Big Starship

Chapter 54 The Death of the Blood Dog

After hearing this, Liu Kai shouted, "Look, I told you not to go. What should I do now?" Zhang Da and Edward Karen beside him were also ups and downs by his words, and Feng Long was also angry in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Da proposed, "Why don't we take a long detour and pass through the bottom of the battlefield?" Edward shook his head and said, "It's impossible. In order to prevent deserters, the energy in each warship is limited. It is carefully calculated and added to you. There is no extra energy to support us to take a long detour."

At this time, Liu Kai couldn't wait to rush to Wang Jing and shouted, "In a word, get in touch with the officer first and then ask for support." When Feng Long saw that he lost his mind, he pushed him away and shouted, "You're crazy. I can guarantee that the guy knows our current situation and will definitely lead the troops to evacuate. He can't wait for us to die. In this way, the credit will be his."

Liu Kai rushed up unconvinced and pushed Feng Long and said, "Then what do you think you should do? Why didn't you think of this situation when you asked me to drive the warship in? Feng Long suppressed the anger in his heart and said as gently as possible, "I don't want to fight with you now, and I don't want to quarrel. I just want everyone to calm down and think of a good way to get us out of trouble."

Liu Kai's face was much calmer after hearing this. He looked at Feng Long and said for a long time, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now."

Ten minutes later, but everyone still didn't come up with a good idea. Li Fei began to smash the wall, step on the ground, and vent randomly. Liu Ting saw that she was going crazy, quickly pulled her, put her head in her arms and whispered, "Feifei, calm down, find a way."

Li Fei struggled to pull her head out of her arms and complained, "Let me see, when there are not many imperial troops gathered now, they will shoot directly with the main and secondary guns and kill a bloody road, otherwise the more they gather, and it will be more troublesome later."

Wang Jing and Yang Xue also sat on the ground with a melancholy face. At this time, Liu Ting reflected her eldest sister's appearance and constantly comforted the women. Feng Long said to Liu Kai at this time, "Brother Kai, there is no way to go on like this. You go to see the rebels first and stabilize them, so as not to cause us trouble. "

After hearing this, Liu Kai turned around and walked to the warship's cell. After he went away, Feng Long seemed to suddenly think of something and shouted to Zhang Da: "Zhang Da, those mob are wild-tempered. You still take two laser whips to help Liu Kai. If you really can't, kill one or two."

After hearing this, Zhang Da quickly pulled out two short sticks from the equipment box and ran in the direction Liu Kai left. Feng Long touched his chin and meditated for a while, turned his head to Edward and said, "Eide, please help me check how much energy inventory there is in the warship."

Edward Karen looked at Feng Long doubtfully. Feng Long smiled at him, and he ran to the energy room. After watching his figure disappear around the corner, Feng Long smiled and came to the four women.

"Haha, what are you guys? Do you really think I can't help it? Feifei almost dismantled our warship. After hearing this, the four women's eyes lit up, and Yang Xue asked first, "Really? Do you really have a way? What's the way to avoid 'others' and tell us?

Before Feng Long could answer, Li Fei bulged and said, "Well, listen to him blowing to you. This is a desperate situation. What can you do?" After hearing this, Feng Long glanced at Li Fei and turned his head to pretend to be angry and said, "Well, don't believe it. I really have a way."

Liu Ting's eyes were already sparking. She quickly pinched Feng Long and said, "Oh, if there is a way, just say it quickly. It's appetizing. Be careful when they come back."

Feng Long was pinched, and he also learned from Li Fei. He said with an aggrieved face, "It's not easy. I thought of this situation for a long time. We just captured so many rebels and left. I also made them mistakenly think that we are Isera's people. Think about the current situation of the Isera Empire and you will understand."

After hearing this, the four women thought for a while, and Wang Jing whispered, "Now, there must be a lot of pressure from the rebel army on Isera's side. After a while, they may withdraw the patrols at the border and send them to quell the chaos."

Feng Long touched her head with a smile and said, "Haha, that's good. Jingjing is so smart." Wang Jing blushed and lowered her head. At this time, Liu Ting asked doubtfully, "Then why do you avoid the three of them? It's okay to let them know."

Feng Long stood up and pretended to be unfathomable behind his hands and said, "It doesn't matter if they know this, but just in case, I still have a second hand ready. This second method can't let them know."

The four women were waiting for Feng Long to continue to talk, but Feng Long stood still and stood with an unpredictable expression. Finally, Li Fei jumped up from Liu Ting's arms and roared an angryly, "What is the second way? Consciously, don't force me to be rude."

Feng Long suffered Li Fei's anger, but somehow concocted a candy in his hand and handed it to Li Fei, "Haha, don't worry, come and eat a candy and calm down and listen to me." Li Fei took over the candy handed over by Feng Long in surprise and asked, "How did you take this thing to the spacecraft?" Isn't it strictly forbidden to bring things that have nothing to do with combat?

