Big Hero

Chapter 30 tao li tang xi

Under the leadership of Sun Mei, Chai Cun and others, Wang Xianzhi held a large-scale rally with the Huang Chao Uprising Army to commemorate Wang Xianzhi, and their morale was high. Under this*, Huang Chao and the generals discussed the reorganization of the army in Haozhou.

Chai Cun first spoke: "Brothers, now more than 200,000 of our army have gathered in Haozhou, which is a great good thing. But we should also be soberly aware that if our army has been stationed in the area of Haozhou for a long time, this person will eat horse feeding, and it will consume a lot in all aspects and is difficult to last. I suggest that the army should immediately divide its respective management institutions and establish a name. General Xianzhi has left us. Now Brother Huang is our backbone. I think it can be called a general. Add some names in front of it. I thought of a name. Let's listen to it. We call Brother Huang: General Chongtian Taibao Junping. In this way, he not only inherits the cause of General Xianzhi, but also has his own characteristics and is easy to be accepted by the generals of the three armies. What do you think of abolishing the 'Qianfu', the boy's name of Tang Xizong, and using our own name 'Wangba' to drive the king's hegemony?

When the generals heard this, they all agreed and thought that Chai Cun's proposal was good. Huang Chao continued: "In order to distinguish the military units of the Tang army with battalion as units, we marched to fight. In addition to violence and peace, we gathered in cottages, which is erratic. I think we can make soldiers and horses as a unit. The banner can be marked by 'Daqi', because we started from Qilu. Duke Huan of Qi in the State of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period. , nine combined to become the hegemony of the Spring and Autumn Period. We should inherit and carry forward this wisdom and courage to be the first in the world, which is called 'Da Qi', brothers, okay? The generals answered in unison, "Great, so that we also have our own name!"

After some research and discussion, the generals finally reached a consensus and determined the formation of soldiers and horses. The main command structures are as follows:

General Zhaizhu and Chongtian Taibao Junping: Huang Chao

Deputy chief owner: Sun Mei

Military Division: Chai Cun, Deputy Military Division: Shang Rang

First Village

Zhai Owner: Meng Kai Deputy Zhai Owner: Huang Kui: Zhu Cun, Zhu Wen

Second Village

Zhai Owner: Cao Min Deputy Zhai Owner: Lin Yanbiao General: Qiao Yu, Niu Feng,

Third Village

Zhai Owner: Huang Siye Deputy Zhai Owner: Lu Jingren: Bi Shiduo, Wang Ying

The fourth village

Zhai Owner: Yue Lingfei Deputy Zhai Owner: Zhao Zhang General: Wen Ying, Xiao Lu

The fifth village

Zhai Owner: Cao Shixiong Deputy Village Owner: Wang Chongyin Generals: Xu Tangju, Gai Hong

Among them, Huang Chao and Chai Cun led 50,000 Chinese troops, and Sun Mei and Shang Rang led 30,000 Chinese troops. As mobile corps, these 80,000 horses selected strong men to ensure combat effectiveness. After the victory, the villages should send elite soldiers to the Chinese army in time. With the continuous expansion of the Chinese army, the maximum planned number is about 200,000.

The number of people and horses in each village is currently 30,000. After the number of people and horses increases, the maximum number of people is planned to be 80,000. One to three villages are commanded by Huang Chao, and four to five villages are commanded by Sun Mei. The rest of the people scattered around to fight guerrillas and harassed the Tang army.

After the establishment of the volunteer institutions at all levels, Huang Chao began to announce the operational deployment: "At present, the Tang army has returned to its own defense zone. The encirclement and suppressors of Zeng Yuanyu and Zhang Zimian are mainly concentrated in Zhengzhou, about 100,000. I am determined to adopt the strategy of encirclement and aid to eliminate Zeng Yuanyu's main force of the Central Plains Tang army. I ordered Sun Mei to lead The four villages, plus the main force of the Chinese army 30,000, a total of 60,000 people besieged Kaocheng and did not fight. When Zeng Yuanyu led the main force of the Tang army to come to reinforce, I expected Zeng Yuanyu to help Kaocheng through Yongqiu and Taoling. After the Tang army entered this area, I led 50,000 of the main force of the Chinese army and the first to third villages to go out decisively. Meng Kai in the first village was responsible for hitting the head, Cao Min in the second village hit the abdomen, and Si Ye cut the tail in the third village. I led the Chinese army to find the main force of Zeng Yuanyu's army. This time, we should prepare more bows and crossbows to give a devastating blow to the heavy cavalry of the Tang army. We should shoot the cavalry as much as possible and protect the Tang army's war horses to the maximum extent. After the victory of the battle, it will become a trophy, which is convenient for our army to update its equipment and protect the combat equipment of the Tang army as much as possible. Our army ambushed in the dense forests and hills on both sides of Bianshui. When the Tang army crossed the river nearly halfway, it launched an attack at the same time and caught it off guard. After the victory of our army in the Central Plains, we took advantage of the victory and returned to Qilu and swept the Tang army of Qilu. Some of the people stayed in the Central Plains to monitor the Tang army. In order to achieve the above-mentioned battle plan, I decided that our army will carry out military training activities in Haozhou and quickly improve the combat ability of the recruits.

