Big Starship

Chapter 6 Shenglongtang

Zizhu saw the appearance of the five people and shook his hand and said to Feng Long, "I said at the auction before that this gun has a confidential property that can only be told to its owner, but hey, hey, I suddenly intend to let you discover its hidden functions by yourself, so that you can make better use of this gun."

Feng Long was thundered, and the four women were thundered. The five people didn't expect that the waiter dared to say anything to the customer, and I didn't tell you anything like that.

However, Feng Long is not that kind of dandering. When he heard Zizhu say that it was good for him, he said helplessly and said, "Okay, but you have to write me a guarantee to prove that it does have hidden functions, otherwise your company will get a full refund."

Zizhu was surprised that this man's mind was so clear that his reason was completely inconsistent with his age. However, Zizhu still answered, "Okay, please wait a moment. After saying that, he turned around and went out.

The four women gathered around Feng Long to study the gun. After a while, Zizhu pushed the door with a piece of paper and came to Feng Long. He handed it to Feng Long and said, "Look, if there is no problem, just sign your name on it."

Feng Long looked at the series of promises that made him head, signed his name casually, and took the backup of the paper after saying goodbye to Zizhu.

In a room of the Red Shark Pirates, Feng Qingyu roared, "Fuck you, you prodigal, 4 billion. You have to buy several fighters. You fucking buy me a gun."

After hearing this, Feng Long rose up and retorted, "This gun recognizes the Lord. If you don't believe it, try it."

Feng Qingyu looked at Feng Long with an idiotic expression and said, "You idiot, can you install a fingerprint recognition device and become an artifact?" Having said that, he still grabbed the gun in Feng Long's hand and tried it.

Sure enough, the trigger was like sticking to a gun and could not be buckled. Feng Long added, "This is only 100 in the universe, and it was made by scientists who made the first starship in history."

Feng Qingyu raised his fist and put it down and said, "Do you know if there are a hundred in the universe? Check it slowly. Besides, the first starship in history is a fucking display in the Space Museum. Are you fighting with other people's dragon roar cannon with antiques?"

"This..." Feng Long was speechless after hearing this, but still said face-savingly, "Isn't there another hidden function? Forget it, I won't tell you, and I have to train the God of War."

Without Feng Qingyu's scolding again, Feng Long grabbed the starship's gun and fled.

When he came to the shooting range of the God of War, Feng Long looked at the ten rings fired by his men with a laser gun and meditated with his baby. Suddenly, he decided to try the power of the new gun and aimed at the target center with the starship gun.

As his fingers pulled the trigger, a virtual metal warhead flew out of the inner wall of the barrel. Under Feng Long's expectation, it was bounced off by the bullseye. Thinking about the gap between the left wheel and the laser gun, Feng Long seemed to be crazy and shot randomly with the left wheel.

But after shooting six shots, Feng Long felt something was wrong. The left-wheel-shaped gun was obviously laser light. Just now, the brand-new shooting range was already pitted.

Several brothers of the God of War, some of whom looked at Feng Long and put their limbs on the wall close to the wall crater. Feng Long smiled awkwardly at everyone and ran away.

That night, Feng Long came to the shooting range with a left wheel with all kinds of moods, aiming at a bullseye, thinking about the dragon roaring cannon in his heart.

He clenched the matching gun and stood there hesitantly. Suddenly, he made up his mind to try a shot. The moment he pulled the trigger, the electronic virtual target was fragmented, and there was also a big hole in the wall behind him. Feng Long was full of confidence about scattering the laser gun, and the single tube of the left wheel turned into six tubes, all connected to the wheel.

Feng Longjian fired at another virtual target with a smile, "Dada!!!" After a burst of explosion, irregular bullet marks appeared on the target, and the left wheel returned to its original state. Feng Long stood under the night light and slowly touched the matching gun in his hand.

"Ah ha ha, wow." The ghost shouted, Feng Longgui smiled and pinned the left wheel into the waist of his trousers, put his head on his raised hands, took the eighth master's step, and walked ambitiously to his bedroom.

Feng Qingyu saw Feng Long's surveillance video with the left wheel from a computer. After being stunned for a moment, he also laughed. This night, Feng Long wore pajamas, hugged the left wheel and slept very comfortably. He dreamed that his surprised expression after knowing the function of the gun drooled on the sheets. Up.

The next day, Feng Long happily took the left wheel to show off to Feng Qingyu, but Feng Qingyu looked at the bullets of modern weapons such as the laser cannon and the Longxiao cannon fired by the left wheel, and did not show the expression Feng Long imagined.

Nonsense, Feng Qingyu has long seen it in the monitors all over the pirate group. In Feng Long's infinitely sad expression, Feng Qingyu left a cold sentence: "It's 4 billion yuan without waste." Then he twisted his buttocks and left.

