Big Hero

Chapter 7 Thunder Attack

Huang Chao, Chai Cun and Shang asked the soldiers to go to Songzhou to rescue Li Hanzhi. Sun Mei stopped Huang Chao's horse and asked to go together. After repeatedly persuading, Sun Mei reluctantly agreed and reluctantly let Huang Chao and others move forward. Looking at the long dragon of the Rebels slowly disappearing from sight, Sun Mei's tears were hazy. At least the female soldiers said that Sun Meifang returned to the camp with the help of the female soldiers to recuperate.

Late the next night, Huang Chao's army quietly arrived outside Songzhou. At this time, Cao Yi, Zhu Jin, Shi Pu and Chen Jingyu were surrounding Li Hanzhi's camp and attacking vigorously. With the favorable terrain, Li Hanzhi defended the battle situation was very tragic and dangerous. Zhu Xuan in Songzhou also led 3,000 people to help the battle. As soon as he opened the north gate and set out for Li Hanzhi's camp, he met Daqi's leading troops. The leading general was Shang Rang, who had experienced hundreds of battles. Shang Rang wore a cloud helmet, wearing a six-in-one chain armor, ** leopard flower horse, carrying a five-hook bright silver gun, leading 20,000 elite soldiers to shout at Zhu Xuan's people, killing the Tang soldiers overturned their horses and were killed and injured. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhu Xuan quickly retreated, entered Songzhou, and closed the city gate.

At the same time, Huang Chao's main force launched a fierce attack on the Xuzhou people of Shi Pu and Chen Jingyu. Shi Pu and Chen Jingyu were attacking Li Hanzhi under their command, but were suddenly attacked by the main force of the Rebel Army. Xuzhou soldiers and horses were killed all over the field and blood flowed into rivers. Under the protection of their own soldiers, Shi Pu and Chen Jingyu rushed out of the siege, leaving only hundreds of horses and fled back to Xuzhou in confusion. Back in Xuzhou, the second general scolded Xue Neng, which was so annoying.

When Cao Yi and Zhu Jin saw the defeat of Shi Pu's army and inquired, they knew that Huang Chao personally led the main force to arrive. After discussion, they felt that it was better to retreat back to Songzhou. As long as they defended Songzhou, Huang Chao would retreat sooner or later. The plan has been settled. Cao Yi and Zhu Jin ordered the withdrawal of the troops and quickly fled to Songzhou. Huang Chao was not willing to give up. The volunteers were strictly ordered to chase and kill them. The volunteers rushed to the Tang army with the momentum of overwhelming the mountains and seas. They killed Cao Yi and Zhu Jin's crooked armor and were driven all the way into Songzhou. Zhu Xuan saw that Zhu Jin was defeated and fled back. He quickly put down the suspension bridge and took over Cao Yi and Zhu. Jin entered the city. After entering the city, Cao Yi count the people and horses, leaving only more than 2,000 people, who were disgraced and cried bitterly.

Huang Chao's army defeated Cao Yi, Shi Pu and Zhu Xuan's soldiers and horses outside Songzhou, and beat the Tang army. Chen Bing in the northern suburbs of Songzhou and Songzhou, people were panicked and shocked for several days. At this time, Cao Quanyu led 20,000 elite soldiers to be stationed in Chuqiu. He had to report that Cao Yi was defeated by Huang Chao and trembled with anger, but there was nothing he could do, so he had to camp in Chuqiu to observe the changes in the war.

It is said that Ma Huang Siye, the third village of the volunteer army stationed in the area of Huazhou, also captured Weinan at this time and was greatly supplemented, developing to more than 50,000 people, with strong soldiers and strong horses. Huang Siye, Lu Jingren, Wang Qi, Bi Shiduo and other generals decided to attack Huazhou after discussion. At this time, the messenger sent by Huang Chao arrived and ordered Huang Siye to lead his army south to meet Meng Kai and Zhao Zhang's people and horses in Fuqi Mountain. After all the main forces of the righteous army arrived, they would cross the south of the Yangtze River and go to Jiangzhou together. Huang Siye showed Huang Chao's order to the generals, and everyone had to give up the idea of attacking Huazhou. After some discussion, they decided to attack Yang Zhai first, then Ye County, and then go south to Lushan.

