Big Starship

Chapter 11 Battle of Starship

At this time, Wang Cheng finished everything. Five people walked to the guest room of the Longxiang Hotel. The four women still wanted to sleep with Feng Long. They were afraid of ghosts and dared not go to the toilet. They were afraid that Feng Long would be assassinated in the middle of the night. However, Feng Long had no helpless idea, because he had set the four women as his future wife. Hahahaha.

Entering the private room, the four women only took off their underwear. Although Feng Long was psychologically prepared, he couldn't help but be entangled in his heart. He knew that the five people were just sleeping and nothing would happen, but he still had a little irregular rhythm.

was intoxicated and felt that it was not a way to go on like this, so he began to think about things that could ease the atmosphere. The four women stood there with red faces by him, but Feng Long sat there thinking nonsense.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared. He picked up the video table and said a string of numbers. Zhang Wen in a rabbit pajamas was projected on the video table. He squinted and asked vaguely, "What's the matter, boss? I don't take care of my little brother's feelings at all. I'm very sleepy."

Feng Long looked at Zhang Wen's 'equipment' and said with a forced smile, "Brother Wen, hum, hum, I have a 'hum' idea. Tomorrow I will let my brothers... Hahaha, * Damn, I can't help wearing a suit and come back, hahahaha!"

At the end of the video, he didn't buy it, but finally heard the laughter of the four women and couldn't see anyone. He looked around for a while and ran to change his clothes. After changing back, Feng Long said to him 'normally: "There is a game hall called "Old Space" on Wenhua Street west of the gang headquarters. I will collect it tomorrow. Then turn the streets from the headquarters to there into our field.

"That's it???" Zhang Wen asked with a distorted face.

"That's it, it's gone." Feng Long nodded deeply, and Zhang Wen said angrily, "I know. I'll take the protection fee." After hanging up the communication, Feng Long understood that the boy wanted to get some oil and water, but he was also silent. Who let him send a video message to people in the middle of the night?

In this way, the fate of a street was changed by a person's awkward decision, but indirectly because of four women in underwear.

The next day, the War Tiger Gang was crazy and closed at the scene. "The ancient space" was the first choice. The boss there was a fat man. As soon as he saw Lan Mingyu take someone to the end, he said, "This big brother, it's not that I don't cooperate. Someone has seen this field."

As he spoke, he frowned at the people watching the scene around him. Dozens of hooligans saw Lan Mingyu coming in with a group of people and began to surround him from all directions.

Lan Mingyu smiled at the boss. The latter was cautious when he looked at it. Lan Mingyu took out a handle and twisted the end. The handle suddenly shot a light and became a laser knife. The people behind him also took out a variety of weapons.

Lan Mingyu looked at the surrounding hooligans and said to the fat boss, "It doesn't matter. It's just that the end becomes a scene grab. It's about the same nature." His words meant not to pay attention to those hooligans. One who was close to him quit, also pulled out a laser knife and cut it at him, and scolded, "What a mother, you son of a bitch wants to die."

When the laser knife was only two centimeters away from Lan Mingyu's head, the hooligan stayed in place with a blood hole in his head.

Lan Mingyu pushed the dead man in front of him to the ground and asked loudly, "Where are you fooling around? Who is the boss here? Come out." A green-haired and flowing man pushed away the others and stood up and said, "We are from the Fire Dragon Gang. I don't know if this big brother has any advice?"

This man spoke strangely. Hearing this, Lan Mingyu was unhappy for a while and stared at him, "How the hell are you doing? I can't even see that I'm here to grab the territory." The man was indeed a fool. He got angry directly. He grabbed the laser knife in the hand of the person next to him and pointed to Lan Mingyu and roared, "You are fucking crazy. You have the guts to name me."

Lan Mingyu waved the knife in his hand, and a red light flashed. The green hair's arm with the knife fell. Lan Mingyu lit a cigarette, leaned leisurely on the door frame and said, "You don't deserve it. I'll give you two minutes to send a video message for your boss to come over."

The man didn't expect that Lan Mingyu did it at all. He stopped the little brother who was about to move with only one hand left, dialed the video table and began to talk nonsense.

Lan Mingyu also motioned his younger brother to call someone, and was signaled to walk out of the door to launch a video to the people in other places of the Wolf Hall. Lan Mingyu has not planned to inform Zhang Wen, but that's right. He told the boss everything to do and ask these little brothers to do?

After waiting for three or four minutes, both sides have arrived. At the door of the game hall, there were shouts and screams. There were only about 40 people in the Fire Dragon Gang. Any branch of the War Tiger Gang was better than them. Lan Mingyu looked at the remaining dozen people who threw knives and surrendered, thinking that this was still a fucking learner to receive protection. fei······

In a blink of an eye, Feng Long looked at the people below and listened to them show off their heroic deeds for half a day. Suddenly, he found that Zhang Wen was not in it. He pulled a man beside him and asked, "Why hasn't Brother Wen come back yet?"

The man was blowing into his mind. Suddenly, someone pulled him. When he was about to curse, he found that it was Feng Long who pulled him. He swallowed his saliva and looked at Feng Long with a smiling face and said, "Brother Wen, I don't know. He is in charge of the A3 area. There are not many big shows there. Why didn't he come back now?"

After hearing this, Feng Long's intuition was wrong. He lit a cigarette and waited for more than ten minutes. He bounced off the cigarette butt in his hand and shouted, "Brother Wolf Hall, come with me to the A3 area. If I don't call back after ten minutes, the other brothers will bring guns and wear 20 sets of mecha to come to me."

