Big Hero

Chapter 3 Zhan Puzhou

After Wang Xianzhi and the leaders determined their determination to attack Puzhou, they were further studying the specific plan. A banker came in and reported: "Report to the leaders, two people outside came to visit." Wang Xianzhi smiled cheerfully: "Two friends, please."

Before Wang Xianzhi finished speaking, two big men stepped in, saluted everyone deeply and introduced themselves. The man in blue held a steel fork and said loudly, "My name is Liu Yanzhang. I live not far from the south of Changyuan City. I have been fishing for generations. I like to learn guns and sticks since I was a child. I heard that General Wang killed corrupt officials and broke Changyuan. I admired him and was willing to work under General Wang."

The big man in black is like a ripe bronze stick and heroic: "My name is Cao Shixiong, and I are neighbors with Liu Yanzhang. I have been farming for generations, and it is easy to fight against the peace. Today, the two of us took more than 300 brothers to General Wang to rob the rich and help the poor and benefit the people of the world.

After hearing this, Wang Xianzhi was overjoyed. She left her seat, walked forward, held Liu Yanzhang and Cao Shixiong's hands tightly, and said affectionately, "The two brothers, Bo Yuntian, come to help our new uprising team. From now on, we are a family and eat in a pot. In the future, we will taste the same bitterness and vow to die!"

Wang Xianzhi then greeted Shang and let them talk to Liu and Cao, and they saw each other as usual. After a while, several more people came to defect. In the evening, Wang Xianzhi inspected the team, and there were already 4,000 to 5,000 people.

Although he was young, he was far-sighted. As soon as he had finished dinner, he discussed it with Wang Xianzhi. He suggested that the Rebels should be launched tomorrow, and the front of the soldiers would go straight to Puzhou, so that he could win and capture Puzhou with a strong momentum, and then take a big rest to expand his strength.

Wang Xianzhi appreciated Shang Rang's plan very much. He nodded repeatedly and ordered the leaders of the Rebels to arrange for his subordinates to have a good sleep. The next day after breakfast, he went to the parade to concentrate and arrange the war.

The golden chicken reported that the world was white, and the righteous army was cheering. On the military parade in Changyuan, a handsome flag with the word "King" is ringing, with bright armor, many swords and guns, and the rebel soldiers are neat and energetic. This is a righteous division, an invincible division.

Wang Xianzhi wore a big red war robe, rode a jujube red war horse, her eyes like a torch, and mobilized the Rebel soldiers: "Brothers, the officials of the Tang court are greedy, the taxes are heavier than the mountains, and the rewards and punishments are unfair. For the sake of the world and the sake of the nation, Wang Xianzhi fought side by side with you, using our knives and guns to kill traitors, seek justice, and vibrate discipline. What we begin to choose today is a road of dedication, not a road to promotion and wealth. Brothers Qilu, do you regret fighting with me, Wang Xianzhi?

Everyone's voice shocked the mountain: "I don't regret it!" Wang Xianzhi shouted, "Bir the wine. I drank this bowl of wine with my brothers!" Two Zhuang guests held a large wine jar and poured wine into a row of bowls on a long table next to Wang Xianzhi. A Rebel soldier held the first bowl of wine second-hand and presented it to Wang Xianzhi.

Wang Xianzhi took the wine bowl, held it high above her head, and shouted to the five leaders of Shang Junchang, Shang Rang, Yue Lingfei, Liu Yanzhang and Cao Xioshi: "Five brothers drink wine to all the brothers!" The five leaders began to arrange for their subordinates to distribute wine. After a while, all the Rebel soldiers were given wine. Wang Xianzhi shouted, "Brothers, cheers to conquer Puzhou and win!"

The Rebel soldiers raised their glasses and shouted together: "Cheers! Cheers!" He raised his neck and drank the wine in one gulp. This scene deeply moved the onlookers of Changyuan. Sun Mei raised her arms and shouted in the crowd: "The Rebels will win!" The atmosphere of the expedition has reached **.

The people looked at Sun Mei and praised her. Xiuyan women have nothing to say, and women should not give up their eyebrows. Today, Sun Mei's head is wrapped in a red scarf, wearing a light green robe, her skin is as delicate as warm jade, and her small mouth is red, a little naughty and a little powerful. A pair of noon mandarin duck swords shine in the morning sun, and the strong generals are beautiful.

Wang Xianzhi held the Sirius knife in her right hand and hard on the horse's stomach. The horse hissed and soared into the air. Everyone's ears flashed the inspiring words, "Let's go and drink celebration wine in Puzhou tomorrow!" The Rebel Army Team was like a long dragon, spiraling rapidly in the direction of Wang Xianzhi's progress. Sun Mei and Shang Junchang did not go out with the army, but guarded Changyuan County.

People on tiptoe and didn't come back until they couldn't see the expedition team. Sun Mei and Shangjun immediately arranged the left-behind personnel to guard the city, so he would not say anything.

