Big Starship

Chapter 131 Infinite Stalemate

"Kka!" A crisp and soft sound echoed on the glacier, and Feng Long's whole body collided with the robot's elbow with high-speed rotation. The robot's arm joint had previously suffered many severe blows. This time, Feng Long thundered at the weakest place again, and the arm was separated from the body in the next moment. .

At the same time, the other big hand of the robot patted Feng Long's body, and the attack of Wu Tian and the proud wolf also reached his head. While Feng Long kicked off the robot's arm, six jet mouths behind him spewed six blue gases, driving his whole body to twist at an incredible angle in the air. Come here.

At this moment, Feng Long turned his back to the huge palm, took advantage of his legs, and shouted in a low voice: "Eighth-level sky, violent foot!"

"Boom!" Two huge groups of energy bombarded the head of the robot. At the intersection of the two groups of energy, a dazzling light was released in an instant. The light became brighter and brighter with the fusion of the two groups of energy, and then the two groups of energy burst out in front of the robot with thunder.

Feng Long also took the opportunity to rush out of the explosion range before the energy explosion. A huge shock wave suddenly spread from the robot's head in all directions. The palm patted by the robot also stopped moving with the head injury, and the whole huge body began to fall to the ground.

The proud wolf quickly flew to Feng Long's side and stood in mid-air and said, "Are you all right?" Feng Long shook his head when he heard the words, stretched out his hand and waved, "It's nothing serious, but it's just a little waste of physical strength to use eight levels continuously." As he spoke, his eyes were on the robotic arm that fell to the ground.

And Wu Tian's eyes glowed quickly. As soon as he urged the jet under his feet, he swept away the robot's fallen body. The proud wolf was about to stop him, but he was stopped by Feng Long and said, "Don't get close. That guy can't end like this."

When Proud Wolf heard Feng Long's words, he stopped, but Wu Tian glided from the air and rushed to the robot's red chest. Seeing Wu Tian getting closer and closer to the robot's chest, Proud Wolf had adjusted the cannon in his hand to the best state.

However, Feng Long did not move at all. He just narrowed his eyes and quietly stared at the robot lying on the ground. The next moment, the robot's original gray eyes suddenly flashed a red light again. Sure enough, as Feng Long expected, after the robot woke up, it quickly stretched out its intact arm and clawed to Wu Tian with one hand. Caught it.

Wu Tian reacted at this time and could not avoid it. The robot did not get up, but lay on the ice on the ground, directly stretched out its intact big hand and grabbed Wu Tian, who had rushed to it before. Seeing that the giant palm was getting closer and closer to him, and finally almost covered the light in his eyes, Wu Tian's heart suddenly surged with horror.

At this time, the robot's movement stopped again as before. Before that, Wu Tian first saw the huge shadow in front of him and lit up a dazzling green light. Before thinking about it, Wu Tian retreated quickly when the robot crashed again.

After the proud wolf first saw the green light, he was still a little confused, but Feng Long smiled and said, "Ha ha, can't you finally help taking action?" Hearing the words, the proud wolf's heart already had a bottom. After retreating to the safe zone, Wu Tian also turned his confirmed eyes to the birthplace of the green light.

I saw a non-human creature floating behind the robot's head with a set of black mecha, and there was still some water stains on it. The man was holding a dark cannon in his hand at this moment. The green light that had saved him before was obviously emitted by the cannon.

Wu Tian nodded to the armed figure and said, "Thank you very much." The black figure did not pay attention to him, but flew to the direction of Feng Long and Ao Lang. Ao Lang saw a shadow flashing quickly and immediately entered the state of preparation, and his muscles were tight.

Feng Long motioned him not to be nervous, and then smiled at the flashing shadow and said, "Barbarian, can't you finally take action?" As soon as Feng Long's voice fell, he had come not far in front of him. After stopping, he said indifferently, "Do you want to join hands?"

Feng Long looked at his iceberg face and couldn't help laughing, "Hand in hand? Stop kidding, what about the starship gun? Everyone should know why you and I came here.

After hearing this, Zhang Lei took a look at Wu Tian, who was not far away, and then said to Feng Long, "The four of us will work together to kill the robot first. At that time, how to pay dividends will all depends on our ability." Feng Long exchanged a look with Ao Lang, and then looked at Wu Tian beside him. From Wu Tian's eyes, he obviously had no intention of refusing.

Then Feng Long raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, okay, but we have consumed a lot in the battle before, so you have to fight the vanguard, okay?"

Zhang Lei's expression finally fluctuated slightly. After pondered for a moment, he still said, "No problem, leave it to me."

After the four agreed, Zhang Lei took the lead. Proud Wolf and Wu Tian covered him behind Zhang Lei's sides, while Feng Long became Satan mode. Armed with war in the back hall, the four maintained such a formation and urged the jets on their bodies to quickly sweep towards the robot.

