Big Starship

Chapter 289 The Birth of a Black Hole

In the end, everyone saw the true face of Mr. Hao's three as they wanted. It turned out to be Feng Qingyu's father, Feng Long's grandfather, and the other two were also Feng Hu's father and the father of the proud wolf. After everyone was reunited, they seemed to have countless words to say and walked forward while talking about the past.

Feng Hu still remembers which direction the last starship gun flew after Feng Long fell into a coma, so he walked in the front with the crowd forward. Along the way, Feng Long and Feng Hao kept communicating for a moment. Feng Hao asked, "Xiaolong, how are Yuer and Haier now?"

Hearing his grandfather's question, Feng Long said truthfully, "It's a shame that the grandson was unable to protect his family, causing his father and second uncle to be imprisoned by the parliamentary system for many years, and the chaos was blocked by the imperial system. However, Sun'er had rescued them two years ago. Now the two are basically hands-in-handers, and everything is done by me. Deal with it."

"Hahaha, those two little ghosts gave you the power when they were so young. Fortunately, you have this strength. Are these four my granddaughter-in-law?" Feng Hao laughed when he heard the words, and then asked. Naturally, the four people he said were Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue, who followed Feng Long.

Feng Long did not say anything, but turned his head and kept winbling at the four women. Finally, Liu Ting, the eldest sister, took the lead and shouted, "Grandpa." The other three also shouted this sentence when they saw the situation, and then the four women's faces were flushed, and they lowered their heads in shame. Feng Hao and Feng Long looked at each other and laughed.

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, Feng Hu, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped and turned to Feng Long and said, "I found it, right in front." Hearing this, everyone put away their smiles on their faces and turned their heads to look ahead. A light blue starship gun floated in mid-air in front of them.

The gun of the starship not only floated in mid-air, but also stretched out three small metal tubes and sank deep into the ground, and there was a faint blue light on the gun. Feng Long's face changed and roared, "No, it is absorbing the energy of the relic star and can't be restored."

As soon as Feng Long's words fell, Feng Hu instantly flashed to the side of the gun of the starship. The right hand war arm suddenly introduced a strong energy and quickly turned into a thin but extremely sharp light blade in the palm of his hand. He did not hesitate to wave his hand and cut off the three metal tubes inserted into the ground.

With the sound of a crisp metal cracking sound, the three metal tubes that could only absorb energy without any defense were disconnected without suspense under Feng Hu's knife, and the starship gun suddenly dimmed, and one fell to the ground unstable, and then Feng Hu quickly disappeared in place.

When he appeared the next moment, he was already beside Feng Long. He only heard him whisper to Feng Long, "Go to remember, and it will change later." Feng Long didn't say much when he heard the words. He just nodded and came to the starship gun, cut his finger and dripped a drop of his blood on the gun.

The next moment, the starship gun emitted bursts of red light in an instant, and even covered its own blue. After the drop of blood fell on the gun, it also melted into the gun body in an instant. Then the starship gun released another circle of energy fluctuations, which instantly penetrated every corner of Feng Long's body and made him All information is recorded.

Only at this moment, this weapon enough to make the whole universe crazy has completed all the memories of the holder. From then on, the starship gun only belongs to Feng Long. After doing this, Feng Long smiled at the corners of his mouth and controlled the starship. The gun began to absorb the planet's energy again.

Now he doesn't have to worry about what will happen after the energy replenishment of the Starship Gun. Then Feng Long suddenly turned around and asked Feng Hao, "Grandpa, didn't you say that the remains of our ancestors are together with this Starship Gun? Do you know where the ancestors rested?

Feng Hao saw that Feng Long could immediately suppress the excitement of getting the last starship gun. In addition to this excitement, he could still think of what he said. As soon as he was in a good mood, he laughed loudly and said, "Hahahaha, if I guess correctly, the remains of my ancestors should be underground in this area."

After saying that, Feng Hao slowly walked to Feng Long step by step, and then continued to explain to Feng Long, "Although this starship gun has also evolved its own wisdom, the command program entered by its ancestors during his lifetime is absolute, that is, to protect the owner's body forever before it is obtained."

After listening to this sentence, Feng Long also understood why Feng Hao thought that the remains of his ancestors were underground in this area. At present, he did not hesitate to adjust the eyepiece on the helmet, and then looked down at the ground under his feet. At this moment, the brown soil had become a representative of energy intensity in his eyes. Blue.

