Big Starship

Chapter 216 The Strongest Defense

After a period of fighting, under the leadership of Zhang Wen, the three groups finally destroyed the fleet of the Wutian Empire. Now there are only more than 1,000 complete warships left. At this moment, the less than 2,000 warships surrounded the nine-person regiment in a void, and the main gun in the bow has completed the storage of energy. .

Zhang Wen and nine people are still divided into three groups, and the triangular camps are arranged with each other. Tang Long and Kang Tie have been seriously injured. Their mecha has been shot through the battle. Although the appearance of the mecha has been automatically repaired and some ineffective healing light waves have been released inward, their bodies are still not It can be cured.

Tang Long's right waist was pierced by laser light, while Kang Tie's left shoulder and right leg were both penetrating. With the help of their companions around him, they were pale and bloodless forced themselves not to faint, and other people's mecha also suffered more or less energy losses.

Especially Zhang Tao, he wants to control the Wenwu fission cannon incarnated by Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu. He also has three starship guns, which is equivalent to maintaining 13 starship guns with one person. The energy inside his mecha is undoubtedly the worst loss among the crowd.

Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu also reorganized into two shapes at this moment, guarding both sides of their younger brother. With the terrible absorption ability of each person's five starship guns, they quickly sucked the huge free energy generated after the battle into the mecha body, and others are naturally doing the same.

However, will the enemy give them a chance to recharge? Obviously, the answer is no. After transmitting a voice, the warship surrounding the nine people quickly locked the main gun on the nine people, and the main gun on each warship attacked the nine people at the same time without hesitation.

Seeing the more than 1,000 purple beams of light coming from all directions, everyone couldn't help frowning together. Zhang Wen wink at Zhang Wu and then stepped forward and said, "You continue to accumulate energy for the mecha. We will be responsible for the defense. Pay attention to the moment when the enemy's attack breaks out, don't let go of those free energy."

Hearing what the two said, the others were about to stop it, but they didn't expect that the overwhelming energy shock from all directions had come to them. At this moment, it was too late to say anything. Everyone had to watch Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu defend one after another to block foreign attacks for all of them.

"Don't look at it. Hurry up and absorb it while the energy of these attacks has not been lost!" Feng Huoyan suddenly looked stunned. After roaring, he took the lead in sticking his palm to the inner wall of the energy light shield unfolded by Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu. The high concentration of energy that broke out outside suddenly flowed through the light shield and flowed to the whole body of the mecha through his hands.

Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu can't absorb the same external energy through contact because they want to maintain energy output. Therefore, the energy brought by their mecha is not enough at this moment, and it is drastically reduced all the time, but in return, the mecha of their teammates is gradually recovering. Prosperity.

At this time, in front of the console of one of the imperial warships, a soldier knelt on one knee and said to the person standing in front of him, "Reporter, they are constantly absorbing the energy we fired through the transition of defense with the material characteristics of the Starship gun."

The man standing in front of the console with his hands on his hands couldn't help frowning and roaring, "What? The material of the Starship gun has such characteristics. The soldier kneeling on one knee continued without raising his head, "The starship gun is of special material and can indeed transition any energy. Please instruct the next step."

I saw the man called the officer's face suddenly sink, and then a trace of light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Well, don't those bastards like to absorb it? I will let them suck enough and connect me to the video of the one or two columns in front of the battlefield. I will personally give orders to them."

The soldier who was kneeling on the ground finally stood up and nodded slightly to the officer. After exiting the main control room, as soon as he walked out of the door of the main control room, there was a trace of pity in his eyes, because he knew that the orders that ordinary officers could give in person were orders for soldiers to die.

Thinking of what the officer said before, the soldier suddenly figured out something, but of course he would not talk nonsense. He just did his best to convey the officer's orders to the captain of the first two columns. The projections of the two captains and two adjutants then appeared in the main control room of the main ship.

After seeing the four people, the officer said without any fluctuation in his eyes, "Next, I have a glorious and difficult task to give to you. This matter is about whether we can catch the enemy, but you may not come back. Tell me loudly, are you willing to take on this difficult task?"

