Big Starship

Chapter 10 After the Fight

Feng Longpi took a sip of wine with a smile and said, "Ha ha, I don't dare to teach you. I just want to ask Brother Shuang to quit Pandora or join my War Tiger Gang."

"Hmm?" He Shuang was surprised and said, "Are you the boss of the War Tiger Gang?" Feng Long despised it in his heart. Damn, he just said that he had heard of my brother for a long time and didn't know what I was doing, but he still smiled and said, "You can say so, what do you mean?"

After hearing this, He Shuang also laughed and said, "Brother Long, your ambition is not small, but I don't know if you have the strength to match it?" Feng Long continued to sit and said, "Is Brother Shuang interested in inspecting it? I will accompany you at any time.

He Shuang put down the glass in her hand and got up and said, "Okay, it's bold enough. It's up to you to decide the time and place. Feng Long laughed and said, "Okay, Brother Shuang is also happy enough. Then at 12 p.m. three days later, at the gate of Huaren Hospital, I will wait for Brother Shuang to come."

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in Feng Long's eyes. Although He Shuang noticed it, he still patted the table and stood up and said, "Okay, that's it. Good bye." Feng Long took a sip of wine and shouted, "I won't send it."

He Shuang left, and the private room was empty, leaving Feng Long sitting alone drinking...

Three nights later, at the gate of Huaren Hospital, two groups of people were facing each other with various weapons, with a total of more than 3,000 people. Feng Long and Zhang Wen stood in front of one group, and He Shuang stood in front of the other group.

After saying that, He Shuang was not much bigger than Feng Long. Two groups of people with similar forces stood face to face, more than 30 meters apart, and a dark cloud covered the moon without warning.

A gust of wind blew between the two groups of people and blew away the leaves on the ground, as if cleaning up the battlefield for them. Feng Long pulled out the gun of the starship and thought of firing ion cannons in his heart. The muzzle pointed to the opposite camp and shouted, "People of the Tiger Gang, go."

He Shuang shouted unwillingly, "The evil soul gang, kill with me." Two groups of people fought together in the wind, which exceeded the concept of middle school students fighting in groups.

Feng Long's outstanding left wheel showed his position. For a moment, the evil soul gang, who were close to him, besieged him one after another, but they were all delivering vegetables. Feng Long slowly circled in place with the left wheel that shot ion scattering bullets.

Directly led to him as the center, either there was no one or a dead within 60 meters in diameter. This man suddenly showed his bloodthirsty nature and turned around and shouted, "Hahaha, all the evil soul gang, come here. I want to avenge my brothers of the War Tiger Gang. Die, hahaha."

The evil soul gang around him squeezed into the crowd in the fierce battle as if they saw the devil. It was not that no one was dying to release an empty gun. Well, there was a big hole in Feng Long's left shoulder and right thigh, but it was still lingering.

It was playing well, and the left wheel suddenly made a click of an empty gun, which made Feng Long worry, happy the evil soul gang, and anxious the war tiger gang.

Feng Long remembered that the left wheel could only shoot a thousand times after ten minutes of sun, which was good at ordinary times, but this time there were more than 1,500 people, and he didn't aim at it just now. He must have an empty gun, but he was not particularly anxious.

The two gangs are not as good as ordinary gangsters. In this battle, both sides have organic armor. No, when the six mechas of the Tiger Gang saw the situation here, they directly activated the jet flight function and scattered towards the people surrounding Feng Long.

Then six mechas landed and surrounded Feng Long in the middle. The mecha of the evil soul gang on the other side was not dry. The main and secondary weapons were swept at the people of the Tiger Gang around.

Feng Long stood in the middle of the six mecha, opened the video table and said, "Activate the virus, Sister Ting took Shenglongtang's brothers out, Li Fei, Zhanbaotang flattened their headquarters."

As soon as the words fell, a group of people rushed out under the leadership of a man in mecha and killed them when they saw the evil soul gang. The mecha of the evil soul gang seemed to be fixed, looking at the situation in front of them.

Originally, in order to prevent the mutiny of mecha soldiers, the final control of each mecha will be bound to a certain system, but the system was invaded by Yang Xue...

At this time, He Shuang in the crowd received a video, in which a person who stayed at the headquarters shouted, "Brother Shuang, the host system of our headquarters has been hacked, and the headquarters has also been occupied." A red light flashed, and a silent laser shot his head.

He Shuang was stunned for a moment and shouted, "Shutam on." The people of the Evil Soul Gang heard the order to stop attacking, but what did the War Tiger Gang do? At the moment when the Evil Soul Gang stopped attacking, dozens of people fell down.

At this time, he surrounded Feng Long's mecha and made way for a gap. Feng Long saw He Shuang's angry eyes through the gap and weakly raised his left hand and said, "Brothers, don't fight." Although the sound was not loud, everyone heard it.

At this time, a gang fight was over. He Shuang looked at Feng Long with hatred and said, "You can do it. You are cruel enough. This is not over."

He Shuang put down his harsh words and shot himself in the head. Feng Long was stunned for a moment. The others stayed in place. Feng Long thought, did this incident really end with a gang fight? He's all dead. Why is there no end to this???

The matter of the Evil Soul Gang came to an end, and Lan Mingyu was also approved to be discharged from the hospital for recuperation. This time, after lying in the hospital for a while, Feng Long's vigilance against Lan Mingyu was also relaxed a lot. A group of people were gathering at the Conway Hotel to celebrate (Mike's restaurant). A waiter knocked on the door and entered and bowed to Feng Long and said, "Brother Long, there is Mike said he wanted to see you.

