Big Starship

Chapter 98 Level 8 Poisonous Gas

In a dazzling galaxy, on a planet full of poisons and poisons, a young figure is lying on the green land with difficulty without any help of survival equipment. Don't think that the earth is dyed green by plants, but high concentrations of toxins are immersed in the soil for a long time, causing the soil. Mutant.

The little boy, who seemed to be less than ten years old, was lying on the green land sweating heavily, breathing the air with difficulty, but as his breathing became more and more rapid, the little boy's red cheeks were also spread by a strange green.

The boy's eyes gradually blurred under the influence of a purple air. When he was about to close completely, a beautiful female voice suddenly came out of the sky: "Little wolf, stand up. No one will save you if you fall here."

There was only a little consciousness left in his mind. When the boy heard the female voice, he was about to fall into a peaceful face, and suddenly surged with a touch of perseverance, mixed with stubbornness, which was a stubbornness from his bones.

The boy took a few breaths again, and then his lips slightly squeezed the poisonous gas. His eyes were instantly covered with blood, and the boy's young hands pinched his neck.

"Uh•••••" Finally, when he was about to die, his hands slowly put down from his neck. After such a desperate situation, the boy forgot his fatigue and got up from the ground.

He looked at the sky covered by dark clouds and stared fiercely at somewhere in the sky. The boy continued to walk on this vast land with the help of the faint light. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he was going to survive on the planet for a year.

The boy walked on the green ground so alone, and the purple air in front of him was faintly mixed with a trace of light red. It was impossible to find the boy's depressed spirit at this moment, but just walked forward.

The sense of taste had already become numb. The boy finally relied on his vision and found himself in a crimson gas, but when his blurred vision noticed this, he had been walking in the gas for nearly half an hour.

After the boy found that the situation was not good, he ran away, but before he ran ten steps, he suddenly fell to the ground. This time, the beautiful and delicate female voice in the sky never came again, and the boy had not climbed up for a long time.

After the boy woke up again, he found that he was very energetic, but he didn't know how long he had been in a coma or what happened when he was in a coma, but he could see that there was a fragrant flower cluster around him.

In the flowers, his younger brothers and sisters were playing together and waving to him together. A smile appeared on his face that he had lost for a long time. He waved his hands happily and ran to his younger brothers and sisters.

However, the boy ran hard for half an hour with a very happy heart, only to find that the younger brothers and sisters were still at the distance not far ahead. Seeing the smiling faces of the younger brothers and sisters, the boy ran away again.

He insisted on running in the flowers for more than an hour. At this time, the boy finally found that something was wrong. He didn't see his younger brother and sister retreat, but he didn't know why he couldn't run away from them.

Why did his short legs still not feel tired at all after running for more than an hour? The boy looked down at his legs in horror and looked doubtfully at the direction where his brothers and sisters were standing.

"The smell of poppy, an ancient plant, can make people hallucinate, and even when it reaches a certain amount, it can make people feel excited. During this period, they do not feel any fatigue and pain, but only unconsciously exhaust the last bit of strength to maintain vitality in hallucinations."

The boy suddenly remembered the voice that made him very disgusted and afraid, "Is that voice the teacher's? Yes, the teacher once taught me that there is a plant called poppy. Is it these around me?

The boy suddenly found his deep memories, and then looked up in the direction of his younger brother and sister. The figures that he missed so much finally became blurred at this moment, and a sense of despair rose in the boy's heart.

Just when the boy stood alone in the flower field and was at a loss, another familiar voice sounded in his mind: "Airgong, a kind of ancient martial arts, everything comes from Qi. Qigong can play the effect of detoxifying toxins, regulating body functions and enhancing physical quality."

Remembered the voice that scared him again, but then the boy's body involuntarily moved and began to play a set of ancient martial arts. During the ancient martial arts, the boy's breath was obviously a dead gray, and his mind was becoming clearer and clearer.

The boy then looked at his hands in surprise. At this time, the boy's eyes had gradually returned to their previous clarity. The boy held his breath and quickly rushed out of the flower field.

A slight light finally penetrated the red gas and shone on the boy's face. The boy was happy and ran towards the light faster.

"Ah!" After running out of the flower field, the boy soon heard a scream, but at this moment, there is no half a person on the other side of the flower field, but only a purple gravel flowing like a river.

