Big Hero

Chapter 28 Control the Blue Field

In order to cover Jin Yu and Jin Yu, Li Gongdi led the main force of the Weinan Qi army to break through safely and led his troops to the southwest of Weinan City. Tang Bing saw that Li Gongdi killed several Tang generals one after another and was afraid of Li Gongdi's bravery, so they did not dare to approach.

Tang general Dongfang Kui was killed by Li Gongdi and fled in confusion. He couldn't help but be ashamed and angry. He ordered the Tang soldiers to open their bows and shoot arrows. In an in an inn'anxt's moment, tens of arrows, ten thousand arrows were fired. Poor General Li Gongdi, fell to the ground and died.

The remaining generals continued to fight with Tang soldiers, but were outnumbered. Half an hour later, all of them died heroically and no one surrendered.

Just as Li Gongdi led a fierce battle with the besieged Tang army, Jin Long and Jin Yu led the main force of the Daqi army to quickly come out from the north of Weinan City, breaking through the camp of Tang general Liang Qian and rushing to the south bank of Weishui.

The Jin Long and Jin Yu sisters held up Zhao Zhang's body with tears and put it into the rolling Wei water. The generals and soldiers of the Qi cried. The mountains and rivers sobbed, and the vegetation seemed to be sending off the outstanding leader of Daqi.

Jin Long wiped his eyes and shouted sadly and indignantly, "Brothers and sisters, we must avenge Captain Zhao! Now follow me to Chang'an first. When we arrive in Chang'an, Your Majesty will definitely take us to kill the enemy!"

The generals of Daqi shouted:

"Let's listen to the noble concubine!"

"Da Qi will win!"

"There is no bastard in Daqi!"

"H Long live the balance of heaven!"


This more and more exciting sound echoed on the south bank of Weishui for a long time...

Jin Long and Jin Yu led their troops to retreat from Chang'an. When they passed Xinfeng, they found that they had already abandoned the city and fled. Jin Yu was furious and couldn't calm down: "Sister Long, when we arrive in Chang'an, we must tell your majesty what Shang Rang has done!"

"Sister, Lieutenant Zhao told him before he died. It seems that this person is really abominable. I think it's only a few steps away from surrendering to Tang!"

After Jin Long and Jin Yu led their troops back to Chang'an, Huang Chao had already known the news of the loss of Weinan and Xinfeng. After seeing Huang Chao, Jin Long and Jin Yu stated the story of Zhao Zhang's sacrifice.

Huang Chao listened silently, and his tears were like broken pearls. "Clap" fell on the bricks of the palace. Soon, a small piece of Huang Chao's feet were wet.

For a long time, Huang Chao said, "Captain Zhao abandoned his loneliness, which was the extreme pain of Daqi!" In the more than two years of occupying Chang'an, the main force of Daqi has lost more than half. If we continue to fight, I think it will be difficult to reverse the passive situation!"

Jin Yu said, "Your Majesty, the last general has always had something to say in his heart, but he couldn't say it before. Now I can tell you this sentence!"

"What are you talking about?" Huang Chao asked.

"There is a sentence for me to tell your majesty before his death, but I must tell you when the situation in Daqi is at the most critical moment. Now that the situation in Daqi is at the most critical time, I can tell your majesty!"

"Say it quickly, what did the Chai Cun brothers say?"

"Only Chu is talented, retreat to the south of the Yangtze River."

Huang Chao listened and muttered to himself, "Only Chu has talent? Retreat to Jiangnan? Brother Chai Cun, you are dedicated to state affairs, my good brother, the pillar of Daqi!"

Jilong asked, "Your Majesty, what does Brother Chai Cun mean?"

Huang Chao explained: "Only Chu has talent' comes from Zuo Zhuan. The original sentence is 'Jin Qing is not as good as Chu, and his doctors are virtuous, and they are all talented. Such as Qi Zi and leather, from Chu. Although Chu is talented, it is practical.' This means that there are many and outstanding talents in the State of Chu, and their taste is extremely high. Chai Cun used these words to indicate that the southern country is full of talents, and Daqi should go to the south to develop its armed forces. Chai Cun believes that only by going to the southern country can the Qi Dynasty be revived! The Chai Cun brothers were far-sighted, which woke me up!"

Hearing this, Jin Long suddenly realized: "Brother Chai Cun is so smart that he thinks so far-reachingly. Your Majesty, let's go quickly and go to the south to develop our strength!"