The expressions of the four men in the projection also did not change at all. After receiving the notice of the messengers, they had vaguely understood something in their hearts. At present, the four people took a deep breath and roared in unison, "We are willing to ask you to promise to treat our family well on behalf of the empire."

When the officer heard the shouts of the four people, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and then said cheerfully, "Okay, I promise you that your family members within three generations will enjoy the treatment of families of first-class martyrs of the empire. You are all good. You are the elites of the empire and my pride."

"Please give an order." The four did not say anything more and said the most critical sentence directly. After hearing this, their officer made a military salute to them, and then said gently, "Your task is to lead one or two columns to hit the enemy's defense and treat your warship as a cannonball."

"Yes, sir!" After returning to a military salute, the four took the lead in hanging up the video communication. Then, the two columns in front of the imperial fleet camp suddenly broke away from the fleet at a very fast speed and rushed to the nine people who were defending with all their strength in the encirclement.

The total number of warships of the two teams is no more or less, exactly 200. If 200 warships attack people by normal means, even the extremely weak nine people can be fully guaranteed to go in and out, but if 200 warships hit them with suicide attacks, this is an exception.

The people who are absorbing external energy through the mask transition have decisively given up absorbing energy storage. Instead, they have once again tried their best to deploy a layer of defense within the defense of Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, and several layers of light masks seem to merge together.

Defense in such a state cannot be underestimated, but people don't know what effect it can have on the suicide attack of 200 warships. Only in the fearful defense, they stared at the battles that are constantly expanding in their pupils. The ship crashed into itself.

At the moment when they led their subordinates to rush out of the fleet, the two captains had issued an order through the team communication channel, ordering all warships to set the program to set the self-detonation countdown of three milliseconds, and then drove to the defense circle of Zhang Wen and others at full speed. The moment the warship hit the light screen, the whole universe seemed to boil for it. General.

The originally dark universe suddenly set off, and it was no longer peaceful as before. However, in the firelight produced by this violent explosion, everyone seemed to be in a dark cave, and the light curtain surrounded by the bright light around them suddenly disappeared. All they could see was dark.

After feeling a violent shaking, an ominous premonition rose in Zhang Tao's heart, which subconsciously guided him to quickly open the night vision assistance function on the eyepiece. Looking at the scene around him, they were actually in a huge metal ball, which was all black and perfectly similar to the darkness in the universe. Combination.

After seeing the huge metal ball wrapped their bodies, everyone was slightly stunned. Only Zhang Tao quickly reacted and immediately turned around to count the number of people.

One, two, three······liu qi······

"Why are there only seven people? Where are my eldest brother and second brother?" After Zhang Tao Mingrui found that the number of people was not enough, he immediately raised questions to the public. At this time, everyone counted and found that Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu were missing. Just when they were all uneasy about it, the huge metal ball that wrapped them shook violently again.

Then Zhang Wen's voice seemed to come into everyone's ears from all directions, and he said weakly, "My second brother and I helped you block this impact. Don't worry about us. Our bodies are ten starship guns, and we can resist this degree of explosion by physical strength alone. It's no problem at all."

"Bastard, what is the collective explosion of 200 warships of the same material as purple armor? Will they play for you? It's not that we can't maintain our defense. There's no need to take this risk. Feng Huoyan scolded directly when he heard the words, and quickly transmitted the little energy left in his mecha to the metal shield that wrapped them.

"No, I think their commander should have thought that the two of us had ten starship guns, or underestimated the absorption capacity of the starship guns. We are now recovering quickly in this explosion full of tyrannical factors." Zhang Wen's voice sounded again, and this time he was no longer as weak as last time.

While everyone was skeptical, Zhang Wu's voice also sounded in all directions and said, "Brother, let's give them some of the energy transition outside. Let's give those bastards a big surprise later." After hearing this, Zhang Wen suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, okay, you are ready to receive our energy."

People just wanted to refuse, but found that their own mecha chest, the energy core that had turned on the red light had changed, and the flashing red light had turned into a stable green light at this time. This was a hint given by the energy core when the energy reached 100%. Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this.

And in the void not far from here, Feng Long and Feng Hu are still quietly floating in the encirclement of ten starships without any intention of attacking. Compared with the starships surrounding the two, their bodies look extremely small, just like two in the human body. The atoms are average.