Even his wife and children could not take care of it, which was extremely embarrassing. When those officers and soldiers saw Xiang Jing smearing oil on the soles of their feet and fled for their lives, they were also discouraged and had no fighting spirit. Some fled desperately with Xiang Jing, some ran to their hometown, and some simply surrendered to the rebels and joined the uprising.

The east showed a white belly. In a short time, a red sun spewed out, as if to smile with approval to the uprising team. After fierce fighting, the rebels finally occupied Changyuan County. Wang Xianzhi ordered the Rebel soldiers to open all the granaries in the city, move out the grain and distribute it to the people of the city. Clean up the battlefield and arrange the defense.

The whole city was boiling, and the people helped the old and friends to see the demeanor of the rebels. At this time, Shang Junchang and Sun Mei, with all the men, women and children of Wang Wallzhuang and Shangjiazhuang, also entered Changyuan County with their belongings. The city suddenly became lively, and the crowd was excited and happy. In the county government, Wang Xianzhi and Shang Rang, Shang Junchang, Yue Lingfei, Sun Mei and other Rebel generals discussed the next action plan.

Wang Xianzhi walked and said, "At present, the long wall we live in is a land of enemies on all sides. Trapped here, the rebels have no future. Our southeast is Caozhou, and the city is strong. With its current strength, it is difficult to capture. Southwest is a giant city, which is the closest to us, but the city can't accommodate many people and is difficult to defend. In the north of us is Puzhou. Although Xie Ang was guarded by heavy soldiers, one was not very far away from us, and the other was that the loss of Changyuan had a lot of psychological pressure on the Puzhou defenders. As long as we use our tactics properly and recruit and send troops to attack in the near future, I think we are certain to take Puzhou. Once Puzhou is captured by the rebels, we will open up the situation in Qilu, and the subsequent development will be very optimistic. Brothers, how about fighting Puzhou first?

Everyone listened carefully to Wang Xianzhi's analysis, discussed with each other for a while, and agreed with Wang Xianzhi's strategy.