Huang Chao nodded, looked at Jin Yu, and exhorted, "Sister Ying, now you are the only two sisters left in the top leadership of the treacherous army. You and Long must be responsible for the public security work in Chang'an City. Daqi's main force will start to the Lantian area in the near future. After a period of rest, it will march to the south and act according to Chai Cun's strategic concept of "only Chu has talent and retreat to the south of the Yangtze River". At this extraordinary time, you must be vigilant and pay special attention to enemy spy activities. Once Daqi's traitors and enemy spies are found, they will be killed immediately to end the future problems!"

Hearing this, the sisters Jin Long and Jin Yu immediately expressed their determination to follow Huang Chao's will and quickly eliminate the suspicious elements in Chang'an City.

Under the command of the sisters Jin Long and Jin Yu, the anti-traitors launched a large search and arrest in Chang'an City. In half a month, hundreds of suspicious people were arrested. In order to ensure that the actions of the main force of the Daqi army were not known by Li Tang, Jin Yu and Jin Yu decisively executed these suspects according to the order of Huang Chao. This mistakenly killed some people, but Li Tang could not detect the correct position of the main force of the Daqi army.

And after hearing the news of Jin Wan's death, General Huang Siye burst into tears. After a long time of persuasion, Huang Siye stopped crying.

Huang Siye opened his red and swollen eyes and said to the generals, "Brothers, Huazhou was lost. My lover Jin Wan and her two sisters were killed in battle. Liang Tianfeng fought in battle, and Liu Tang brothers died in battle. Do you understand my sad mood at this time? I have lost my lover and beloved general! If I don't avenge this, I will be a seven-foot man in vain! Now, Wang Yu, the enemy who killed my lover, is in the city of Huazhou. He is still a traitor of Daqi, so I am determined to drive alone to Huazhou, adopt the tactics of sudden attack, enter the city to kill Wang Yu, and avenge the soldiers of Daqi who died! I will avenge my lover!"

Hearing this, all the generals agreed with Huang Siye's idea of attacking Huazhou.

Huang Siye waved his hand hard: "Since the brothers agreed to attack Huazhou and the soldiers were very fast, I ordered to immediately pull out the fortress and start to kill Huazhou!"

Wang Yu, a rebel general of Daqi, was busy holding a celebration wine in Huazhou City at this time. After Wang Yu received the news that the Tang army had captured Weinan and Xinfeng, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Wang Yu picked up his wine glass in the banquet hall of the Huazhou government and said proudly to the generals, "Gentlemen, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are really prosperous. It only took more than half a month to level the Qi army's position on the east line of Chang'an. It seems that it won't be long before we can have a banquet in Chang'an, hahaha!"

The generals flattered one after another:

"General Wang captured Huazhou and killed three female generals of Daqi. What a great achievement!"

General Wang is really a famous general of the Tang Dynasty! The reoccupying of Huazhou shows that General Wang is good at using troops, which is a good strategy!"

"General Wang, we have entered Chang'an City, and we must get drunk!"


A general said, "General Wang, Meng Kai's troops of the First Army of the Great Qi are now stationed in Lantian. Cao Min's troops of the Second Army of the Great Qi have captured Shangzhou, and there are still many main forces of the Great Qi in Chang'an City. I think it is difficult for the Tang army to enter Chang'an in a short time! As the saying goes, living in peace must be in danger. I think it's better to pay attention to the urban defense work in Huazhou, which is safer!"

Wang Yu laughed wildly: "I borrowed Huang Chao's courage, and he didn't dare to send troops to fight Huazhou!" The current military situation is very different from last year. With the support of Shatuo, there is no need to be afraid of the army! Don't worry, the Qi army dares not come to fight Huazhou! The west and south of Huazhou are all the armies of the Tang Dynasty. Don't worry. After drinking enough tonight, let's go to play with beautiful girls!"

As soon as Wang Yu's words fell, he only heard the shouts of killing nearby. The sound of the golden drum was loud. A personal soldier rushed to Wang Yu's side in a panic and reported, "General Wang, the big thing is not good. The Qi army has been killed in. It seems that Huang Siye's soldiers and horses of the third army of the Daqi!"

Wang Yu's voice was not good, and he hurriedly ordered the generals to act separately to command their own troops, but it was too late. Thousands of soldiers of the Third Army of Daqi, led by Huang Siye, rushed into the sheep like a fierce tiger, killing Tang Bing crying and running away.

Wang Yu shouted bitterly and didn't know the height. He held his sword and went to the yard to find his war horse, but where could he find the war horse at this time? He was ridden and escaped by others. Wang Yu was in panic, and Huang Siye shot him in front of him.