The generals listened and praised it and said that they would make pre-war preparations in accordance with this strategic deployment. Chai Cun had to meditate and didn't say a word. The generals laughed and asked him, "What is Chai Junshi thinking about?" Say it and let us hear it!" Chai Cun smiled and said, "I don't have any clever plan. I consider sending Gai Hong to Cao Shixiong in Jiangzhou to convey the institutional appointment of our army and the combat deployment of the battle of Kaocheng. In order to sing this play well, what do you think of letting them contain the front-line Tang troops in Hongzhou and Tanzhou?

The generals said that Chai Cun's method was good. Huang Chao smiled and said to Gai Hong, "Brother Gaihong, it will be hard for you. This time, you are appointed as the general of the Fifth Zhai Rebel Army. Your main task is to assist Shixiong in handling military aircraft and be responsible for the liaison work of our second army. You are educated and good at martial arts. I think you are qualified for this job.

Gaihong is a famous gentry in Haozhou. He is both humanistic and martial arts, righteous and rich, and is well-known. After Huang Chao's Rebel Army entered Haozhou, he responded positively and took out all his family property in Haozhou to support the development of the Rebel Army. He brought hundreds of clan children and green forest heroes to join the Rebel Army. Because of Gai Hong's resourcefulness, Huang Chao and Chai Cun sent him to Cao Shixiong to praise the military machine, which showed his position in the eyes of the Rebel leader.

Gaihong stood up and said, "With the trust of the general and the military division, I am entrusted with an important task. I will leave for Jiangzhou tomorrow morning to convey the spirit of the Haozhou meeting to General Cao, do my best to be the staff of General Cao, and be responsible for the liaison with the headquarters."

Huang Chao nodded, glanced at the generals affectionately, and raised the volume: "Brothers, now the army is gathered in Haozhou, and the daily consumption is huge. We should pay attention to the economical use of military supplies. Starting tomorrow, the villages will officially start military training. Sun Mei, Chai Cun and Shang will go to each village to check the military training situation at any time. After half a month, I will arrange the acceptance work. Only new recruits who meet the conditions for an expedition can go to war. Sweat more at ordinary times and bleed less in wartime. I believe that you will do a good job in this military training and finish the meeting!"

The next day, inside and outside the city of Haozhou, the new recruits in various villages launched a hot training activity. These recruits * were all alive, crawling and rolling, jumping, and becoming clay figurines and still insisting on practicing hard. On the third village training ground, Lu Jingren trained the recruits to practice archery. He saw a target 50 meters away. There was a copper coin hanging in the center of the target, with a hole in the middle, asking the recruits to open bow and shoot arrows, and the arrows passed through the copper coin hole.

The recruits stared at the copper coin, holding their breath, gritting their teeth and holding their strength. His face turned red, pulled away the strong bow, and a handful of sharp arrows shot at the copper coin. A few sharp arrows passed through the copper coin hole, and most of them flew over the edge of the copper coin. Huang Chao and his entourage came to Lu Jingren and watched the new recruits' practice with great interest. Huang Chao patted Lu Jingren on the shoulder and said happily, "Jingren, you have trained well! I think you are an expert in military training. I heard that your Jinlong is good. I want to compare it with your Jinlong.

Lu Jingren replied cheerfully, "If the general wants to compare with his younger brother, I have to accompany him!" After saying that, Lu Jingren ordered a personal soldier: "Bring my ochre white horse and bring Jin Long. I will ask the general for martial arts." When the soldiers heard this, they were overjoyed. Now there is a good show.

After a while, the soldiers led the ochre white horse, brought Jin Long and handed it over to Lu Jingren. Jing Renti put on the horse and circled on the training ground. At this time, Huang Chao was also wearing his whole body. ** Huang fat horse galloped to Lu Jingren's side and was straight. Jing Ren was not panicked. He gently pushed out and made a move of "the old dragon playing in the water". The golden dragon went straight to Huang Chao's neck. At this time, the soldiers watching around the training ground were densely surrounded and stretched out their necks to watch the dragon and tiger fight.

