Big Hero

Chapter 26 Black Liang Tianpi 5

In the early spring of 813 A.D., the balance of the lucky god fell to Wang Chongrong on that dark and windy night. Kang Shiming, a general of the middle army of the Qi Dynasty, led 20,000 elite soldiers to attack Wang Chongrong's river soldiers camp. Because Wang Chongrong set up strict defenses in advance and intercepted them layer by layer, Kang Shiming damaged the soldiers and returned without success.

Seeing that Kang Shiming was defeated and returned, he made a big fuss: "General Kang, I allocated 20,000 elite soldiers to rob the camp, and you only brought me back 6,000 soldiers and defeated generals. You know, this time it is the most elite soldiers and horses in Daqi. You are greedy and eager to fight. As a result, the main force of the Qi army suffered heavy losses! I must strictly enforce military discipline and lead the soldiers to fight for the survival of the Qi Dynasty! Come on, push Kang Shiming out of the gate and behead him to show it to the public!"

Several soldiers came forward and surrounded Kang Shiming.

"slow! I have something to say!"

Everyone regarded it as General Liu Tang.

When Qi Bing saw Liu Tang talking, he quickly stopped in place without pulling Tang Shiming.

Liu Tang knelt in front of Shang Rang and cried, "General Shang, General Kang is a general of the Chinese army and one of your majesty's most reliable generals. Yes, General Kang's failure to rob the camp should be punished. But since ancient times, when the two armies fought, how could there be a permanent general? I guarded Liang Tianpi and almost couldn't hold it. It was General Kang who arrived and rescued him in time. I didn't lose the main mountain of Liang Tianpi. Now Daqi is in the autumn of survival, and there are frequent wars, and fewer and fewer people can fight. Please keep people under the knife, record General Kang's military defeat in the account first, and let General Kang continue to lead the army to fight. After returning to Beijing, tell Your Majesty and then deal with it! Besides, Lieutenant Zhao's army is behind. If you want to deal with General Kang, you have to ask Lieutenant Zhao!"

Shang let me listen and I am speechless.

The generals pleaded one after another, but they had no choice but to put down their private grievances, did not kill Kang Shiming, and let Kang Shiming continue to lead troops to the war.

Soon, because he did not abide by Zhao Zhang's strategy of fighting prudently, he led troops out to fight against the Tang army on the east and north lines of Liang Tianpi. As a result, he was defeated by the well-prepared Tang army. From noon to Xu, tens of thousands of soldiers of the army died on the battlefield. In order to cover the retreat of the headquarters, Liu Tang led his troops to fight with the Tang army. As a result, he was seriously injured, sprayed blood in his mouth, hit the horse and died heroically. None of his soldiers surrendered and died in a bloody battle. Huang Qi, a Chinese military document, also waved his sword to kill the enemy in this battle and died on the battlefield.

The 100,000 troops still lost most of the battle, leaving less than 30,000 people left to retreat to Weinan. Due to the continuous attacks of the Tang army on the southern and western lines along the way, when they arrived in Weinan, there were only more than 10,000 people in the army, and most of them were injured.

Meng Kai led his army from the north bank of Weishui to help Liang Tianpi. He had not yet arrived and received the news of Shang Rang's fiasco. Meng Kai and the generals analyzed the war situation and reached a consensus: the First Army of Daqi has become a lonely army. At this time, if they choose to counterattack Liang Tianpi, they are bound to suffer greater losses. Therefore, the first army should be transferred immediately! Meng Kai made a decision and ordered the first army to retreat to Lantian, set up camp around Lantian, and wait for it.

Yang Fuguang knew that Meng Kai was very good at using troops and did not dare to force each other, so he ordered Wang Chucun and Pang Cong to lead his troops to cut off the connection between Lantian and Weinan and Xinfeng, and the rest of the Tang army killed Weinan and Xinfeng.

Zhao Zhang's army was stationed in Weinan. After listening to Shang Rang's story of the retreat, he stood in the account and said a word.

Li Gongdi, Jin Long, Jin Yu and other generals surrounded Zhao Zhang, and everyone cried with a headache and sadness.

It still makes eggplants like frosty and listless.

Zhao Zhang wiped his tears and shouted, "Kang Shiming took the method of robbery in the first battle and returned without success; Shang Rang also couldn't help making the mistake of undermining the enemy's aggressiveness, driving the troops forward and wanted to break through the defense line of the Tang army in one fell swoop. As a result, most of them were damaged, and he could no longer organize a powerful attack!"

Li Gongdi said with emotion: "Zhao, now that the Tang army has reached its size, Meng Kai's army has gone to Lantian, which is also an urgent place. It is difficult for General Meng to transfer the main force north to support Weinan and Xinfeng for a moment. At this time, Yang Fuguang must urge the army to attack Weinan and Xinfeng, and Daqi will survive in this move! Gongdi is willing to organize a death squad to counterattack the Tang army!"

Zhao Zhang pondered for a moment, held Li Gongdi's hand tightly, and said loudly, "Gongdi's words are extremely true! In order to defend Chang'an and increase the time for His Majesty to dispatch troops, I am determined to coexist with Weinan! My arrangement is as follows: Gongdi, I, Jin Long and Jin Yu led their troops to stick to Weinan. If they really couldn't keep it, they would retreat to Xinfeng; Shang let the army must defend Xinfeng and ensure the safety of Weinan's Qi army!"

The generals listened and had no objection.

Kang Shiming walked to Zhao Zhang and shouted, "Captain Zhao, it's too dangerous for you to stay in Weinan to command the army! You'd better stick to Xinfeng with the general, so that once the war is unfavorable, you can quickly retreat to Chang'an City!"

Zhao Zhang listened and sank his face: "General Kang, I am the chief general of the three armies. You must carry out the order I gave unconditionally! Remember, don't give up every camp in Weinan and Xinfeng without my order! I want to turn Weinan and Xinfeng into the graves of Yang Fuguang's army!"