Big Starship

Chapter 99 Eight Gravity

In a narrow white passage, a boy stood at the end of the passage at a loss, looked at the straight but endless white passage in surprise, and looked down at the red circle under his feet that was only enough to stand.

At this time, the woman's voice, which made the boy heartfeltly afraid, sounded again, with a green echo in the narrow passage.

"This is a planet with 20 times the gravity, but this channel has been changed to 30 times by technology. The channel is one kilometer long. Every 200 meters forward, you will find a piece of equipment, wear it on your body, and then continue to walk." The woman said faintly.

After hearing this, the boy jumped up in place, estimated his weight with the help of the anti-shock force on the ground, and then roughly calculated how much 30 times the weight was.

Just as the boy was surprised by the final number, the familiar female voice came again: "Well, time is limited. Walking out of the red circle, you will be affected by gravity. Let's see how long it will take you to walk through this channel."

Since then, the green and beautiful female voice has been silent, and no matter how the boy screams, he will no longer reply. The boy has no choice but to sort out his mood and take the first step outside the red circle with his heartbeat.

As soon as his foot stepped out of the red circle, the boy suddenly felt a huge force pulling himself out. After his whole body staggered out of the red circle, the boy suddenly lay on the ground and could no longer move at all.

Fee shortness of breath, and his body seemed to be about to be flattened. The boy suddenly forcibly turned his head back and looked at the red circle. At this moment, the red circle seemed to be an external entrance, which was extremely attractive to the boy.

I don't know how long he had been climbing on the ground. The boy gradually adapted to the gravity magnetic field under his feet. Although he still could not move significantly, his breathing was no longer as fast as before. The boy resisted the idea of climbing into the red circle again and squirmed forward like a reptile.

It has been three days since he entered here, but the boy's body is less than ten meters away from the red circle. The boy slowly and stiffly took out a metal tube with a thumb and a long middle finger from his pocket and handed it to his mouth with astringent movements.

At this moment, the small metal tube in his hand looked as heavy as a huge piece of iron, but the boy still slowly handed it to his mouth with great difficulty and slowly pressed a button in the middle of the metal tube.

A small bean suddenly popped out from the other end of the metal tube. The boy licked his lips, slowly moved his head to the position where the bean was, and then sucked the small bean into his mouth and swallowed it quickly without chewing.

Then the boy slowly turned the metal tube around, stuffed the other end into his mouth, and gently sucked it, and a cold and refreshing water flowed out of it. After the boy sucked greedily for a while, he took the metal tube back into his pocket and crawled again like a worm.

After about a week, the boy finally saw something not far ahead, but after a closer look, the boy suddenly lost the idea of moving forward and lay on the ground gasping for breath.

The black thing in front turned out to be a seemingly heavy metal wrist guard. After sighing, the boy quickly touched out a piece of metal tube. After a little supplement, he climbed over the wrist guard.

When the boy took out the micro food maker this time, his movements were no longer as slow as a week ago, but like holding a small stick with almost no weight, but in fact, he did only take a small stick.

Less than an hour passed this time, and the boy was more than ten meters away. He touched the heavy wrist guard and rolled it in front of him. The boy slowly stuffed it into the wrist guard with one hand.

After that, there was a small body in the channel, as if dragging an injured arm, crawling on the ground with difficulty.

Time flies by, and three months have passed in a blink of an eye. During these three months, the boy's movement speed is getting faster and faster. During this period, he was also equipped with a wrist guard, two knee pads and a heavy armor.

Finally, there was a slight light in front of the channel, and looking at the slight light, a young figure standing in the whole white channel, wearing a set of weight-bearing equipment and bending over with difficulty.

The boy saw the only ray of light left in his imagination for three months, and his body was slightly straight, taking a stiff step and moving towards the light of the light.

Three days have passed, and the boy's feet finally stepped out of the passage and stood in a grass. His body suddenly relieved the pressure, which made the boy smile happily.

After adapting to 30 times the load-bearing gravity, the gravity outside this channel is no different for the outside world. Although it still bears 20 times the load-bearing gravity, the boy feels no longer as obvious as before.

Standing quietly in the grass for a while, feeling the oncoming breeze, the boy took out the small food maker again and played with the handle like a plaything in his hand for a while before he replenished his physical energy and walked forward again.

Nearly a week later, the boy could no longer see the white passage behind him, but stood in the depths of the grassland and looked up at the scorching sun above his head. The boy reached out and found a small metal tube to replenish his body's energy.

