Big Starship

Chapter 34 Occupy of Xiangluo

As soon as Feng Long's voice fell, several people turned around and walked back. The little brothers behind them twisted out laser knives and shouted to rush forward. In this central area of this chaotic galaxy, gang fighting was very common and did not attract the attention of others. In less than ten minutes, the fighting stopped. .

Two groups of people were separated from each other, and one of them was left with only one person left. The corpses on the ground piled up like mountains and blood flowed into rivers. The person left behind was obviously the "big boss" named by Feng Long.

Feng Long pulled out the laser knife at his waist and walked to the man. The man trembled and couldn't hold the cigar in his mouth. The cigar slowly fell down. At the moment when the cigar fell to the ground, Feng Long's knife put it on the man's neck: "Say, all you think I want to hear, I won't miss a word."

In the last four words, Feng Long gritted his teeth and his face was twisted. The man trembled all over and knelt on the ground just said: Brother, spare your life, don't kill me.

Feng Long turned his neck and finally lost his patience. He cut off the man's right hand with a knife, frowned and roared, "All you know, the news of the Longteng Gang and the current whereabouts." The man covered the broken arm and finally separated the current situation. He quickly endured the pain and said, "Big brother, I said, big brother."

A place full of corpses, a man stood with a knife. A man next to him covered his broken arm and knelt down and said, "About six months ago, I was exiled here by the parliamentary army. At that time, I was just a gangster, cutting black knives for a living. Many big brothers here are better than me and more ruthless than me."

" So in order to survive, I threatened to know Feng Long, who knew the whale shark. For this reason, many big brothers dare not touch me, and I gradually have a little brother, and my life is also free. In the name of Feng Long, I collected a lot of protection fees and played with a lot of women. Until one day, a newly rising gang came to me and warned me not to humiliate the name of the whale shark.

"I relied on the leader of the Longteng Gang as a junior, so I ignored his advice, but in exchange, my gang was completely destroyed, and I almost died here. After several toss and turns, I turned to a big brother. After gaining trust, I assassinated him. After taking over his gang, I decided to go to Longteng to settle accounts.

"Because Longteng has my people, they have combined inside and outside, destroying their whole gang, but there has never been any information about their boss and several cadres. For half a year, I have been looking for their whereabouts, but there has been no news." The man said everything tremblingly and looked up at Feng Long carefully.

After hearing this, Feng Long put down the laser knife, squatted down and looked at his face and said, "Do you know the name of Longteng's eldest brother?"

"I know." The man's face shrank back and quickly replied, "His name is Tang Long, but I don't know what he looks like, because he always comes out with a mask."

Feng Long sneered and said, "Very good, I want to tell you four things. First, I am the boss of the whale shark, Feng Long. Second, Tang Long is the cadre of my whale shark. Third, whale sharks will not die. Fourth, you are going to die here today.

When the man heard the first three, his face was shocked. The last sentence turned pale. Seeing that Feng Long was still inaction, he picked up the laser knife that Feng Long put down with his only left hand and cut it at Feng Long.

While swinging the knife, he roared hysterically: "Damn it, I'm fighting, don't care whether it's Feng Long or Feng Long." When the laser knife was about three centimeters away from Feng Long's head, everyone picked up the weapon in their hands and rushed to them.

The four women's eyes were full of despair. At this time, Feng Long moved, raised his right hand, and pinched the man's waved left wrist. Suddenly, the laser knife could not move any more. The man struggled to ** his left hand. Feng Long's eyes were fierce and he exhaled, together with the man's left hand, pulled it from his wrist.

The man's voice changed from roar to scream. He knew that in the end, he could no longer make any sound. After his left hand was pulled from his wrist, he still held the laser knife tightly. Feng Long waved his bloody left hand and cut his head. The laser knife cut it like a watermelon and divided his head into two.

Others relaxed when they saw this scene.

The four women cried and rushed to Feng Long, hugged Feng Long tightly. Feng Long smiled and patted the four people on the backs and said seriously, "Now, what we know is that Tang Long did not die in those years. Although it did not help us, it at least proved that our efforts will not be in vain to find the whale shark. Every brother, with these people, the whale shark will not die.

The four women couldn't hear anything at this moment. They only knew that they held Feng Long tightly, for fear that as soon as they let go, Feng Long would disappear. Others were aroused by Feng Long's blood, waved weapons, and shouted four words loudly: "The whale shark will not die!"

A week later, Feng Long turned Xiang Luoxing upside down, but he couldn't find Tang Long, and there was no news at all.

When everyone was sitting in a small house and was at a loss, Qiao Fei patted the table and got up and said, "Where is Tang Long? I'm so entangled. He told us that he was in Xiangluo Star!" Feng Tianqi said with his hair, "Don't worry, take your time to figure it out. This planet is also relatively chaotic."

