Big Hero

Chapter 29 Thousands of cups of tears

Xiaolu said goodbye to Sun Mei. Before leaving the cottage hall, he looked back at Wen Ying and couldn't help slowing down. Seeing this, Wen Ying blushed, lowered her head shyly, and rubbed the two long braids with her hand. As soon as Sun Mei saw it, she understood seven or eight points in her heart and said to Wen Ying, "Xiaoying, you go to see Xiaolu off. When you come, you will bring him here, and you won't see him off when you go? Go ahead and be obedient!"

When Wen Ying heard this, she was really overjoyed. Unexpectedly, Sun Mei was aware of it, as if she had seen through her mind. Since she saw Xiaolu for the first time, she has been deeply attracted by Xiaolu's bravery and wit. Xiaolu is full-looking, her eyes are brilliant, and she can lead people at a young age. In addition, the death of his parents makes her feel more and more pitiful.

Wen Ying is already a 17-year-old girl. Which young man is not good to fall in love with? Which girl is not good at Huaichun? Although the war is cruel, life is difficult, and the fate is changeable, human love is always pure and beautiful. Everyone has the right to love and be loved. Therefore, it is also reasonable for Wen Ying and Xiao Lu to fall in love at first sight. Whether this battlefield romance of these two volunteer soldiers can be heard will be heard later.

Xiao Lu and Wen Ying rode the horse together. They said a lot along the way and got to know each other better. Unconsciously, in front of Yue Lingfei's camp, Xiaolu took Wen Ying to see Yue Lingfei and talked about the situation he had seen Sun Mei. Yue Lingfei was overjoyed. He ordered his men to rise up and drive to Tongbai Mountain where Sun Mei was located. The two volunteers finally met at the agreed place "Huadu Temple". Yue Lingfei saw Sun Mei and said guiltily, "Madam, Lingfei can't protect Brother Xianzhi. I'm sorry, brothers." After saying that, Yue Lingfei's tears kept rolling in his eyes.

Sun Mei immediately restrained Yue Lingfei's words: "Lingfei, needless to say, I don't blame you. This is Xianzhi's own decision. If you don't do this, all the brothers will be killed, and none of them can break out. Now that we have met, our strength will be stronger. When we arrive in Haozhou, let's promote Brother Huang Chao as the commander of the three armies and resolutely fight with Li Tang's bastards!"

Yue Lingfei nodded: "What the lady said is that we should leave for Haozhou now. I sent someone else to inform Chai Cun and let them go along this road with the brigade."

Sun Mei said happily, "Okay, that's the decision. After I broke through to Tongbai Mountain, after development, from the original 67,000 horses to nearly 20,000 horses, plus your 10,000, we can form a strong corps. I think so. I sent Wen Ying to defend the cottage. You left Xiao Lu to help Wen Ying defend and let these two young people exercise well. What do you think?"

Yue Lingfei was a little puzzled. He looked at Sun Mei and said hesitantly, "Madam, you must make sense to make this arrangement." Sun Mei smiled mysteriously, waved Yue Lingfei with her hand and said, "Lingfei, come here, I'll talk to you alone." After saying that, he and Yue Lingfei entered the temple and whispered, "I think Xiaolu and Wen Ying are very intimate. Why don't you set them up to achieve a marriage? What do you think?" Only then did Yue Lingfei understand Sun Mei's intention and couldn't help laughing: "It's better for your wife to deal with things. Let Xiaolu and Wen Ying defend the cottage here together. I believe they will become the main generals of our volunteer army."

Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei walked out of the temple gate. Sun Mei said to the Rebel soldiers, "Brothers, this time we went to Haozhou to meet with Brother Huang Chao, which is related to the overall situation of the battle of the Central Plains. I arranged Wenying and Xiaolu to be in charge of the defense of the cottage here. After discussing with Brother Yue, I assigned two 5,000 people to garrison them. You have to obey their command. Do you understand?"

There was a loud voice around the Huaidu Temple: "I understand!"

Xiao Lu and Wen Ying looked at each other and smiled, looking at each other, and their feelings were infinite.

Sun Mei held the ziwu mandarin duck sword with both hands high. The eyes are like a torch. Order loudly: "Brothers, go to Haozhou!"

The Rebels were neat and marched towards Haozhou. Chai Cun, Shang Rang and Huang Siye received a report from Yue Lingfei and knew that it was safe ahead, so they pulled up and marched along the march route of Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei to Haozhou. The rebels confiscated the property of the rich and the poor along the way, some of which were reserved for military use. Many people's children joined the Rebels. When they arrived outside Haozhou City, Chai Cun and Sun Mei's Volunteers had expanded to more than 100,000 people. Outside Haozhou City, people shouted hiss and were very lively.

After Huang Chao led his army from Puzhou, he attacked the city and plundered the village along the road and became invincible. After arriving in Haozhou, he merged with Meng Kai and Huang Kui's team, and there were also 100,000 people. Among them, Lu Jingren and Wang Yu each led a man and horse to Haozhou to defect to Huangchao, making the strength of the rebels stronger. Lu Jingren is from Suzhou. Because the government bullied the people in his hometown, he rose up angrily and became a mountain king, ** ochre white horse, good at making a golden dragon, and has thousands of unreasonable courage. Wang Pan is both wise and brave, ** silver mane horse, good at making a phoenix-headed axe. The joining of these two fierce generals made the Rebels more powerful.

Chai Cun and Sun Mei asked Huang Siye to enter Haozhou to explain the news of the army coming to meet. Huang Siye went to the city and told Huang Chao about the process of this trip to the mountain. Huang Chao was overjoyed and quickly ordered the volunteers defending the city to open four doors and personally and the generals to welcome Chai Cun and Sun Mei's army into the city.

