Big Hero

Chapter 32 Beauty Plan

It is said that Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan led 8,000 troops to attack Gaoyu Fuyang camp. As a result, they both fell and were captured. Gao Yu took the opportunity to enter the army and occupied the whole of Hangzhou.

Gao Qian was single-minded to expand the results and organized troops to launch an attack on Muzhou and Wuzhou. Xu Tangju and Huang Siye led the generals of Daqi to fight back. The two sides fought many times and fought against each other. Gao Qian saw that there was no hope of winning, so he returned to Hangzhou.

After Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan were captured, they have been detained in Hangzhou. Gao Qian loves talent and especially likes generals. When he sees that Bi and Qin Er are strong, he wants to take them for his own use. At this time, Li Tang was in war, and there were civil uprisings and fighting between cities and towns. The court only maintained its apparent authority. Although Gao Qian came from a general family, he hated Li Tang's corruption in his heart, and the encirclement and suppressing the Huangchao rebel army repeatedly suffered setbacks, which added to his feeling.

Gao Yu decided to subdue Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan, so he summoned Lv Yongzhi and asked, "Use it, now the world is in chaos. I want to leave a way for myself. While I have military power now, I want to recruit heroes from all over the world under my command, so that I can divide one side and live a safe life. I want to hire Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan, but these two generals have refused my many persuasion. Please find a way for me.

Lv uses a lot of ghost ideas, known as Gao Yu's first think tank, and there are indeed two brushes. He meditated a little and offered a plan: "Gao Dutong, you like Bi and Qin Er generals, but these two will not be hard. You treat them with good food and arrange for them to live in a comfortable house. There is a reason why they have not returned so far. I think Bi and Qin Er will think that they are heroes and have a good face in Huang Chao, so they must use a quite powerful strategy in Sun Tzu's art of war - the beauty trick! Only then can it work."

"Beauty plan? I think this is the worst way to defeat the enemy in Sun Zi's Art of War, so I have never used it!" Gao Yu's face was disdainful.

Lv Yongzhi smiled treachery: "Gao Dutong, as the saying goes, 'heroes are sad about beauty'. This plan cannot be used too much, and it is not applicable to anyone. But I observed Bi and Qin Er generals. Their eyebrows were bent, indicating that they were not hard characters to the end. Only with beautiful women can they conquer their seemingly tough posture. There are two sisters in your house, Yongxiang and Yongchun, who are young, look like immortals and have not yet broken buds. I think they can take the horse and subdue the two generals Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan!"

"But they are my wife's close maids. Will they agree?" Gao Yu said hesitantly.

"In order to be the champion and become the king's business, there is nothing to be reluctant to give up two maids!" Lv explained it.

Gao Qian thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Well, in order to achieve the cause of the bully, I will make an exception this time. I will give Yongxiang to Bi Shiduo, Yongchun to Qin Yan, and then give them two officials and knighthood. They can't help but surrender to me!"

When night fell, Bi Shiduo had a good dinner under the supervision of Tang Bing and returned to the bedroom to rest alone. The candlelight in the room shook gently, and there were books on the bed. It was because Bi Shiduo liked to read books, and Gao Yu specially ordered his men to send them.

The moonlight shot into the room through the window lattice and sprinkled on **. Bi Shiduo was bored and picked up a book of Later Han and read it. At this moment, I only heard a "squeak" sound from the door. A woman came in and saw her wearing a short skirt, with red lips and white teeth and a well-proportioned figure, especially her eyes, which were flowing and breathtaking.

Bi Shiduo was shocked and asked, "Who are you?" Why did you break into the private room at night?

The woman opened her mouth gently: "General Bi, don't you welcome me? I am Yongxiang, the personal maid of Mrs. Gao Dutong. Gaodu and his wife pity General Bi for being alone. In order to make General Bi spend this long night, the special slave family came to greet General Bi, accompany General Bi to relieve their worries, and hoped that General Bi would not to push him away. If General Bi dislikes the slave family, the slave family will have only one way to die! General Bi is pitiful!" After saying that, he walked to the bedside and sat down next to Bi Shiduo, leaning on Bi Shiduo's shoulder.

Bi Shiduo is just young and has a sound physiological function. After being in the army, he has been busy marching and fighting. He has never touched a woman. Now he smells the unique body fragrance of women and can't help but shake his heart.

