Big Hero

Chapter 34 Separation

Outside the city, Huang Chaokao broke through Zeng Yuanyu's encirclement and suppressing army, so that the Tang army did not dare to fight. He huddled in the fortified city of the Central Plains to protect himself, and the Rebels cheered up. Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei surrounded Kaocheng. Ouyang Ming, the Tang general stationed in Kaocheng, deterred the power of the rebels and automatically surrendered. Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei's people Ma Hao drove into Kaocheng and were warmly welcomed by the local people. After cleaning the battlefield and arranging the outer cordon, Huang Chao's army also led the army into Kaocheng. The rebels recruited troops and horses in the area of Kaocheng, trained soldiers, accumulated grass and grain, and created weapons. The fire of the uprising was like a grassland, and the Central Plains shook.

Half a month later, Huang Chao arranged for Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei to lead the fourth villager Ma to station in Kaocheng, responding to Cao Shixiong's department of the fifth village in the south of the Yangtze River to monitor the movements of the Tang army in the Central Plains. He personally led the Chinese army, and the first, second and third villages all went north to Puzhou and Yunzhou to expand their strength. This scared Zhang Yang. In a hurry, Zhang Yang wrote a begging letter to Huang Chao, asking him to protect the main city of his Tianping war zone and need military supplies and so on. He must make a peaceful gesture.

After discussion, Huang Chao and the general decided to accept Zhang Yang's request, so that the people of Qilu can live at ease, second, they can get supplementary rest, and third, reduce hostility. Zhang Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed when he received Huang Chao's reply. He quickly sent his subordinates to prepare a large number of military supplies and sent his cronies to the Huang Chao Uprising Army camp.

Huang Chao received Zhang Yang's messenger in the Chinese military tent outside Yuncheng. The messenger praised in horror: "General Huang is truly an unprecedented hero in Qilu. As a sesame official of Qilu, I deeply admire him. The general was deeply righteous. He came to Qilu this time and did not attack the city. Lord Zhang Yang sent his subordinates to send you the prepared military supplies. If you need anything, it's okay to go to the Tianping jurisdiction later.

After listening to the flattery of Zhang Yang's messenger, Huang Chao smiled slightly and said, "Your master is not an enemy of our army. After you go back, you can publicize the military power of the righteous master. As long as you put down your weapons and sincerely submit, the righteous master will not blame the past. If you are stubborn and stubborn to the end, the righteous master will never be polite and resolutely eliminate it!"

The messenger bowed and nodded repeatedly: "The general said very well. We will never dare to fight against the general's troops. Please rest assured!"

Huang Chao waved his hand and said, "Go back and restore your life. Our army will go south immediately, and we won't disturb you!"

If the messenger was granted amnesty, he quickly took his entourage on the road and went back to Zhang Yang's place.

After Zhang Yang's messenger left, Huang Chao thought that after he rose up, he had fought for years and had no time to return to his hometown. This time, I took the opportunity of the army to garrison in the southern suburbs of Yunzhou to visit my hometown. Therefore, when returning to Shikao City, the army stopped at the wrong sentence, and Huang Chao and members of the Huang family went to the ancestral cemetery to pay tribute. Huang Hao, the son of Huang Chuang's brother Huang Cun, was already a heroic teenager, clamoring to join the army and went south with Huang Chao's army.

Huang Chao's son Huang Xiong and daughter Huang Ying have been fostered in Huang Cun's home, a few years younger than Huang Hao, and also pestered Huang Chao and Cao Min to follow the army. Huang Chao stroked Huang Xiong's head and said, "Xiong'er, my parents are marching to war now. They have no fixed place to live, which is very dangerous. You are still young. You study hard and practice martial arts at your uncle's house. When you grow up, it will naturally be useful. Child, please remember that in case your parents die one day, you, Xiaoying, and all the staff of the Huang family must be strong and brave, always do good deeds for the people, be generous, and be an upright man!"

