Big Hero

Chapter 3 Speed

Zhang Zimian ordered Lei Yinfu to summon the generals of Zhengzhou, go to Zhang Zimian's house for a banquet in the evening, and study the strategy of "to suppress thieves" at the banquet. That night, the generals of Zhengzhou gathered at Zhang Zimian's private house. Zhang Zimian ordered his servants to take out wine with low alcohol and entertain the generals. Among them, Gui Renshao, who was sent to the northern line of the Central Plains as a military eunuch, and Li Changyan, a famous general in Guanzhong, also came to participate.

When Zhang Zimian saw that all the generals had arrived, he began to speak: "You are all loyal and brave generals of the Tang Dynasty. At this time of crisis, as the commander of the Northern Front of the Central Plains, I have to do my duty as a general of the Tang Dynasty. Nowadays, the bandits on the northern line of the Central Plains are under the command of Huang Chao. The bandits are divided into five routes and constantly attack our army in various places, which is extremely harmful and cannot be eliminated. After repeated consideration, I decided to gather heavy troops, attack with thunder, and smash the main force of the Yellow Nest Thieves, so that they could not run rampant on the northern line of our Central Plains.

The generals expressed their willingness to obey Zhang Zimian's command, and Gui Renshao did not object. Seeing that everyone had no objection, Zhang Zimian continued to say, "Since you brothers are willing to obey my command, I will also announce the operational deployment. I ordered: Luo Yuangao, the governor of Heyang, led 20,000 troops to help Huazhou, and together with Du Yu, attacked the thief Huang Siye's troops; Zhuge Shuang, the defense envoy of Ruzhou, led 10,000 soldiers to the south to the mountains, cooperated with Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan to contain the people and horses of the thief Meng Kai and Zhao Zhang, so that they could not dare to reinforce the main force of Huang Chao; Yang Yan, the history of Songzhou, He must defend Songzhou and wait for help; Cui Anqian, the governor of Zhongwu, sent 20,000 main force to follow Huang Chao and constantly attack the thief army, so that he could not march calmly. At the same time, he dragged the thief Cao Min's troops in the area of Xuzhou; Mu Renyu continued to defend Bianzhou during the Xuanwu Festival; Zhao Yu, the history of Chenzhou, sent 5,000 elite soldiers to march on the south bank of the Bian River, with many banners, as suspicious soldiers, made the thief Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei's troops have the illusion and interfered with their combat deployment; I, Gui Ren Shao, Li Changyan, Lei Yinfu, Miao Jin and He Zhi led 100,000 of the main force to suppress the thieves and marched east along the north bank of the Bian River to chase and annihilate the main force of Huangchao. Zeng Yuanyu, the commander of the garrison in Ezhou, was informed that he would make a close defense on the south bank of the Yangtze River from Ezhou to Chizhou to prevent the Huangchao thief from crossing the south of the Yangtze River. In this battle on the northern front of the Central Plains, my deputy commander will flatten the main force of Huangchao. After the great victory of our army, he will go south to the Yangtze River, cooperate with Zeng Yuanyu, completely eliminate the thief Cao Shixiong and Wang Chongyin, and complete the heavy task of suppressing the thieves in the Central Plains entrusted to us by your majesty!"

After listening to Zhang Zimian's deployment, the generals felt that they were quite well thought out and could not find anything wrong. After some discussion, the Tang generals at the meeting agreed to this combat deployment. At the end of the banquet, Gui Renshao stood up and said, "Generals, Gui came here at the disposal of his boss. To be honest, Gui is not a person who likes to fool people. I understand your hard work. In the course of the battle, as long as there is no major principle error, I will not embarrass you. However, if you do not obey the order of resistance, see death, and escape from the battle, then Gui will also use the discipline of the Tang Dynasty battlefield to rule. I hope that everyone will unite sincerely this time and do their best to eliminate the main force of the thief Huang Chao and restore the Tang Dynasty to danger. Gui is a lay man in the military, and the specific battle depends on you generals!"

