Big Starship

Chapter 7 Compilation

Just now, the man turned his head and said, "Oh? So that's it. Let's make a place for the eldest brother. I don't know what you think.

Some of these bosses have a little vision and can see that their arms are not of the same grade as others's, so they are a little polite. Feng Long said ignorantly, "Brother, I'm not used to different places with others, so I sincerely hope that you will lead your men to join us. This gang."

At this time, a bald head stood up and said, "Then what this eldest brother means is non-negotiable."

Feng Long touched the left wheel in his hand and said with a smile, "There is nothing to discuss. It depends on what the big brothers mean." At this time, several people noticed the left wheel in Feng Long's hand and thought, ha ha, the smelly boy took an antique to grab the territory.

Several people are going to give him some color under Feng Long's inexperienced misconception.

After made up his mind, another eldest brother stood up and said, "Then let's do some violence. What do you think?"

"I have no problem with it." Feng Long didn't care whether he asked him or not, and directly expressed his opinions, which made the big brothers very unhappy and decided to fight with him.

In such a broken place, there was a scene of gang fighting between multiple gangs, and it was one side to multiple sides. Feng Long raised the left wheel and shot laser bullets into the crowd. When those bosses saw the change of the left wheel, they sighed that they were uneducated, and some even regretted that they were fighting with Feng Long.

The fight began. Before long, the local gangsters were at a disadvantage. Feng Long's men wore bulletproof vests and better weapons than them.

Those gangsters composed of unemployed people are naturally not opponents. The limited number of guns are still military processing products, and they have not been trained. They all care about each other. Under Feng Long's sign, the God of War tried to seriously injure them, with only a few lives.

At this time, most people already had the idea of surrendering, and only a few people were still fighting. Liu Ting's mobile troops, Shenglongtang, stayed on the warship. Seeing that Feng Long had not come back for so long, they thought they had met some opponent, so they planned to drive the warship to help.

When the warship arrived at the scene, the scattered soldiers had fallen down. When Feng Long saw his warship coming, he looked up at Liu Ting at the door of the warship and asked, "Why are you here to open the warship? They haven't reached the point that I can't deal with the God of War.

Liu Ting stood at the mouth of the warship high in the sky and said angrily, "It's not you, boy. I haven't had a letter for so long. I thought you were lying flat." When the rest of the people over there saw Feng Long chatting with the people on the warship, they knew that the warship was theirs. Thinking that they had no intention to fight again, they disarmed and surrendered one after another.

Feng Long called several ex bosses, threw them a card and said, "Use this money to take the brothers to the hospital, give each person 10,000 star coins, and then give me a list of gang members."

Those people were moved when they saw that the new boss actually paid out of their own pockets, helped their brothers see a doctor, and paid for them. They were doing this job just to earn a little money. Seeing that the boss was so generous, they wanted to admit it with him.

A group of people came to the nearest hospital gate. When they were about to enter, one person grabbed another's sleeve and said to him, " boss, let's change."

The man who was called the boss asked doubtfully, "Why did you change?"

The man replied responsively, "I used to have a girlfriend when I was doing a small business. I had a good relationship. Later, when I lost money in the business, she thought I was poor. Later, when I did our business, she thought I didn't want to make progress and ran away with my former partner. She worked as a nurse here. I was afraid that she would laugh at me again, so... ..." The man said and lowered his head.

The boss shouted, "Are you a little fucking promising? What are you afraid of? We have so many brothers to support you."

"That's right." The former boss of another gang also said, "I'd like to see whose biaozi dares to laugh at our brother." Originally, these people were poor and usually got along well, so this person dared to take care of other people's housework, and the previous one didn't say anything. A group of people dragged the person who dared not go in to the payment office.

As soon as a bald man entered the door of the hospital, he shouted, "Nurse, hang up 600 emergency numbers."

The toll nurse looked up and saw the person standing next to the bald head. She glanced and hummed and stopped looking at him. Naturally, the man was the one who dared not come in just now. The two bosses and the bald head next to him saw the small movements of the two people, and their hearts were like a mirror in their hearts.

The bald man patted the table and looked at the nurse and asked, "Wang Cheng, is she thebiaozi you mentioned before?" The person asked didn't say anything, but the nurse was anxious and crossed her legs and said, "Who are you scolding? Try to scold one more.

It's not just scolding. The bald head had the impulse to hit her when he saw the situation. At this time, Wang Cheng stopped the bald head and said to him, "Forget it, fourth brother, the injuries of the brothers are important." The woman looked at Wang Cheng again and said impatiently to the bald head, "Do you want to register? If you want to register, pay quickly."

The woman looked at Wang Cheng again and said to the bald head, "Do you want to register? If you want to hang up, pay quickly."

