Big Hero

Chapter 16 and War Changes

Liu Yanzhang was fooled by Liu Bingren because he underestimated the enemy and was killed by an arrow. The Rebels were full of righteous indignation! Cao Shixiong led the army to attack Jiangzhou City, because Liu Bingren had already fled to Hongzhou with the main force, and the Rebels successfully occupied Jiangzhou.

Soon after, Wang Chongyin and Xu Tangju arrived by land. After learning of Liu Yanzhang's death, they cried. Cao Shixiong personally presided over Liu Yanzhang's funeral. The whole army rubbed his hands, vowed to avenge Liu Yanzhang, and actively prepared to launch a new round of attack on the Tang army.

And Yang Fuguang, who retired from Dengzhou, has been frowned for days. He sighed. The continuous growth of Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao's Rebels made him restless and felt uneasy. He felt difficult to explain to the emperor. If he didn't do it well, he was dismissed as the people. He gathered his cronies to repeatedly study the solution and get through the current crisis.

A staff member said: "Now that the war situation in the Central Plains has become in a stalemate state. In terms of strength, the number of our army still far exceeds that of bandits, but the number of soldiers in various places has been self-reate and the ineffective, which has greatly weakened our combat effectiveness. In terms of material reserves, our army is quite sufficient, and the bandits basically rely on the strategy of attacking the city. Our army has a great advantage in obtaining support. In terms of defense capabilities, most of the cities we occupy at present are strong and can be completely defended. I suggest that the adult send an envoy to make peace with Wang Xianzhi for the time being, paralyze the thief, let Wang Xianzhi focus on the old fox, and let Wang Xianzhi rest assured to go east and fight with Song Wei. When the strength of the thief is almost consumed, it is the best strategy for the adult to attack and recover the lost land.

Yang Fuguang listened and nodded frequently: "This is a wonderful plan! In order to make a big turnaround in the future, I think we can make peace with Wang Xianzhi first. All our troops will retreat to the west of Dengzhou, so that Wang Xianzhi can fight with Song Wei at ease. On the other side of Huang Chao, it is supported by Zeng Yuanyu, which is fine for the time being. In addition, I want to report to the court so that the court can quickly recover the lost land of Lunan. In this way, Huang Chao must return to Lunan. We can eat Wang Xianzhi's men and horses in the Central Plains in one fell swoop. In the future, we will concentrate on dealing with Huang Chao. Thieves will definitely defeat each of us, and the great cause of suppressing bandits will surely succeed!"

After some conspiracy, Yang Fuguang and his cronies reached an agreement. He wrote an armistice agreement and sent several personal soldiers to Wang Xianzhi's camp in Anzhou and handed it to Wang Xianzhi face to face. Wang Xianzhi read the letter and pondered for a long time. She felt that the matter was of great importance and immediately asked Shang Junchang to come and discuss the matter.

Shang Junchang came to read the letter and analyzed: "Now it is the middle of winter, and the army is inconvenient to move. Yang Fuguang is in the west, Zeng Yuanyu is in the north, Song Wei is in the east, and the Tang army on the south line is also guarding the cities. Our army is short of supplies, and the supply of food and fodder is becoming more and more difficult. The people nearby have done their best to support us to eat, and it is quite difficult for hundreds of thousands of troops to survive the winter. If we make enemies on all sides, it is obviously unfavorable to us. Now Yang Fuguang has taken the initiative to make peace, and Zeng Yuanyu is also under the control of Yang Fuguang. If the agreement is done, we and Yang Fuguang will have a truce, which can relieve the military pressure from the western and northern lines and free our hands to deal with Song Wei. Most of the Tang army on the southern line are hiding them. It doesn't matter for the time being. We joined forces with Brother Huang, first beat Song Wei, and then consider a new strategy after the munitions were replenished. I don't think it's too late to agree to Yang Fuguang's request. I will negotiate in person and draw the military demarcation line between the two sides.

Wang Xianzhi stood up, turned around a few times, tightly grasped Shang Jun's hand, and said affectionately, "Your leader, you and I have been living together for a long time. You must have to suffer a lot in this negotiation. I'm worried about your safety! I'm afraid that Yang Fuguang will turn his back and temporarily repent.

Shang Junchang took a deep breath, walked outside the tent, looked at the rolling mountains in the distance, and sighed: "How beautiful the mountains and rivers of China are. In the past few decades, the land of China has been full of natural disasters and military disasters, and the people's lives have become more and more difficult, forcing us to rebel. In order to give the people a stable living environment, the king's life is not regrettable! Brother Xianzhi, arrange the candidate and time for the negotiator, the sooner the better!"