Feng Long raised his head proudly and said, "Well, their broken inspection agency can detect what I brought." While talking, Feng Long still took out a small bag of fruit and handed it over while eating, "Do you want to eat it?"

Liu Ting took out an apple and asked while eating, "What is your second method?" Feng Long sat on the ground and said, "In fact, it's not a big deal. I have contacted Uncle Xiang to let them land nearby. In case Isera fights with the rebels* to stop the parliamentary army, then let Uncle Xiang come back and give him a step to see if he can withdraw from the patrol ship."

When the four women heard Feng Long's words, they nibbled the fruit and despised, "You can think of such a poisonous way." At this time, Liu Kai, Zhang Da and Edward also came back one after another. Feng Long saw them coming back and offered his own bag of fruit•••••

Liu Kai and Zhang Da picked up a fruit and gasped and said, "Damn it, those moans are really not covered. It took us a lot of effort to suppress it." Feng Long turned his head and asked Edward, "Eide, how about the warship's energy inventory?"

Edward Karen looked at Feng Long and said, "I guessed it well. I haven't done anything yet. Now there are only more than 900 degrees of energy left, which is barely enough for us to return to the parliamentary zone." After hearing this, Feng Long pondered and waited for Isera to withdraw the patrol ship.

At this moment, Isera, as Feng Long thought, on the hall, the video table was about to be blown up. It was all about the report of the rebel army* and the parliamentary army. The angry Isera covered her scalp and sat on the dragon chair and sighed constantly.

At present, there are few ministers in the Isera Empire who have some ability. They are a little capable. They were angered by Isera's atrocities very early and resigned one after another, or sought another job. Now Isera looks up at the brilliant hall, and only the thoughts of anger and regret are intermingled in his mind.

Finally, Isera finally decided to withdraw all the patrol ships and participate in the suppression of the rebels*. He thought that Wu Kra was still an ally and would not go too much, so he had the idea of allowing them to go abroad to search.

At this moment, Feng Long sat peacefully on the gravity floor of the warship, happily eating fruit, farting with several people and talking nonsense. The four women knew that he had made many preparations for this situation and were no longer anxious. Liu Kai and others did not know Feng Long's idea. All these five people were accurate in the battlefield. Prepared.

Isera sat painfully in a chair made of space stone and sighed again. At this time, the voice of the guards came from outside the hall: "Hey, you can't go in, stop, you can't."

At this time, the spirit beast returned from a fiasco, and the whole organization of ten people, now only three people came back. Fat Jiao and Yulong rushed to the hall with half-dead blood dogs.

Yulong squatted on the ground and did emergency treatment for the dying blood dog. Fat Jiao knelt on the ground and gasped and said, "Your Majesty, I'm very sorry. We lost. Please treat the wounded first and give us another chance. Next time we will definitely..."

"Get out!"

Before Feijiao finished speaking, Isera interrupted him. Feijiao lowered his head and did not dare to look at Isera, but still bravely said, "Your Majesty, we are very sorry. We deserve to die. I beg Your Majesty to send someone to treat the wounded for the sake of the spiritual beast serving His Majesty for so many years."

Issela looked like a superior and looked at the fat man kneeling under the stage and said, "Get out, before I change my mind, the loser is not qualified to make demands on me." Fat Jiao glanced at the blood dog with difficulty breathing, gritted his teeth and bowed his head again and said, "Your Majesty, we have no merit or hard work in the battle for so many years. In any case, please put the life of your subordinates first."

Isera sat on the throne, gritted his teeth and roared with an unhappy expression, "When you went, you were ten people. When you came back, there were only two wastes and a half-dead guy. When will I admit that I have subordinates like you? Huh?"

When Fat Jiao heard such ruthless words, he looked at the blood dog on the ground and shed two lines of hot tears. Without waiting for him to speak again, Yulong used limited tools to deal with the blood dog's injury and knelt next to him.

"Yulong is here to beg your majesty. This failure is the biggest shame since the establishment of our spirit beast. Although we only have three people left, we are bound to wash away this shame, but now, blood dog, blood dog."

The heads of the two have already been attached to the cold ground, a precious ground made of blue and gold. Although the blood dog is the most irritable and murderous among the ten spirit beasts, and the other nine are also afraid of him, after all, they are brothers and sisters who have lived together in a nest for more than ten years. Fat Jiao and Yulong still give up their dignity and give up everything to plead for him in front of Isera.

The tip of their noses were close to the blue-gold ground and did not dare to look at Isera's expression, but Isera slowly took out a laser gun. The next second, a small laser passed through the two people kneeling on the ground, and then heard a very slight scream from the lying blood dog.