Big Hero

Chapter 2 Plan and then move

Gu Yanlang was defeated by Wang Chongyin in the area of Yuqi Mountain and fled to the city of Yuezhou in confusion. Unexpectedly, Yuezhou has been occupied by Langzhou people led by Fei Chuangu. What's going on? Isn't Yuezhou stationed by Wu Yanhong and Gao Zhou Yi? It turned out that Wu Yanhong was very resourceful. When he saw that Hu Zhen and Gu Yanlang had no news after leaving the city, he knew that the two soldiers and horses must have lost the battle, because it was agreed in advance that if the war was unfavorable, they could break through by themselves. Wu Yanhong hurriedly gathered the left-behind people in Yuezhou and prepared to break through.

Gao Zhou Yi said to Wu Yanhong, "Brother Wu, there is no news from the second-way soldiers. Isn't it too early to break through the city now?"

Wu Yanhong said, "Now is the best time for the Yuezhou garrison to break through. If it is half a day later, I expect that Wang Chongyin and Xu Tangju will definitely besiege Yuezhou. If you want to break through at that time, the loss will be great. Hu Zhen, Pu Hui and Gu Yanlang will definitely be frustrated by the attack. I believe that Hu Zhen's battlefield response ability will choose a good way to break through. What we have adopted this time is multiple breakthroughs, so as to maximize the preservation of our military strength. In this era, if you have soldiers, you have territory and the right to speak. No soldiers or generals, it is the meat on the cutting board, which can be slaughtered by others! After capturing Yuezhou, I had made arrangements for a long time. In Lujiazhuang, northeast of Yuezhou, close to the Yangtze River, I sent 500 people to garrison and collected all the boats from nearby villages there. Now I have inquired about my love. This time, it is the Fei Chuangu who commanded the Dongting Lake thief to cut off my food road and seek Yuezhou! This man is a magical man, and a wizard is unrivaled. Xu Tangju and Wang Mei invited him to Taifu Mountain to fall into the grass and ran to Langzhou to train the thief soldiers. This time, Fei Chuangu arranged the thief soldiers to go eastward in several ways to solve us in one fell swoop. I estimate that Fei Chuangu has sent troops to kill in the direction of Yuezhou. If we don't withdraw now, we will be surrounded by bandits in a day. If Yuezhou cut off food, it will be a dead end!"

Gao Zhou Yi listened to Wu Yanhong's words and suddenly realized and said anxiously, "Brother Wu, fortunately, you have a deep understanding of the art of war. Sun Tzu's Art of War has not been read for nothing. There are too few famous generals like you in the Tang Dynasty. It's not too late. Let's open the North City to break through now.

Wu Yanhong nodded: "Well, if you encounter thieves in the north of the city, don't be afraid. It must be a small band of thieves arranged by Fei Chuangu. Just rush there. With this doorknife in your hand, are you afraid of these thieves?

Wu Yanhong and Gao Zhouyi led the men and horses to withdraw from the north gate of Yuezhou overnight and marched towards Lujiazhuang. They were not far away. They were intercepted by 5,000 volunteers led by Chang Hong and Wang Mei. In the night, there was a scuffle between the two sides. Wu Yanhong waved a diamond knife, rode a big green knife, and killed Chang Hong. Gao Zhou Yi also brought troops to help the war, and the Tang soldiers cheered forward. Chang Hong and Wang Mei couldn't stop them, so they had to watch the brigade Tang Bing rush over.

After Wu Yanhong and Gao Zhouyi led their troops to rush out, they went straight to Lujiazhuang and pulled all the ferries to the Yangtze River not far north with 500 garrison there. At this time, the morning light was already shining. Wu Yanhong commanded the people and horses to cross the river in batches. After crossing the river, there were still 6,000 to 7,000 people. Wu Yanhong led the army to Jianli, and then along Xiashui all the way to Jiangling. When Jiangling Shoujiang Jian and Pang Hu saw that they were their own families, they opened the city to welcome Wu Yanhong's army and arranged food and accommodation.

Gu Yanlang was shocked to see Fei Chuangu standing at the head of Yuezhou City. Fei Chuangu ordered the volunteers defending the city to open bows and shoot arrows. The arrows were like rain. The Tang soldiers turned over their horses and rushed away with their heads in their heads. Gu Yanlang was in a panic when Wang Chongyin's men and horses rushed over and beat Gu Yanlang's men again. Gu Yanlang led his troops to rush left and right and could not get out of the siege. At this time, Hu Zhen led his troops to arrive and immediately entered the battle. Hu Zhen waved the eight-treasure camel dragon yin wind gun to intercept Wang Chongyin's fight and covered Gu Yanlang to break out to the south.

