Big Starship

Chapter 181 My name is Feng Hu

"Monster!" The two said at the same time after landing.

Yes, their current state is absolutely worthy of the title of monster. Although the more than 2,000 mercenaries onlookers can't see anything, and the proud wolf and Feng Huoyan are only vague, the two parties concerned by everyone know who is strong and who is weak, and they already have an answer in their hearts.

Feng Long wrapped his four arms around his chest and stood on the edge of the battlefield and asked, "Do you want to continue?" The thin white figure was slightly disordered, but it was still opposite to Feng Long's eyes and blurted out two simple words: "Of course."

Feng Long's heart tightened when he heard the words. Before the other party moved first, his body flashed and rushed to the opposite side with a piece of dust. Just as he was about to approach the white figure, the white figure suddenly disappeared strangely. Feng Long's forward body was stopped abruptly and looked around the surrounding battlefield.

Years of combat experience told Feng Long that the white figure is not moving. If he moves his body, no matter how fast it is, Feng Long's eyes can still capture a trace of shadow, and there is no wind fluctuation around him, so the white figure is in Feng Long's eyes, just like this The air disappeared.

Feng Long's eyes quickly glanced for a week, and then an invisible field quietly unfolded around his body. When the field spread, he quickly looked at the ground where his opponent had stood before, and saw a large hole with a diameter of more than 60 centimeters at this moment.

Feng Long condensed his eyes on the hole of the big hole, and the huge invisible field also followed into the hole. At this time, Feng Long's heart suddenly sank, and he remembered the rules mentioned by the mercenary president before, "There is no limit to heaven and earth."

Can he really enter the ground? What kind of genetic variation is this? Two questions arose in Feng Long's heart at this moment, and then his face turned cold, and he quickly pulled back into the area of the hole, and his whole body jumped quickly, but unlike last time, the wings behind him did not vibrate at the same time.

The white figure also attacked from the ground once before. Feng Long flew into the air in a panic, so he suffered a little loss. This time, Feng Long only jumped up with the developed muscles in his calves, but did not mean to fly high, but his whole body rotated at high speed in the air.

Feng Long accelerated very quickly. Almost when the land under his feet slightly bulged, he had already raised the speed of his body to a horrible level. At this time, in the eyes of those mercenaries, Feng Long had already turned into a huge dart and could not see any human form.

The next moment, the raised ground soil appeared a crack, and a white arm ran out of it. Then, the land quickly collapsed. After a huge pit was formed, a white figure had appeared in front of everyone, with six wings behind it powerfully flapping, and the body floated in mid-air.

While he had just broken out of the ground and was still shocked that his blow had failed again, he didn't even have time to think of looking for the enemy's figure, and he felt an unprecedented murderous intention spreading overhead. The white figure looked up at Feng Long in the air, and a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

He had just felt a strong sense of crisis. With the wave of the six wings behind him, his body turned to the right. However, before he really moved a millimeter, the remnants of the air that brought him a sense of crisis quickly flashed. When he was still about three meters, he had already He was stunned by the strong wind and fell into a brief distraction.

enough to make him fall into a momentary wind pressure, followed by a more substantial sense of oppression. At this moment, Feng Long's courage has already exceeded the limit that ordinary people can bear, and the two pressures of pressure have come to him before his body collides with the remnants.

"Level 8 sky, knife thunder!" A dull voice sounded from the shadow.

The white figure found that he wanted to move, but his body suddenly did not listen to his command. He could only look up at the rapidly enlarged shadow in his eyes. Feng Long's high-speed rotating figure, in the eyes of those mercenaries, fell on the top of his long head for only a moment.

At this moment, the white figure was too late to defend. Instead, it was about to launch a fierce attack, exposing his weakness to Feng Long without reservation. The huge dart transformed by Feng Long quickly came to him and passed between his hands, and his sharp hands and feet quickly attacked the opponent's chest and Abdomen.

"Brother!" The enchanting woman who had a relationship with the four before roared, and then quickly rushed in. Before the mercenaries around her could react, her figure had flashed directly below the battle between the two, and then her body squatted slightly and jumped.

At this moment, a crisp sound explosion suddenly sounded in the air, and then a white shadow quickly fell to the ground. Seeing this, the woman decisively gave up jumping and turned to a sprint to the white figure and steadily caught his body. At the same time, the proud wolf and Feng Huoyan in the air also quickly turned to Feng The dragon swooped down.

