Big Starship

Chapter 109 Awakening

Xingling walked to the edge of the iron bed, and a keyboard was immediately stretched out at the head of the iron bed. Xingling's fingers touched the end of the keyboard. The data just received suddenly turned into a stream of information and flowed into the keyboard, presenting a three-dimensional projection appeared above the keyboard, and then Xingling's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard.

The four angels and wolves on the side watched the operation of Xingling carefully. After jumping on the keyboard with ten fingers, Xingling finally pressed a green round button. A vacuum tube at the top of the keyboard was suddenly slowly filled with a green object, and the electromagnetic resonance wave around Feng Long was obviously strengthened.

Beberry stood outside the room and looked helpless in the fearful eyes of the crowd. Luo Luowu was fierce and fought fiercely without saying a word. These were famous in the universe, so the people present were very surprised by the sudden addition of a Luoluo people beside him.

Although they have also heard of the relationship between whale sharks and Luo Luowu, people who do not know them can't help but have fear. Only the four women who have come into contact with Mamaka seem very calm. Feng Qingyu also did not pay much attention to Bebery. At this moment, they are absorbed in looking at the floating Feng Long.

At first, there were only a few purple arcs connecting eight metals and wrapping Feng Long, but now, those arcs have expanded significantly, and the vibration frequency has gradually accelerated. The purple hesitation is too strong, and it is close to black. The energy released by the vibration emits faint light around.

At this moment, Feng Long seemed to be in a purple-black light curtain. Looking at his facial expression, he no longer had struggled, as if he had fallen asleep. His Satan's body slowly shrank and faded, and finally restored the body of a normal human boy again.

When everyone saw this, a heart was finally slowly put down. The four angels and wolves hurried forward to wipe the sweat on their foreheads. The biggest beauty among them said, "Teacher, how's it going now?" Xingling stroked the hair in front of his forehead and smiled, "Hee, of course it's stable. The teacher came out in person. How can there be no reason for failure?"

After hearing Xingling's words, several people's hearts were completely relaxed. Feng Qingyu also took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Beibei beside him: "Thank you very much this time. If it hadn't been for your genes, Feng Long would have become a pile of broken meat now."

Beiri smiled shyly and said, "Haha, what are you talking about? Guarding the blood of the God of War is the mission of the Luoluo people." After hearing this, Feng Qingyu just nodded meditatingly and didn't say anything more. However, others, including Liu Ting and others, were distracted by the simple posture made by Bebery.

At this time, the proud wolf frowned and lowered his head and thought for a while. Then he clenched his fist and approached Feng Qingyu and said obscurely, "Old master, what's wrong with the blood of the God of War just now? Why did he call us gods? Why did he say what kind of divine servant the master is? What's going on?"

The fox wolf and the wolf also came to their side at this time. Obviously, they also wanted to hear Feng Qingyu's explanation. Feng Qingyu put his hands behind his back and said slightly, "Alas, this is all done by the ancestor of our family. The specific details are still waiting for Feng Long to wake up. I'll tell you as well."

After listening to this, the proud wolf had to pull the wolf and the foxwolf away. Their awesome ancestor, almost all the people know a little about it, but I'm afraid that Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai are the only two people who know it. On the surface, what they know is only the first one in the universe. The starship is from the hands of that ancestor.

However, that is already a very distant history. In today's era of the popularization of starships, the name of that man is about to disappear in the minds of the world, and his deeds and the people he is there have long disappeared in the historical record and silently become the history of the universe. Dust.

However, there is no doubt that that person has set off a new era in the universe. That person has caused a great uproar in the universe, which has changed the real universe.

When Liu Ting and several women came to Xingling's warship, they felt something was wrong in their hearts. Now when they saw the expressions of Ao Lang and others after talking with Feng Qingyu, they frowned even more. All these uneasiness came from their concern for the teenager. The teenager became more and more blurred in their hearts. He had too much. The mystery.

During the discussion between everyone, Feng Long's fingers moved inadvertently, but his eyes were still closed, and the heartbeat instrument did not fluctuate at all, but the subtle movements of his fingers fell into the eyes of many people. Of course, the first thing he found were the star spirit and the angel wolf.

Then Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue's faces were also full of joy, and Feng Qingyu's pupils also beat, but the subtle movements seemed to have never appeared and did not bring any changes. So after waiting for a long time, the joy on everyone's faces was like a stone sinking into the sea.

The four women's faces were stained with disappointment. Relatively speaking, Feng Qingyu was relatively calm and continued to turn his head and say something to Bebery. The four angels and wolves also lowered their heads disappointedly. Only Xingling had a smile on their faces and reached out to continue tapping the keyboard at the head of the bed.

