Big Hero

Chapter 17 God of War Debut

Song Wei's memorial soon arrived at Li Jun's imperial case. Li Jun trembled all over and ignored the king's identity and scowned: "That's unreasonable! Bold Yang Fuguang dared to negotiate peace with the thief behind my back. Zhang Aiqing immediately dismissed Yang Fuguang and sent him to Beijing!" Zhang Chengfan, the general of the Shence Army, hurried out of duty and kowtowed to lead the order: "I obey the order!"

This was very anxious. Tian Lingzi hurried to Li Yan and knelt down with a "plop" and cried: "Damn it! Damn it, old slave! Your Majesty, Song Wei has always bullied the king, supported himself, and passively suppresses bandits. I think this is a trick written by Song Wei in order to avoid punishment. Yang Fuguang has always been loyal to the court and will never negotiate a truce behind your majesty and the thief. The old slave is willing to guarantee Yang Fuguang with his own life. I hope your majesty can investigate and send someone to investigate this matter!" After saying that, he raised his eyes and secretly looked at Li Yan's reaction.

Zheng Wei has long had an opinion on Song Wei's inability to suppress the expedition. If he does not impeach at this time, when will he wait? He immediately said, "Your Majesty, something is wrong. Send someone to investigate and verify it. If Song Wei fabricates facts, he will be severely punished according to law!"

Lu took a look at this situation, and it would definitely be boring to speak for Song Wei this time and simply didn't say a word.

Li Jian listened to their words and began to hesitate. After a long time, he said something confusing: "This matter annoys me, so I will send Gui Ren Shao to investigate Song Wei and Yang Fuguang and retreat from the court!"

The two volunteers who went to Dengzhou with Shang Junchang fled back to Anzhou and cried to Wang Xianzhi about the news that Shang Junchang and others were captured by the Tang army. Wang Xianzhi was shocked. On the one hand, she sent someone to inform Yang Fuguang, and on the other hand, she personally led the troops to find Shang Junchang's whereabouts. After several twists and turns, Yu found out the news of Shang Junchang's death and the news of Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu's surrender to Tang Dynasty.

Xianzhi deeply hated Song Wei and Zhang Zimian and sent troops to attack Song Wei's soldiers and horses everywhere. Song Wei did not dare to fight. He ordered all the troops to stick to the city and sent troops to escort Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu to Chang'an and let Li Yan send them down.

Yang Fuguang also got the information about Tian Lingzi and Wang Xianzhi at this time, and suddenly panicked. This matter happened to be self-defeating. It was the mouse that drilled into the bellows - two were angry! Thinking about it again and again, Yang Fuguang wrote a chapter for Li Yong, and did not hesitate to write and ink. He strongly accused Song Wei of suppressing his inability, causing Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao to sit up. The situation in the Central Plains became more and tighter and repeatedly confessed that he was loyal to Li Tang and the son of heaven. In order to suppress the thief, he waited for the day and actively organized a counterattack. Shang Junchang died at Song Wei's place, but Song Wei was a thief and contacted Wang Xianzhi in private. The crime deserves to die. I hope your majesty can make it clear!

On the one hand, Yang Fuguang sent his cronies to Beijing to quickly submit the memorial. On the other hand, he prepared a lot of gold and silver treasures, and sent his family to Tian Lingzi's house in person. He begged Tian Lingzi to say a few beautiful words for him in front of the emperor, and insisted that Song Wei would lie about the military situation and indulge the enemy into trouble. He must be dismissed.

Tian Lingzi received a generous gift, and Yang Fuguang was pulled out by him. Of course, he had to speak for Yang Fuguang. Although Lu tried his best to exonerate Song Wei, after all, Tian Lingzi was Li Lian's "dfather". Li Yan not only did not investigate Yang Fuguang, but also listened to Tian Lingzi's words and killed Chu Yanwei and Cai Wenqiu in the dog ridge. These two traitors got It came to an end. And issued an edict to severely rebuke Song Wei and ordered Song Wei to send troops immediately to destroy Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao. After Song Wei received the edict, as soon as the eunuch left, he was so angry that he scolded Yang Fuguang and smashed the antiques in the house to vent his anger.

Since Huang Chao and Shangrang met in the bald mountain, he has constantly attacked and harassed the Tang army, and the team continued to expand. The Tang army did not dare to fight head-on, shrinking in the strong city and stubbornly resisted. One morning, Sun Mei and Ji Zhong said goodbye to Huang Chao and led 10,000 people to Wang Xianzhi in Anzhou. That night, Huang Chao held a military meeting, and Chai Cun, Shang Rang, Meng Kai, Yue Lingfei, Huang Kui, Cao Min, Huang Siye, Lin Yan, Qiao Qi, Niu Feng, Bi Shiduo, Liu Hanhong and other generals all attended.