"You have said a few words with Tang Long. You must not be in a hurry. Do you still remember what he looks like now?" Qiao Fei roared angrily when he heard Feng Tian's words.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Qiao Yang quickly stopped Qiao Fei, turned around and smiled bitterly at Feng Tian: I'm sorry, my second brother has been angry since he was a child. Feng Tian still sat in his original position and said with a smile: It's okay. If his brother's whereabouts are unknown, everyone will lose his mind.

Feng Long sat quietly. He suddenly got up and walked around the table a few times and patted the table and said, "Yes, the place of Xiangluo is also relatively chaotic. For this reason, the news cannot be unified. The brothers sent out to inquire about the news will also occasionally be attacked by other gangs. In a word, To solve these problems, let's unify Xiangluo first.

After listening to Feng Long's words, Qiao Yang didn't say anything. He punched each other and slammed the door out. Feng Tian looked at Feng Long. Feng Long nodded and went out.

The four women looked at Feng Long with different eyes, with worry, appreciation, calmness and hesitation. Finally, everyone in the room followed Feng Long out. After Feng Long went out, he saw Qiao Fei standing on a small step. In the spacious hall, a group of young brothers chatted, playing cards and maintaining weapons.

After seeing Feng Long came out, everyone put down their work. Feng Long nodded to Qiao Fei. Qiao Fei waved and shouted, "Listen, everyone. Now bring your equipment. Take here as the center, occupy all the nearby gangs, and pay attention to the news of Long Teng."

Looking at Feng Tian, who said something to the video table next to him, Qiao Fei continued to say, "After a while, other brothers will also come and take down Xiangluoxing in one fell swoop."

After listening to this, all the little brothers were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that these big brothers would give such crazy orders. Looking at the hesitation in their eyes, Feng Long stepped forward and said, "Don't be afraid. Let me go. Think carefully, where is this place? No chaotic galaxy!"

"This is the place where the parliamentary and imperial system exile prisoners. What do those prisoners have formed gangs? Do they have laser guns? No, but we do. Do they have cell regenerators? No, in the same way, we have, they can't even leave the planet, but we can reach anywhere without chaos. In short, we have what they don't have. They have. We are better than them. Remember, this is my territory, a place where whale sharks make a family, and there are no chaotic galaxy.

The whole audience was silent, one second, two seconds, three seconds••• Everyone broke out in silence and shouted their unique, crazy slogan: "Oh! Oh, la la!"

This is the convenience that the parliament and the empire have brought to Feng Long. At present, most of the people are exiled from two major regions. They will equip prisoners and spacecraft.

However, in the headquarters of the whale shark, excellent equipment, brand-new warships, and even starships are parked in the warehouse. At the same time, there is also the greatest help in the current cosmic battlefield. The Luowu people help Feng Long, and Feng Long will live up to their kindness.

At this moment, Qiao's three men have all been scattered in a chaotic place, occupying the gang and inquired about the news. Feng Long's men have also rushed to the battlefield with all their strength. The brothers who are in action have occupied hundreds of large and small gangs with zero damage.

In the overwhelming crushing of whale shark members, those so-called gangsters dare not fight desperately at all. Why, when their arms and legs are broken, they can only let the wound heal and become disabled from then on, while Feng Long has a cell regenerator, and his younger brother is not afraid of injury at all. The situation in the whole battlefield is only in Feng Longyi Change between sentences.

Feng Long's younger brother is like a special forces soldier entering a kindergarten. Yes, there are many children in the kindergarten, and there is only one special forces soldier, but this is a group of people who can't stop him and can only let him act recklessly.

The offensive and defensive war has entered a white-hot stage. At this moment, all the well-known gangs of Xiang Luoxing have gathered together. There is nothing they can do. Although Feng Long's people are powerful, they do not have an advantage in number. They are still given time to prepare. Those gangs gathered together don't know where they got laser guns, and Occasionally, I see one or two laser guns.

Even so, the main combat power of the battlefield is slingshots, bows and arrows, falling stones, rolling wood and so on. It seems that they have returned to the wild era. Up to now, the people on Feng Long's side are still free of casualties, like a force of war machines. Wherever they go, corpses fall down one by one.

Feng Long finally waited a little impatiently and turned to Feng Tian and asked, "Cousin, haven't our people arrived yet?" It has been a light year since it arrived in Xiangluo, and it is estimated that it will arrive in a few minutes. Feng Tian hung up the video and said to Feng Long.

After hearing this, Feng Long turned around a few times and recruited a little brother beside him. The little brother ran over and asked, "Brother Long, what's the matter?" Feng Long said to a large number of little brothers: "Reduce the equipment." The little brother seemed to be a little suspicious of his ears and asked, "What?" Feng Long came to his ear and roared, "Reload the equipment!"

Now the little brother heard it clearly, but he still didn't move. He hesitated for a long time. Finally, Feng Long directly took his hands and undressed him. The little brother was in Feng Long's hand and was powerless to resist at all.

He could only watch his equipment being taken off one by one. Feng Long fought with countless Shura in the Dragon Training Module. At this moment, his strength has exceeded the cognitive range of ordinary people and can pull people's hands off his wrists.