Big Hero

Chapter 27 Blood and Tears

The battle of Liang Tianpi ended with the fiasco of the first army. Zhao Zhang had to accept this cruel fact, comforted Shang Rang for a while, and let Shang Rang retreat to Xinfeng with the remnants.

After Shang asked to lead the troops away, Zhao Zhang discussed with the generals stationed in Weinan for a while and clarified their defense tasks before announcing the meeting.

A few days later, Yang Fuguang commanded several Tang troops to approach Weinan. Wang Chongrong's army is in the east, Wang Chucun's army is in the south, Pang Cong's army is in the west, and Liang Ying's army is in the north. Li Ke stationed an army on the north bank of Weishui and stared at Weinan and Xinfeng. Yang Guochang led the Chinese army and stood still in the area of Liangtianpi and was ready to go.

In the face of the heavy siege of the Tang army, Zhao Zhang commanded Ruo Ding. The generals and soldiers of Daqi dug a lot of trenches in Weinan, which were full of defensive weapons such as iron thistle, horse guns, deer cages, hooves, ground gun racks, paving brocade, golden vertebras, and tiles. The people of Weinan spontaneously poured into the city to help the generals of Daqi defend the city.

The tragic defense of Weinan has begun! Under the strict order of Wang Chongrong, the Tang army on the eastern front attacked Weinan City one after another, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

Zhao Zhang was all over and commanded the generals of Daqi to fight back at various dangerous places in the city. Both sides fought desperately and suffered heavy casualties.

Bai Zhiqian's army suffered the most casualties, with 50,000 horses before the siege, and only thousands left ten days later. The Tang army's morale was low and began to be war-weary, and soldiers often fled.

After Wang Chongrong caught the fugitive soldiers, he was killed. Despite this, he still could not stop Tang soldiers from escaping in batches.

When Li Gongdi saw that Bai Zhiqian's army's heart was floating, he ordered 3,000 elite soldiers, opened the east city of Weinan, and killed the camp under the command of Bai Zhiqian.

Bai Zhiqian did not expect that the Qi army dared to go out of the city to attack. In panic, he had no time to find the war horse, so he had to run in the direction of Liang Tianpi with the infantry, intending to escape to Yang Fuguang's camp and then organize a counterattack.

Who knew that Li Gongdi rode a red horse and chased after him with the Daqi death squad. Bai Zhiqian fled halfway and was caught up by Li Gongdi. Bai Zhiqian had to lead his troops to fight. In the melee, Li Gongdi roared, as if he had struck a Thunderbolt in mid-air, raised a three-pointed, two-edged eight-ring knife, cut off half of Bai Zhiqian's skull with one knife, and avenged the three Jin sisters who died in battle in Huazhou.

The general of the Tang army was beheaded, and the soldiers in the river collapsed and fled, and were rushed open by the Qi army.

Yang Fuguang was shocked by the news and led the Chinese army to leave Liang Tianpi and rushed to the east line of Weinan to support. Wang Chongrong was depressed because he defeated the general under his command and blamed Yang Fuguang for his poor assistance. Yang Fuguang had to persuade him with kind words and ordered the burial of Bai Zhiqian. Then he sent four troops to arrest the fugitive soldiers and behead them to deter the frontline soldiers.

Although Li Gongdi won a battle, it did not change the situation of strong and weak in general. Soon, Yang Fuguang ordered all the Tang troops to launch a general attack on Weinan City. Zhao Zhang boarded the head of the city to supervise the battle. Unfortunately, he was shot by a flowing arrow, bleeding and seriously injured.

The own soldiers hurriedly rescued Zhao Zhang from the city. Zhao Zhang shouted with all his strength: "Don't worry about me! Come to the head of the city and guard it. You must guard Weinan!"

Jin Yu, Jin Yu and Li Gongdi rushed to Zhao Zhang's side when they heard the news. Zhao Zhang was dying. Zhao Zhang looked to the west with tears and said with great efforts, "Your Majesty, although I tried my best to defend Weinan, but there were too many troops in the Tang army. Half of the generals of the Qi Dynasty were killed and wounded. Weinan was about to be lost!"