Everyone present felt wrong and agreed to make preparations. Feng Long, Lan Mingyu and the Wolf Hall were all thinking, what would happen to this time? What's wrong with Zhang Wen?

The group arrived at the corner of the street in A3 and heard a scream inside. Feng Long motioned everyone to stop and looked out. Feng Long was stunned by what he saw. A group of people surrounded two people and shouted. One of the two people was tied to a telegraph pole with broken limbs, and the other was slowly using a knife on him. After scratching, it was Zhang Wen who was tied up.

When Feng Long saw the limbs full of scars that fell on the ground and Zhang Wen, who was unconscious, two lines of tears flowed down. Lan Mingyu also looked at the situation. His upper teeth bit his lower lip fiercely. Feng Long's hand touched the left wheel at his waist, thinking about the performance of the sniper rifle.

Lan Mingyu also pulled out the laser knife handle at his waist, and the people behind him saw their movements and touched their weapons.

The gun of the starship was still like a left wheel, but as Feng Long's fingers moved, a three-cm-long, thumb-thumb laser was hit, and a red light passed through the left shoulder of the man next to Zhang Wen, and his left arm fell.

The man covered the burnt wound at the broken arm and shouted. At the same time, the Tiger Gang took the mecha and drove the flywheel straight to the A3 area.

After Feng Long fired a shot, Lan Mingyu twisted out a laser knife and shouted, "Brothers, go." A group of people rushed to the opposite crowd, and the cold weapon was sandwiched in the middle, with two * on both sides.

As soon as he rushed out of the street, led by Feng Long, there was a wild sweep against the opposite side, covering the cold weapon troops led by Lan Mingyu. A group of people rushed into the crowd and slashed wildly, and the firepower behind continued to approach the people scattered around.

In less than two minutes, the people of the Wolf Hall surrounded Zhang Wen's telegraph pole, and Feng Long was also among them, while the group of people surrounded the people of the Wolf Hall, and the two sides confronted each other. At this time, except for Feng Long, the people in the Wolf Hall were all kinds of laser knives.

The capacity of their gun clips was so small that they had been exhausted during the charge. Feng Long and Lan Mingyu went to Zhang Wen and released the rope on his body. Zhang Wen fell into Feng Long's arms and his eyes were also blind.

He trembled and asked, "Brother Long, is that you? Brother Long, have you come to save me?

Feng Long sobbed and said, "It's me. I'm sorry, Lao Zhang. I'm late. Wait a little longer and we'll go home." With that, Zhang Wen, who was not a human in his hand, was handed over to Lan Mingyu. Zhang Wen lay in Lan Mingyu's arms and whispered, "It's not too late, it's not too late." His eyes were closed, and his life and death were unknown.

Feng Long turned his head and looked at the group of people opposite him with demonic eyes and murderously. At this moment, four flywheels crashed into the crowd. After hitting a large number of people, more than 20 people came down from the flywheel. As soon as they got off the flywheel, they raised their guns and shot.

Several flywheels and a large number of people also came behind. Seeing this, Feng Long slowly relaxed his hand holding the gun, and the people around him also waved knives to the opposite side, leaving Feng Long and Lan Mingyu holding Zhang Wen.

In just ten minutes, the group of people were left with only those whose arm was knocked off by Feng Long and surrounded by the crowd. Feng Long held a gun in one hand and came to the man and asked, "Are you from that gang?" The man stam and said, "We are the soul collector, Brother Long, don't kill me. I'm forced."

After hearing this, Feng Long shot him in the head and said to everyone, "First take Brother Wen to the hospital and leave 200 people to watch the scene." After a group of people answered yes, they divided a team of more than 200 people, and the others ran in front to open the way for the flywheel.

A group of people stood outside the emergency room waiting. Suddenly, a doctor opened the door and came out. Feng Long hurried over and asked, "How's my brother?" The doctor said anxiously: The limbs and eyes need to be made by a skin machine. The equipment in our hospital is not very high-end, but I will try my best.

After hearing this, Feng Long stared at the doctor and said, "Listen, my brother is fine. I'll give you whatever you want. My brother has something to do. I want the whole hospital to bury him. If you understand, just do what you should do." The doctor looked at the crowd around him and was scared by Feng Long's words and ran out of everyone's sight and tried to save people.

Feng Long was leading everyone to the headquarters, thinking about what the relationship between the Soul Collection Gang and the Evil Soul Gang. Suddenly, the video table in his hand rang. After connecting, Liu Ting's anxious face appeared. Liu Ting saw the video connection and shouted, "Come back quickly. A group of people raided the headquarters. The four of us Tang can't hold on any longer."

Feng Long asked urgently, "Have you moved the warship?" Liu Ting frowned and said, "No, I'm afraid it will have too much impact." Feng Long gritted his teeth and roared, "No matter how much, use warships." Well, I know." Liu Ting hung up the video after saying that.

Everyone was rushing back. Feng Long suddenly picked up the video table. Feng Qingyu's head reflected and asked, "What's the matter?" Feng Qingyu's face was very ugly, and Feng Long was shocked and said, "Take another warship to Pandora."

Pandora and the chaotic galaxy are only separated from three galaxies. The warship will jump in space for a few minutes. However, Feng Qingyu lamented: "The chaos of the chaotic galaxy is caused by the spy force of an empire. People in other areas have also paid attention to this fat meat. Today's chaotic galaxy is being staged - stars Battle of the ship."