The bald head stared at her and said, "Damn it, I swipe the card."

said that she gave the woman a gold card. After taking the card, the woman looked at the bald head and Wang Cheng contemptuously. After inserting the card into the machine, her eyes immediately turned into surprise and she was stunned on the spot.

Seeing that the woman did not respond for a long time, the bald head put his head in through the small window and stretched it out. He was also stunned. After a while, a big brother came to pat him and asked like a fool, "Fool, that girl's neckline is so tight that you can be stunned?"

After hearing this, the bald head punched him and scolded, "*." The man was smiling and preparing to scold back. The bald man put his hand in and turned the monitor around.

A group of people couldn't resist their thirst for knowledge and looked at the monitor. As a result, a group of fools stood there, a nurse sat there and saw a lot of zeros on the monitor.

I don't know who woke up first, and everyone also came to their senses one after another. Wang Cheng quickly snatched the golden card from the nurse, gave it to his boss, and said to the nurse, "Luoping, I won't pursue the past, but what to say and what should not be said. I hope you understand."

He means that he doesn't want her to tell others that there is a lot of money in this card, so that someone will not make trouble with Feng Long. The so-called wealth is not exposed. Since she has followed others, she will do it wholeheartedly.

Luo Ping just nodded. When she was still a little surprised to see her, she slapped her and roared at Wang Cheng, "Don't pursue a fart. If this biaozi plays with you like this, you won't be tough. Don't say anything. After seeing the sick brothers, I will support you."

This time, Luo Ping was completely sober. She thought about why she eloped with Mike's bastard at the beginning. Now the relationship is not good. It's better to follow Wang Cheng. Now she is rich and powerful, and she heard what the bald head just said and is worried about it.

In the 78th century, medical technology was very developed. As long as the brain was intact, no injury would be a problem. More than 600 people soon came out. It was time to settle accounts for their brothers.

More than 600 people surrounded Luo Ping's room. The bald head grabbed her hair and asked, "Little girl, tell me where your mistress is?" Luo Ping didn't intend to help the bastard hide it at all, and now she doesn't tell herself: "He is opening a restaurant not far from here."

More than 600 people led by Luo Ping went to Mike's hotel. As soon as they walked for a while, Feng Long thought it would be better to comfort them, so he took a few people to the hospital.

As soon as the hospital inquired, he was also busy running in the direction of the hotel. As soon as he arrived at the door of the hotel, several former old stools stood up and shouted for Mike to come out. Mike was not afraid of them and came out. He thought that those gangsters did not dare to come to such a classy place to find faults.

As soon as he went out, before he could speak, he was beaten by several bosses. He struggled and shouted, "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

The bald head pressed his head and shouted, "Shut up and dare to rob my brother's wife and die."

Mike recognized Wang Cheng at this time. When he was about to beg for mercy, he shouted over: "Damn it, stop it." When a group of people were about to scold, they saw Feng Long running this way, so they all shut up and stood aside.

Mike was grateful to Feng Long at this time. Feng Long shouted to several old people, "Just his mother will cause trouble. Do you know the rules? No one calls me for such a big thing." At this time, they thought that Feng Long was blaming them for causing trouble, but they saw Feng Long roll up his sleeves and walked towards Mike, saying as he walked: This kind of thing should be done first.

When he arrived at Mike's side, Feng Long frowned and scolded, "Let your mother rob my brother's wife." With that, he punched him, kicked him away more than two meters, and shouted at the bosses who were still reflecting, "Why don't you come and help?"

I don't know whether they should pass or not. At this time, they rushed to Mike and shouted, "The boss is awesome. We will definitely inform you of this kind of thing in the future."

More than 600 people saw this, and all of them rushed up...

After this incident, everyone also knew that Feng Long was still a good boss to protect the young, and decided to follow him with all his heart.

Finally, Mike promised Feng Long to pay 20,000 yuan a month. Feng Long took his gang back and gave the gang to Zhang Wen. He was too lazy to think about the name, so he called the War Tiger Gang. Poor Zhang Wen stayed and played the gang up and down.

At this moment, Feng Long took others to cross the line of fire. He is not in a hurry to go to the next planet immediately. In case new members defect and other gangs find faults, they can help deal with it. Although Zhang Wen is the leader of the War Tiger Gang, he is Zhang Wen's boss. .

Today's day passed quickly. Except for Zhang Wen and the people of the War Tiger Hall, all the people of the God of War returned to the warship, leaving Feng Long and four women. The five of them stayed in Mike's guest room and filial piety to them.

Feng Long lay comfortably in **, thinking about the next development goal, but the four women found excuses and insisted on sleeping with him. Liu Ting and Li Fei slept on the left, and Wang Jing and Yang Xue slept on the right, which made Feng Long have to practice endurance while thinking about problems.