Besides, Wang Xianzhi monks, Yue Lingfei, Liu Yanzhang and Cao Shixiong led 3,000 men to march all the way. In the evening, the front of the Rebels had passed about 30 miles away from Puzhou. Wang Xianzhi saw a large piece of deciduous pine not far ahead and ordered the rebels to enter the forest to rest and eat something. He asked the leader to come to a small river to discuss the attack on Puzhou.

Everyone took a break, and Liu Yanzhang first said: "Our siege equipment is limited, and the city of Puzhou is strong. I think we can only concentrate our forces to attack the south gate, the two sides of the south gate, and the speed ladder to cooperate with the attack of the people and horses of the city gate. These two-way attacks should be fast, and we must enter the city when the officers and soldiers do not fully react. After entering the city gate, he captured the king first, concentrated his forces to surround Xie Ang's government office, and strived to catch him alive.

When everyone heard this, they thought that Liu Yanzhang's playing method was very good and could be practiced. Wang Xianzhi pondered for a while and added, "I have a brother named Chai Cun in the city. This man has a high reputation in Puzhou. If he calls on the people to support us, Puzhou will definitely be able to take it. I think so. Shang Rang and Lingfei attacked the south gate, Yanzhang attacked from the left, and Shi Xiong attacked from the right. I led a team of people to sneak into the city with ropes from the root of the wall near the East Gate, get in touch with Chai Cun, and meet you in the city. After I found Chai Cun, I gathered good people and made three piles of fire in the northeast. On your side, after capturing the south gate, there are also three piles of fire.

The leaders agreed. Wang Xianzhi stood up and said resolutely, "Okay, then act according to this plan!"

At midnight, Wang Xianzhi personally led 500 people and sneaked to the root of the eastern city wall of Puzhou and chose the climbing point. He waved his big hand and said, "Get on the rope!" More than a dozen long ropes were thrown to the wall at the same time, and the head of the rope had hooks, which were tightly tied to the wall. Wang Xianzhi was the first to grab the rope and climb up, and other Rebel soldiers also grabbed the rope and climbed to the city wall.

At this time, most of the Tang soldiers leaned on the edge of the city wall to sleep. They never dreamed that the rebels would attack the city so quickly, let alone that they would attack at the East Gate. They mainly assigned the troops defending Puzhou to the south gate. When they heard the sound of the Rebels climbing the wall, they were so scared that they fled one after another. A few The resistance was cut down by the rebels. If there is no time to escape, they are all captured. Wang Xianzhi opened the east gate and ordered the soldiers to ignite three piles of fires on the wall. In an hour, the flames soared and shone red in half of Puzhou.

Xie Ang got the report and personally transferred the main force of the South Gate to fight with Wang Xianzhi. Xiang Jing, who escaped from Changyuan, was also among them. When the generals saw that the time had come to attack the South Gate, they would carry out a strong attack on the South Gate according to Wang Xianzhi's deployment. Yue Lingfei commanded the soldiers to attack the gate with huge wood, and asked the archers to shoot arrows at the city. Liu Yanzhang was on the left and Cao Shixiong was on the right. He commanded the soldiers to set up a ladder and climb the city bravely.

The Puzhou defenders resisted desperately in panic. The arrows were like rain, and the rebels fell down and came up again. But Xie Ang was scared, and he shouted hoarsely, "Hang me, escapees, kill without mercy!" Liu Yanzhang pinched the steel fork and was the first to climb from the ladder to the city wall. Five or six Tang soldiers surrounded him. Liu Yanzhang's eyes were wide open and roared, as if there was a Thunderbolt in mid-air: "Come here if you are desperate!" He raised the steel fork and poked three or four. Later, the rebel soldiers climbed up the city wall one after another and hanged them with the Tang soldiers.

Cao Shixiong's men and horses on the right also killed the wall. Cao Shixiong's ripe bronze stick swept away a large area, and the Tang army retreated one after another. At this time, he only heard a loud "boom", and the south gate was knocked open by Yue Lingfei and others. Yue Lingfei turned over his horse, held a steel gun in his hand, and went straight to Xie Ang. Xie Ang waved his knife to the enemy. Yue Lingfei made a move of "rolling the Star River", which made Xie Ang gasp and his hands and feet were in a hurry. Xie Ang knew that he was invincible and pulled his horse and left. Yue Lingfei's steel whip came out of the sheath, and hit Xie Ang's back with a bang. Xie Ang spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell under the horse. He was tied into a hornet's nest by the Rebel soldiers and died.

The Rebel soldiers were like wind and clouds, killing the bodies of the Tang army all over the field, and stopped three times and two stops. Xiang Jing saw that the general situation had gone and urged the horse to escape. He had been caught up by Wang Xianzhi and waved his waist to the second paragraph. The Tang army lost its commander-in-chief, had no fighting spirit, and surrendered to the rebels one after another.

The horse roared in the sky. In the Battle of Puzhou, Wang Xianzhi and his insurgent soldiers showed their prestige, and the people were overjoyed. Young people from all over the world came to join the army one after another. Chai Cun alone brought a team of more than 2,000 people. The strength of the Rebel army grew rapidly and developed to more than 10,000. The soldiers rubbed their hands and their confidence doubled. Wang Xianzhi and his comrades-in-arms began to plan the next military action.