While Zhang Zimian dispatched troops to prepare to contain and kill the Huang Chao Uprising Army on the northern line of the Central Plains, Huang Chao and Chai Cun had led the main force of the Rebel Army east to attack Songzhou. Along the way, when the righteous division soldiers arrived, the small city Tang army returned one after another. A few fled to the nearby Tang army city. When they arrived at the city of Songzhou, the number of people led by Huang Chao had expanded to nearly 100,000 people, including Li Hanzhi from Puzhou, who took 5,000 to 6,000 people to Huangchao. Huang Chao was overjoyed and arranged for Li Hanzhi to be a general under Cao Min in the second village and listen to the Chinese army for the time being.

Huang Chao's army came to the city of Songzhou. Songzhou's history Yang Yan urgently summoned his general Zhu Xuan to discuss the military situation. Yang Yan said, "General Zhu, Huang Chao's thief came to attack Songzhou again this time. The thief is huge. What can he do?"

Zhu Xuan's expression is very calm, and he can't see his psychological state at this moment from his face. He is quite demeanor. Zhu Xuan pondered for a while and began to speak: "Lord Song, don't worry. Songzhou is high and deep. Last time, the thieves were also fierce, but they failed to break through Songzhou. This time, the thief will come back. As long as we guard it properly, the thief will still return.

After listening to Zhu Xuan's analysis, Yang Yan immediately increased his confidence in defending the city and asked, "General Zhu, can you talk about specific strategies to resist the enemy?"

Zhu Xuan came to the situation map of the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty hanging on the wall, pointed to the northeast of Songzhou and said, "On the front lines of Yanzhou and Yizhou, we have old friends Cao Quanyu. He has tens of thousands of elite soldiers of Qilu under his hands and can be used to fighting. As long as Lord Yang cultivates a letter to him, I expect Cao Quanyu will definitely help him; in Songzhou East In the direction of Xuzhou, there are also our old friend Xue Neng, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers. As soon as the Xuzhou soldiers are dispatched, the siege of Songzhou will be solved. In addition, the deputy commander Zhang Zimian will certainly travel day and night to rescue Songzhou. As long as we stick to Songzhou for ten days, reinforcements will come. At that time, we will open the city to attack, and maybe we can still capture the yellow nest alive, and Lord Yang will make a world-class achievement!"

Zhu Xuan's words are indeed well-founded, and Yang Yan can't help but believe it. Yang Yan gritted his teeth and said, "General Zhu, this time we will fight with the yellow nest thief to the end!" I will now repair two books, one for Cao Quanyu and the other for Xue Neng. You will decide who will send the letter. General Zhu, I am a layman militarily. I will hand it over to you to defend Songzhou. I mobilized the people to defend the city, and I will take care of the logistics work.

Zhu Xuan said, "Thank you, Lord Yang, for being so valued. I will do my best to repel this invasion of Huangchao thieves!"

After a while, Yang Yan wrote two letters for help and gave them to Zhu Xuan.

Zhu Xuan said goodbye to Yang Yan and returned to his residence. He immediately called his brother Zhu Jin and said to him, "Brother Jin, this time I will give you a very difficult and glorious task."

Although Zhu Jin is only 12 years old, she is bold and careful. Because he grew up with Zhu Xuan in the barracks, he has practiced a good job. He is good at making an iron doll, which is extremely brave, and his archery is outstanding. He can shoot down the flying geese on his galloping horse. Zhu Jin listened to Zhu Xuan's words, patted his chest and said, "Brother, my heart is itchy now. Am I going to go to the battlefield to kill Huang Chao thieves?"

Zhu Xuan smiled and said, "Brother Jin, you are just a little impatient. According to Ma Feibao, the Huangchao thief invaded Songzhou again this time. There were nearly 100,000 thieves and were very arrogant, threatening that if we don't surrender, we will step down Songzhou! Your task this time is to safely send the two distress letters written by Lord Yang to Cao Quanyu and Xuzhou Xue Neng to General Cao and Lord Xue, and ask General Cao and Lord Xue to send troops to save Songzhou as soon as possible after receiving the letter. Do you understand?

Zhu Jin nodded: "Brother, I know. This letter is about Songzhou's safety, right?"