After Zhao Zhang finished speaking, he stared at Jin Long without blinking. Jin Long knew that Zhao Zhang had something to say to her, so he approached Zhao Zhang and asked, "Captain Zhao, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Zhao Zhang clenched his teeth and said with all his strength, "I am an important minister of Qi. Now... I am seriously injured and will die soon. After my death, the body must not fall... fall into the hands of the enemy. The three of you must put my body into Weishui and drift with it. Organize the rest of the soldiers and horses to take advantage of the night to break out! Please... Tell Your Majesty, from... the beginning of the battle of Liang Tianpi's meeting..., your selfishness will expand, and Your Majesty must beware of this... This person must never... reuse Shang... Shang--"

Before Zhao Zhang finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and died with his eyes closed.

Jin Long, Jin Yu, Li Gongdi and other generals cried bitterly. At this time, the sun was like blood. Because of the days of fighting, the corpses inside and outside Weinan City were everywhere, which was unbearable.

Jin Long stopped crying and said to Li Gongdi, "Gongdi, you are responsible for putting the body of Captain Zhao into Weishui. After Jin Yu and I broke up, we covered the main force to break out of the north city.

Li Gongdi shouted, "Nit't! After I broke up, you two sisters were responsible for releasing the body of Lieutenant Zhao! I'm a man. Of course, I'll go to the most dangerous place. This is how it's decided. Let's take action!"

Jin Long had to nod: "Gongdi, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. I won't argue with you about the future. All departments will act immediately! Tonight, Kaicheng will break through!"

At that night, Li Gongdi led his troops to suddenly leave the West City and ran in the direction of Lantian. Yang Fuguang was shocked and forced the main force of the Tang army to block the retreat of the Great Qi army and must destroy the Great Qi army that broke out of the city.

Li Gongdi led his troops to fight and did not retreat. He happened to meet the soldiers and horses of Kangshi and Pingshi Confucianism. Li Gongdi rose up his power, waved a three-pointedged two-edged eight-ring knife, and made a unique skill of "cold light to the heavenly court". The knife was full of wind and ghosts. Kang Shi and Pingshi Confucianism did not fight against Li Gongdi, and were all of them were killed in the battle by Li Gongdi.

Li Gongdi killed Kang Shi and Ping Shiru. Tang Bing was stunned and made way. Li Gongdi raised his knife and shouted, "Brothers Daqi, the two Tang Generals have been killed by me. Follow me to Lantian!"

In fact, Li Gongdi knew very well that it was extremely difficult to rush out of the southwest defense line of the Tang army and retreat to Lantian, because the Tang army dug a lot of trenches on the periphery, and the result of the forced breakthrough was the destruction of the whole army. When Li Gongdi led his army to rush to the edge of the trench, the Tang soldiers were like rain. Li Gongdi thought that Jin Long and Jin Yu had successfully led the main force out of the north city, so he ordered his subordinates to turn back to fight, want to return to the city, and then rush out of the North City, where the Tang army was weakly defended.

However, Li Gongdi, the man who masqueathed to attack the Tang army, has lost most of it, and its combat effectiveness has seriously declined. Under the strict order of Yang Fuguang, the Tang army surrounded Li Gongdi's lonely army from all directions.

Li Gongdi shouted to the remaining hundreds of Daqi soldiers: "Daqi soldiers, it's time to be loyal to the country! We fought with Tang Jun!"

Tang general Dong Kui, who was transferred from the north camp of the city, opened his blood-red eyes, waved two tigers embedded silver sticks, and shouted to kill Li Gongdi. Li Gongdi waved a knife to meet each other, the two horses circled, and the two generals met with knives and sticks. After a battle of 40 or 50, it was difficult to distinguish the winner. Li Gongdi had a plan and sold a flaw. He deliberately showed a gap on the left wing. Seeing this, Dongfang Kui tried his best to hit Li Gongdi with a blow, trying to knock Li Gongdi down.

What a Li Gongdi quickly turned around, held the knife in his left hand and knocked open the baton, pulled out the seven-section whip with his right hand, and hit Dongfang Kuimenmen with one whip!

Dongfang Kui was caught off guard. When he saw the whip shaking in front of him, he shrank his head down hard, like a turtle with a shrinking head. He only heard the sound of Zheng. The seven-section whip of the water mill hit the tip of Dongfang Kui's helmet, buzzing. Dongfang Kui was dizzy and trembling. He lost his two tigers embedded silver rods and pulled the horse to escape.

Li Gongdi urged the red horse and shouted, "Dongfang Kui, where to escape?! Come on!"