Big Starship

Chapter 215 Lite Shura Chongtian Cannon

More than 3,000 purple armor surrounded the proud wolves, and the purple cannon quickly began to accumulate energy, while the proud wolf in the encirclement still did not move at all. His hands were still raised flat. Finally, a metal gun barrel appeared on his arm. The gun body was slender, and there was a circle of grooves similar to bamboo joints on the outer wall.

Seeing the weapon in the hands of the proud wolf, the wolf's nest and others were stunned and presented in front of them. Isn't that the Shura cannon that Feng Long used to turn the tide in the battle with the Isera Empire?

What surprised them was not that the Shura Chongtian cannon would appear in the hands of the proud wolf, but the powerful power of the Shura Chongtian cannon. They all clearly remember that the operating principle of this weapon is to filter all attacks to themselves through the user's body, and finally inject them into the gun body to compress them.

That is to say, the stronger the enemy's attack, the stronger the physical quality of the holder, the stronger the power of the Shura Chongtian cannon. They still clearly remember what Feng Long was made by this perverted side effect at the beginning, so after seeing the Shura Chongtian cannon appear in the hands of the proud wolf, everyone wanted to stop it.

However, when the fastest-responding wolf just opened the war-armed propeller, everyone found that it was too late. The more than 3,000 purple armors had completely stored energy for the purple cannon in their hands and shot the attack at the first time to the proud wolf.

Everyone was anxious at this moment, but no one saw that before the purple energy swallowed up the proud wolf, the proud wolf's face raised a teasing smile. In the joke, there was also a trace of hidden self-confidence. The proud wolf was swallowed by a mass of energy body compressed many times with such a smile. No.

The Shura Chongtian cannon in the proud wolf's hand seems to be a little different from the one Feng Long used. It did not take a long time to transition the energy around him, but just after the purple energy body swallowed him up, it quickly absorbed all the energy and compressed it into the Shura Chongtian cannon.

"Simplified version, Shura Chongtian Cannon!" The figure of the proud wolf quickly appeared again. When several people in the wolf's nest saw that he was fine, they couldn't help putting down a big stone hanging in their hearts. At the same time, everyone turned their eyes to the proud wolf. They all wanted to see how much Feng Long's Shura Chongtian cannon was reduced by the arrogant wolf.

In the eyes expected by the eight people, a bunch of red beams of skylight columns shot out of the huge cannon in the hands of the proud wolf. The beam of light did not gradually become thicker in the process of transmission like ordinary laser weapons, but still kept the diameter of the shot when hitting the group of purple armor soldiers, which seemed particularly solid.

The purple armor, which is also ranked in the top three in the universe, seems vulnerable in front of this pillar of light. One by one, the mecha was melted in the universe, exploded, and turned into a gorgeous spark in the universe, but the beam of light did not diminish at all. As the body of the proud wolf moved, it shot at other mecha.

The proud wolf twisted its body and drew an arc in the air with the beam of light. The exploded purple armor was equivalent to a more condensed attack than its own attack, so it was far beyond their own mecha defense limit. The whole dark universe was illuminated by the explosion of fire in an instant.

Under the guidance of the Proud Wolf, the pillar of light rotated for almost a week before it gradually faded and disappeared. At this moment, there were still less than 200 purple armors flying in the universe. Looking at the confused mecha soldiers and remnants, a cruel smile gushed out from the corners of the arrogant wolf's mouth, and then the whole The figure flashed by and quickly came to a purple armor.

"Damn it, it's so cruel!" When the seven people in the wolf's nest saw this, they were all shocked. Only Yulong's face showed a reassuring smile. She didn't know what was wrong with her today. It seemed that the mood swings were guided by the man in her eyes, and all the sadness and joys appeared on her face because of him alone.

"Eighth-level sky, overlord boxing! Windy legs! Crash clouds! Sword finger! Five-finger attack!" The proud wolf flashed to the mecha survivors of the empire. All kinds of strong physical skills, combined with the strength of the war armed forces, used them one by one in the mecha group. Every time they call out the name of a physical skill, more than three mecha will inevitably explode in the air.

Those soldiers in purple armor seemed to have lost their soul at this moment and completely forgot to resist. Just as there were only more than 30 people left, Falk's angry voice finally sounded in their ears and only heard Falk roar: "A group of idiots, what are you waiting for? Fight back!"

After hearing the angry roar of the king, the more than 30 mecha soldiers came to their senses from the shock. One by one, they suppressed their fear and fearfully controlled the mecha and raised the main gun in their hands. More than 30 main guns pointed to the proud wolf standing among them.

