Big Hero

Chapter 35 hun jun yi bing

Since the defeat of Kaocheng, Zeng Yuanyu has lived in Zhengzhou. He is depressed and can't sleep at night. He suddenly lost a lot of weight, and his eyes are deep, like frosted eggplant. One day, Zeng Yuanyu reviewed the new soldiers and just returned to the government office. He was so tired that he seemed to be scattered all over. He thought to suppress the thieves for several years, and his gray hair also climbed to the top, but he just didn't understand why so many troops in the court could not completely calm down these thieves. Zeng Yuanyu couldn't help sighing, and a personal soldier came in and reported, "General Zeng, the imperial edict is here!" Hearing this, Zeng Yuanyu immediately ordered, "Ah, please, please, please!"

As soon as Zeng Yuanyu's voice fell, he saw Gui Ren Shaoang enter and said with the imperial edict in his hand, "Zeng Yuanyu listens to the decree!"

Zeng Yuanyu hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Zeng Yuanyu received the order!"

Gui Renshao looked at the imperial edict and read: "I heard that Zeng Yuanyu was invicious in suppressing the thief, and the city was defeated, and I bowed deeply. Nian Huangmei made great contributions to the extermination of Wang Xianzhi, so he temporarily lived in his original position. Today, my special envoy Gui Renshao came, and Zeng Yuanyu went to Beijing on the same day to negotiate military aircraft.

Zeng Yuanyu replied loudly, "Thank you, long live my emperor!"

This time, Gui Renshao went to Zhengzhou and announced that Zeng Yuanyu entered Beijing for a reason. After Zeng Yuanyu's defeat, there were different voices in the court. Zheng Wei still supported Zeng Yuanyu to continue to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Tang Army in the Central Plains, but Tian Lingzi, Lu Yi and others opposed Zeng Yuanyu's command.

Li Yan was annoyed by these important ministers and asked Zeng Yuanyu to come to Chang'an to report his duties in person. Zeng Yuanyu did not dare to neglect, so he quickly packed up and took hundreds of soldiers to Beijing with Gui Renshao. Gui Ren Shao belongs to the centrist and has a relatively gentle temperament. He talked a lot with Zeng Yuanyu along the way and advised Zeng Yuanyu to talk more about victory and less defeat in front of the emperor. Zeng Yuanyu was very grateful and gave Gui Ren Shao a lot of gold and silver. He asked him to speak more in front of the emperor. Gui Ren Shao ate everything and accepted it with a smile. This is also a common habit in the officialdom of the late Tang Dynasty. It is not surprising.

When he arrived in Luoyang, the eastern capital, Liu Yunzhang, who was left behind in Luoyang, ordered to settle Zeng Yuanyu's own soldiers to rest in Guanyi, and then let Zeng Yuanyu and Gui Ren Shao and his entourage go to Beijing.

At this time, Li Yan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was laughing and fighting with Chen Shufei in the Hanxiang Hall of Daming Palace, and there was no Tianzi. Chen Shufei relied on herself as the niece of Li Yan's "father" Tian Lingzi, Li Yan's favorite concubine, and she was capricious in the palace, and the people in the harem were afraid of her. Chen Shufei opened her eyes slightly and leaned against Li Yan's shoulder and said delicately, "Your Majesty, you always run to me, making my bones worse and worse. The wine I drank last night is still dizzy!"

Li Yan laughed, twisted Chen Shufei's little face with his right hand, kissed her mouth, and said with a hippie smile, "My dear, my baby, I often come here because I love you. You little goblin, just have a sweet mouth and play with me all day long. I feel the happiest when I play the game you think of. !"

Chen Shufei gently pushed Li Yan and said, "Your Majesty, I want to go boating with you to Taiye Pool."

Li Yong was about to answer when a maid came in and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Noble Concubine Dai came and said that she had something important to report!"

As soon as Li Yan heard the three words "Dei Guifei", he immediately restrained his smile, sat upright and said to the maid of honor, "Please come in." Then, he turned his head and said to Chen Shufei, "You avoid it. I'll come to go boating with you later."

Chen Shufei looked unhappy and muttered, "You are just afraid of Dai Guifei, and you say you like me the most!" After saying that, he turned to the back of the screen.

