Big Starship

Chapter 130 Chapter 131 Infinite Stalemate

The radar on the three's wrists issued an alarm almost at the same time, and then there was no time to think about it. The three people quickly swept out in different directions. The beam also hit the ice under the feet of the three people. With the compressed energy and ultra-high temperature, the beam of light directly hit the thick ice layer into a big hole in the thickness of the wrist, which was not deep. See the bottom.

The three people were suspended in three places in mid-air, looking at the conspicuous hole on the thick ice, and couldn't help frowning. Then the robot slowly turned its head to Feng Long's direction stiffly.

Seeing this, Feng Long quickly entered commands on the virtual keyboard on his wrist, and his whole body fell quickly. At the same time, he frowned and exclaimed, "How is this possible! The surface of the ice will disperse light, not to mention the ice in this extremely cold place. How can ordinary high temperatures and beams cause so much destructive power?

Ao Lang and Wu Tian also noticed this problem when they heard the words. Wu Tian stretched out a finger, and a small laser then shot from his finger to the ice under his feet. After a small red beam touched the ice on the ground, he first dissolved a small hole with a finger thickness, and then the laser slowly dispersed. Go.

"If that's true, irregular ice will disperse concentrated light." Wu Tian said lightly that the robot had launched a second wave of attacks. Feng Long saw another beam of light hitting him thicker than before, and immediately urged the jets under his feet and behind him to fly to the glacier below.

After another attack failed, the red light in the robot's eyes flashed, which was actually an expression of angry feelings. The more crazy attack hit the proud wolf and Wu Tian in the air. The proud wolf and Wu Tian saw that the situation was not good, and they also flew down one after another. They dared not try to take this unknown high-intensity attack.

When Feng Long saw the two falling in confusion, he frowned and said, "We can't dodge passively like this. We should try to take the initiative to attack. What do you think of Wu Tian?" Wu Tian saw that the eyes of the large robot were slowly moving towards him, and now he only nod to agree.

Proud Wolf naturally had no objection to Feng Long's suggestion. After quickly unifying their opinions, the three of them stepped on the ground under their feet, and three deep footprints were stepped on the thick ice. Then the three disappeared in place. The next moment, they surrounded the robot in a triangular formation.

The three looked at each other. When the robot was choosing the target, they quickly used the starship gun. Feng Long and Ao Lang saw that Wu Tian also took out a starship gun. At present, their eyes were full of shock, but then the shock was dispelled by the robot's slightly red electronic eyes.

"The roar of the God of War!" Purple light cannon!" Three voices shouted at the same time, and then three violently compressed energy beams shot out from the direction of the three. Feng Long roared: "Hit its feet and make it unable to move into a directional target!" Listening to Feng Long's eager roar, Wu Tian and Ao Lang also changed their attack targets.

"Boom!" In the silent icebergs, there was a violent roar. Three groups of compressed huge energy hit the soles of the robot's feet. Under the attack of the three people, the robot was also unstable. The huge body fell towards the glacier, but there was still no large-scale damage to his legs.

After the 30-meter-high body fell down, it directly smashed a small iceberg behind it, burst into pieces of broken ice and flew in all directions. The three stood in mid-air, with a layer of translucent energy shields in front of them, flying to the ice cubes of the shield. It fell to the ground in the anti-shock of the shield.

Looking at the attack on the soles of the robot's feet, Feng Long couldn't help frowning and felt a touch of apprehenment in his heart.

After the two jets of the spacecraft, the feet turned into the two jets of the spacecraft, after suffering the most proud attack of the three, only one burnt area appeared, and several threads were exposed from the external metal seams, but obviously had no impact on the robot.

"Damn it, what kind of material is so hard?" Proud Wolf couldn't help praising him, but Feng Long and Wu Tian ignored him. Obviously, they didn't know what material the big man in front of them was made of.

The attack launched by the three just now is enough to destroy a small D-level planet, and the most surprising thing for the three is that they didn't see the robot open the shield just now. Three people know that this robot has become a spaceship, so it has no defense system, and the three people are killed. Don't believe it.

The fact that the shield is not opened can only show that the robot has taken over the attack of three people that is enough to destroy the planet with the hardness of its own material.

At this time, the robot had climbed up from the ground again. Seeing this, Wu Tian couldn't help raising the cannon in his hand and roared, "Slap its head." Proud Wolf was also ready for the next wave of attacks. At this time, he turned his eyes to Feng Long. After Feng Long nodded slightly to him, both of them raised the cannon in their hands.

With a burst of shouts, three waves of offensive with the power of destruction swept over the robot's head.

This time, the robot no longer dared to hold it big. It immediately raised its arms to protect the mainframe of its head, and at the same time opened a blue fluctuating shield in front of it. Three waves of attacks met with the shield. First, the attack of the proud wolf collided with the shield, and then the attack was offset in a burst of strong light.