Huang Chao's first speech: "Brothers, after several months of expeditions, our army has taken the military initiative on the two banks of the Bian River, and the Tang army has been suppressed by our army. Now, Song Wei's main force is gathered in the Haozhou area. I am determined to attack Songzhou with the main force of our army. Songzhou has a lot of military supplies, which forces Song Wei to return to help. We ambushed him, eliminate the living forces of the Tang army, and prepare for the capture of Haozhou, Songzhou and other strong cities. This is also the best action for us to avenge the king.

As soon as Huang Chao finished speaking, Shang let him stand up and burst into tears: "Brother, how miserable you died! My brother must avenge you and kill Song Wei and Zhang Zimian! Brother Huang, let me ambush halfway. I will kill Song Wei and Zhang Zimian in person!"

The generals were furious and asked to fight. Huang Chao turned his face to Chai Cun: "Next, please ask the Chai brothers to announce the battle order."

Chai Cun stood up, looked solemn and said loudly, "Brothers, this battle of Songzhou is very critical. Songzhou is the largest state among the four states of Xuanwu (Bian, Song, Bo, Ying), with rich products and a large population. It is connected to Bianzhou in the west, Qilu in the north, Xuzhou in the east, and Haozhou in the south. It is a key point of water and land. Its strategic position has been very important since ancient times. The overall deployment of the battle of Songzhou is as follows: "Shang Rang and Lingfei led 20,000 troops to stop Song Wei from north from Haozhou on the front line of Zhecheng, Gushu and Xiayi, Meng Kai and Huang Kui led 20,000 troops, and Cui Anqian from Xuzhou and Liu Ye from Bianzhou on the front line of Xiangyi and Ningling, and Shi Duo and Han Hong led 10,000 troops to block the front line of Dangshan and Yucheng. Xue Neng helped from the west of Xuzhou. Qiao Yu and Niu Feng led 10,000 troops to block Du Yu from Huazhou and Cao Cunshi from Yunzhou. Huang, Cao Min, Si Ye and Lin Yan led 80,000 troops to besiege Songzhou, 20,000 each. Brother Huang and I attacked the south gate, Cao Min attacked the west gate, Si Ye attacked the north gate, and Lin Yan attacked the east gate. The rest of the soldiers and horses scattered around and harassed the enemy. At the same time, he informed Brother Xianzhi that he must delay Zeng Yuanyu, Li Fu, Yang Fuguang and other Tang troops. Ensure the victory of this Songzhou Battle!" The strategic idea of our operation this time is to besiege and fight for assistance and eliminate the living forces of the Tang army. Songzhou can best conquer it. If it cannot be defeated, it will consume the Tang army, laying a solid foundation for the complete solution of the enemies of Bian, Song, Bo and Ying in the future. Brothers, do you understand?

The generals answered in unison: "Complete the task resolutely! Revenge for your eldest brother!"

After the meeting, Huang Chao, Chai Cun, Shang Rang and other heroes quickly began to act. The Rebels took fruit, the horse picked copper bells, and Xiaoxing stayed overnight. In a few days, they entered the designated position. Huang Chao set up a special messenger team to report on various situations and study and combat matters with Chai Cun. The battle of Songzhou has officially begun!

Tang Jun Tanma reported the movements of the rebels to Song Wei, Zeng Yuanyu, Yang Fuguang and others. Song Wei was shocked when he heard the news. He knew that the joint operation of Huang Chao and Wang Xianzhi targeted Songzhou, which was extraordinary. If you wait and see again this time, once Songzhou is lost, you will definitely be dismissed and investigated, and your life will be insurable.

Song Wei thought of this and was anxious to get angry. He ordered the surrounding towns in the name of soliciting envoys: he must rush to Songzhou within ten days to encircle and suppress the yellow nest. Those who violate the order will be severely punished according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty and will never forgive! The army of Zeng Yuanyu, Li Fu and Yang Fuguang must delay Wang Xianzhi and Cao Shixiong, and will never allow Wang Xianzhi to join forces with Huang Chao. Song Wei wrote the military order and ordered his own soldiers to quickly send them to Cui Anqian, Xue Neng, Liu Ye, Du Yu, Cao Cunshi and other governors, and put Li Jian on the emergency documents and asked the court to send more reinforcements. If they were not sent, it would be difficult to win.

Song Wei arranged these, and suddenly his eyes went straight to Venus, his head sank, staggered, and his shoulders hit the wall. Fortunately, he grasped the case next to him tightly with his hand and did not fall to the ground, but his right knee knelt on the ground, scratched a layer of skin, and blood came straight out. He couldn't help crying and sighed, "Well, I'm old, not as energetic as fighting against Pang Xun when I was young!"