When Huang Siye saw Wang Yu, he was full of anger and poured out: "Listen, the traitor Wang Yu. You invaded Huazhou and killed many Daqi soldiers. Today I will make you pay for your life!"

Wang Yu knew that Daqi could no longer forgive him, so he waved his sword and hit Huang Siye. Huang Siye clamped his horse's stomach hard. The horse rose in the air. Wang Yu's sword fell empty. Because of too much force, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Huang Siye adjusted the direction of the tiger-headed gun and hit Wang Yu's back. He happened to hit Wang Yu's spine. Huang Siye suddenly picked Wang Yu in mid-air and threw it out. Wang Siyu fell to the ground, broke his tendons, sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood, and his eyes burst out, and his life returned to Huangquan.

Tang soldiers and Tang generals in Huazhou, like headless flies, ran around and were killed by the generals of the Third Army of Daqi, and most of them were killed and injured. A small number of Tang soldiers fled to the north bank of Weishui and luckily picked up a life.

Huang Siye looked at the sky, stretched out his second hand and shouted, "Wang sister, I have killed the rebel general Wang Yu, avenged you, and expressed my grievances for the dead generals. You know it, and it's time to laugh!"

After the Third Army withdrew from Huazhou, it started to Lantian. On the way, it did not encounter the obstruction of the Tang army. It successfully arrived in Lantian and successfully met Meng Kai's first army at Lantianguan, not to say.

After he withdrew his department to Chang'an, he had not been summoned by Huang Chao and was very depressed. Shang Rang did not know that Zhao Zhang told the Jin Long and Jin Yu sisters to tell Huang Chao before his death. After Huang Chao heard about it, coupled with the fact that Shang Rang had violated the Daqi policy many times, Huang Chao no longer trusted Shang Rang. The main force of the Daqi army did not tell Shang Rang about such a major event, and the Daqi senior military meeting of Daqi no longer informed Shang Rang to attend. .

Li Qian and Yang can find Shang Rang. Li Qian said, "General Shang, after we returned to Chang'an, we wanted to see your majesty several times, but your majesty always said that he had not recovered and did not summon us. Don't you trust us?"

Yang Neng frowned: "General Shang, I'm very worried that Your Majesty will punish us because of our fiasco in the Liangtianpi War!"

Shang Rang waved his hand and said carelessly, "Don't worry. I am a meritorious official of Daqi. Your Majesty has always trusted me. Last time I was defeated in Yijunzhai and Yu'e Mountain, your majesty not only did not punish me, but also increased my troops! Don't worry, your majesty's illness started before we went to Liang Tianpi, so it's normal that we haven't recovered now. Wait patiently, maybe Your Majesty will summon us in the next few days!"

When Li Qian and Yang Neng saw Shang Rang saying this, they put away their suspicions and went back to the camp.

At this time, Huang Chao was silent and issued an edict ordering Shang Rang to stick to Chang'an North City and ask Shang Rang to resolutely prevent Li Keyong's Shatuo army from entering the city. In fact, the main force of the Daqi army in Chang'an City is secretly mobilized one after another and continues to retreat to the Lantian area, and these are still unknown in the North City.

Soon, Emperor Daqi drove to the area of Hongqing Mountain in Lantian. The reason why Huang Chao chose Hongqing Mountain was that the mountains there were special, surrounded by high mountains, and the mountains were ups and downs, and their dogs and teeth were intertwined, leading to the distant mountains. In the middle is a large flat land, which can be stationed and drilled.

One day, Huang Chao commanded the generals of the Qi army to practice the formation in the mountain. After the drill, it was noon. Huang Chao saw two tall pine trees growing on the nearby hillside, so he took off his armor and hung them on the pine trees, so later generations called these two pine trees "hanging armor pine trees". Surprisingly, the mountains are full of cypress trees, pear trees, persimmon trees and apricot trees. Only these two pine trees grow here, and they are tall and big, which brings some mystery to the valley here.

After lunch, Huang Chao leaned on a boulder and took a nap. The yellow horse of Huang Chao walked back and forth beside the boulder and lowered his head to eat grass from time to time.

Suddenly, a personal soldier came to report: "Your Majesty, General Meng Kai has arrived and said that he was going to race with Your Majesty!"

Huang Chao laughed and said, "Okay, Meng Kai's green horse is as fast as lightning. I have always wanted to compare my yellow horse and his green horse with speed and endurance. Now it's all right. Here's the opportunity. Please ask General Meng to lead the horse here. I want to ride a steed with General Meng to compare with anyone's mount!"