When Feng Long heard this and looked at the crowd, everyone laughed. Feng Long smiled at the waiter and said, "Let him in." After the waiter called Mike in, he went out by himself. Before Mike came in, everyone withdrew their smiles and looked at Mike who came in with a straight face.

Mike held Feng Long's leg in a suit and cried, "Brother Long, I was wrong. They forced me to do it. Brother Long, please forgive me."

With his snot dripping on Feng Long's boots, Feng Long looked at him and kicked him into the door, smashed the wine glass in his hand and scolded, "Your mother, the snot is left on my shoes. I want to die."

Mike quickly crawled over with a forced smile and wiped Feng Long's upper and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Long, I deserve to die. I deserve to die. This is my 100,000 star coins of filial piety to Brother Long. Please accept it."

After wiping, Mike took out a silver card from his pocket. Feng Long took the silver card and said with a smile, "Yes, I'm quite rich. I'm still too kind to charge such a little protection fee." Mike's heart tightened and hurriedly said, "Brother Long, the future protection fee is guaranteed to be more than 30,000 yuan per month, Long..."

Mike, who had not finished his words, looked at the boots flying in front of him in surprise and once again fell into a free fall and smashed the door of the private room.

Without waiting for him to speak, Feng Long said with a smile, "Oh, I also consider your difficulties, so I don't have to pay the protection fee in the future. I will find someone to represent this hotel." Looking at Mike's expression of what he wanted to say, Feng Long waved his hand impatiently and shouted, "Come in."

Three big men bypassed Mike and went to Feng Long and asked, "Brother Long, what's the matter?"

Feng Long pointed to Mike on the ground and said, "Take him down and prepare a blood sacrifice for the injured brothers tomorrow." The three big men dragged Mike out shouting. Feng Long changed his glass and poured wine and said, "I'll toast everyone."

He grunted a glass of red wine and said, "I sacrifice this glass of wine to my dead brother." Another glass of wine said, "I wish Brother Yu a speedy recovery with this glass of wine." In this way, Feng Long's future legend has one more story of three wines that set people's hearts.

After drinking last night, Feng Long gave Mike's 100,000 star coins to everyone on the spot, which made several old men cry with excitement and swear allegiance to him. Feng Long slept with satisfaction until this morning.

Feng Long, who woke up, was bored and rolling around. He always felt that he couldn't remember anything big. He rolled and thought of what He Shuang said before committing suicide: "You can do it, you are cruel enough. This matter is endless..."

Why is there no end to him when he lies flat? Feng Long intuitively thought that that sentence was not an angry word, and then thought of what Yang Xue said that the evil soul gang was supported by what empire, but on second thought, a country would not find its own business for a gang to cross the border.

After a period of exclusion in his mind, Feng Long was sure that He Shuang had any friendship or brotherhood to develop on this planet, or that empire and other gang forces.

The bigger I thought about it, the bigger my head became. I called Yang Xue and Wang Jing and said, "Yang Xue, go and check the gangs that have contact with the Evil Soul Gang. Wang Jing, give another 300,000 yuan to the director, tell him that there are still many opportunities to cooperate in the future, and let him take care of Zhang Wen."

The two women answered and ran out blushing. To ask why, Feng Long only wore a pair of underwear and sat in **. After meditating for a long time, he put on his clothes to find Zhang Wen. After finding Zhang Wen, he asked, "The man who was robbed of his wife by Mike seems to be Wang Cheng. Find him for me."

Zhang Wen went out to call people with a puzzled face. After waiting for two minutes and calling Wang Cheng, Zhang Wen went out.

Feng Long lit a cigarette and said to Wang Cheng, "Brother, I want you to represent Mike's hotel, but I also want you to slowly become stronger and develop our white power on Pandora. During this period, we have to cooperate with Brother Wen's behind-the-scenes forces. What do you think?"

Wang Cheng was stunned after hearing this. He didn't expect Feng Long to trust him so much, but he also wanted to agree. After all, Mike was his former rival.

After thinking about it, he said to Feng Long, "Brother Long said that I will do it. Please rest assured that I will live up to Brother Long's expectations." Feng Long stood up and said, "Okay, Conway will change his name to Longxiang from now on. In two months, he will become the largest hotel in the district. If there is anything 'inconvenient' to solve, let Brother Wen help you. I hope you will live up to my expectations."

Wang Cheng nodded quickly. He understood the meaning of Feng Long's last sentence, which was to warn himself not to betray him when he grew up. Feng Long looked at Wang Cheng with satisfaction and smoked a cigarette and said, "Okay, go through the formalities and do it well."

After Wang Cheng left, Feng Long came to his prison hall again, brought Mike up, fulfilled his promise yesterday, and made a blood sacrifice to the people who died in the War Tiger Hall. Although the method was cruel, it still captured the hearts of many people.

After finishing the matter, Feng Long began to worry about having nothing to do. After sitting for a long time, he ran to do physical training. The four women sighed amazingly. The eldest brother of the War Tiger Hall was ashamed and said nothing, but he didn't know that it was the idle man who had nothing to do.

After working hard for more than three hours, I was exhausted. After eating and drinking, I took the four women to play the line of fire. In the shouting, the five people walked out of the game warehouse with joy and sorrow, looked at the sky, and sighed that the plaything was lost...