Although it blocked a wave of bombardment, the color of the shield in front of the robot also faded and fluctuated more violently. Then Wu Tian's purple light column attacked the shield with a spiral force, and the tip of the beam was offset by the shield, but the subsequent attack completely penetrated the weak defense.

At this time, Feng Long's light group followed him and hit the robot's elbow. The joints at the robot's elbow suddenly ruptured, and the lines were squeezed out of the rupture. Feng Long immediately launched another wave of attacks and roared at the same time: " Cherish the opportunity, hit its joints now!"

Without Feng Long's body shape, the attack of the proud wolf and Wu Tian has been launched towards the robot's elbow. At this time, the previous broken shield has not completely dissipated, and there is still a little free energy floating around the robot's body. However, this does not have any impact on the attack of the two.

The cannon in Feng Long's hand is also constantly gathering energy, only to break one arm of the robot with one blow, so that the robot's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

However, after the shield broke, the robot did not stand there and be beaten. At this time, the hand inside shot a beam of light beam about ten meters thick, and the beam hit Feng Long quickly. Feng Long saw a trace of cold sweat oozing from his forehead. Although the beam was not very strong, the war-armed radar There was still an alarm.

Seeing that the beam of light was about to devour Feng Long, Feng Long was already on the string and had to shoot it. He could only try his best to sweep to the side of the robot.

While moving to avoid the beam of light, a highly concentrated energy mass also flew out of Feng Long's muzzle and hit the elbow outside the robot. At the same time, after Feng Long completely dodged the beam, he didn't have time to think much about it. He put away his weapons in the air and roared: "Satan mode!"

The put away cannon turned into a huge fist, which was put on Feng Long's right fist. At the same time, Feng Long's arms shook back, and his wings flapped, and his whole body flew quickly to the robot.

When Ao Lang saw this scene, he was immediately shocked. Looking at Feng Long's appearance, he was obviously ready to fight close, but Wu Tian's eyes showed a complex look. Unlike his father and brother, he was a relatively upright person. Although he was bent on revenge for his father, he did not want to see Feng Long. It's dead.

"What are you waiting for? Cover with fire!" The proud wolf's voice came into Wu Tian's ear, and the Proud Wolf was already attacking the robot's head crazily at this moment. Seeing Wu Tian, there was still no response. The Proud Wolf roared and said, "Do you fucking want to die? Cover Brother Long with firepower, suppress his left arm, and don't let him pull out his hand to deal with Brother Long!"

Wu Tian was still standing there, looking at Feng Long. At this moment, Feng Long had reached the robot and began to raise his right hand to prepare for attack, and the left hand on the inside of the robot was also quickly pulled out. The muzzle in the palm of his hand slowly aimed at Feng Long's head. At this time, a touch of fortitude suddenly surged in Wu Tian's eyes and quickly lifted it. The hand holding the gun.

Seeing this, the proud wolf's heart was put down, but seeing that the light mass in the palm of the robot's hand was already brewing, and Feng Long also raised his palm armed to more than ten times the size, and his wings flapped under the robot's arm again. Wu Tian also pulled the trigger under his finger at this time.

The white beam in the robot's hand finally hit Feng Long's head, and then a purple beam of light looked at it. The two beams of light collided beside Feng Long. Feng Long, who was shocked by the huge energy fluctuation, was also in a trance, but he still waved his right hand with his tenacious will.

"Eight-level sky, five-finger attack!" With a slap on the black part of the robot's joint, Feng Long knew that it was impossible to abolish this hand alone, so after slapping, Feng Long put away his wings and used the jets all over his body to maintain the suspension.

Looking at the slight fracture of the robot's arm, Feng Long's face showed a sneer: "Eight days, knife thunder!"

The ultimate physical skill developed by Feng Long himself in Level 8 Tian. The knife thunder took his whole body and began to rotate quickly in the direction of the robot. At the same time, the robot also ignored the firepower suppression of Wu Tian and Ao Wolf, and his head was hard against the attack of Ao Wolf. His left hand was still facing Feng Long under Wu Tian's continuous attack. Grab the body.

Feng Long looked at the big hand around him and was still trying to improve his body speed as much as possible. At the same time, the proud wolf quickly roared, "Come on, attack its left hand!" Wu Tian suddenly stood in front of the proud wolf's body and said, "Calm down. Now it's too close. If you attack it rashly, your left hand will inevitably hurt Feng Long."

Proud Wolf began to see Wu Tian stop him and frowned slightly. Then he was relieved when he heard what Wu Tian said, and then asked, "What do you think you want to do?" Wu Tian licked his lips and said, "Now we can only continue to attack its head. If its host is on the head, it may kill him or make him unable to move for a short time."

No matter what they are saying, Feng Long's body speed has reached its limit at this moment, and at the same time, the huge metal palm is getting closer and closer to him.