Big Starship

Chapter 103 Flame Cold Space

"What kind of perverted trial? Clothes are not worn by people." The boy whispered and complained. After an inner battle, he still decided to take off his clothes. When the boy took off only a pair of underwear, the female voice finally said helplessly, "Oh, okay, okay, conservative boy, when you get there, I don't need to say that you will take it off yourself, hehe."

The boy was a little unclear by this sentence, but the beautiful and delicate female voice obviously did not intend to say anything more, so the boy did not ask again.

Neither of them spoke, and the scene was so strangely silent. I don't know how long the spacecraft has been flying in space. The beautiful female voice suddenly said, "Hee hee, this time has twice as much rest time as before, so you can cultivate more, hee hee."

After hearing this, the boy first looked at the command platform with shining eyes, and then an ominous foreboding surged into his heart and said doubtfully, "Will you be so kind? Is there any conspiracy? Master, please tell me, what is the content of this trial?"

There was a sound of silence from the command platform, and then the delicate female voice came out: "Hee hee, it doesn't matter if I tell you. This trial field is a flaming star. Because the subsequent trial must come out of the flame star and go directly to the next trial field, so both sides are connected by a space gate, so this time I will also give it to you. Twice the rest time."

"Flame Star!" The boy said the name, and his throat couldn't help rolling. His whole body was sweating coldly. At the same time, he was hesitating whether to take off his only underwear.

The cultivation time at the end of each trial was three days, but this time it allowed the boy to cultivate for six days. The spacecraft finally approached a hot planet. At the moment of entering the atmosphere, the outer wall of the spacecraft instantly turned red and made a "sneer" sound.

As usual, the boy stood on the round platform, waiting for the sinking of the round platform, but the expected decline did not happen. At this time, the delicate female voice came out: "Well, due to some external reasons, this device cannot be used normally. Just jump down by yourself. Good luck, hehe."

Before the boy reacted, the round platform under his feet suddenly cracked, and his whole body fell freely in the atmosphere. When he reacted, he was already thousands of kilometers away from the spacecraft. Looking at the outer wall outside of the spacecraft, which was deformed and distorted by high temperature, a bad expression appeared on the boy's face.

Thanks to the fact that the surface area of the planet is not very large, and the atmosphere is not far from the surface. In short, the boy fell into a desert and his body came into contact with the skin of sand. Suddenly, there was a serious burn, which made the boy jump like a shock.

The boy who stood up suddenly fell into the sand. When he pulled out, the whole soles of his feet were burnt red. If you stand in the distance at this time, you will see a very funny scene. A little boy with ** is dancing strangely lifting his feet in the desert.

On this planet that is always day and there is no night at all, the boy doesn't know how long time has passed. He only knows that he is almost familiar with it.

At this time, the boy lay on the beach, breathing hot and dry air. There were countless footprints on the beach around his body. Obviously, the boy was exhausted and weak in the continuous exercise of changing feet, which made him ignore the sand. Lie there with a super high temperature.

After a year in a hurry, the boy's skin was completely bronze and looked very powerful. At this time, the boy was sitting cross-legged on a sandy ground, swallowing a compressed biscuit, his palm poked out and grabbed a handful of high-temperature sand grains, and then put it in the palm of his hand to play casually.

On this lonely planet without life, the boy can only be accompanied by endless sand. At this time, the voice of the woman who has been looking forward to it for a year finally came from the sky: "The kid is very good. Now break the compressed food maker in your hand, and there should be a connection in the middle, hehe."

When the boy heard what the woman said, he looked at the metal pipe in his hand with some doubt. After a closer look, he found an imperceptible crack and broke him open with doubtful eyes. Suddenly, a one-high wormhole appeared in front of the boy, and the boy took a step back in horror.

"Hee, don't be afraid, that is to take you to the space wormhole of the next test site. Because the high temperature of this planet is enough to affect the stability of space, so go in quickly." The beautiful female voice came to the boy's ears and answered his doubts.

The boy doubtlessly raised his legs and stepped into the slowly rotating black hole, and then his whole body seemed to be pulled, quickly turning into a shadow and swept into the rotating black hole. On this hot planet, there is really no life at this moment.

"Wow•• seems to have succeeded. I'll go to the cold planet quickly, so as not to have any accident." A slight sound came from the sky, and then outside the atmosphere, a huge spacecraft began to jump in space.

After being spit out of the black hole, the boy was still naked. He wore a pair of underwear and felt the cold wind blowing on his face. The boy's pupils suddenly dilated. After the flame star, he was immediately sent to the cold star. The boy suddenly felt that his body had shrunk.