Feng Long first saw that the energy of the whole planet was rushing towards the gun of the starship at an extremely terrible speed. His heart suddenly tightened, and his heart beat accelerated more than ten times in an instant. The reason why he reacted like this is that the energy inside the relic star is completely like a sea breaking a levee in his eyes. Like a gun flowing into the starship.

"How can this be? Even if the ten dragon metal starship guns add up, the speed of absorbing energy is not so horrible!" Feng Long couldn't help but say in surprise. At this moment, he suddenly found that there was a very huge amount of energy about 3,000 meters underground, but it was not affected by the starship gun at all.

"It should be there." After Feng Long suddenly said an inexplicable sentence, the war armament in both arms directly turned into two digging drills. He raised his hands and drilled to the ground under his feet without hesitation. The digging drill was worthy of being transformed by the gun of the starship, and Feng Long disappeared into the big pit that appeared under his feet in just a second.

The depth of 3,000 meters was just a few seconds for Feng Long. Less than ten seconds after he went down, he came up carrying a metal coffin-like thing. The pipe, which seemed to others, fell steadily to the ground with the support of Feng Long's one hand, only making a small sound.

"Grandpa, can you see if this is the remains of your ancestors?" Feng Long put down the metal coffin and said respectfully to Feng Hao. Feng Hao's eyes were shining, and his whole body was trembling slightly. He walked to the coffin brought by Feng Long step by step. When he arrived not far from the coffin, he suddenly fell to the ground.

Seeing that the oldest people here are kneeling next to the coffin, who else dares to continue to stand, including the four women who are still surnames also kneeling in the distance without hesitation. Feng Hao took the lead in banging three times at the coffin, and then Feng Long and others are desperate. He hit the ground with his forehead, making a dull sound.

There is no need to ask Feng Long's previous question. Feng Hao's behavior at this time is already the most perfect answer. The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange with Feng Hao's rise. Then Feng Long took the lead and said, "Since we have got everything we want, let's go home. I'm afraid that something will happen to the house after leaving for too long. ."

Everyone nodded and agreed, and then the wolf's nest carried the coffin with little pressure for them into the warship, while Feng Long put away the last starship gun that was absorbing the planet's energy. The starship gun seemed to have felt that the owner came in advance and took the initiative to withdraw the insertions. Metal pipes under the ground.

However, what Feng Long didn't know was that before the Starship gun recovered the metal tubes that absorbed the planet's energy, the energy inside the whole planet fluctuated sharply, and the central energy of the planet suddenly burst out in the perpetual compression and flowed into the last Starship gun in an instant.

Everyone boarded the battleship of the whale shark. The warship Feng Hao took when he came was only driven by Feng Lei and Feng Yan. After setting the coordinates, the two warships quickly rushed out of the atmosphere of the relic star at a speed beyond the speed of light. After the two warships flew into the universe, the surface of the relic star changed dramatically. hua.

The ground is cracked! Tens of thousands of cracks spread rapidly around the place where everyone stayed before. No, to be precise, it should be centered on the place where energy was absorbed before the 100th starship gun. All the volcanoes turned into active volcanoes, erupting in all corners of the planet with the power of destruction.

Bight wind! Tsunami! All plants quickly dried up on the relic star, and the speed of depletion was almost easily seen by a normal human eye. Some low-level creatures seemed to have encountered some natural enemies. Groups of huddled in their nests and dared not come out, while some advanced creatures, such as saber-toothed tigers, seemed to have a hunch. When something big was going to happen, they looked up at the sky uneasily.

At this time, the two warships piloted by Feng Long and others were one-third of the light-year away from the relic star. The relic star suddenly began to split rapidly, and the whole planet almost collapsed. All the hydrogen flowed to the universe through the weakness of the atmosphere. After the planet lost hydrogen, it could no longer support the strength of the celestial body. Heavy pressure.

"Rumble! Rumble!" A loud noise spread with the fragmentation of the planet, and the whole remnant star was pressed together by the intense pressure of the celestial body, as if God was still trying to restore the planet, but no matter how the size of the planet was compressed, it could not be reorganized again.

I don't know how long such compression lasted, and I don't know how much power it takes to achieve such compression. The whole relic star eventually incarnated into an infinitely large and small object under that huge pressure. Similar to this kind of celestial body, some scientists call it a black hole.

The energy lost in the universe expanded rapidly through the continuous compression of the planet, and quickly spread to the range of three light-years in diameter in just one zero seconds. Fortunately, this remnant star is a strange object in the universe, and there are no planets around it, otherwise all stars within three light years The ball will suffer.