Big Starship

Chapter 55 Yulong defected

The two slowly twisted their heads back with a surprised face. Time seemed to become extremely slow at this moment. Fat Jiao and Yulong were afraid that they would turn their heads and see the scene they didn't want to see. Although it was very slow and stiff, they still saw it.

The blood dog stopped his meditation, and there was a thick hole in his eyebrows. There was black smoke coming from the hole, and not a drop of blood flowed out. Isera put away the laser gun and said coldly, "What is that? The person who lost me, that kind of person has no value at all. You two, let me say one side, Get out of here. Let's talk about you later. Don't let me see you now."

Yulong rolled and crawled to the side of the blood dog, listening to the heart and exploring his nose. Finally, after a long time of busy life, the tears that had already accumulated in her eyes flowed down and dripped on the face of the blood dog.

Looking at this side, the fat Jiao suddenly bit his lower lip, as if thinking for a long time, and finally made up his mind. He bumped into Isera above, with tears in his eyes, which were the tears of the loser's unwillingness and the tears of disappointment.

"Ithera, you son of a bitch, I'm completely disappointed in you and return the life of the blood dog to the spirit beast." Seeing his huge body, he was about to hit Isera. Suddenly, Isera stretched out a big green hand behind him and blocked his rushing body with one hand.

"No, it's impossible, Luoluo, how can this be!" Looking along the big hand that blocked him, I suddenly saw a Luoluo standing in front of him, looking at him coldly, and making himself unable to move with only one hand.

Isera roared at him crazily: "Blood dog, the life of the lost dog? You think, the whole spirit beast, is because of who you have lived until now? You don't know what's good or bad, you should also die. As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the fat dragonfly in the face.

After seeing a foot down, the fat Jiao's huge body was not moved at all. He kicked him again and kicked a lot of feet in a row. He said to the Luoluo people breathlessly, "Mamaka, deal with him."

Na Luowu did not answer after hearing this, but suddenly exerted the hand holding the fat dragonfly. The next moment, the whole right hand and arm of the fat dragonfly were pulled off, and the fat dragon screamed and covered the bleeding wound and rolled all over the ground.

Finally, in the rolling, he accidentally saw Yulong, who was still kneeling in place, shouting at her in a small voice, "Yulong, run, run, run, run quickly!"

Yulong just looked at him in a daze and saw a big hand grabbing the fat dragon's head. At the last moment of his life, he stared at Yulong with red eyes and shouted vigorously for the last breath: "Run, run..."

The fiasco of the spirit beast and Isera's ruthless killing. Under the desperate cover of the fat dragon, the jade dragon rushed out of the hall where Isera was located. When the Lorou man copied by Isera, Mamaka, was about to catch up with him, the fat dragonfly grabbed his hind legs unconsciously, and Mamaka turned his head angrily to look at the fat dragon.

Fat Jiao looked at his ferocious face and smiled calmly and said, "Roou, who has lost the dignity of a soldier, go to hell."

Yulong turned his head in horror and looked at Fat Jiao. He smiled at her and finally said a word: "Run."

"Boom!" A burst of red light appeared above the hall, and the fat dragon used desperate tactics - self-detonation. A burst of red light, accompanied by a loud noise, the huge pressure blew the jade dragon far away and finally fell into the escort group outside.

When Isera saw the flickering eyes of the fat dragonfly, she knew it and quickly activated the shield of the throne.

A few seconds later, when the smoke and dust dissipated, a huge pit appeared on the ground of the hall. Several pieces of broken bodies were scattered all over the sky. When Isera saw all this, the already angry blue veins burst up and angrily hit the armrest of the throne.

After Yulong got up and saw a bunch of guards surrounding him, he couldn't help thinking of Fat Jiao dragging Mamaka for him and smiling at her for the last time. Suddenly, he looked at the guard beside him with knives and guns with tears in his eyes. His eyes were fierce and he quickly pulled out two guns.

"Gun God Skill, Heart Network • Divine Power." On the basis of the heart net, she added her own incomparable anger and hatred. Suddenly, the imperial army within 20 meters of her as the center only felt a strong pressure, and the hands holding the weapon trembled uncontrollably.

Yulong slowly closed his eyes: "From today on, I have closed my eyes. My eyes only exist and are sad. Gunsman skill, quick kill. A tear flowed from the corner of Yulong's eyes and slowly fell down, and time stopped again at this moment.

When the tears fell to the ground, it aroused a subtle and unheard water flower. Yulong held his chest and stood in place with a gun in his arms, but what this tear flower brought was that in an instant, a range shrouded in the heart net, and lasers appeared one after another, and each beam of light accurately passed through the eyebrows of an imperial army.