After a fierce battle between the two sides, Hu Zhen and Gu Yanlang finally came out of the siege and went straight to Yuqi Mountain and fled in the direction of Tanzhou. After entering the Tanzhou border, Gu Yanlang saw that there were no pursuers behind him and had entered a safe area. He said to Hu Zhen, "There are no pigs in the tank, and the stolen goods are unevenly divided and dogs bite dogs. Yuezhou was short of food. Wu Yanhong asked us to be a scapegoat and take the lead on the front line. He stayed in Yuezhou with his confidant Zhou Yi, and then crossed the Yangtze River to the north and slipped away. The next time I meet him, I have to kill him!" Hu Zhen persuaded Gu Yanlang a few words, and the two went to Cui Jin, the governor of Tanzhou.

The counterattacked Yuezhou, and the Rebels won a great victory. Wang Chongyin, Fei Chuangu, Xu Tangju, Liu Ying, Chang Hong, Wang Mei and other generals successfully met under the city of Yuezhou. The banner of "Daqi" fluttered, and the Rebels were cheered like thunder.

Wang Chongyin laughed happily: "Rely! What a pleasure! This time, Wu Yanhong should know that we are awesome. Mr. Fei is really a magic trick. Sun Wu is reincarnated! With Mr. Fei helping us, what else are we worried about? Follow General Huang Chao and sooner or later, you will flatten the Central Plains and unify the world!"

Fei Chuangu smiled and said to the generals, "Generals, the Tang army is frustrated in the area of Dongting Lake, but the situation in the whole Central Plains is still strong and weak. The Tang army has 300,000 or 400,000 troops in more than a dozen important towns in the Central Plains, and 1 or 2 million combat troops in Fangzhen outside the Central Plains. Because of the insufficient unity between the Tang army and the towns, our army continued to develop and grow. However, with the gradual weakening of the strength of the Tang army, Li Tang Dynasty will definitely dispatch troops and make every opportunity to find the main force of the righteous division. Once the main force of the righteous teacher suffers heavy losses, it will take a lot of time to regain its strength. So we must not take it lightly and paralyze now. What I am most worried about now is the war on the northern front of the Central Plains. What is the situation of General Huang Chao in Bianzhou and Songzhou? I think it is the best strategy to send some reconnaissance teams to go deep into Jiangbei to understand the situation and get in touch with General Huang Chao's Rebel Army.

Xu Tangjun said, "Mr. Fei is far-sighted and what he said is very true. On the one hand, we are now recruiting horses and training soldiers in Yuezhou and Langzhou; on the other hand, we need to get in touch with General Huang Chao to respond to the actions of the Jiangbei Rebel Army.

The generals agreed with the deployment of Fei Chuangu and Xu Tangju, and Wang Chongyin smiled cheerfully: "Okay, just act according to Mr. Fei and Tang Ju's plan! However, at the same time, it's time for us to drink Tang Ju and Liu Ying's wedding in Yuezhou, don't they?

When the generals heard this, they all agreed and surrounded Xu Tangju and Liu Ying to beg for a wedding wine.

Liu Ying looked at Xu Tangju, smiled and lowered her head shyly.

A few days later, Xu Tangju and Liu Ying got married in Yuezhou. In Yuezhou City, with colorful lights and joy, men, women and children came to the street to see the heroic couple. Xu Tangyu wore a big red flower on his chest and rode his horse forward. He saw him wearing a black gold helmet, purple gold armor, carrying a square sky painting halberd, and walked side by side with Liu Ying. Liu Ying wore a big red robe, wearing willow leaves and phoenix wing armor, with a green duckweed sword on her back, holding an embroidered knife in her hand, and also wearing a big red flower on her chest. She waved frequently to the soldiers and civilians on the second side of the street, nodded and smiled. Heroes and daughters, tigers and dragons, are really a perfect couple.

The military and civilians were overjoyed and shared the happiness of victory and the happiness of marriage with Xu Tangjun and Liu Ying. Wang Chongyin, Fei Chuangu, Chang Hong, Wang Mei and other volunteer soldiers drank happily in the Yuezhou government to celebrate their 100-year happiness. Wang Chongyin took the lead in making trouble in the bridal chamber and laughed happily until the second watch. Xu Tangyu and Liu Ying, the newlyweds, are in love and sweet, so I won't go into details.

Since Huang Chao left the injustice, the soldiers entered the Central Plains and slept all the way. After endless hardships, the army arrived in Bianzhou and camped about ten miles north of the city. Huang Chao arranged the peripheral cordon and returned to the Chinese military tent. As soon as he sat down, Chai Cun came in. Huang Chao motioned Chai Cun to sit down and asked, "Brother Chai Cun, what's going on with the three-way people sent out?"

Chai Cun said, "Meng Kai's first villager and horse have now entered the bald mountain area and met with Zhao Zhang Shengli. In this way, Zhang Zimian is unlikely to capture the bald mountain. Zhengzhou and Luoyang are still under the threat of our army; Cao Min's second village horse has also reached the vicinity of Xuzhou and restrained Cui Anqian. Main action; Huang Siye's third village has also attacked Weinan according to Brother Huang's deployment. At present, it is still in a fierce battle. It is estimated that within ten days, Siye will be able to take Weinan, so that the enemy of Huazhou dares not go south to Bianzhou to reinforce. Therefore, now is the best time for our army to attack Bianzhou. This time, it's time to attack Mu Renyu, the governor of Tang Xuanwu.