The four angels and wolves were not unhappy to see Xingling. They also put away their mood and began to cooperate with Xingling to adjust the electromagnetic resonance wave.

"Teacher, what was that just now?" An angel wolf member asked, and the star spirit continued to operate the keyboard without raising his head, but the delicate and elegant voice sounded: "The pulse has recovered, and I believe that the heart is also repairing itself. Now all you have to do is to care about anything and just follow my arrangement."

Liu Ting turned her head and asked Ao Lang eagerly, "Can your teacher really cure Feng Long?" This question also made other women look at Proud Wolf and eagerly waiting for his answer. Proud Wolf smiled confidently at Liu Ting and said, "Don't worry, since the teacher has taken over this job, he will definitely complete it successfully."

The other members of the wolf's nest also nodded. For them raised by the star spirit, the beauty in the room is mysterious and omnipotent, just like a god. Since they met, they have never seen anything that she could not do. Once so, now, they have also chosen to trust completely. Star spirit.

Liu Ting heard the arrogant wolf's reply and looked at more than a dozen pairs of resolute eyes in the wolf's nest. She also turned her head and smiled at Wang Jing and others, "In this case, we can only trust Feng Long and wait for the result. That boy has never let us cry." After hearing this, the three women all smiled and chose to wait silently.

Everyone put their eyes in the transparent room again, and saw the star spirit still beating on the keyboard with its flexible ten fingers, while Feng Long still showed no sign of awakening. The four angels and wolves were also constantly debugging something on other machinery.

Just as everyone was sweating, Xingling suddenly pressed a red button on the keyboard, and then the keyboard was withdrawn. Xingling waved his right hand vigorously. Seeing this, the busy angel wolf four women immediately stopped her work and looked up at Xingling who was sweating.

"The first stage has been completed, and now I have stopped the electromagnetic resonance. Please follow him carefully and try not to let his body be bumped. He is very weak now." After taking a few breaths, Xingling wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to the four angels and wolves. After hearing this, they all nodded and returned to their posts after a short rest.

Xingling stretched out a slender finger and tapped the seemingly irritable electromagnetic resonance wave, but the irritable resonance wave could not cause any harm to her fingers. Instead, after her finger touched it, it slowly calmed down and lost the influence of the magnetic field. Feng Long's weak body was about to fall quickly. In that iron**.

The four angels and wolf women were already ready. Immediately, four pairs of slender hands catch Feng Long's falling body and carefully put it on the iron**. When a group of people outside saw the treatment, their eyes suddenly glowed, but seeing that Feng Long had not woken up, they did not dare to enter the room at will.

Xingling's face showed a joking smile, looking at the group of painful people outside, and then finally smiled generously with their expectations, "Hee hee, come in, but don't be too noisy. Only four people can come in at a time."

When the people outside heard the words, they suddenly became lively and wanted to compete for the first batch of places to enter. However, Feng Qingyu was definitely in the quota of the four people, but no one competed with him. Finally, after a long discussion, the crowd decided that Feng Qingyu, the proud wolf, the fox wolf and the wolf would go first.

The four people walked into the room with expectation. The proud wolf and the wolf quickly walked to the four angel wolf beauties. The proud wolf smiled and touched the bangs in front of the youngest sister's forehead: "Sisters, thank you for your hard work." The wolf and the fox wolf also stood behind the proud wolf with a smile, looking at the four sweaty beauties.

Feng Qingyu walked to Xingling. After looking at Xingling meaningfully for a while, he finally asked, "How long will it take for him to wake up?" Xingling smiled and said, "Hee hee, the dangerous period has passed, and now it's almost time to wake up."

"Thank you for your hard work." Feng Qingyu said in a small voice that only two people could hear. Xingling's body shook slightly, and then smiled, "Hee hee, don't be so sad. I just look like her, but after all, I'm not her, you know!" Feng Qingyu laughed at himself after hearing this: "Well, I know."

Feng Qingyu gave Xingling a meaningful look, then lowered his head and sighed, and turned to walk to the bed where Feng Long was lying. At this time, Feng Long also opened his weak eyes, but Xingling seemed to be intentional and slowly moved to make himself stand in a dark corner.

The first person I saw after opening my eyes was Feng Qingyu. Feng Long smiled at him. Feng Qingyu also smiled and put his palm on the top of Feng's dragon head and said, "Haha, good boy, I know you can't die." After hearing this, Feng Long coughed violently and said, "That's because I'm so awesome. Does the Lord of Hell dare to accept me? I won't level his underworld."

The father and son met again for the first time after a long separation. It was inevitable that there were many words. At this time, Feng Long saw the three proud wolves by the bed and smiled and said, "Cough, thank you." The proud wolf, the fox wolf and the wolf just shook their heads with a smile.