Before the gravel flooded the boy's neck, the boy only had time to think of the two words, and then the purple gravel quickly passed over the boy's head, and a gust of wind blew through the empty desert, bringing a purple strange gas.

The boy had just escaped from the flower field and fell into quicksand. Before he could breathe, he covered his mouth and nose with his hands, continued to hold his previous breath, closed his eyes tightly, felt the coarse gravel, and quickly wiped the pain of his body.

The boy didn't know how long he had been sinking. In the fast sinking quicksand, the boy had been unconscious for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, and in a cave somewhere, the boy was finally thrown out of it and fell to the ground heavily. The boy was forced to open his tired eyes.

I saw a swamp full of blue bubbles. In the swamp, there were thin dark shadows flashing by at a very fast speed, and the boy tentatively put one foot into the swamp.

The incomplete tip of the shoe was quickly corroded and gasified. The boy who saw this scene quickly withdrew his foot and sat heavily on the ground, as if his body was too heavy, and the small soil for him to fall on was also slowly falling into the swamp.

The long black figures he saw before surrounded by groups of sunken earth blocks.

"Ah!!!" Holding his head and shouting crazily, this is the first time that a boy has shed unwilling tears in the nine months since he survived on this gas planet.

"Have you given up? If you can't stand it, you can tell the master. I'll take you out right away, hehe. As the boy sat in the dark cave and roared, the female voice that scared the boy came again.

After hearing what the voice said, the boy's eyes suddenly lit up, but for just a moment, the boy completely erased the expectation in his eyes. When he looked at the boy's dark eyes, it was already a resolute look.

"Well, I don't want it. What's this little thing?" The voice said a resolute sentence, which was regarded as a response to the beautiful woman's voice. The boy stood up with difficulty, and the tears on his cheeks no longer existed.

After standing up and looking around, the boy was surprised to find that there was a piece of land as a place to land about two meters behind him. He measured the distance between the two with his eyes. The boy's throat moved and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Fight, or you will die here sooner or later!" The boy's face was stunned, and he suddenly bent down slowly. After taking a deep breath of the highly toxic gas, the boy's face suddenly turned green, but at this moment he couldn't control much.

Adding the only strength of his whole body to the muscles of his legs, the boy looked at the land not far away and jumped hard. His petite body jumped up like a carp, and the land in front of him was getting closer and closer to him.

At this moment, a string of blisters suddenly appeared in the swamp under the boy. The boy looked at the dark shadow in the swamp under his body in horror, which was catching up with his forward figure at a very fast speed.

"Puff!" A small voice sounded, and a big fish full of fangs rushed out of the swamp. When the big mouth grew up, it was enough to swallow the boy's whole body. At this critical moment, the boy suddenly twisted in the air and threw a whip leg out with great force.

The big fish did not pay attention to the boy's attack at all, and still jumped towards the boy. A fierce look appeared on the boy's face, and the thrown whip leg finally kicked the upper jaw of the big fish.

After being attacked by the boy, the big fish fell vertically to the bottom of the swamp, and the boy also landed smoothly on the land with the help of this rebound, "Pup!" A sound of falling into the water came from the boy's side after landing.

The boy looked at the direction of the sound of falling into the water just now and whispered in horror, "Damn, I didn't expect that there were not only toxic gas and poisonous aquatic biochemical soil here, but also creatures evolved under this ecological environment!"

After being stunned, the boy suddenly caught a glimpse of a purple grass not far away. The grass was obviously poisonous, but the boy almost didn't think much about it. He fell on the grass, grabbed a handful of grass and sent it to his mouth.

After chewing the grass in his mouth, the boy swallowed it with difficulty and said, "Oh, it's not as delicious as the red one last time. I really regret that I haven't tasted the poppy just now."

After eliminating the lush poisonous grass, the boy got up and patted his trousers and stretched out to the land in a crisp tone.

Along the way, the boy crossed a poisonous swamp and was chased by a python more than six meters long. After running for more than three hours, the boy finally got rid of the python and came to a basin formed by gray soil.

The boy stopped, gasped, and looked at the endless white in front of him, which was a strange blue on his face.

Starting from this chapter, we will enter a new field - Level 8 Heaven. I hope you can collect it enthusiastically.