Big Hero

Chapter 17 Huazhou's Rebellion

After Jin Wan mastered the solid evidence of Li Shen's surrender to Li Tang in Huazhou, he immediately took a killing action. Jin Wan, Jin Lu and Jin Lin quickly surrounded the Huazhou government office with hundreds of anti-traitorous soldiers taking advantage of the night.

At this time, Li Xiang was discussing the specific details of presenting the city to the Tang army with his confidant generals. He only heard a shout of killing outside. Suddenly, the door of the council hall was knocked open. Jin Yu's face was covered with frost, carrying a five-hook flying gun, walked in the front and glaring at Li She and his entourage.

Jin Wan and Jin Lu commanded the second platoon of sergeants to quickly surround Li Xiang's group.

Li Shen was shocked and forced his composure: "General Jin Wan, we are all from Daqi. You must have something important here late at night, right? Did the First Army suffer a setback at Pujin Bridge?

Jin Wan sneered: "Li Shen, you have done a good thing! Look for yourself!"

A piece of letter paper floated at Li Shen's feet.

Li Shen picked up the letter paper and read the first line. He dared not look down, because this was his handwriting and a letter to Wang Chongrong.

Jin Wan's eyes exjected anger: "Li Xiang, you are really bold. How dare you treat your cousin who wants to surrender to your wife when the first army marched east?"

Li Xiang's legs softened and knelt on the ground and pretended to be very conciliated: "General Jin Wan, blame me for being confused for a while and believed the bitch's words. This bitch forced me to write it. I'm going to kill her now to show my loyalty to Daqi!"

"Bah, you shameless man, are really conscienceless. You and wife are single-minded in pursuit of glory and wealth, and do not hesitate to betray national interests. I can't forgive you today!" Jin Wan shouted loudly.

After a while, Li's wife shrugged her head and was tied up by the ropes of the soldiers and pushed to Li Xiang.

Li Xiang cursed: "It's all you bitch who made me come to this point today!"

Li's wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She immediately replied, "You soft egg, useless thing. I was blind and married you, a pus. It's an old man, so don't put the blame on the woman!"

Jin Wan said, "Li Shen, many of your own soldiers have taken the initiative to disarm, indicating that they are unwilling to betray Daqi with you. When you are in danger, you do rebellious things, which is unintemptible! I'm about to enforce the military law. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Li Xiang's eyes turned red and pleaded, "General Jin Wan, for the sake of my birth and death of Daqi, let me go back to Beijing to see your majesty. I want to confess my majesty in front of my majesty!"

Jin Wan sneered: "Li Shen, do you still want to live? You know that Your Majesty's kindness is rare in the world. You have to go to the Jinluan Hall to plead guilty to save your life. Your Majesty is likely not to kill you because of your guilty plea. I don't have the heart of your majesty. Come on, send Li and his wife on the road first!"

A group of soldiers couldn't help rushing up to capture Li Xiang.

Li Xiang pulled his sword out of its sheath and fought desperately with more than a dozen confidant generals. How could he defeat hundreds of strong men who eliminated the treacherous army in this area? Li Shen and his party died and were injured, and the battle soon ended.

Li Xiang and several confidant generals were pressed to the ground by Qi Bing and tightly tied with ropes.

Jin Wan ordered: "Export Li Xiang and his wife and the rebels out of the house and behead them!"

Qi Bing pushed Li and his wife out of the door, and saw a knife flash, a pair of dogs and men and women landed on their heads, and several other traitors were also beheaded on the spot.

Huang Siye went to the suburbs of Huazhou the day before to raise food. By the time he came back, Li Shen's rebellion had been subsided.

"General Jin Wan, you are really good! It only took one night to solve all the traitors of Li Xiang's group, which is very gratifying!" Huang Siye held Jin Wan's hand tightly and couldn't help praising him.

Jin Wan blushed: "General Siye, since you came to Huazhou, you have worked hard day and night. You should pay more attention to your health! Li Xiang, a little caterpillar, wants to offer Huazhou as a meeting gift to surrender to Li Tang. It's really delusional!"

When Huang Siye saw Jin Wan's literature and martial arts, he had fallen in love with her for a long time, but because he really didn't have much time to talk to her. Now the hands of the two young generals of Daqi are tightly held together, and Huang Siye's heart is full of love and unstoppable.

Although Jin Wan is a female general, her daughter's tenderness is innate. At this time, she saw Huang Siye's tiger eyes staring at her. She quickly withdrew her hands and whispered, "Look at your hand, there is still a lot of mud, so come and grab my hand!"

Huang Siye quickly explained: "Ha ha, I have been out to raise food these days and often move food with soldiers, and my hands are stained with mud. I'm really sorry for staining your delicate hands!"

When the generals next to him saw the situation, they all laughed and dispersed, leaving only Huang Siye and Jin Jian standing still.

Huang Siye scratched his messy hair, stared at Jin Wan, and smiled: "I have been with my uncle against the Tang Dynasty for eight years. In the past eight years, he has fought in the north and south of the Yangtze River and captured many cities. After conquering Chang'an, he became the general of Daqi. After marching and fighting, my heart is empty and I want to find a good woman, but there is a vast sea of people. Which quality woman likes me, a man with a head wrapped around his belt?!"

Ji Wan listened and smiled: "Siye, you are the nephew of the emperor of Qi, the majestic general of the expedition to the west, and your reputation shocked the world. If you want to find it, many women in the world are eager to live with you?

Huang Siye suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Jin Wan's hand and said affectionately, "Wang, there are many women in the world, but I think I'm the happiest with you, which shows that you are the woman I want most! Marry me, I will love you forever!"

Jin Wan lowered her head and said shyly, "Siye, it's rare for you to be sincere to me. In fact, I also like you the most, but now that Daqi is in danger, as a general of Daqi's anti-rape army, I have a heavy burden to defend the new Daqi regime. When the Qi army defeats the Tang army in various battlefields, shall we get married again?