Huang Xiong burst into tears, nodded, and choked and said, "Dad, I remember your words, but when I think of my parents, tears can't help falling down. When can our family be reunited every day!"

Huang Chao raised his head, looked at the towering mountains in the distance, and said thoughtfully, "Reunion, yes, who doesn't want the family to be together every day, but in today's China, Fangzhen has arrogance of soldiers, and the court has a lot of taxes. The people's life is getting harder and harder, and many people starve to death every day. Huang Chao did not revolt, and there were other people who revolted. Children, you are still young, and you will understand when you grow up.

Cao Min hugged Huang Ying tightly, and tears fell down. He comforted him, "Xiao Ying, did you hear Dad's words clearly? You and Brother Xiong should also be a real Qilu hero like your father and fight the world for the poor, so that the poor will turn over one day, understand?" Huang Yingqiang endured the pain of parting, looked up at Cao Min's resolute face and said, "Mom, Xiaoying remembers what you said. I also remember what my father said. I want to be an eagle in the sky and a dragon in the sea. I will live bravely, study hard and practice martial arts. When I grow up to work hard for the strength of China and the happiness of the people. !"

Huang Chao listened to Cao Min's mother and daughter and nodded with satisfaction: "This is like Huang Chao's children. Tonight, the members of our Huang family will have a reunion dinner with the soldiers and the people."

The Rebel soldiers and fellow villagers present heard this and cheered and rejoiced.

Huang Chao said to Chai Cun, "Brother Chai Cun, the trophy of Kaocheng's victory and the condolence gifts sent by Zhang Yang should also be taken out and shared, hehe."

Chai Cun nodded: "Brother Huang, I will talk to the quartermasters now and drink celebration wine in Brother Huang's hometown tonight. The soldiers fought in the south and north, which was very hard. It's time to celebrate.

That night, the grievances in Huang Chao's hometown were lively. The rebels and the people celebrated the victory of the Central Plains, sang and danced, and the soldiers and civilians were immersed in the joy of victory. The people took out all the delicious food in the house and rewarded the brave and fearless righteous soldiers. Huang Chao ordered to give part of the captured trophies to the people, and weapons such as knives, swords and halberd were also distributed to powerful villagers to carry out armed struggles in the local area.

Qiao Yu, Niu Feng, Meng Kai, Zhu Wen and others sat at a table drinking. Niu Feng was drunk and began to talk nonsense: "I think our army is now invincible all over the world. Sooner or later, Brother Huang will be the emperor. Sitting in the Jinluan Hall, we will be on two sides, Wen Dongwuxi, and I will stand in the west. The back position. Our surname is Niu, and we are an ox. We arched Li Yan from the emperor's throne with horns. Invite Brother Huang into the sedan chair and carry him to the Jinluan Hall. Brother Huang will be the emperor. We are all generals, hahaha!" After saying that, he stood up, played with the drunken Eight Immortals, fell head down at the wine table, and kept talking to himself.

Meng Kai and others couldn't help laughing.

Huang Chao sat at a table next to him and was persuading everyone to drink. Hearing Niu Feng's nonsense, he sank his face and scolded, "You black man, regardless of the occasion, talk nonsense. Help him into the room to sleep!"

Several soldiers rushed forward and took a lot of effort to help Niu Feng up and put him into the room.

Chai Cun smiled and said, "Brother Huang, don't have the same knowledge as the Niu Feng brothers. I think Niu Feng is talking about wine, but it may not be possible. I saw Brother Huang's heroic Superman and Sergeant Lixian. Now he is the owner of the village, who has taken Luoyang and Chang'an, and is fully capable of being the emperor of China and benefiting the people.

Hearing this, all the generals nodded one after another and agreed with Chai Cun's statement.