This meeting was the largest meeting of the Rebel Army after the death of Wang Xianzhi. He was an important general of the Huang Chao Uprising Army. Meng Kai, Huang Kui, Cao Min, Qiao Hao, Niu Feng, Huang Siye, Lin Yan, Bi Shiduo, Lu Jingren, Wang Fang, Zhu Cun, Zhu Wen and others all went outside Haozhou to meet Chai Cun and Sun Mei. On the rest of Wang Xianzhi's side, Chai Cun, Sun Mei, Shang Rang and Yue Lingfei led more than 100,000 troops and the Huang Chao Uprising Army to meet victoriously, with unprecedented success. Except for Cao Shixiong, Wang Chongyin, Xu Tangju, Zhao Zhang, Wen Ying, Xiaolu and other troops stationed outside to fight against the Tang army, Wang Xianzhi have all entered Haozhou! Haozhou met, and the number of volunteers reached more than 200,000, and they already had the strength to compete with the Tang army in the Central Plains. The morale was high and the people were jubilant!

Huang Chao ordered the generals to prepare separately and hold a meeting to commemorate General Wang Xianzhi. Haozhou City suddenly became busy and began to kill chickens and sheep and prepare wine.

A few days later, the work is ready. The sun was shining, and all the Rebel soldiers wrapped white cloth around the head of Haozhou to commemorate General Wang Xianzhi, the leader of the uprising. Huang Chao, Chai Cun, Sun Mei and other Rebel leaders stood on the platform and looked at the dense volunteers under the stage.

Chai Cun's first speech, he said excitedly, "Brothers, today's second-way uprising army gathered in Haozhou to prove to the people of the world that the righteous teacher has not been defeated! We will start from Haozhou and compete with the corrupt Central Plains of the Li and Tang Dynasty to compete for the world! General Wang Xianzhi had an order before his death. If he was not there one day, all his people would be led by Brother Huang Chao. I now officially announce that all the people and horses of General Wang Xianzhi will be handed over to the command of Brother Huang Chao. From now on, we must follow the deployment of Huang Chao, and no one can violate it. Next, let's invite Brother Huang Chao, the commander of the three armies, to speak!"

After Chai Cun finished speaking, there were thunderous applause and cheers on and off the stage.

Huang Chao looked grim. He strode to the front of the general platform and opened his voice and said, "Today is a day worth remembering the Rebel brothers and people in Haozhou. Since the uprising in Qilu, we have experienced three years of ups and downs, and we have gone through a lot of gullies, which is very difficult. For the sake of the world and the prosperity of China, General Wang Xianzhi died magnificently in Huangmei, and the heroic feat was moving! As General Chai Cun said just now, the Rebels were not defeated! Although there are many new recruits in our team now and need long-term training to become the main force of the battle, we have the confidence and ability to forge a mighty division, a hundred battle divisions! Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought back in ancient times? As long as the brothers are not afraid of sacrifice and kill the enemy bravely, we will definitely smash the multiple encirclement and suppress of the Tang army, and our flag will definitely be able to be planted in the tower of Chang'an, Xijing! General Xianzhi, Xianzhi Brothers, the soul has returned. Huang Chao's first glass of wine is to believe that your spirit in heaven will protect the uprising army and be invincible!" After saying that, Huang Chao put the wine glass to his mouth and raised his neck.

Huang Chao handed the glass to his own soldier, and another personal soldier immediately handed the second glass of wine to Huang Chao. Huang Chao took it with both hands, burst into tears, and cried: "Brother Xianzhi, this second glass of wine is believed that we are still good brothers in the next life. Xianzhi, drink it!" After saying that, Huang Chao sprinkled the wine on the stage. The own soldiers quickly sent the third glass of wine to Huang Chao. Huang Chao raised his glass high and said like a bell: "Brothers, General Xianzhi and many Rebel soldiers were unfortunately killed in battle. Shall we avenge them? Come on, brothers, drink this cup!"

The soldiers of the three armies raised their glasses with tears and drank them all, and the top and bottom of the stage roared like thunder:

"Revenge for the general!"

"Revenge for the fallen brothers!"

"Kill all the bad guys in the world!"

"Huge from the average!"


Suddenly, Sun Mei came to the stage and saw her wearing heavy filial piety, like a white pigeon falling in front of the stage. Her two eyes were full of pear blossoms with rain and she sobbed. Cao Min hurried forward, held Sun Mei, who couldn't shake, and advised, "Sun Mei, if you die, you can't come back to life. We will definitely avenge the general!" My condolences!" The generals came forward to persuade him. Sun Mei threw herself into Huang Chao's arms and cried, "Brother Huang, please give me a man. I'm going to settle accounts with Zeng Yuanyu, a thief! Revenge for your husband!"

Huang Chao gently patted Sun Mei's back and comforted him: "Sun Mei, now the army is gathered. Although there are many people, because there are many new recruits, we need to strengthen training to form a strong combat force. You spared no effort to lead a large army to meet and elected me as the leader of the Rebel Army, and I will be responsible for my brothers. We will definitely avenge the Xianzhi brothers. When the first stage of military training is over, I will let you take the most elite soldiers and horses to fight with Zeng Yuanyu, okay?

Sun Mei listened to Huang Chao's words and slowly let go of her hands. She looked at Huang Chao's resolute eyes, nodded approvingly and said, "Brother Huang, you are both wise and brave, literary and Zhuge, Wu Chao Guansheng, I believe that your ability to unify the army will definitely defeat Li Tang and unify the world!"