Big Starship

Chapter 255 Bino-wing Tyrannosaurus

When Feng Long's head was less than one meter away from Tyrannosaurus Rex's head, his wings suddenly stopped swinging again, and his whole body rotated up and down again. One right leg kicked the skull of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and shouted at the same time: "Eight sky, hot wind leg!"

"Bum! Bang!" Two huge and thick collisions sounded in the forest at the same time and spread to the whole forest for a moment, shocking some weak birds to fly out of the forest. These two sounds were the sound of Feng Long kicking the skull of Tyrannosaurus Rex and lying on the ground again with Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This time, the hard land can no longer support the huge body of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex. In addition, Feng Long's power fell on its head. At present, the whole dragon head fell into the soil, and some earth debris splashed up and flew towards Feng Long in mid-air.

Feng Long naturally would not pay attention to this slight blow. He slowly raised his right hand to protect his eyes to prevent those dirt and debris from flying into his eyes. Standing far away, they could feel the obvious shock of the ground under their feet, and everyone was a little unstable.

The vitality of the double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex should be the result of the transformation of its body structure by the biologists of the Star Alliance. Although the head was pushed by Feng Long and the whole skull was a little out of its original position, it still pulled its head out of the land and looked at Feng Long above his head.

"Roar!" As soon as the head was pulled out of the soil, it did not mind the pain it felt. It still roared wildly at Feng Long. The roar came from its mouth, and the lines of the sound waves seemed to be clearly visible, and it actually spread around with a trace of lethality.

"Fuck, get out of the way, this is a sonic weapon!" Seeing this, Ao Lang immediately shouted at the crowd, and then opened a light screen to block everyone behind. Because Feng Long did not expect that the Tyrannosaurus Rex could exert such power and did not have time to defend, he directly suffered a sound wave attack at close range.

But fortunately, this sound wave attack was sent from the mouth of the two-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although it had a trace of lethality, it was not obvious. It just made Feng Long feel dizzy and his eyes blurred for a moment.

But the IQ of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was higher than everyone imagined, as if it expected that its roar would make Feng Long fall into a short period of dizziness. At present, its body squatted a little, and its wings spread again. All this only happened in a short moment. It looked directly at Feng Long above its head, and its wings suddenly Wave down.

"Boom!" At the moment when it rushed to Feng Long, there was a violent sono explosion in the air, which could only prove that the huge body, driven by powerful wings, actually exerted a speed beyond the speed of sound in an instant, and the goal of this double-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex, Feng Long was still unconscious at this moment.

It was just that the wings behind him subconsciously flapped slightly, and there was no perception of the outside world. Only the sudden sound explosion in his ears made him feel that the situation was a little bad, but when he wanted to avoid it, Feng Long found that he could no longer control his limbs and wings.

After hiding in the defense opened by the Proud Wolf, the four women covered their eyes almost instantly and screamed. The hard head of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex was less than one meter away from Feng Long's chest, but the forward momentum was still rapid. Not only did it not slow down, but it accelerated. Many.

When it thought it was going to hit Feng Long, the enemy, suddenly stopped in the air for a moment, and then quickly flew to the left. The moment before the huge body flew out, the hard overlord's head was less than three centimeters away from Feng Long's chest.

With that three centimeter distance, Feng Long even felt a sense of oppression on his chest. Unexpectedly, when the air was rushing forward quickly, it was forcibly compressed by Tyrannosaurus rex on its head. This is not a power, but a simple speed. The speed of movement is faster than the flow speed of air, so it is not difficult to do this. A little.

After the two-wing Tyrannosaurus rex flew out to the left, a white figure appeared on Feng Long's side and supported Feng Long's body with his body about three times smaller than Feng Long. The person who came was Feng Hu, who had turned into the form of a white king. Previously, it was he who kicked out a kick on the ribs of Tyrannosaurus Rex in time, so that Feng Long did not Seriously injured.

The two-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex landed again, and there was a big movement in the forest. This time, three of its ribs were broken. Although it struggled to get up from the ground, it could not stand up. What no one knew was that the whole leg of Feng Hu's right leg had now lost consciousness.

After a loud noise spread, it came into the ears of the four women. They took away their slender hands covering their eyes. After seeing the white figure holding him next to Feng Long, they suddenly felt the sudden release of the heavy pressure in their hearts. When they turned their heads to look at the double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex that fell to the ground, a trace of anger flashed in their eyes.