Noble Concubine Dai came in and saw Li Yan sitting on the edge of Chen Shufei's bed. She suppressed her dissatisfaction and said calmly, "Your Majesty, you have been in the Hanxiang Hall for many days, and the chapters of the ministers have piled up a hill on the imperial case. Some Zhang Zuo Tian Lingzi did not dare to approve it and asked you to make a final determination in person. General Zeng Yuanyu has been in Chang'an for three days and wants to personally report to you on the original battle against thieves. Lord Zheng Wei takes him to the court to see His Majesty every day, but every time he returns with discommotion. Your Majesty, it has been more than 200 years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. I'm afraid there are not many people like you who play! I have to offend the emperor's prestige like this for the sake of the Tang Dynasty. I hope your majesty will forgive me!" After saying that, Princess Dai looked anxious.

In the harem, Li Jun's biggest headache and fear is this noble concubine Dai. Noble concubine Dai was recommended by Zheng Yu and appointed by the late emperor. She is straightforward, dares to speak and dare to act, and manages the harem in an orderly manner. Li Yan had no choice but to follow Princess Dai to Taiji Hall to meet Zeng Yuanyu.

Concubine Chen looked at Dai's back and clucked with hatred. She really wanted to swallow her, but Princess Diana's status was higher than her and she was the first choice for the queen. Chen Shufei had to endure the resentment in her heart.

Li Yan and Dai Guifei came to the Taiji Hall and saw Zheng Yu and Zeng Yuanyu standing in His Highness. Zheng Yu looked angry and Zeng Yuanyu didn't say a word. Princess Dai smiled and hurriedly came forward to say hello: "Lord Zheng, General Zeng, I have kept you two waiting for a long time. I invited your majesty here. You can talk about it in detail, and I won't bother you."

It is said that women are water. In this world, many things that women say really work. The two important ministers of the Tang Dynasty, who were still humming angrily just now, were moved by Princess Dai's reasonable words. They all bowed and said, "Thank you for your kindness!"

Dai Guifei smiled, became more and more beautiful and touching. She gently opened Ying and said, "They are both talents of the Tang Dynasty. They worked hard day and night for the Tang Dynasty. What my concubines did is just a small matter, not worth mentioning." After saying that, Huan Pei jingled and drifted away.

Li Yan sat down on the throne and said to Zheng Yu and Zeng Yuanyu, "These days, I'm uneasy and in poor health, so I didn't come out as a director until today. I hope you can understand."

Zheng Wei took a step forward and began to say, "Your Majesty is young. In this eventful autumn of the Tang Dynasty, you should think more about the country and society. Thinking about the founding of the Tang Dynasty for more than 200 years, since your majesty's accession to the throne, there has been continuous famine, frequent internal chaos, the separation of the four foreigners, the corruption of officials and violence, and the old ministers are anxious! Recently, the original work in Huang Chaozhong has been chaotic, and there are many responders, which has swallowed up the momentum of my Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty, the situation is so dangerous that you can't play any more!"

Li Yan listened. Although he was unhappy, after all, Zheng Wei's words were reasonable and there was no room for refutation, so he had to nod repeatedly and comfort him: "Zheng Aiqing is worried about the country and the people, which can serve as an example for courtiers. This time, I fully entrust you as the person in charge of suppressing thieves in the Central Plains. General Zeng should negotiate more with Zheng Aiqing in military affairs. I believe that you two will definitely defeat Huang Chao and turn the world around. I grew up in the deep palace and really don't know much about the military, so please pay more attention!"

Zeng Yuanyu said, "Your Majesty, I think Huang Chao is not afraid. The key is that our army can be dispatched and act according to the military order. If we don't do our own way, we can calm down the Central Plains and Qilu bandits within three years."

Li Yan strengthened his spirit and asked, "General Zeng, I will listen to your method of resisting the enemy now."

Zeng Yuanyu replied: "Since I divided the Central Plains war zone into two, the northern line let Zhang Zimian encircle and suppress the troops, and I was responsible for the conquest and suppress the southern line. Since its implementation, it has achieved remarkable results. When the Tang Dynasty was strong, the government army system was quite good and effectively completed the task of ensuring the people. But now the situation is different from the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. The number of people in various places has increased sharply, and many government soldiers are not in place and rushed into the mountains as thieves. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively improve the combat effectiveness of the Tang Dynasty. I think that the combination of the government military system and the recruitment system can effectively ensure the quantity of troops and improve the quality under the premise of ensuring the quantity. Military training should be strengthened, so as to improve combat effectiveness and ensure the complete success of the great cause of suppressing thieves.