Feng Long had no choice but to train the god of war with the four women. Looking at everyone's training, Feng Long remembered the excitement of joining the army. Through the experience of the four women, he no longer has any hope for the army, but people can't always be idle. It's time to go out and work hard.

Thinking about this, he found Feng Qingyu again and said to him, "Hey, old man, lend me 30 billion."

Feng Qingyu spit out the tea in his mouth and asked Feng Long with wide eyes, "Why do you want 30 billion? That's my income after two or three days of hard work!" Feng Long said plainly, "Well, I want to go out and work hard, and finally give it back to you."

As soon as Feng Qingyu heard this, he immediately quit, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Fight for nothing. With my pirate group, you are worried about money."

Feng Long knew that he still wanted him to inherit the red shark, so he followed him and said, "Well, I don't want to develop him for the red shark, otherwise I wouldn't like you, a small pirate group."

Feng Qingyu pointed to Feng Long's forehead and said, "Do you know that this little pirate group fed you? Oh, forget it, get out of the finance department quickly, so that I don't get upset. When Feng Long heard this, he knew that Feng Qingyu agreed and said with a hippie smile, "Get out of here. I'm still annoyed to see you."

After saying that, Feng Long went straight to the finance department.

Because Feng Qingyu had already said hello on Feng Long's way here, Feng Long easily got a 30 billion card. After getting the card, Feng Long went to the training ground and called all the members of the God of War.

He grinded a warship from his father and set out with everyone, including four women and two brothers. Feng Long stood in the warship and bowed his head and thought about it. The first goal was the Pandora Star that took four women to last time.

Suddenly, Feng Long thought that when Liu Ting seemed to play when he set up the hall of the God of War last time, so she didn't have her share. This time, he shouted, "Brothers, I declare one thing. Each hall owner selects ten elites from its own branch and sets up a mobile team named Shenglong Hall, and the hall owner Sister Ting will be in charge.

Liu Ting was very happy to hear that. Feng Long had not forgotten himself, but he was also worried that he would not be competent. However, when he thought that all three sisters could do well and what could he do with one of his former officers, he smiled at Feng Long and took over the job.

The warship stopped on Pandora's dock. Feng Long took a group of people and walked step by step. There was a great tendency to fight in groups, which made the staff of the dock want to call the Ministry of Planet Security.

Feng Long intends to leave a branch here, develop the gang forces, and earn some extra money by the way. Now his task is to take his brothers to play vigorously, lavage his hard-won 30 billion, and also learn about the information of the local gang and the government.

If you want to come to a place to start a gang, it is necessary to bribe local officials. The people behind him followed him fiercely, which attracted the suspicious eyes of people all over the street. He turned helplessly and said to them, "Brothers, your expression is more natural. We are not here to fight."

Then looking at their faces smiling and crying, Feng Long wanted to cry without tears, but fortunately, the four women were beautiful, and all expressions were natural, which made him feel a little comfort.

A group of people came to a place where the gangsters gathered. The gangsters here are nothing*, just a group of bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. The gangsters smoked, standing and sitting and chatting.

Seeing Feng Long's group of people coming this way, it did not affect their interest. Feng Long stood like a fool for a long time and found that no one paid attention to him, so he coughed and said, "Hey, brothers, I'm new here. I want to set up a gang here. In order not to conflict with you, I will build three of you. Discuss, join this gang now and leave the planet immediately, or do you want to do it with me?

When a group of people heard this, they understood what was going on. They threw away their cigarette butts one after another and picked up the cold weapons around them. Some of them took * and surrounded Feng Long. All the people of the God of War also took out laser guns.

There is no cold weapon here. At this point, Feng Long has slightly prevailed, but the group of people who are not afraid of death still surround him. Feng Long whispered, "Be careful and try not to kill people."

After saying that, a laser shot came from the God of War. The locals didn't think that Feng Long dared to really do it. Yes, they were used to it in this film. Naturally, they would not think that a little boy dared to fight with them.

But after a laser volley, they all understood that several people broke away from the team. It seemed that they were going to find their boss. The two groups confronted for a while, and neither of them took action.

After a while, those who left the team came with a group of people. The people who came this time were also holding *. However, these weapons that could not be put on the table naturally cannot be compared with the weapons of the pirate group.

At this time, several people came to Feng Long. Feng Long was squatting and playing with the left wheel. When he saw the matter coming, he also stood up. Several bosses dared not imagine that this eldest brother was so small, although he had heard from his subordinates that he was a kid.

A boss stepped forward and said to Feng Long, "I don't know what does it mean that this eldest brother hurt me in public?" After hearing this, Feng Long slowly got up and smiled and said, "Ha ha, in fact, it doesn't mean much. It's just that my brother has been short of money recently. Why don't you come to develop your power?"