At this time, a shadow suddenly flashed in front of the boy. When the boy came to his senses, the small metal tube in his hand was no longer there. Looking around, the boy suddenly saw a round and fluffy little thing not far ahead.

The little thing is holding the metal tube at this moment, constantly shaking its tail, staring at a pair of copper bell-like eyes and looking at the boy.

The boy smiled dryly and said, "Hey, little guy, give me back what's in your mouth." S chattering. In response to the boy, there was a slight scream, and then the round little thing disappeared from the boy's sight.

"Hey, come back, damn it, under this ecological environment, intelligent life can evolve. It's really a universe. There's nothing strange." With his mouth muttering complaints, the boy also quickly swept away in the direction of the little guy's disappearance.

The furry round creature moves so fast that the boy who can only maintain a normal speed on this planet so far is a little late, and the chase between one person and one beast lasts until the evening.

When the last ray of the sun disappeared on the earth, the boy finally followed the trail of the little thing to a forest. In the dense forest, the boy was frowning and searching for some traces.

At the same time, in the universe outside the atmosphere, a spaceship made a sound: "Hee hee, it's very good that it can be traced to such a Lada beast on this planet."

There was no one in the empty command room of the spacecraft, but the female voice that made the boy extremely afraid came from here, and then disappeared silently as if it appeared, leaving only an empty spacecraft running in the universe.

The boy walked in the forest, with a keen sense of smell, followed the unique smell emitted by the Nalada beast, and gradually went deep into the forest. The last ray of light finally disappeared. On this planet with 20 times gravity, it ushered in a dark night.

"Ji, Ji!" Just as the boy complained about preparing to give up tracking, there was a sudden cry in the dense forest not far away. Hearing this cry, the boy's eyes suddenly lit up and quickly ran in the direction of the cry.

Quietly slowing down and lurking in the dense forest, the boy suddenly saw a scene that moved him.

The Lada beast that had robbed his things before is now struggling to knock on the switch of the food maker with two front teeth, and the compressed food falling from the metal tube fell into the mouth of the pink meatballs in the nest.

When the boy saw this scene, he was stunned. It was not until more than a dozen pink meat balls in the nest were full of food and drink that he realized it. After a smile, he had to go forward to retrieve the food maker.

The boy had just taken a step from the hidden point, but the forest suddenly trembled violently, and the earth shook. The Lada beast, which also shocked quickly rushed to the top of the tree where the nest was built, looking around in panic.

The boy then stood up and looked in the direction of the vibration. He saw a huge lizard quickly rushed out of the dense forest there. The big lizard flew in the direction of himself and the Lada beast at a speed that was very inconsistent with his size.

The Lada beast also saw the huge lizard, and then exclaimed, which quickly swallowed all the pink meat balls in the nest into its stomach, and then quickly flashed out.

"Song!" The Lada beast that flashed out quickly pretended to be full of fear with the unprepared boy, and the boy also reacted quickly, took the Lada beast into his arms, took the metal tube in his mouth, and stuffed it into his pocket.

The Lada beast looked at the boy resently and vigilantly, with a constant scream in his mouth. The boy stroked his head: "Little guy, don't be afraid. I'll take you away. That big guy can't hurt you."

The Lada beast seemed to understand what the boy said, and his panicked expression slowly calmed down. Then he rolled his round body in the boy's arms and rubbed the little boy's hand with his soft fur. The two derailed front teeth also bit the boy's fingers.

When the boy saw that the Lada beast could understand human nature, he smiled with satisfaction. Then he held it and turned around quickly and flew away. Then, the huge lizard stretched out its forked tongue and waved it in the air for a moment, and his eyes suddenly fixed in the direction of the boy had previously flash.

With a roar, the lizard wagging its huge tail and swinging its limbs quickly chasing in the direction of the boy's disappearance.

It has been nine months since I asked the big lizard. On this day, when the boy was chasing each other with the Lada beast on the grassland, a beam of light suddenly shot down the sky, covering the boy's body, and then the boy was quickly sucked into the sky by the beam of light.

"Ji! Jittering!" Lada looked at the beam of light and kept beating and screaming, while the boy was in a brightly lit cabin.

"Ha, the little guy is good. He can play 'ghosts' with Lada beasts on this planet. It seems that your speed has improved." The female voice that scared the boy came out again.

"Okay, rest for three days, and then prepare to go to the next station to practice, hee hee." The woman then said with a relaxed smile, but this made the boy's vest cold.