The robot has already recovered from Zhang Lei's previous blow at this moment. The red light in a single eye is no longer flickering, but always maintains the brightness of its heyday. At this time, the four people have come not far from it, and it is also alert to look at the four small figures around it.

But strangely, it did not launch an attack this time, but chose to confront the four people. The scene instantly deadlocked, and the surrounding temperature seemed to be colder with the confrontation between the two sides.

At this moment, Zhang Lei finally couldn't help raising the dark cannon in his hand and shooting at the robot's head. Wu Tian and Ao Lang, who were covering on both sides, also quickly launched a rapid attack. The stormy offensive landed on the robot's head like rain, making its body slowly retreat a few times. Step.

After the robot stabilized its shape, the intact arm suddenly turned into a huge muzzle and bombarded in the direction of the four people. The four people quickly opened the shields on their respective mechas, and the four energy shields merged into a huge energy shield with a diameter of six meters and appeared in front of Zhang Lei's body.

Even in the face of the attack that is enough to blow off a small planet, Zhang Lei's face remains unchanged, but he tries his best to maintain the shield in front of him, looking flatly at the larger and larger beam of energy in front of him, while the proud wolf and Wu Tian on both sides of his body are now He frowned tightly.

The thick beam of more than a dozen people hit the shield in an instant, but it did not dissipate, but constantly had friction with the shield. Unexpectedly, it wanted to rely on follow-up energy to break the face to break the shield. Seeing this phenomenon, even Feng Long couldn't help frowning.

The thick beam has been connected to the robot's left hand, and the robot continues to provide energy for it, so that after the shield resisted the first wave of attacks, the beam of light not only did not dissipate, but became brighter and brighter, and Zhang Lei, the leader of the four, was under increasing pressure.

At this moment, on the periphery of the iceberg group, a group of people are suspended not far above the iceberg group, but there are the three major forces of Pandora, the sea gang, the evil soul gang and the war tiger gang, near the iceberg group. At this time, the leaders of the three gangs are full of staring at the iceberg group in front of them.

"I don't know what's going on with Brother Long. Nothing will happen after going in for so long, right?" The fox wolf hiding in a corner of the icebergs said to the video table on his wrist.

At this time, Feng Huoyan's projection appeared in front of him: "Don't say those unlucky words, don't forget that the proud wolf is also near him. The two of them work together, and I really can't think of any reason why something will happen." Hearing his words, everyone was slightly relaxed, and several core high-level whale sharks continued to lie quietly in all corners of the icebergs.

At this time, a cadre of the Evil Soul Gang flew to He Li and whispered, " boss, won't Zhang Lei encounter anything in it? It's been a while since I went in." He Li shook his head slightly and said calmly, "Do you think someone can let him have an accident?" Anyway, I think I don't have that ability.

The cadre only nodded after hearing this, and he naturally knew that he did not have that ability.

Half of time passed in waiting. For this group of people outside, this half hour is like half a year has passed, and those other forces have come up with the idea of going in to have a look. It is only because the three forces have surrounded the icebergs, so they chose to wait.

A few minutes later, Qiao Fei's projection appeared in front of several senior officials of the whale shark. Qiao Fei said with a serious expression, "Brother Long and Ao Lang are simply doing things. Now there has been no news for so long. I suspect that they are really in some trouble!"

Qiao Feng also nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I think. Why don't our three brothers go first and have a look?" He was already asking for everyone's opinions, but Qiao Yang said at this time, "Wait a minute. Even if you encounter any trouble, with Brother Long's strength, it's okay to at least contact us."

"Never mind, wait for ten minutes. If they still don't come out, let's go in and have a look." The wolf said simply that the reason why he was so straightforward was that even he and the two snipers, Fox Wolf, did not find Feng Long and Ao Wolf after occupying the commanding heights.

With the armed configuration of the wolf's nest crowd, there is no reason for the only two snipers not to use the best guns, but even so, the figures of Feng Long and the Proud Wolf still do not appear in their scopes on this not big glacier.

While they were discussing whether to go in, in the deepest part of the glacier, the four Feng Long were still deadlocked with the huge robot. The beam of light emitted by the robot's hand has now condensed to an infinitely similar crystal shape, which looks particularly dazzling, and the shield protecting the four people has also become Deep blue like the sea.

Countless free energy spread out from the intersection of the beam of light and the shield. At this time, a crisp voice came into the ears of the four people, making their hearts tight.

"Kka!" After the crisp sound was made, a crack in the center of the shield in front of Zhang Lei quickly spread to the whole shield, and the harsh crack was like a cobweb, quickly covering the shield.