Huang Chao turned his head and took the horse's reins, and the horse soared into the air, flashing Jing Ren's fierce move. Then, Huang Chao also used his unique skill "God's full of the sky". He saw a burst of flowers around the tip, people closing the wall, and the horse wrapped the shadow. Jingren also opened the golden dragon and rolled up the golden light of the road, like a mountain and sea. The two fought side by side, and there was no winner or defeat in the battle. The onlookers cheered loudly and the atmosphere was strong.

Jing Ren made a false move, rode the horse back outside the field and shouted, "Don't rest! The general is brave, and Jingren is invincible!" Huang Chao laughed loudly: "Brother Jing Renxian, a golden dragon is really powerful and lives up to its reputation! What a talent!"

Time flies, and the sun and moon are like a shuttle. The half-month-long training of the Haozhou Rebel Army finally came to an end. Through this military training, the combat strength of the rebels has been greatly improved, and their understanding of each other has deepened. During this period, Huang Chao, Chai Cun and others decided to write a battle article to denounce Li Tang. Huang Chao was proficient in poetry and wrote this article in person. He added a title to this article called "Toy Li Tangyu". Chai Cun and other generals read it and praised it in unison. Huang Chao smiled modestly: "Tomorrow morning, the villages will be concentrated outside Haozhou City. I will personally read this battle article to the whole army."

The next day, the rising sun rose in the east, and the earth was clear. Huang Chao, Sun Mei, Chai Cun and Shang Rang led the Chinese army and the Rebel soldiers to gather on the outskirts of Haozhou. Huang Chao climbed to the platform and shouted to the Rebel generals: "Li Tang has been tyrannical for many years. Regardless of the lives of the people, we have raised righteous teachers and have no way to fight against them. Next, I will read "During Li Tangyu". I hope that after listening to it, the soldiers will cheer up and go to the designated battlefield according to the order of the village owner to fight with Li Tang in the Central Plains!"

A shocking sound suddenly sounded around the platform: "Resolutely obey the order of the general and fight with Li Tang!" Final battle!"

Huang Chao took a deep breath and read it aloud, with the following general idea:

Li Yuan, the ancestor of the Tang Dynasty, was the nephew of Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of Sui. Li Yuan conspired to rise up in Jinyang and destroy Sui and build the Tang Dynasty. It is also a crime to win the country;

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, launched the Xuanwu sect incident regardless of ethics, killed his brother and brother, corrupted the discipline, was disloyal and unfilial, and his two crimes were also guilty;

Li Xun, Emperor Xizong of Tang, indulged in wine and sex, played a lot, ignored the government, and did not care about the disaster victims, and his three crimes were also;

Li Yan favors and believes in eunuchs, eunuchs erecting the court, dirty discipline, harming loyalty and good, state affairs are day by day, and his four crimes;

Li Tang * Jue, the reward and punishment are unfair, and the tribute is lost. Assassination of the property, the county magistrate committed the stolen goods, and the fifth crime;

The land annexation is serious, the rich have a continuous field, the poor have no place to stand, the people have no food and clothing, and it is difficult to survive, and their sins are six;

There are so many miscellaneous taxes that the people are overwhelmed. Li Tang also used the names of "heyi" and "heshi" to seize the people, and his seven crimes;

Widely built Buddhist temples, barbarians are flourishing, powerful and extravagant, and officials are harsh and unjust, and their crimes are eight.

Huang Chao counted the eight major crimes of Li Tang in one breath, and finally issued a call for battle: "Li Tang's crimes are indignant together! Rebel soldiers, let us raise our knives and guns. In the first year of Wang Ba, we went out to fight against the roadless king Li Yan and sounded the horn of the heroes of Daqi. I hope you all strive to be heroes of Daqi and become heroes of Daqi!"

The earth platform was surrounded by boiling, and the rebels burst into a deafening voice: "Fight to be a hero of Daqi and become a hero of Daqi!"

Huang Chao jumped on the horse, the yellow fat horse turned its hooves and showed its palms, hiss a few times, and the mountains and valleys responded. Huang Chao shouted, "Wen the flag!"

The Chinese flag bearers unfolded a red heart banner on a yellow background, and the two big red characters "Da Qi" on the flag jumped into the eyes of the soldiers. The banner hunted in the wind, and the Rebel soldiers were excited.

Huang Chao picked up the reins, looked at the northwest direction of Haozhou, waved his right hand into the air, and ordered, "Go out!"