At this time, with the help of Feng Hu, Feng Long finally regained his senses and said with a big stone in his heart, "Fuck, I almost fell into the hands of this beast today. Did my father mean these wild beasts that the last card of the Star Alliance? This is indeed enough to attract our attention.

Feng Hu listened to Feng Long's words, but did not answer. If he hadn't maintained the form of the White King at this moment, everyone would have seen that his face was already pale. Although that foot broke the three ribs of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex, the toughness of the body of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex was nothing. Thoughtful.

Seeing that Feng Long was sober, he quickly dodged from his body. After losing the pressure behind him, his face eased slightly, but all these changes could not be noticed by everyone, because he had not removed the White King mode, which was also a cover for his companions.

Feng Long looked at the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex that fell to the ground and kept roaring, and then looked at Feng Hu beside him and said, "Thank you very much. I'm afraid it's reasonable for me to fly out of 1,000 meters if you don't take action in time." Feng Hu turned his head and looked at him, but nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Seeing Feng Hu's cold response, Feng Long finally found that something was wrong with him, frowned and said tentatively, "Are you all right?" Feng Hu shook his head slightly when he heard the words. At this moment, the severe pain in his legs had spread to every corner of his body, making him not even have the strength to speak.

Seeing that he shook his head and denied it, Feng Long didn't believe it at all. He looked at the direction of the crowd and said, "Let's go down first. Don't hide it from us if you are injured."

After hearing Feng Long's words, Feng Hu was obviously slightly stunned, but before he could react, Feng Long had quickly flashed to the side of the four women, while Feng Hu hesitated in the air for a moment, and finally nodded and came to Feng Long with his wings.

Seeing the speed shown between his wings, Feng Long just breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect that as soon as Feng Hu's feet touched the ground and one foot bent directly, he was about to kneel on the ground, but he forcibly stood up with the arrogance in his heart. How strange the action was.

At this point, a normal person can find Feng Hu's abnormality. At Feng Long's motion, Liu Ting took out an instrument with a square with a screen and swept Feng Hu's body. The bone structure and internal organs distribution in Feng Hu's whole human body quickly appeared in front of Liu Ting.

"Oh, my God!" Liu Ting suddenly threw away the detector in her hand and screamed. Feng Long immediately stepped forward and reached out to catch the detector that was about to fall to the ground. He opened his mouth and asked Liu Ting, "What's wrong?"

Liu Ting pointed to Feng Hu with a frightened face and said, "His injury is too serious. I can't believe it. He can suffer such a serious injury with just one kick. The crushing fracture can't describe the injury of his right leg. The thigh bone is smashed, and the calf bone can almost be described as debris, and it is also pricked. He went into the blood vessels of his legs.

" hiss!"

Hearing Liu Ting's words, everyone present couldn't help taking a deep breath. They asked themselves that they could never stand such a serious injury, and Feng Hu could not only carry it silently, but also play such a terrible speed when landing before, which made Proud Wolf proud. Men can't help admiring him.

After listening to Liu Ting's description of Feng Hu's injury, Feng Long took a step forward and forced him to fall to the ground, making him lie on the ground and asked, "Can it be treated now?" Feng Hu, who had just laid down, lay directly on his side on the ground and bowed his waist, holding his bent right leg tightly with his arms, and his expression was completely distorted.

Everyone couldn't help but feel tight when they saw him like this. Liu Ting said quickly, "I'm afraid it won't work. Even the treatment module on the warship will take some time to heal." Hearing this, Feng Long shook his head and sighed and said, "Then take him back to the warship first."

After everyone's opinions were unified, they took Feng Hu and flew straight to the direction of the warship landing. At the same time, in a forest 300 kilometers away from them, an underground research institute, the whole research institute was trapped in a *, and the red light filled the whole 10,000-square-meter research institute. .

"What's the situation! What happened?" An old man in white and a shield quickly put down his work and asked a middle-aged man beside him. The middle-aged man said with an incredible face, "It seems that a dragon king has been hit by some creature and is now in a near state of death."

The old man was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and then his face quickly said with joy: "Are you sure? Is it a dragon king, and a dragon king was beaten to near death? The middle-aged man who was pulled by his collar did not dare to resist, but nodded and said, "Yes, chief. The radar shows that the life response of one of the twenty dragon kings is very weak."