Song Wei's attendants gathered around, helped him to **, and called the military doctor to bandage his wounds. Song Wei choked and said to his followers, "I have fulfilled my duty, loyal to the king and serve the country, and fought for Li Tang all my life. Unexpectedly, I was old and was about to leave, but I was disturbed to this level by Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chaohu. I did evil! God's will! When can I go back to my hometown Qingzhou!" After saying that, he burst into tears. But it scared the attendants. Because they had never seen Lord Song so sad. In the scene just now, they didn't believe it was true, but it did happen. Their supreme commander was so fragile that the followers couldn't help but feel sad and cried with Song Wei.

After receiving Song Wei's military order, Cui An, the governor of Zhongwu, did not dare to disobey the military order. He called Zhang Guan, Wang Jian, Jin Hui, Su Rong, Meng Kang and other generals and told them to lead 20,000 troops to assist Songzhou. Zhang Guan and others knew that they could never escape the battle, so they had to go to the barracks. Soldiers, start in the direction of Songzhou. Soon, when he entered the boundary of Xiangyi, he only heard the sound of cannons. The ambush on both sides of the road rose up, and the arrows were like flying locusts. The shouts of killing came one after another. Zhang Guan panicked and the Tang soldiers were in chaos.

Wang Jian shouted harshly: "Raising soldiers for a thousand days, use soldiers for a while. Brothers, now we can only get out of the siege by fighting to the death. Those who kill the enemy will be rewarded, and those who run around will be killed!" After saying that, he killed several Tang soldiers who were running around with his sword. At first sight, Tang Bing did not dare to run around. Wang Jian quickly set up a round array and organized the Tang soldiers to fight back. Meng Kai and Huang Kui each led an army to kill from both sides and fight with the Tang soldiers. After all, Zhang Guan is also a general. He has been leading the army for many years. At this time, he has recovered. Seeing Wang Jian's orderly organization and resistance, his confidence has greatly increased. He waved Fang Tianhua halberds, took Su Rong and Meng Kang to fight against Meng Kai and kill him desperately.

Meng Kai flew up and down with a nine-ring knife and intercepted Zhang Guan's war. Su Rong and Meng Kang commanded the Tang army's iron cavalry to attack the rebel array back and forth, cutting the main force of the Rebel army into several pieces, and the battlefield situation began to develop in favor of the Tang army. Wang Jian and Jin Hui's two guns, like dragons going to sea, were extremely fierce, and Huang Kui's army gradually could not resist the enemy, and it was dangerous.

At the critical moment when the siege of the rebels was about to be broken through, two righteous soldiers rushed out of Meng Kai's array, one green and one yellow, which was particularly eye-catching. Those in green robes, hand-clad dragon guns, wearing bright armor, ** silver mane horses, leopard heads and eagle eyes, guns and horses, Tang army iron cavalry fell off horses one after another; those wearing yellow robes, hand-held wind knives, wearing lotus leaf helmets, ** yellow horses, after the knife flashed, Tang soldiers' heads rolled all over the ground.

Su Rong and Meng Kang were furious when they saw the situation. Su Rong opened the mountain axe and went straight to the green-robed general and split his head. Meng Kang raised his double hammer to fight the yellow-robed man. The green-robed young general killed Su Rong in a hurry and retreated in a hurry. The young general then took a move to take off Su Rong's helmet and took away Su Rong's helmet with one shot! Su Rong knew that he was invincible, so he pulled the horse and left. The young general shouted and chased after him. He shot Su Rong in the back. Su Rong turned over and fell off his horse and died.

When Meng Kang saw Su Rong's death, he had already broken his courage. He shook the hammer in front of the yellow-robed man and fled. The yellow-robed man was not willing to give up and chased him tightly. One move of "white cloud cover" to split Meng Kang under the horse. Zhang Guan saw two generals in a row and had no intention of fighting. He waved at Meng Kai and pulled his horse and left. Meng Kai followed closely. Seeing that Zhang Guan's life was in danger, Wang Jian and Jin Hui saw that the main general was in danger, they quickly led the main force to rescue him, intercepted Meng Kai's fight, and fought with the young general in green robe and the big man in yellow robe. Finally, they broke through the siege and fled to the west. Meng Kai took it as soon as he saw it and ordered to clean the battlefield and transport the trophies to the camp.

Meng Kai ordered his soldiers to call the young general in green robe and the big man in yellow robe and asked, "You two are good at martial arts. Where are you from?" When did you join the army?

The yellow-robed man replied, "I'm from Dangshan, and my name is Zhu Cun." Then he pointed to the young general in green robe and said, "He is my brother, his name is Zhu Wen."