Big Hero

Chapter 25 Black Liang Tianpi 4

After Yang Fuguang served as the commander-in-chief of Li Tang Sanjun, he was full of pride and dispatched troops to start the long service to attack Chang'an. The first step of Yang Fuguang's military deployment was to take Huazhou, a key town in the northeast of Chang'an, and then take advantage of the victory to occupy Weinan and Xinfeng, and strictly ordered Song Wentong and Zhu Mei to attack Xingping, and hand over the task of attacking the northern city of Chang'an to Li Ke's Shatuo army.

Due to the rebellion of Wang Yu, a general of Daqi, Huazhou fell into the hands of the Tang army, causing the northeast gate of Chang'an to open. Huang Chao had a high fever at this jux, and his whole body was weak. He could not come to the front line in person, so he had to hand over the command of the army's expedition to Zhao Zhang, Shang Rang, Meng Kai and others. Jin Long and Jin Yu asked to participate in the battle of Liang Tianpi several times, but Huang Chao had no choice but to agree.

The main force of the Daqi army quickly completed the assembly in Xinfeng area. Zhao Zhang raised the account to discuss the affairs. After the generals arrived in Qi, Zhao Zhang said, "Brothers and sisters of Daqi, you are all generals who have been tested by many years of war and have made great achievements in the war. This time, His Majesty is determined to start a decisive battle with the Tang army in Liang Tianpi, which is a life-and-death battle for whether Daqi can gain a foothold in Chang'an. In terms of military strength, Daqi's participation in the war reached 200,000, while the Tang army on the eastern line was about 250,000. I estimate that Li Ke's Shatuo's army was about 50,000, and Song Wentong and Zhu Mei's troops were about 100,000, so in terms of total military strength, Daqi did not have an advantage. But Daqi belongs to the defense, and Li Tang belongs to the attacking side. As long as our army is not impatient and focuses on defense, we will turn to a counterattack when the time is ripe, and we will definitely repel this heavy siege of the Tang army!"

The generals listened and agreed with Zhao Zhang's analysis.

After discussion, the meeting made a decision: Zhao Zhang, Li Gongdi, Jin Long and Jin Yu led 50,000 troops and garrisoned on the front lines of Xinfeng and Weinan to provide rear security for the army to implement the main force in Liangtianpi; Shang Rang, Kang Shiming, Li Yu and Yang Neng led 100,000 troops to fight against the Tang army on Liang Tianpi's eastern and northern line; Meng Kai, Zhang Guiba, Zhang Guihou, Zhang Guiben, Ge Congzhou, Huo Cun, Zhang Quanyi and the Tang army on the southern and western lines of Liang Tianpi launched a decisive battle. Huang Siye led the Third Army to attack Huazhou and disrupted the position of the Tang army.

After arranging these, Zhao Zhang was still restless. He wrote a letter and handed it to his own soldiers, asking them to whip quickly and go to Shangzhou to ask Cao Min's troops of the Second Army of Daqi for help.

A general battle between Qi and Tang began.

Shang Rang urged 100,000 troops and quickly arrived in the area of Liangtianpi. The sound of killing not far ahead was shocking. On the flag of a small hill, the word "Daqi" fluttered in the wind, and Tang soldiers flocked to the flag bearers of the Daqi army. Look at this general flag. Only hundreds of soldiers will try their best to resist. The leader is Liu Tang, the general of Daqi.

At this time, Liu Tang's armor was crooked, his blood-stained robe, and he still fought to the death.

Tang general Chang Xingru shouted: "Liu Tang, you have been surrounded by heavy soldiers. You have been fighting for several days, and you have done your best to Daqi Ren. Why not return to the Tang Dynasty? I often practice Confucianism to ensure the safety of your life, and you can be the shade of your wife in the future. Think about it with your brain. Don't fight any more. Go down the mountain and surrender!"

Liu Tang scolded, and Chang Xingru was furious and ordered Tang Bing to launch a general attack on the hill defended by Liu Tang.

Liutang commanded the sergeant of Daqi to fight back desperately. When his weapons were broken, he lifted stones and smashed the Tang soldiers. However, after all, there was a great disparity in strength. In a blink of an eye, Liu Cang's disabled soldier was more than half of the dead and wounded. The hillside was full of soldiers from both sides of Qi and Tang. There was a smell of blood floating around the hills, which was extremely fierce.

At this juke, Kang Shiming led the leading troops to the vicinity of the hill. Kang Shiming waved the seven-treasure single dragon shovel and took the lead and entered the battle. The Daqi soldiers followed Kang Shiming, like a tiger going down the mountain, shouting to kill the Tang army attacking the mountain.

With little time, the Tang army was killed and injured and fled to the east in confusion. Although Chang Xingru was brave, in the face of the tide of the Qi army's offensive, he could only choose to withdraw his troops and save his life first.

Kang Shiming and Liu Tang met on the hill. Liu Tang said, "Shiming, if you come a step later, I will sleep on this hill forever!"

Kang Shiming nodded and looked at the Tang army camp east of Liang Tianpi, and fell into meditation.

Liu Tang asked, "Shi Ming, are you thinking of attacking Tang Camp at night?"

"Brother Liu Tang, you're right. I'm thinking of attacking the Tang camp at night and burning the grain and grass of the Tang camp."

Liu Tang advised: "Shi Ming, this time Yang Fuguang has arranged multiple soldiers around Liang Tianpi. It seems that he wants to completely occupy Liang Tianpi and make full preparations for the capture of Chang'an. We can't underestimate the enemy. I think twice about the matter of robbing the camp and burning food. I think it's better to guard the camp!"

"Yang Fuguang was born as a eunuch, and his military ability is average, but he has a false reputation! In order to win the Qi army in the battle of Liang Tianpi, I think this risk is worth taking!" Kang Shiming's tone is resolute and cannot be discussed again.

Kang Shiming proposed to Shang Rang to attack the Tang camp late at night. Shang Rang listened to it and was very happy: Kang Shiming, Kang Shiming, you have repeatedly embarrassed me. This time I participated in the battle of Liang Tianpi, and there were 15 buckets in my heart - seven ups and eight times, and I was really not sure to complete this trip. Now it's all right, I can ask Your Majesty. I will agree to Kang Shiming's request for the robbery of the camp. If I win, I will still have a good command; if I lose, I will pour this basin of dirty water on your head! So no matter what, I will definitely let you take the lead in this camp robbery!"

After Chang Xingru returned to the Tang camp on the eastern line of Liangtianpi with the remnants, he was scolded by Wang Chongrong, and Chang Xingru exclaimed and left. A personal soldier entered the account and reported: "General Wang, a flag outside the tent was broken by a gust of wind!"

Wang Chongrong listened and stroked his palms and laughed wildly: "God really helped me! The strong wind broke the flag, indicating that the thief army is likely to come to rob the camp at night, which is a sign from God! I will order the soldiers of each battalion to open their eyes to me tonight. If anyone loses the camp, don't blame Wang Chongrong's ruthlessness!"