Huang Chao pounded the handsome case with his right fist and only heard a "click". A corner of the handsome case was broken. Huang Chao's eyes were like a torch and he said to Chai Cun, "Brother Chai Cun, fighters are rare. I decided to launch an attack on Bianzhou early tomorrow morning! Be sure to take Bianzhou before Zhang Zimian's army arrives, and stab Li Tang Zhongyuan's heart to make Li Yong, a boy, restless!"

The next day, Huang Chao came to the front line and commanded the Rebels to attack the city. The Rebels' stone throwers, catapults, giant crossbows, wells and other weapons showed their power, which made the Tang soldiers in Bianzhou cry and dodge everywhere. The Rebels rushed to build a pontoon bridge on the moat, set up ladders, and climbed to the head of the city with knives and guns.

Mu Renyu is worthy of being a famous general of Li Tang. He commanded the infantry to throw dry firewood and other ignitions into the city, and ordered the archers to launch rockets to suppress the rebels' siege equipment. Under the city of Bianzhou, a blazing fire broke out, and many of the rebels' siege equipment were burned black. Three consecutive rounds of the Rebels' attack ended in defeat. Huang Chao shook his head helplessly and said to Chai Cun, "Bianzhou City is strong, and our army has been unable to attack for a long time. Mu Renyu worked for Li Tang with all his heart, Chai Cun brothers, but what should he do?

Chai Cun has been observing the situation of the siege. After listening to Huang Chao's words, he also frowned and thought hard about a good strategy. After a while, Chai Cun said, "Brother Huang, our army came from afar and gathered under Jiancheng. I guess Zhang Zimian's army will rush to the Bianzhou area in less than five days. If we hadn't taken Bianzhou by then, our army would have been bound to suffer from the enemy, which would be very dangerous. I think it's better to leave a few people to camp outside Bianzhou to monitor the trend of the Tang army in Bianzhou. The main force rushes to Songzhou and fight Songzhou. Even if it can't be beaten, it will play a role in knocking down and attracting Zhang Zimeng's main force to move eastward. We are a little bitter, but it is more conducive to the strategic development of other three people. What do you think?

Huang Chao thought for a moment and said, "The Chai Cun brothers's theory is very good, so that they can get rid of the passive situation of attacking Bianzhou. According to the words of the military division, the main force turned to Songzhou. It's not too late. Let's get up tonight and go straight to Songzhou.

Chai Cun nodded: "Now order the army to withdraw back to the camp, have a full meal, and start the army in the middle of the night."

Huang Chao adopted Chai Cun's plan and led the main force of the volunteer army to Songzhou that night.

Mu Renyu knew that Huang Chao had retreated and didn't know where he was going. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He immediately ordered him to reward the defenders of Bianzhou and sent his own soldiers to Zhengzhou to report the war situation in Bianzhou to Zhang Zimian.

Zhang Zimian read Mu Renyu's handwritten letter and knew that Bianzhou had guarded it and a stone in his heart fell to the ground. At this moment, Lei Yinfu came in from the outside, and Zhang Zimian called Lei Yinfu to sit down. Lei Yinfu said, "General Zhang, I just received the front-line war report. The thief Huang Siye's troops are attacking Weinan. Du Yu, the governor of Yicheng, asked us to send reinforcements to the north as soon as possible. The thief Meng Kai's army has entered the mountain area and met with Zhao Zhang. Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan have been defeated there several times, and also asked us to send more troops. Assistance. How do you think it should be deployed?

Zhang Zimian took a sip of tea, gently tapped the handsome case with his fingers, stared at Lei Yinfu, and said, "General Lei, we have made full preparations for this battle of the Northern Front of the Central Plains. The court specially allocated us 3,000 Shatuo cavalry. Lord Zheng Wei asked Li Changyan, a famous general in Guanzhong, to join the battlefield of the Northern Front of the Central Plains. Why do you worry about the immortality of this new army?"

Lei Yinfu smiled and said, "General Zhang is both wise and brave. This time, he will definitely defeat the thief and the bandits. The last general has always been loyal to serve the country. I hope General Zhang will allocate me an elite soldier. I want to raid the Huangchao camp and catch the thief bandits unprepared!"

Zhang Zimian patted Lei Yinfu on the shoulder and said happily, "General Lei's martial arts skills are superb, which frightening the thieves. In this battle of the Northern Front of the Central Plains, I will naturally assign you the most difficult task. I think so. Please inform the generals of Zhengzhou to come to my house tonight and I will hold a banquet for you. We will discuss the military situation while drinking and plan to eliminate the thieves on the northern line of the Central Plains!"

Lei Yinfu was very excited and his face turned red. He said, "Okay, I'll inform you now!" After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the government office.

Zhang Zimian looked at Lei Yinfu's fading figure and sighed, "The general died in a hundred battles, and the strong man returned in ten years. The color black and red is called Yin, and the military transfer certificate is called Yin-Fu!"