Big Starship

Chapter 65 Biochemical Man

opened the door of the hypnosis warehouse in front of him. Feng Long saw that it was different from the usual hypnosis warehouse. Short tentacles kept squirming on the wall of the warehouse, as if they were looking for something. He frowned. Feng Long looked at Pierre again.

"Ha ha, this is just the latest new and latest hypnosis warehouse. Those tentacles are composed of cell fibers, which helps to restore physical strength."

Pierre explained that it was not only Feng Long, but everyone looked at him doubtfully. The crazy second lieutenant licked his lips and said maliciously, "Hey, you'd better reinterpret what these are on one side, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to you next."

The gloomy teenager said coldly, "We entered the army and did not let you toss around for such a reason. We came to the army when we could ensure our own safety."

After hearing the two people's words, he looked into the eyes of the crowd, but Pierre suddenly covered his forehead and only heard him laugh.

"Ha ha, ha ha, am I really not good at lying? Then it will be much easier. All of you will listen to the order. As a major of the parliamentary military region, I order you to enter the hypnification warehouse in front of you and complete the order of the motherland army.

After saying that, no one acted. Pierre added: "Thirty seconds later, he still stood here as a disobeying the officer's order, disturbing the order of the army, and dealing with it by military law."

Feng Long didn't know his name, so he could only call him. After hearing Pierre's words, he came forward and grabbed Pierre's collar and shouted, "*, what do you want to do again? Believe it or not, I beat the officer today?"

Feng Long looked at his recklessness, pulled him away with great annoy, and pointed to Pierre and said, "I'm a civilized person. Now I hope you can take back what you just said and explain to us what this so-called 'hypnosis warehouse' is. What will happen to you if we don't go in?"

Pierre looked at Feng Long gloomily, and his eyes slowly showed murder. He asked vaguely, "What will happen to me if you don't go in?" Hahaha, let me tell you this garbage with practical actions.

With that, Pierre's body changed abnormally.

Feng Long was surprised to see Pierre's body change abnormally. He saw that Pierre's body slowly expanded and became bigger. Finally, his military uniform was torn, and then Pierre's face turned into a toad-like face.

Long nails also grew on his fingers. On the disgusting face, the third eye was opened between his eyes. The hair grew rapidly all over his body until his whole body and sharp fangs grew in his mouth. The three eyes were instantly congested and turned red.

Pierre's mutation shocked everyone on the spot. The four women covered their mouths and couldn't speak. They looked like they wanted to scream but couldn't say anything. Feng Long was still staring at Pierre, who continued to mutate.

After a while, Pierre seemed to hold his head and shout in pain, as if his body was under great pressure, as if it was about to crack at any time. Ten people looked at his painful appearance and quickly retreated a few steps and looked at him with different thoughts.

I don't know how long it took, when everyone's psychological defense was about to collapse, Pierre finally stopped screaming, a black tongue stretched out randomly outside, and his three eyes narrowed into three slits to look at Feng Long and others.

Time seemed to pass slowly. While everyone was waiting for Pierre's next move, suddenly the gloomy teenager was wrapped around by a thick tail and hung in the air.

Pierre looked at the teenager struggling in mid-air and smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth and said, "Go ahead and make a demonstration for them. Don't worry, after you get out of here, you will be the elite of the entire parliamentary military region. The king of soldiers, you will become weapons of war."

As soon as the words fell, a big hand rudely opened the iron door of a hypnotic warehouse. After that, the tail rolled up the gloomy teenager and threw him directly into the narrow hypnosis warehouse and rudely closed the door of the hypnosis warehouse.

Pierre looked at the nine people with a smile. After the nine people saw that the teenager was thrown in, the containers that Feng Long had noticed before took action and kept sending all kinds of ** to the hypnosis warehouse according to a certain rule.

"Ah! Ah! Let me out, Pierre, *Mom, let me out, ah•••••”

bursts of screams, accompanied by the continuous shaking of the hypnosis warehouse. After those disgusting unknown ** were transported in, he did not know where to go. Liu Kai looked at the violently shaking hypnosis warehouse, swallowed and pulled the corner of Lafenglong's clothes and asked, "Hey, what do you think will happen to that guy?"

Feng Long's eyes still stayed on the hypnotic chamber and answered Liu Kai's question absent-mindedly: "If I guess correctly, it should be to turn him into Pierre and brainwash him in the hypnosis chamber to make him a real war weapon in the parliamentary military region."