A corpse fell, and their eyes still maintained their hostility to Yulong. From this, it can be seen that they died in an instant and did not feel pain. The rest of the people looked at Yulong in fear and faintly made way for Yulong.

"Flash feet!" In the eyes of these guards, they saw a piece of dust rising at the foot of Yulong, but they didn't know where the figure of Yulong had arrived.

Yulong quickly rushed to the tarmac, boarded the special spaceship for the spirit beast and quickly rushed out of the atmosphere.

At the same time, Feng Long sat on the floor of the warship, chewing the fruit brought, and chatting briefly with the four female parents. Only Liu Kai, Edward and three others were eating tasteless fruits while wondering if these people were scared.

At this moment, Feng Long threw away the remaining cores, stood up and patted the dust behind his buttocks and said, "Hey comrades, let's make a bet. I said that those patrol ships of the Isera Empire will be withdrawn within ten minutes. Do you believe it?"

Zhang Da opened his mouth and asked in surprise, "Why?" Liu Kai threw away the fruit in his hand and said, "Isera's son is your son." Feng Long turned his head and said disdainfully, "Well, I still don't like that old man as my grandson."

Seeing what Edward Karen beside wanted to express, Feng Long quickly added, "That's it. Anyway, we are idle. It's better to have some fun. I said that Issela's patrol ship will be evacuated within ten minutes. Do you believe it?"

Liu Kai, Edward and Zhang Da said with different eyes: "I don't believe it." Ghosts believe in you." If you don't say why, I feel a little suspense anyway.

"Good." Feng Long clapped his hands with a treacherous smile and said, "Then how about we make a bet?" Liu Kai asked with little interest, "What is the gambling method?" Feng Long touched his chin and meditated for a while and said, "How about betting on three days of meals? I'm going to win. The three of you are in charge of my meals, and I'm going to lose. How about I ask the three of you three days of meals?"

Zhang Da made a thoughtful look. After a few seconds, he directly clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll bet with you." Liu Kai slapped him on the back of the head angrily and roared, "What are you betting with him? Do you understand what he said?"

Edward pushed away Liu Kai and Zhang Da and looked at Feng Long with contemptuous face and said, "That's it. What do you think of the three-day meal that the lost management won?" Feng Long looked disappointed and replied feebly, "Okay, okay, okay, that's it."

As if God wanted to prove Feng Long's idea, Isera's angry face appeared on the videot of the bloated second lieutenant of the empire at this moment: "You rice bucket, didn't I send a message for you to come back to suppress the mob? Why are you still entangled with the scum of the parliamentary system there?"

When the fat man saw Isera's bad face, he hurriedly flattered and said carefully, "Ha, I'm very sorry, Your Majesty. I'm going to move back to the court and wait for Your Majesty's dispatch. It's just Your Majesty, I don't know about these parliamentary troops. Does Your Majesty have any instructions?"

He flatted, but thought to himself, "Old bastard, when did you send someone to send me a message? How did I know that you asked me to go back?"

How could Isera not see his thoughts, but she still vented her anger on the fat man and pointed to the fat man through the video and scolded, "What are you scum, rice buckets, the imperial tax to raise you pigs? Do you know what you are? Garbage! Garbage!"

Listening to the two words dragged by the fat second lieutenant, he still bent down with a smile: "Your Majesty's lesson is that I will definitely change my past and live up to your Majesty's trust in the future." Isera looked at his brother pig and roared more an angryly, "Don't talk nonsense. Come back quickly. Let them do what the parliamentary people like. After that, I will settle accounts with Wu Krana bastards."

Through the observation mirror from afar, Liu Ting shouted excitedly, "Xiaolong, you are so amazing. They really left." After hearing this, Feng Long took a proud look at the stunned Liu Kai, Edward and the other three, and immediately ordered Liu Kai: "Go and turn the warship into a stealth state. When they pass, we will go back."

Although Liu Kai was still shocked after hearing this, he did so immediately.

At this time, in the imperial warship that was rushing back, the fat second lieutenant vented all his anger on his subordinates. At this time, a subordinate in charge of radar stiffened his head and reported against his anger: "Report, sir, an unknown warship has been found hidden in the star field ahead."

Feng Long thought that Liu Kai would steal the warship and would not be found in the short term, but he did not expect that the radar technology of the Isera Empire was so advanced.

The fat second lieutenant had just been angry with Issela and was now venting on his subordinates. At this time, an investigator stubbornly reported: "Reporter, an unknown warship has been found in the star field ahead."

After hearing this, the fat man turned his head and looked at the investigator and asked fiercely, "Are you sure?" The investigator was scared out of a cold sweat and still said tremblingly, "Yes, there is a reaction on the radar."

The fat second lieutenant sneered and said, "Very good, very good. Please sink him. You don't need to send a video to persuade him." Everyone broke out in a cold sweat.