Zhu Xuan came forward, stroked Zhu Jin's round face, and exhorted, "Brother Jin, I will allocate 300 elite soldiers for you. You have to rush out in the northeast corner. At present, the thieves have not formed a tight encirclement outside Songzhou, so we are quite sure of this breakout and deliver the letter. In order to ensure that you rushed out safely, I opened the west gate and attacked the thief soldiers. When you heard the sound of killing in the west, you immediately killed from the east gate, took the road of Chuqiu and Chengwu, and then divided into two routes to Yanzhou and Xuzhou. I wish you a successful breakthrough!"

At the second hour that night, Zhu Xuan ordered a thousand elite soldiers and opened the west gate. He waved the eight treasures and turned the ring knife and shouted to kill the Rebel camp. Ximen's camp was Chai Cun's subordinate. The righteous soldiers flew to report to Chai Cun. Chai Cun was shocked and quickly led the sea and Yue Qing Fengju, pulled out Wu Yue's sword, and ordered the volunteers to besiege Zhu Xuan's people and horses. There was a scuffle between the two sides in the dark. Zhu Xuan's eight treasures turned the ring knife and was extremely powerful. He saw him chop left and right. In a while, he killed and injured dozens of volunteers.

Huang Chao, who was stationed in the northern suburbs of Songzhou, heard Ximen's shouting and rushed to the West City. When Zhu Xuan saw that Huang Chao personally led the troops, he shook his knife and shouted, "Brothers, withdraw!" Tang Bing whistled and quickly ran to the west gate of Songzhou. Soon, he arrived at the west city. Zhu Xuan shouted to open the door. The Songzhou garrison quickly put down the suspension bridge, let Zhu Xuan's night attackers into the city, and then closed the gate heavily. Zhu Xuan took a count of people and horses, and only more than 100 people were folded.

Huang Chao ordered the volunteers to strictly prevent the Tang soldiers from attacking, arranged several warning lines, and then went to the Chai Cun army's tent and said, "Brother Chai Cun, who is the Tang general who came out to attack just now?"

Chai Cun replied, "I'm not very clear, but I heard that there is a general named Zhu Xuan in Songzhou. This man is both wise and brave and very powerful. It is estimated that this Zhu Xuan came to rob the camp tonight. I heard that Zhu Xuan has a younger brother who is only ten years old, but he is skillful and difficult for ordinary people to get close to him.

Huang Chao said, "These two will be a great trouble for righteous teachers in the future, and they should be designed to eliminate them as soon as possible."

Chai Cun shook his head: "It's not easy to talk about it! Zhu Xuan is alert and never takes risks. It is absolutely difficult to catch him and kill him.

Zhu Jin heard the sound of killing outside the West Gate of Songzhou and knew that Zhu Xuan had fought with the "thief soldiers". He waved the iron doll and shouted, "Brothers, start to rush and kick the camp!" Three hundred Tang soldiers followed Zhu Jin and shouted to come out from the east gate of Songzhou and went straight to the camp of the Rebel Army.

Li Hanzhi was in the East Gate camp of the Rebels. Li Hanzhi thought that the Rebels were strong and strong, and the Tang army did not dare to come out to challenge, so he was sleeping in the camp. After Zhu Jin led his troops to break through three battalions one after another, he was awakened by the rushing personal soldiers, which showed that Zhu Jin's attack speed was so fast. Li Hanzhi took a hundred mace and chased Zhu Jin and his party.

At this time, Zhu Jin had killed the last camp of the Rebel Army. Seeing Li Hanzhi's troops chasing him quickly, he crossed the iron doll on the saddle and pulled out an arrow from the arrow pot. He was kindly looking at Li Hanzhi. This arrow hit Li Hanzhi's left arm and hurt. Li Hanzhi shook a few times on the horse. He endured the severe pain and pulled out the arrow with his mouth, pulled off his robe and simply bandaged it. When Li Hanzhi saw that Zhu Jin only had two or 300 people, he roared: "Song Zhouwa, who was killed by heaven, dares to hurt me with a secret arrow. I must smash you today!"