As soon as Feng Long's voice fell, Liu Kai was so scared that he was paralyzed and couldn't speak. The crazy second lieutenant broke away from Feng Long and took his hand, in turn grabbed Feng Long's collar and roared, "Are you serious? If you talk nonsense about me, I can't forgive you."

Feng Long pointed to the hypnotic warehouse with a slowly decreasing shaking frequency: "Wait, you will know."

"Hahaha, wait? Shall I let you wait? I'll tell you now that this boy is right, and you should be proud of being selected by the army. Come on, you rubbish and give everything to the parliamentary system.

Pierre shouted crazily and was about to reach out to catch the crowd. After Feng Long reacted, he saw a pair of magic hands grabbing him. He didn't have time to think much and quickly kicked out a kick. Pierre frowned slightly and smiled, "Kid, there are two tricks. This should not be a trick for the army to train you second lieutenants. "

Feng Long looked at him contemptuously and did not answer his words. He took another step and kicked out quickly.

The hypn where the gloomy teenager is located is still shaking violently, and screams still come out from time to time•••••

Feng Long looked at the approaching claws and kicked out a foot quickly, and the instep of his foot was vividly against the palm of his hand. Feng Long's foot, which could kick the Shura npc, was shaken, but the claw was also kicked back.

Pierre stretched out his long tongue, rubbed his palm and laughed, "Haha, you are really not an ordinary person. I've decided that you don't have to go into the hypn, just beat you half to death, and then let you explain your origin, and then send it to the military law."

Feng Long wink at the four women who wanted to take action and stamped his feet and smiled, "Hum, it turns out that the parliamentary army I have been determined to join since I was a child is so unbearable inside. I have been exercising hard since I was a child and grew up determined to join the army, but here I was framed as a spy for his country. , whatever, you can come if you have the ability.

Before Feng Long finished speaking, a thick tail patted him.

After a backflip dodged the attack, Feng Long continued to say, "Well, I think you are the spies of other countries. How are the recruits of our parliamentary army persecuted by you? Today, I will capture you first and then send them to the Military Law Office. Everything is determined by the laws of our parliamentary system."

I can't stand Feng Long's repeated provocation. Originally, he just said that his origin was unknown, but he was confused by him as a spy in another country, and then turned himself into a spy in an enemy country. Pierre couldn't afford to wear this series of hats.

In anger, Pierre roared, and the mutant body rushed to Feng Long with his teeth and claws.

Feng Long also broke the can and fell, and his face was fat. He punched directly. The two punched each other again. Feng Long took the upper hand, but Pierre could not please him well. He was secretly shocked by Feng Long's wrist strength.

Pierre kicked again. After Feng Long squatted down and flashed his body, a sweeping army swept away his leg supporting his body. Pierre was firmly hit and was about to fall to the ground, but the tail supported a huge body.

Feng Long didn't expect him to have this move. He was punched head-on and flew out. The four women screamed and ran to check.

At this moment, the crazy second lieutenant kicked Pierre, "Damn it, the limelight is all out of that boy. Remember that your mutant's head is kept for me."

Feng Long didn't want the four women to be exposed. He stood up before they came over and winced at the four women and asked them to go back.

After a violent cough and spit out a mouthful of blood, he walked to the place where the two fought with injuries.

When the crazy second lieutenant saw Feng Long coming, he laughed with Pierre and said, "Haha, boy, I robbed your job. Do you have any problem?"

Looking at the madman whose strength is comparable to his own, Feng Long spit out blood and roared, "It's a big opinion. Damn, you dare to touch my prey. What are you going to deal with this?"

After hearing this, the crazy second lieutenant was not angry. He carried Pierre's strong heavy fist after the mutation. He felt that he was gradually falling into the wind and smiled and said, "Hahaha, how do you still want me to deal with it? At most, share a little bit of you. Let's share good things together."

Feng Long also saw the situation and followed his words, "Okay, that's it. Whoever gets his head is."

Pierre saw that the two of them set a trap for each other and didn't pay attention to each other at all. A mass of anger finally broke out in his heart, and a whip kicked the crazy second lieutenant's waist with full strength.

The crazy second lieutenant, who was farting with Feng Long, did not expect his sudden attack, and his body could not keep up with the speed of his eyes. He was suddenly kicked out and stepped in Feng Long's footsteps. Seeing this, Feng Long roared and rushed to Pierre.

"Kid, you are at this level, how dare you grab my food?"

Feng Long maliciously stimulated the weak heart of the crazy second lieutenant and watched him get up while struggling against Pierre.