Zheng Wei also said, "What General Zeng just said is indeed the theory of gold and stone. Our army seems to be very large, but in fact, the quality is not high. It is impossible for a group of villagers without strict military training to defeat strong and cunning thieves. I suggest that according to General Zeng's method just now, the Tang Dynasty will soon eliminate the thieves in the Central Plains and make your majesty feel at ease.

Li Yan couldn't help nodding and said happily, "General Zheng Aiqing, in order to commend your loyalty and achievements to the Tang Dynasty, I specially give each of you a hundred taels of gold, a hundred silk, and a jar of wine and 500 yuan for each of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. Gui Ren Shao took care of this matter. I'm tired and I'm going to rest. Two Aiqing, the heavy responsibility of suppressing thieves in the Central Plains, I will entrust you two!"

Zheng Wei and Zeng Yuanyu both knelt down and said gratefully, "I will try my best to suppress the thief and live up to the grace!"

In Jiangzhou government office, Cao Shixiong is hosting an extraordinary military conference. Wang Chongyin, Xu Tangju, Gai Hong and other major generals of the fifth village attended the meeting.

Cao Shixiong looked grim and first said, "Since the death of Xianzhige, our army has been suppressed by the surrounding Tang army in Jiangzhou, and the expansion of the team is slow. In Mali, the five-zhai Rebels, we are the weakest. Yesterday, I received the messenger sent by Brother Huang Chao and brought Brother Huang's handwritten letter, which said that he had made great progress after the battle of the city. However, the Tang army was not idle. Li Jun recently appointed Zhang Zimian as the envoy of the northern line of the Tang army to gather heavy troops to attack the front line of the ballast mountain. Brother Huang has sent several passers-by to rescue and organize a counterattack. On the southern line of the Central Plains, Zeng Yuanyu dispatched troops and generals in Jiangling, focusing on attacking our people stationed in Jiangzhou. In order to smash the combat intentions of the Tang army and cooperate with the main force of the northern line to better fight against Zhang Zimian's main force, I decided to divide the fifth village people into two. Gaihong and I led 20,000 horses to attack the Gaoxiang part of the Tang army in Hongzhou. I heard that Liu Bingren was also in Hongzhou, so that our army took advantage of the situation to avenge the Yanzhang brothers; Chongyin and Tang Ju He led 10,000 horses, secretly marched to the west, and suddenly attacked Langzhou and Yuezhou; the rest of the people and horses were divided into multiple armies to attack Zeng Yuanyu. In a word, this big counterattack should have both a big and quiet side. Let Tang Jun not see whether we are real or fake? During the battle, he attacked the weak areas of the Tang army while preserving his strength. If you encounter a strong enemy, you must retreat quickly, but you must not disperse. We should pay attention to absorbing the young and poor who support the Rebel Army and strengthen the strength of our army. Through this big counterattack, we will strongly respond to the actions of the main force of the Rebel Army on the Northern Front of the Central Plains and resolutely smash the Tang army's encirclement of our Jiangzhou base!"

Gai Hong said, "This time, Zeng Yuanyu besieged and suppresses our department in Jiangzhou, which is not afraid. The Tang army came from afar, and the veterans of the division were exhausted. There is a Yangtze River in the north of Jiangzhou, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This defense of Jiangzhou happened to take advantage of the flexible tactics of our navy to teach Zeng Yuanyu, who dared to invade, to encircle and suppress the army. Ye Xiang and Duan Meng's two brothers are very good at water. It's up to him to fight on the river.

Ye Xiang and Duan Meng stood up at the same time and said to Cao Shixiong, "Master Cao Zhai, give the order. Our two brothers must block Zeng Yuanyu's army on the north bank of Jiangzhou. You can rest assured to attack Hongzhou and Yuezhou!"

The generals asked to fight one after another to fight to the death with the Tang army. Cao Shixiong was very happy and announced loudly: "Brothers are not afraid of strong enemies and are in good spirits, so they will act according to the combat deployment they have just made. The key to this big counterattack is that we fight quickly and withdraw quickly, and we can't figure out the strategic purpose of our army. In order to better implement this operation, I would like to ask Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei to lead their troops to attack the front line of Anzhou and Ezhou, contain Zeng Yuanyu's army, and cooperate with us to complete this great counterattack!"

Wang Chongyin stood up and said resolutely, "This time, we must fight the arrogance of the Tang army. Our army will win, and the righteous division will gallop across the vast area of the Jianghuai River and Han. Even if I risk my life, I will fight with the enemy to the end!"