They clearly saw in the air. At the moment before the white figure flew out, his hands had ten sharp bone spurs in ten fingers, and at the same time, their hands patted Feng Long's high-speed rotating body from left and right respectively, and tried to force him to stop rotating. Later, it was the woman's shout, which made the white body. The shadow was in a mess for a while.

However, after Feng Long stopped rotating, his body in everyone's eyes was already scarred. It seemed that his injury was more serious than the white figure below.

The knife thunder developed by Feng Long undoubtedly turns every part into a sharp weapon through high-speed rotation, but the effect of force is mutual. In the case of high-speed rotation of the body, if someone attacks him, the damage he suffers is also increased by a geometrically.

Imagine that if someone attacks you while your body rotates at high speed, not to mention cutting it with a knife. Even if someone fixes the knife close to you, it is equivalent to cutting yourself. Under high-speed rotation, Feng Long will be caught hundreds of white claws every second. Road scars.

At this moment, after Feng Long stopped attacking, his body slowly landed with the help of Aolang and Feng Huoyan. Two of his four arms had hung on both sides of his body, which seemed very weak, and his upper body, chest, back and abdomen now seemed to have been skinned.

Now no upper half of his body is intact. The most serious is between the ribs. Several white ribs are clearly visible, and only those white ribs are clearly visible in his blood-filled upper body.

The white figure in the arms of the enchanting woman had a deep scar on her chest and abdomen. The whole front body was also fleshy, and the internal organs in her abdomen were faintly visible. The woman wanted to fight with Feng Long, but when she looked up and saw Feng Long's injury, she couldn't help taking a cold breath again.

Both Ao Lang and Feng Huoyan saw a trace of anger in the woman's eyes, but they did not feel a trace of anger at Feng Long's injury. After Ao Lang handed over Feng Long's whole body to Feng Huoyan, he walked to the woman and squatted down. The enchanting woman raised her head and frowned at him.

Ao Lang first glanced at the wound of the white monster in the woman's arms. After being slightly shocked, he gently said to the woman: "Since they have decided to walk into this battlefield, they are ready to leave everything here. You have also seen Brother Long's injury. I hope you don't have unnecessary anger. ."

The reason why the Proud Wolf said this is that he has seen the victory or defeat of this battle. Although both of them are half-dead at this moment, they have not fallen into a coma, or the bodies of the two monsters do not exist in a coma at all. They are either dead or alive. Their bodies are not It may make them lose consciousness alive.

After hearing the words of the gorgeous woman, she suddenly felt a slight movement in her arms. The white figure reluctantly stood up. After leaving her sister's arms, she walked to Feng Long step by step and said, "It's worthy of being the head of 5S. I admire it!"

While talking, he had stretched out a blood-stained hand to Feng Long. Feng Long gave Feng Huoyan a wink. Without him talking, Feng Huoyan loosened his hands knowingly. Feng Long also took a step, stretched out an equally bloody hand and held it with the palm in front of him.

"Welcome you two brothers and sisters to join the whale shark." Feng Long's face showed a sincere smile, and he didn't care about the fatal injury on his body at all. The white figure then laughed loudly. His expression was not far-fetched or unwilling. Instead, he held Feng Long's palm tightly.

"Xingling, won't you come to treat us?" A weak voice came out between the two, but it was not what Feng Long said. After the voice fell, Feng Long, Ao Lang and Feng Huoyan all looked at the former president of the mercenary union with shock and vigilance.

It's a little indescendable to call him a white monster now, because whether it's him or Feng Long, both of them seem to have just climbed out of the dead, and their bodies are dazzling red.

At the same time, the three looked at the thin figure with doubt, and couldn't help but be so alert, because they really heard it. This person just shouted the name of the star spirit. You know, the name of the star spirit, even among the purple whale shark, is not known to everyone.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you know the name Xingling? Feng Long narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully stared at the figure much shorter than him in front of him. Unexpectedly, a trace of coldness appeared in his voice again. With his current bloody appearance, it was really a little frightened.

The man raised his head and looked at Feng Long and suddenly smiled, "Ha ha, I forgot to tell you that my name is Feng Hu!"