Huang Chao drank a few more cups, and then blushed. Hearing everyone's words, he quickly waved his hand and said shyly, "Brothers, we were born to die in order to seek peace in the world, equal wealth, and let the people live a good life. As for being an official and emperor, I don't have this idea. Now the brothers are together with deep righteousness, which is the opportunity of life. Huang Chao cherishes it very much! I believe that there will be a record of us in the future Chinese history books. Life is a lifetime, and the vegetation is in autumn. My master, Zen Master Huiqing, has taught me many times to think about the world, do more good deeds, and accumulate more merits. I want to be a monk when the world is peaceful, sweeping the ground and watching the moon in front of the court, and crossing all sentient beings.

Cao Min said anxiously, "Look at what you said, I think it's like the Niu Feng brothers, full of nonsense!"

Everyone laughed, and some burst into tears.

The banquet lasted for four or five hours, and many soldiers and people returned drunk.

Huang Chao fell asleep until three poles in the sun before he opened his sleepy eyes. When he saw the golden light outside, he suddenly jumped up from **, put on his clothes, and walked outside the house. At this time, it was early spring, and the grass began to grow, and many trees began to turn green. It was a vibrant scene. What a bright sunny day in early spring!

Huang Chao took a deep breath, opened the frame, and practiced Shaolin Luohan boxing. He was as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, one move, strong and powerful. At the beginning of the practice, Huang Chao punched a pine tree, and the pine tree was hit by a hole. Huang Chao was deeplychuan by Zen Master Huiqing. He was proficient in 18 kinds of weapons and skilled in bows and horses. He was a martial arts master who walked alone in the late Tang Dynasty. What's more rare is that Huang Chao is also proficient in poetry. In addition to marching and fighting, he often recites poems and writes many glorious chapters. Unfortunately, due to the prejudice of feudal rulers of successive dynasties, these treasures of Chinese culture have been annihilated and regretted by future generations.

One day, Huang Chao received an emergency document from Zhao Zhang, who was guarding the bald mountain, saying that after the defeat of Kaocheng, Li Tang dispatched troops and gathered heavy troops to fight a decisive battle with the Rebels. On the southern line of the Central Plains, Zeng Yuanyu sat in Jiangling and commanded more than 100,000 troops to besiege Cao Shixiong, Wang Zhongyin, Xu Tangju and Gai Hong's rebels; on the northern line of the Central Plains, Zhang Zimian was responsible for encircling and suppressing Zhengzhou, and there were also hundreds of thousands of elite Tang troops. Zhang Zimian has recently attacked Lushan. In order to pull out the nails of Luoyang, the eastern capital, Zhao Zhang, Wen Ying, Xiaolu and others are fighting hard. The situation is very critical. They want Huang Chao to lead his army to rush to the area of Lushan Mountain day and night to relieve the siege.

The military situation was urgent, and Huang Chao quickly held a military meeting and arranged the time and route of the Rebel action. Huang Chao ordered Meng Kai's first village man and horse to take the lead, to fight lightly and must rush to the front line of the mountain within three days and quickly counterattack the Tang army; Cao Min's men and horses in the second village camped south of Xuzhou and resolutely blocked the reinforcements Cui'an's submarines in Xuzhou; the third village Huang Siye attacked Weinan and attracted the main force of the Tang army. North. Huang Chao personally proposed a large army, attacked Bianzhou, and responded to the three villages in the north and south. The fourth village led by Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei quickly advanced to the front line of Shenzhou and Caizhou, joined the Rebels of Wen Ying and Xiaolu, and resolutely blocked the reinforcements of the Tang army from the southern line.

The day of leaving their hometown has finally come. The people in the area helped the old and the young, looking at the long dragon-like righteous teachers rushing to the southwest, all with tears rolling. A white-haired old woman took Huang Chao's hand and said, "When will the general come back? I look forward to your early return! I'm having a good time with you!"

Huang Chao looked at the villagers gathered around and said excitedly, "My fellow villagers, we will come back. When Li Tang is overthrown and a new regime is established, and the people are the masters of the country, we will meet!" Folks, take care!" After saying that, the hero burst into tears.

The mountains are speechless, and Huang Chao's voice echoes over the grievances for a long time...