Wang Xianzhi said slowly, "Mr. Jun, send Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu to go with you. They know more about the things in the officialdom than we do. I will send 20 strong soldiers to go with you and be more careful all the way!"

The next morning, Anzhou was covered with a layer of mist. Shang Junchang, Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu embarked on a journey to Dengzhou with 20 soldiers. Wang Xianzhi personally went out of the city to see them off. After a two-day journey, Shang Junchang and his party arrived at the border of Yingzhou. Unfortunately, they happened to meet Zhang Zimian's encircling and suppressors, about one or two thousand people. After the vanguard of the Tang army found that Shang Junchang and his party, they suddenly surrounded them. Even though Shang Junchang and others had great ability, they could not escape the trap. The group was caught and killed, and killed, only The two nominal soldiers narrowly escaped. Shang Junchang, Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu were all captured by Tang soldiers and brought to Zhang Zimian Ma.

Zhang Zimian looked murderous and began to ask, "This is the junction of the Tang Dynasty and the bandits. You guys are armed, sneaky and suspicious. Where do you come from? Where are you going?

At this time, Shang Junchang was very calm and said lightly, "We are merchants who came from Yuezhou to Chengdu to do business. You intercepted us for no reason. Are your officers and soldiers special to deal with the people? What's the reason for you to do this? Is there any king's law? Zhang Zimian sneered, "Look at your stubborn mouth. I think it's undoubtedly a thief. Take it away!" Tang Bing couldn't help saying that he led Shang Junchang and his party and escorted him to Xuzhou.

Zhang Zimian reported the situation to Song Wei. Song Wei came to the cell to check the situation in person. At this time, Shang Junchang was unkempt and barefooted in the cold weather. He leaned against Chu Yanwei, Cai Wenqiu and others to warm each other.

Song Wei squinted the fox's eyes and looked at Shang Junchang up and down, left and right. Suddenly he shouted, "Shang Junchang!" Shang Junchang subconsciously raised his head, looked at Song Wei and responded, "We are merchants from Yuezhou. We went to Chengdu to do business. We were arrested by you for no reason and detained here. I want to go to Chang'an Daming Palace to beat the grievances!"

Song Wei dusted his robe and said arrogantly, "Shang Junchang, don't act. You have been a scholar and participated in the scientific examination. I have been an invigilator and saw you several times in the examination room. Don't pretend to be garlic. To be honest, what are you going to do when you go west?

Shang Junchang knew that his identity had been exposed and it was impossible to hide it any longer. He simply stood up like a green pine, facing the wind and snow. Song Wei, Zhang Zimian and others looked at Shang Jun's fire-breathing eyes and couldn't help but retreat. Shang Junchang looked up to the sky and sighed: "It's God's will to be captured this time. Brother Xianzhi, take care of yourself. Let's go first! Tiansupplement average! Kill all the corrupt officials!" As soon as the words fell, Shang Junchang hit the wall with blood and died heroically.

Shang Junchang looked at death, and the shocking feat shocked people inside and outside the cell. For a long time, Song Wei ordered Tang Bing to open the door and escort Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu to the Xuzhou government office. They had not been interrogated yet. The two had already been frightened and knelt under the hall and kowtowed: "Lord Song, forgive me, let's move! Let's recruit!"

Song Wei laughed a few times, bowed his body in the teacher's chair, and asked slowly, "Speaking, who sent you out? What the hell are you doing?" Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu talked about the incident. After listening, Song Wei ordered the soldiers to take them back to the cell.

Song Wei learned that Yang Fuguang was going to make peace with Wang Xianzhi, and his beard trembled with anger: Damn, I was ordered to suppress it. Yang Fuguang helped me light the fire in the backyard. I won, and the credit was his; if I lost, the punishment was mine! His grandma's, I'm not finished with Yang Fuguang this time! It's not that easy to want Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao to deal with me!

Song Wei thought hard until the middle of the night and finally came up with a solution. The emperor had a view on me because of my inability to conquer and suppress it. Zheng Wei kept complaining that I didn't work hard and asked the emperor to remove me from my recruitment position. This time, I caught Shang Junchang. With a handle, I simply did nothing to sacrifice to the emperor. He said that I had captured the thief. Let's see what Yang Fuguang should do?

Song Wei wrote a memorial that night, wrote the situation of Shang Junchang and his party into it, described his efforts to suppress, and fiercely participated in Yang Fuguang's book, saying that he had lost the battle and was afraid of the enemy, and must be severely punished to correct the law of the country. After writing, Song Wei took a long breath, pushed open the window and threw the brush out. He looked at the snowflakes outside the window and clucked his teeth: Yang Fuguang, villain! This time I'm going to let you steal chicken and eat a handful of rice!