The next day, Huang Siye led the third villageman to leave Weinan and marched towards the Yangzhai area. Du Yu immediately came to his senses as soon as he heard it and thought, why don't I take the opportunity to chase and kill him? In this way, the enemy can be surprised to obtain the heavy supplies of the "thief army". After consideration, Du Yu called Wang Chucun and Li Yu, the generals of Huazhou, and ordered Li Yu to defend the city. He and Wang Chucun sent 10,000 soldiers to chase Huang Siye. Wang Chucun's remonished and said, "Lord Du, I heard that the thief Huang Siye is brave and good at fighting. Lu Jingren has a deep understanding of military tactics and both literature and martial arts. At this time, when the morale of the thief was strong, the thief was uncertain and his wheres were unknown. If we attack rashly, I'm afraid we will be taken advantage of by the bandits. I hope Lord Du will think twice.

After listening to Wang Chucun's words, Du Yu actually changed his usual steady style and scolded, "As a general, how can you say such a thing?! Unexpectedly, the thief was ambitious and destroyed the majesty of the Tang Dynasty? I heard that outside Songzhou, Huang Chaozhen cut off Lei Yinfu and broke the three roads of the Tang Dynasty. Zhang Zimian was like a turtle with a shrunken head and could not hold on to Yongqiu. After raising soldiers for a thousand days, he used troops for a while. At this time, the thief Huang Siye's department was proud and prosperous. This time, our army could surprisingly win and catch the thief off guard. I have made up my mind. You don't have to say much. You have to fight this battle! Save a little face for the Central Plains battlefield of the Tang Dynasty!"

When Wang Chucun and Li Yu saw that Du Yu insisted on sending troops, they had to bow their heads and say no words. Du Yu ordered Wang Chucun to quickly order 10,000 troops and allocate 3,000 men to Wang Chucun as a back team. He personally led 7,000 horses as the front team, opened the gate of Huazhou, and rushed to the southeast.

After Huang Siye led the army, Lu Jingren suggested that Huang Siye allocate troops to him all the way and set up an ambush in the area of Pucheng to prevent Du Xi from leading troops to chase and kill. Huang Siye praised Lu Jingren for his thoughtful consideration and allocated 8,000 elite soldiers to Lu Jingren to set up an ambush in the mountain forest north of Pucheng. Lu Jingren led the troops away. Huang Siye commanded the army day and night and rushed in the direction of Yangzhai.

As Lu Jingren expected, Du Yu led 7,000 Tang soldiers all the way and entered the ambush circle of the Rebel Army. Lu Jingren's order, and the Rebel crossbows were fired together, causing the Tang army to collapse and countless casualties. Du Yu was also hit by several arrows and blood flowed. Lu Jingren rode Hao Baima, waved the golden dragon, and led the volunteers to shout to kill the Tang soldiers.

After all, Du Han is a veteran. Although he was injured, his fighting spirit is still strong. He raised the Xuanhua axe, killed several righteous soldiers one after another, and commanded the Tang army to fight back. The two sides twisted together. The Tang army gradually couldn't resist the enemy, collapsed on the whole line, and fled. Du Yu didn't want to fight. He waved an axe and went north. Lu Jingren was not willing to give up and ordered the volunteers to hunt down the Tang soldiers. After all, Du Yu was injured and his physical strength was weak. In addition, he was old and had been fighting for a long time. He was dizzy. He fell off the horse, and the Xuanhua axe was also put aside. As soon as Lu Jingren saw it, he slapped him and hit him.

Du Yu saw that Lu Jingren's golden dragon rushed to cover his spirit and quickly rolled on the ground and flashed aside. At this time, he was out of breath and didn't even have the strength to roll over. Du Yu closed his eyes and knew that he was going to have bad luck this time. He would be in the end of his life. Several volunteers rushed up and raised knives and guns at Du Yu. Du Yu's own soldiers resisted desperately. At this critical moment, Wang Chucun led his troops to arrive. Wang Chucun raised eight trigrams and led 3,000 Tang soldiers to roar into the front, like a flash of lightning, making the righteous soldiers retreat one after another. Wang Chucun rushed to Du Yu's side and ordered his own soldiers to help Du Yu. He personally cut off the back and fought and retreated.

Lu Jingren's people were rushed by Wang Chucun's reinforcements and damaged hundreds of people. He led his own soldiers, beat horses and whipped them to chase Wang Chucun. Lu Jingren shouted from afar, "Can this Tang general be informed of his name?"

Wang Chucun strangled the horse's head, the war horse hissed, and replied loudly, "I'm the king of Huazhou. If you are not afraid of death, just come!"