Big Hero

Chapter 16 Evil

In the bedroom of Li Shen, the governor of Huazhou, Li Xiang paced back and forth, frowning.

Li's wife lay in ** and said, "Yours, it's late at night. What are you still thinking about? Come and go to bed. I'm waiting!"

Li Shen looked at Li's wife and smiled bitterly, "Madam, you are in a hurry in your lower body, but I'm anxious now!"

"Father, if you have something on your mind, just say it. How uncomfortable it is to hold it in your stomach!" Li's wife raised her body, half exposed her breasts and coy.

Li Xiang looked at the flickering candlelight and sighed: "Meng Kaibing sent Pujin Bridge to let me do the logistics supply work of the army. I was so tired that my back was sore and miserable every day! I don't know when I can get rid of this sea of suffering?"

Li's wife urged, "Father, go into the bed and talk!"

Li Shen listened and looked at his wife's charming eyes. There was a burst of heat in his stomach. He hurried to the bedside and gently stroked Li's wife's white and tender thighs. Suddenly, he had an uncontrollable impulse and suddenly pressed Li's wife under his body to do that good thing.

Li's wife pushed Li away and said with a straight face, "Fath, I can't do it now. You must make it clear tonight!" How can we live in the future?!"

Li Shen looked stunned: "What happened? It's not as usual!"

"Do you still want to be the governor of Huazhou?" Li's wife stared at Li Shen.

Li Shen smiled bitterly: "My wife, I won't follow Daqi. Will I follow Li Tang again?"

Li's wife pointed to Li Shen: "You are so stupid. Since Huang Chao led the troops to capture Chang'an, you and Wang Yu have taken thousands of people to Daqi. After doing this, Li Tang certainly hates you. Now all sides of the Tang army have joined hands to attack the Daqi army. Although the Daqi army tried its best to resist, it has won less and lost more, and has been at a disadvantage. If you hold the tree of Daqi, I think you will be buried with Daqi sooner or later! A few days ago, Wang Chongrong sent someone to contact you and asked you to sacrifice Huazhou and return to the Tang Dynasty. I think you'd better go back to the Tang Dynasty! In this way, we can continue to live a rich life!"

Li Shen said, "It's just like this. I'm afraid that Li Yan will settle accounts after autumn. I don't have good fruit to eat at Li Tang!"

"What are you afraid of! My mother is Wang Chongrong's aunt. If you give up Huazhou and obey Li Tang, Wang Chongrong will not embarrass us!" Li's wife patted Li Shen on the back in a resolute tone.

"I'm afraid that it's really difficult to be found by Daqi, alas--" Li Shen held his head and frowned.

"You are afraid of this and that, I'm not afraid! If you don't dare to talk to your confidant, I'll inform them to come to the house and fight back immediately!" Li's wife said and twisted Li Shen's right ear fiercely.

Li Xiang said with a "Ouch" in pain: "Madam, you are doing something too hard. If you have something to say, don't touch it!"

Li's wife sat up from **, crossed her waist, and said angrily, "You plague god, you can make it clear now. Is it the same? If you don't go back, I have to pack up my things and go to the river to find Brother Chongrong!"

Li Shen hurriedly covered Li's wife's mouth with her hand: "Madam, don't be angry. I'll just turn back. Is that still not okay?"

Li's wife heard this and turned angry and happy: "Famar, I'm relieved that you said so. I don't think it's too late. You should inform your confidant to come to the government office now! Otherwise, I will ignore you!"

"Okay!" Li Shen was so noisy by Li's wife that the original impulse had already disappeared. He had to walk out of the bedroom and quietly call a few soldiers to inform his confidant generals to gather in the government office.

There was not much time. Some of Li Shen's confidant generals entered the government office, and Li Shen began to discuss the rebellion with these people. These generals of Daqi are not good. They used to be Tang generals and surrendered to Daqi together with Li Shi and Wang Yu. Now that Daqi is in danger, they naturally agree to Li Shi's anti-Qi plan.

As the saying goes, if you want people to know, you can't do it. Li Shen's behavior has long aroused the high vigilance of the leaders of the anti-rape army.

Jin Wan, Jin Lu, Jin Yu, Jin Yu and Jin Lin, the five sisters, are in charge of the anti-traitorous army in Daqi. Jin Wan is the highest leader of the army. Shortly after Li Shen surrendered to Qi, she received a report from the Daqi Supervision Army in Huazhou, saying that Li Shen had surrendered to Daqi on the surface, but secretly kept in touch with Wang Chongrong of the Tang army.

Jin Wan feels that the matter is of great importance, because Huazhou is the northeast gateway of Chang'an, and its strategic position is very important, and there can be no mistake. Jin Wan decided to go to Huazhou in person to monitor Li Shen's behavior.

Jin Wan, Jin Lu and Jin Lin took hundreds of sergeants and secretly entered Huazhou, lived in the house specially arranged for them by Huang Siye, and strictly sealed the news. Therefore, Li Shen knew nothing about Jin Wan and his party entering Huazhou.

While Li Shen and his entourage were discussing the anti-Qi incident in the Huazhou government, their abnormal behavior was found by the soldiers of the Daqi anti-treacherous army under secret surveillance. They secretly arrested the personnel sent by Wang Chongrong to Huazhou to contact Li Shen, searched out Li Shen's handwritten letter that he decided to surrender to Li Tang, and then reported to Jin Wan.

Jin Wan read Li Shen's begging letter and scoffed the case: "Li Shen, a repeated villain, actually plotted to conspire to dedicate Huazhou to Wang Chongrong on the occasion of the Eastern Expedition of the First Army of Daqi. It can be said that it is sinful and hateful! Jin Lu and Jin Lin immediately led the troops into the Huazhou government office and killed the rebel general Li Shen!"