Squatting on a piece of ice with his hands around his chest, the boy's body kept trembling, and a mass of sticky ** flowed down his nostrils. The boy was about to reach out to wipe it, but he didn't expect a cold wind to blow by. The sticky ** directly turned into a solid. The boy was shocked by the temperature here, and some fear came from his heart. Born.

In this cold star, there is nothing warm on his body, and it can even be said that he is naked. Not long ago, the little boy who was in the Flaming Star was stunned by this huge temperature difference. The moment before the boy closed his eyes, a phantom of a cotton-padded jacket appeared in his mind.

But the phantom is always a phantom, and it is impossible to become a reality. The boy was immersed in that beautiful illusion and lost the last trace of sanity. At this time, in a node in a four-dimensional space somewhere, a slightly angry female voice sounded: "Damn it, is there any mistake? I encountered a dead space here. It's not good. The detector shows a small The signs of ghost's life are almost zero. What should I do?"

Dead space, in the intricate space turbulence, there are often many planes blocking a certain plane, and this blocked plane will temporarily be unable to flow. During this period, including the time of this plane, it is still and everything will be silent.

And when some spacecraft jump in space, when passing a plane, this plane is still running, but in front of the spacecraft sailing out of this position, if this plane is blocked by other planes, the spacecraft will also pause space jumping, which is rare, almost more than one in a million. It is slim, unless someone's character is really too sad, he will encounter the space of death.

often encounters a dead space, and no one can determine when it will run normally. However, in theory, sooner or later, it will return to normal operation. It is only a matter of time. It may be just a moment, decades or even hundreds of years, but the time in the dead space is stationary, so the inside People will not grow old, and energy will not be consumed.

"Hung be a kid. As a teacher, I will find a way to break this plane and go out to save you. You must maintain the last sign of life." A slightly flustered female voice came from the death space, which was the first time in nearly a decade that this voice was mixed with a panic.

The boy didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, he found that the sky above his head was still falling snowflakes. The boy sighed desperately, but suddenly found that he was surrounded by several snow-white creatures, and their hair was almost integrated with the surrounding environment, causing the boy almost They were not found.

At this time, they seemed to notice the boy's subtle movements and turned their heads to look at the boy. At this time, the boy also saw their appearance. Looking carefully, the boy grew his mouth in consterred: "du, alone, unicorn!"

Yes, the image in the boy's eyes is the mythical and legendary unicorn, the snow-white horse, the snow-white wings, and the blue unicorn. Just as the boy was stunned, one of the unicorns leaned its head over, sniffed over the boy, unexpectedly stretched out its tongue, and licked the boy's stunned cheek.

The boy jumped and retreated quickly, and the three unicorns also turned their heads to look at the boy. After calming down, the boy trembled and stretched out his finger at the three unicorns: "Yes, you saved me?" The three unicorns seemed to understand the boy's words. After looking at each other, they all nodded together.

At this time, a cold wind blew, and the boy found himself in the cold star. After a shiver, the boy's voice trembled and said, "Thank you." At this moment, a unicorn in the middle came towards the boy, circled behind the boy, and pushed him between the two unicorns.

After pushing the boy between the two unicorns, it also lay on the other side. The three unicorns formed a triangle and tightly surrounded the boy's young body in the middle to block the cold wind for him. The boy was relieved to see that they were not malicious.

When his body almost recovered, the boy smiled at the unicorn that had pushed him before and said, "Thank you, but I'm here to practice, and I have to live here for a year, so I can't always hide under your protection, right?"

At this time, the unicorn rubbed the boy's body with its head, slowly moved its body, and made a path for the boy. The boy touched his head with a smile, raised his legs and walked out slowly. As soon as he walked out of the encirclement, the boy began to tremble all over and said in a slight voice, "If I become unconscious again, I have to trouble you. ."

After hearing this, the three unicorns all nodded and showed a smiling expression, and then calmed down.

At this time, in a dead space of space turbulence, a warship was moored in a stationary space, as if it had been imprisoned. What's more surprising is that the tail flame in the tail of the warship was actually in an erupting state, but the warship did not move at all, and if you look closely, the tail flame was also It's like still.

At this time, a voice came from the battleship's command platform: "Hee, the signs of life of the kid seem to be active again. No matter what happened, he finally saved his life. Next, hum, just the death space, also wants to trap my aunt and me. Dream is not, look at me defeating you, hee hee."