When Yongxiang saw that Bi Shiduo was silent and not angry, she became bold. She gently hooked Bi Shiduo's neck and put her right leg across Bi Shiduo's legs. She exhaled like an orchid. Her star's eyes opened slightly and kissed Bi Shiduo's cheek with a small cherry mouth!

Bi Shiduo felt a burst of numbness all over his body, and a wave of warmth spread all over his body. The mental defense suddenly collapsed. He stretched out his arms, wrapped his fat and soft body, and kissed Yongxiang wildly. Two people*, stubborn for a long time.

When Bi Shiduo woke up, it was already dawn, and Yongxiang snuggled in his arms and slept soundly. Bi Shiduo blushed when he remembered what happened last night. He quickly put on his clothes and wanted to go outside. Hearing the sound, Yongxiang woke up and held Bi Shiduo in his arms. The warbler said, "Master, the slave family has been entrusted to you. From now on, the slave family will be your person. I hope you will have more mercy!"

Bi Shiduo's heart was warm when he heard this. He held Yongxiang's hand tightly and said, "Yongxiang, I will definitely treat you well. Please believe me, Bi Shiduo has always kept his word!"

"Well, I know the general's heroes are bold and want to repay their kindness! Gaodu has respected heroes and admired generals for a long time. I am not an ordinary woman. I grew up beside Mrs. Gaodutong. I know a lot of etiquette and know a few words. Now the world is in chaos. As creatures in the world, we work hard to live a happy and sweet life. Nowadays, Gaodu can give you such a life, as long as you follow Gaodu, you have food, clothing, officials and wives, and a stable life. Life is short, and you will not have a stable life if you rebel with the people. General Bi just said that he would treat me well, so just follow me!" Yongxiang's words seemed peaceful, but in fact they were soft and hard.

Bi Shiduo held his head second-hand and unconsciously cried. He said to Yongxiang, "If you want me to follow Gaodu, I only have one condition!"

What are the conditions? To put it bluntly." Yongxiang asked.

"After returning to Gaodu, I am willing to take care of his home and can fight against other towns, but I don't want to fight against the Huangchao Uprising Army! Because there are many of my brothers." Bi Shiduo said.

"The slave family must tell the truth, Shiduo, you can rest for a while, and I will go to Gao Dutong now!" Yongxiang got dressed and walked out of the bedroom.

After listening to Yongxiang's report, Gao Yu muttered. Lv Yongzhi said, "Gao Dutong, in my opinion, if you use all your strength to compete with the yellow nest thieves, the final result will be that both of you will be defeated, which is not good for you to expand your power!"

"What do you think?" Gao Yu asked.

Lv turned his eyes and said, "Gao Dutong, I think we want to divide one side. The best base camp is Yangzhou, which is the hometown of fish and rice. It is rich and oily and has not suffered war so far. If Gaodu manages Yangzhou well, he can control Huainan. He can attack, retreat and defend, and he will definitely be invincible!"

"What you say is reasonable, go on!" Gao Yu laughed.

"Gao Dutong, I think Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan will be stationed at Gaoyou and optimistic about the north gate of Yangzhou. In this way, the heroes in the north will never dare to invade the south, and Bi and Qin Er will have the ability to take on this task!" Lv Yongzhi suggested.

"Okay, just do it the way you use it! Yongxiang, go and tell General Bi that I agree to his terms and not let him fight with Huang Chao's army. I awarded him the position of military envoy in Huainan, and Qin Yan was his deputy. All the support of his army is provided by me. Since I use him, I fully trust him. If he agrees, you can bring him to see me!" Gao Yu ordered.

"I obey!" Yongxiang bowed and saluted, and then walked out.

As soon as Yongxiang left, Yongchun came in and told Gao Yu about persuading Qin Yan to surrender. Like Yongxiang, Yongchun used his beauty to successfully persuade Qin Yan to return to the high level.

Gao Yu was overjoyed and immediately summoned Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan, held a banquet, shocked the second general, and gave a lot of gold, silver and jewelry to Bi and Qin. Yongxiang naturally gave it to Bi Shiduo, Yongchun gave it to Qin Yan, and also distributed some beautiful women. Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan were very surprised and grateful, and vowed to work for Gao Yu at the banquet.

In this way, Gao Yu used a beauty trick to take down the two generals of Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan, and the two generals of Bi and Qin became the shameful traitors of Daqi.