Big Hero

Chapter 6 Rejuvenate

Huang Chao and Yue Lingfei came to Sun Mei's bedside. Huang Chao called Sun Mei and made several voices in a row. Sun Mei did not respond, and Huang Chao burst into tears. Huang Chao choked and said to the generals, "The Xianzhi brothers were unfortunately killed in Huangmei, and now Mrs. Sun Mei is seriously injured and in danger. Why is God so unfair to play tricks on heroes like this!"

Yue Lingfei said, "Brother Huang, don't be too sad. My wife was only seriously injured for a while, and her qi veins are still alive. As long as she is treated properly, she can still be saved. Now it is urgent to invite a famous local doctor to come to the barracks to treat his wife.

Chai Cun listened to Yue Lingfei's words and made a suggestion: "I don't think it's better. Please ask the soldiers from Songzhou from each battalion to look around to find famous doctors and come to heal his wife's wounds. I think they will find it sooner or later."

The generals were in favor of Chai Cun's method, and Huang Chao nodded: "It's better for Chai Cun brothers to think well. It's not too late. Let's act separately according to this method!"

After receiving the task of finding famous doctors to treat Sun Mei, the volunteers from Songzhou in each battalion were very active and left the camp to look for famous local doctors. The next day, several soldiers invited Peng Yiqing, a famous doctor in Songzhou. This person is the descendant of Sun Simiao, the king of medicine. He has excellent medical skills and is famous far and near.

Peng Yiqing has been 60 years old, and his waist is still strong and his face is ruddy. He walked into the Chinese army tent with a medicine bag on his back and met Huang Chao. Huang Chao has already been reported that he had invited Peng Yiqing, a famous doctor, to treat Sun Mei. Huang Chao saw Peng Yiqing enter the Chinese military tent and quickly left his seat. He asked Peng Yiqing to sit in his handsome chair and asked for advice: "Mr. Yiqing, General Xianzhi's wife was hit in the back by Lei Yin's bolt in the mouth of the thunder, vomited blood several times, and fainted. Now that his life is hanging, Mr. Su Wenyiqing's medical skills are excellent, and he has been taught by Sun Simiao's descendants. He has the means to come back to life. Please use his unique skills to treat his wife.

Peng Yi smiled lightly: "The general is kind and loves the people, and the righteous army is disciplined and well supported by the people. It is a blessing in his life that Yiqing can heal his wife. Let's go to your wife's tent now. I'll diagnose her injury.

Huang Chao, Chai Cun, Yue Lingfei and others personally accompanied Peng Yiqing to Sun Mei's tent. Peng Yiqing put down the medicine bag, carefully observed Sun Mei's appearance, and took the pulse for Sun Mei. He turned around and said to Huang Chao and others, "Madam, this injury is not difficult to cure. It is hit by external forces, the pulse is blocked, and the blood is blocked, causing internal injury. Therefore, you must first take the decoction to help the blood and qi, and then apply the plaster externally. In less than half a month, you can get out of bed and walk around; you can recover after a month.

Huang Chao and the generals were skeptical and looked at Peng Yiqing to see what method he used to treat Sun Mei's serious injury. Peng Yiqing took out a few herbs from the medicine bag and ordered several female soldiers guarding Sun Mei to soak them for half an hour, and then boil them into a large pot of soup and medicine. The female soldiers quickly followed Peng Yiqing's words.

The female soldiers cooked the soup and put it into the account. Peng Yiqing asked the female soldiers to help Sun Mei and make Sun Mei's head rise. Peng Yiqing then ordered a female soldier to send soup to Sun Mei's mouth one by one with a spoon. It took a long time to deliver a large pot of soup and medicine.

Peng Yiqing asked the female soldiers to sit on the edge of the bed and gently patted Sun Mei's back. After a while, a grain of sweat oozed from Sun Mei's forehead, and her face gradually turned red from white. Her eyes slowly opened. She only heard Sun Mei's "wow". Her body trembled and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and tears kept crying. Fall down.

Peng Yiqing hurriedly asked the female soldiers to bring hot water, fed Sun Mei, and then ordered the female soldiers to help Sun Mei lie down slowly. At this time, Sun Mei's breathing was clearly heard. Huang Chao and others admired Peng Yiqing's medical skills and thanked him one after another. Sun Mei said at this time, "Thank you, Brother Huang, Brother Chai Cun, Lingfei, and other brothers and sisters for your hard work. For a little Sun Mei, you are time-consuming and laborious. Why?"

Huang Chao and others were so happy that they walked to Sun Mei's bedside and were so excited that they couldn't speak. Peng Yiqing took out a lot of herbs and pills and said, "General, generals, ladies are recovering from a serious illness and need to recuperate. These pills, three times a day, six pills at a time, are delivered with warm water. In addition, I will make some herbs, boil the soup twice a day, and give it to my wife. The old man travels around to treat the people's diseases. He can't stay here for a long time. Say goodbye!"

Huang Chao and others couldn't stay, but Peng Yiqing drifted away.