Seeing that the purple cannon that shocked any force in the universe was aimed at himself, and there were more than 30 of them, the proud wolf's expression relaxed slightly. Then he turned his head and stared at the mecha soldiers opposite him with contemptuously and roared in a low voice, "Attack, press your finger to get your purple cannon here. Fight!"

I don't know why, the arrogant wolf's words suddenly made the mecha soldier feel despair in his heart. Extreme fear controlled his reason, and finally the purple cannon in his hand still opened fire.

"Ah! Go to hell, asshole!" A hysterical cry came from the mecha, and then a purple condensed beam of light went straight to the proud wolf. Where the beam of light passed, the space was slightly distorted by violent energy.

The proud wolf closed his eyes at the same time and unfolded an invisible field around his body. It is the field of Gun God. Any Gun God can communicate with the weapon in legend. With a glance, they can distinguish the quality of any weapon and the strength of the attack.

"In the field of Gun God, the attack is full of fear, and I don't even have to bear it." The proud wolf said a word plainly, and then when the purple light column was less than half a meter away from him, his body suddenly dreamily moved one meter to the right. The beam of light directly hit another purple armor behind him with a broken bamboo momentum.

After stopping moving, the Proud Wolf did not even look back at the innocent purple armor behind him, but directly turned on all the thrusters on his whole body. The whole body rotated uncontrollably in the weightless universe. At the same time, he whispered word by word, "Eight heaven, knife, chaos, thunder."

After a violent sprint, there was no intact purple armor in the whole quiet universe, and the proud wolf rushed out of the gorgeous sparks without injury and quickly flashed to the jade dragon. The seven people in the wolf's nest saw all this in their eyes and couldn't help but look at them one by one. He showed a shocked expression under the cover of the mecha.

"When are we going to date, wife? Is it a cafe, a teahouse, or a small restaurant? The proud wolf asked Yulong with a shameless smile, but as early as the moment he came to him, somehow his body could not move, and he couldn't even speak with his mouth open, completely losing his previous vigorous posture.

While Proud Wolf wholeheartedly induced Yulong to date him, Zhang Wen also took three teams of people to shuttle between warships. Although the main guns of those warships had already been stored, they were unable to completely lock the target and had to temporarily give up the attack.

"Brother, three warships are locking here in the right front." Zhang Wen's voice came from the two cannons in Zhang Tao's hand, and Zhang Wu couldn't wait to say, "Haha, use the power of me and my eldest brother to hit the power core of the warship in the middle, so that the warship can also take the two next to it if it explodes."

Listening to the words of the eldest brother and the second brother, Zhang Tao also nodded slightly, and his whole body suddenly stopped forcibly in high-speed movement. Even in the weightless state of the universe, his body couldn't help shaking slightly, but after he quickly stabilized down, he did not hesitate to lift the two giants in his hand. Cannon.

After the Wenwu fission air gun was aimed at the three warships, it quickly shot out a huge energy light column. While the light column was shooting at the middle warship, the black cannon in Zhang Tao's left hand suddenly changed. Part of the gun body was instantly decomposed and reorganized, turning into a mechanical single wing blocking Zhang Tao's back.

"Boom!" After a violent roar, Zhang Tao found that he had been attacked, but Zhang Wu's voice sounded at this moment. He only heard him say eagerly, "Don't worry, move quickly to the next target. That enemy ship belongs to Qiao Yang and others. Just give it to them."

When Zhang Tao heard the words without thinking, he spewed out two tail flames directly under his feet, and his whole body disappeared in place. The next moment, the warship that had attacked him before exploded directly in the vacuum. After Qiao's three brothers rushed out of the aftermath of the explosion, they didn't even look at the wreckage of the warship and rushed straight to them. A goal.

At the same time, not far from the six of them, Tang Long, Kang Tie and Feng Huoyan were suspended in the universe with their backs, and the three of them were now densely surrounded by a circle of warships. At a glance, there were at least 200 warships. After these warships surrounded the three people, they quickly began to accumulate cannons. Yes.

"Strong attack." After Feng Huoyan said two simple and powerful words, the three raised their weapons at the same time. Three beams of light shot directly from three different directions to the opposite warships. After the three warships were penetrated, a violent explosion occurred, and even the surrounding warships also had a chain effect.

More than 30 warships of the Wutian Imperial Army exploded in one breath, and those warships began to disperse. At this time, Feng Huoyan timely ordered: "Breakthrough." The three figures swept from three directions to the opposite warships, sank into the warships at a very fast speed, quickly hiding.

Feng Huoyan continued to use his commanding tone and lowered his head to the headset in his ear and said, " Physical skills."

"Level 8 sky, knife thunder!" After his order fell, three voices spread from three different corners of the enemy fleet at the same time, as if they were the call of death, and each sound caused the explosion of dozens of warships.