A few days after Peng Yiqing left, Huang Chao received an emergency document from Xiangyi, which was written by Shang Rang himself and sent a messenger to report to Huang Chao's camp. At this time, the Ningling battlefield had been cleared, and the rebels seized a lot of trophies and morale was high. Huang Chao read Shang Rang's letter and knew that Zhang Zimian was leading a large army of monks, Wen Ying and Xiao Lu to confront each other in Yongqiu because of the defeat of Lei Yinfu, and did not dare to launch an attack. Huang Chao is thinking about Li Hanzhi in the north of Songzhou.

It happened. Just as Huang Chao estimated the war situation, Li Hanzhi's messenger arrived and also submitted an emergency document. Huang Chao was shocked when he saw it. Only when he knew that Li Hanzhi paralyzed the enemy because of the victory of Ningling. Zhu Jin challenged several times. In order to avenge the arrow, Li Hanzhi angrily went to fight. As a result, Cao Yi was ambushed and nearly 10,000 soldiers, so he had to shrink his troops and retreat to the mountain forest to defend it. When Shi Pu and Chen Jingyu saw Cao Yi's victory, they boldly pushed the Xuzhou soldiers and horses under Song City. Together with Cao Yi's soldiers and horses, they formed a momentum of attacking Li Hanzhi's men and horses.

Huang Chao was very dissatisfied with Li Hanzhi at this time. In the east of Songzhou, he was successfully broke into the camp by Zhu Jin, a child soldier. As a result, he attracted the second Tang soldiers. Now he is lured out of the camp by Zhu Jin and was killed by Cao Yi. Huang Chao became more and more angry. He left the Chinese army tent and walked to a small river to consider countermeasures.

"Brother Huang, what happened? Did you run to the river alone?" Huang Chao heard the voice behind him and quickly turned his head. It turned out that Chai Cun and Yue Ling flew over. Huang Chao sighed and briefly talked about the military situation of Shang Rang and Li Han.

Chai Cun pondered for a while and said to Huang Chao, "Brother Huang, at present, there is a serious shortage of food for the rebels, and there is only half a month of military food. Songzhou's hard bone has been gnawed for a long time. Zhang Zimian's three-way reinforcements, Zhang Zimian's journey is currently blocked by Shang Rang, Wen Ying and Xiao Lu to the west of Xiangyi. I guess he will launch an attack in the near future. It is reported that Han Jian and other Fangzhen, the governor of Tang Weibo, have received orders from the court and are mobilizing people to come to Songzhou. To sum up, if our army stays in Songzhou for one more day, the danger will increase by one point. Therefore, in order to preserve strength and facilitate a lasting battle, I suggest that Huang Siye's troops of the third village should be ordered to capture Weinan at all costs, then turn south, take Ye County, force Luoyang, force Zhang Zimian to lead troops to the west, and let Li Tang gather in Luoyang. Line. Here, let Lingfei lead the fourth village man Ma to help Xiangyi. As long as he cooperates with Shang Rang to defend Xiangyi, Sun Mei's central army needs to rest after the Ningling War. She is injured again and is about to heal her wounds, so she will stay in Ningling to rest. Brother Huang personally led the main force eastward, attacked Cao Yi and Shi Pu, and rescued Li Hanzhi's men and horses. After getting it, he quickly visited Ningling. Then he joined forces with Sun Mei's men and went to Xiangyi Shangrang and Lingfei for reorganization. After completing the assembly, he quickly marched south, crossed the Bian River, and went straight to the front line of the mountain. I estimate that when we met with Meng Kai and Zhao Zhang, the Tang soldiers in Luanshan had been repulsed. We are waiting for Cao Min and Siye's people to come closer to the southeast, choose a ferry from the north of Jiangzhou, cross the Yangtze River together, and meet Cao Shixiong's troops in Jiangzhou and Hongzhou. There are rich in products. Our army has been supplemented by rest and recuperation, so we can show our grand plans and experience the four directions.

Huang Chao listened, held Chai Cun's hand tightly and said, "The Chai Cun brothers are still thinking well. You are like Jiang Shang, who has been prosperous for 800 years, and Zhang Liang, who has been prosperous for 400 years. The strategy set is almost perfect. With the Chai Cun brothers, I am not afraid of Li Tangzai!" Sooner or later, I will enter Chang'an and realize the ideal of equal compensation!"

Yue Lingfei also said jokingly, "Open the temple door and recognize the Bodhisattva. Brother Chai Cun is the living Bodhisattva of our Rebel Army, hahaha!"

Huang Chao immediately issued an order to act quickly according to Chai Cun's arrangement. Huang Chao turned over his horse, carried Zaoyang, and was ready to lead the army to Songzhou.

At this time, several female soldiers helped Sun Mei come over. Sun Mei struggled to stand in front of Huang Chao's horse and said to Huang Chao, "Brother Huang, if you want to leave me in Ningling to rest, I won't do it!" I'm healed, and I'm going to lead the army!"